I Fucked [M]y Best friends G[F], Sister [F], Mum [F] within 2 weeks. I’m Alive Update

Evening all, Yes I’m alive… It’s been a fucking hectic week not going to lie to you, My life was a thrown in a fucking cyclone of shit and somehow i survived (barely). Before I get into updating you all i will say a few things :

There is no sex writing in this so i apologise

Yes I’m a cunt but i also am a human being that has feelings, obviously a lot of emotion is hard to portray through text but i never mean to hurt people i love.

No i haven’t fucked James

Again I’m going to write this a lil story for my own sake :)

With all that soppy shit out the way lets begin shall we? Even though this post is just a bunch of soppy shit.

[1st post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lkdf25/i_fucked_my_best_friends_gf_sister_f_and_mum_f/)

[2nd Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lknw74/i_fucked_my_best_friends_gf_sister_f_mum_f_within/)

[3rd Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lom50v/i_fucked_my_best_friends_gf_sister_f_mum_f_within/)

I left you all with me early Sunday writing my last reddit post, i posted it, stayed up but eventually fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up to Jess in my kitchen making coffee around 9am. I decided for once i was going to take initiative and try contain and lead this situation i found myself in. I joined her in the kitchen and grabbed a coffee myself and begun straight away after we exchanged good mornings and awkward look up and downs.

“Jess, Before this all gets even more out of hand, i just going to be brutally honest with you.” She stayed quiet and just nodded in response.

“I want to be with Becky, I love her and love our time together. I love you as a Sister but i cant stand here and say i want a relationship with you. I just can’t”

As you all expected that went down like a balloon full of shit. She started crying and exclaiming and accusing me of shit that wasn’t true. But i just shrugged it off.

“Look Jess, we are all emotional right now but I’ve said what i wanted too. Take the day, organise your life. I’ll be back later” She stormed off upstairs. I quickly showered and got changed and left to James’s.

Obviously the drive towards James’s house was nerve wrecking but i was feeling hopeful, my plan was just to tell him from my heart and pray he forgives me.

I pulled up outside his and knocked on the door, Now if you told me what happened next i still wouldn’t expect it lmao.

The door barely opened before i could react, James lunged at me, and tackled me back on to the concrete, my head hit the concrete with some force and James began punching me violently. I didn’t hit him back i just stuttered to speak between punches, I wrapped my arms around and hugged him pinning his arms. Guess he was really pissed since as i did that he began headbutting me… and shouting at me constantly. “Fuck you Ben” etc

Don’t know what happened but i just mentally and emotionally broke down and began crying. (yes men do cry!) i was just mumbling random things with blood filling my mouth, “I didn’t mean too” “I’m sorry James” “I love you bro” you get the idea. I guess emotions were high as James stopped beating me and began to cry himself, our fight turned into us crying and hugging each other (Yes still on the floor outside his house. Pretty sure his neighbours were petrified and one of them thankfully called an ambulance for me in advance)

Once the ambulance arrived James followed us in the car and stayed with me, We were pretty silent the entire time in the hospital, Just constantly looking at each other. What i wasn’t expecting was for Becky to show up, she rushed to my side and dove straight in with kisses and a hug.

“Fuck sakes James what did you do”

He just began crying

“I deserved it B” I grabbed her hand and begin kissing it

“I don’t deserve you” Here came the fucking water works again, Crying fucking sucks i must say.

She tried to speak but i cut her off

“I slept with Jess. James and her broke up yesterday because of me…”

She was shocked and instantly turned to James, burying herself into him, “When Ben…When”

“A few days before me and you…”

She just shook her head and stood up and took James with her. I was left alone until i was given the all clear to leave.

My mum came and picked me up and allowed me to stay over to avoid another confrontation with Jess.

Monday and Tuesday i was just recovering, no sign of James or Becks. Jess told me she’s gone to stay with her sister on Tuesday so my house was now Jess-Free.

Wednesday :

I arrived home and just feel asleep for most of the day until 4pm i was woken up by someone knocking on the front door. I opened up and was greeted by Becky, Looking as sexy as ever. I smiled when i saw her but she had a stern look on her face. She came in and gathered on the sofa,

“Ben. I want you to tell me everything right now and then we can go from there”

Obviously many thoughts was running through my mind, Everything about me and Jess Or everything including Sue?? I was panicking inside and it began to show outside.

“Ev..Everything about what?” I needed clarification

“Everything that might affect us Ben”


I swallowed my pride and told her everything, She just listened and once i told her everything including Jess, Sue, How I feel about her, James. She just stood up, brought her hands to face and planted a kiss on my lips and left without a word.

I would like to say i felt a weight has been lifted but it didn’t. I really love Becky and her not saying anything leaving me with a cliff-hanger of emotion broke me.

I heard nothing until Friday Night, I didn’t bother chasing anyone, James/Becky since i thought it was best to leave them to think on their own. Friday Night Becky texted me to say she will be over tomorrow. That was it.

Saturday :

I was a nervous wreck the entire day, around 5pm a knock finally came and i opened up to be greeted by James, Becky and Sue. Shit was gonna be serious.

We exchanged hellos and all sat down. I assume Becky devised a plan for us all to come out with all our feelings together and clear the air. In hindsight this was a fucking brilliant idea.

There was too much said to type but here the breakdown :

Sue – Was only a fling and she doesn’t have feelings for me. She wants me and Becky to be happy together but expressed her reservations about the relationship.

Becky – Mutual feeling towards me and wanted to see where we could go. Disappointed in me but was really willing to move on as she loved me and loved our short time together.

James – Had time to think about the whole situation, He knows me and Becky get along so well and are good together. He realised he took a lot his pent up anger out on me, since his relationship with Jess was already going downhill. He apologised to me but said we would have to rebuild slowly.

Me – Apologised to everyone involved, expressed my love for Becky. Apologised to James and was thankful he was willing to repair our relationship.

We all hugged, James and Sue left together, me and Becky embraced each other and threw on Netflix and just chilled. She stayed the night but no sex just a lot of spooning.

It’s Sunday evening right now (5pm) Becky left in the morning and we have been texting and my life seems to be on the up. James and Me had a quick session on warzone today and felt like old times. I’m really happy. Guess I’m a lucky motherfucker, and don’t deserve the people around me.

Jess texted to me to see if i was ok but thats about it.

With that all said thank you all for the support and advice. Much love to you all. I may post another update but we shall see. Stay safe <3

Oh nearly forgot, My damages :

8 stitches

Broken nose

3 broken ribs

Mild concussion that went after 2 days

Bruising all around my face with 2 black eyes

2 broken fingers on my left hand

Large amount of cuts inside my mouth that are slowly healing. Thank fuck i didn’t lose any teeth ahaha

All i saying is James is lucky i didn’t fight back (LOL)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lul3tk/i_fucked_my_best_friends_gf_sister_f_mum_f_within


  1. Glad to hear things got better man! I’m supprised things went the way they did but congrats. Good luck in the future

  2. Damn James gave you a beating! He had every right to fight you, but you did the best thing by trying to protect yourself in that moment. In this situation I think you handled it the best way possible with how fucked up everything was. Definitely lots of hurt feelings but at this time honesty is the most important thing. Hopefully you can fix your relationship with James, but it will be hard for things to go back the way it used to be with him. Good luck

  3. Hell of a story!!!

    Being honest, at the end of the day was the only way to go – hopefully you’ll all get over the whole situation, it’s going to take time plus effort!!

  4. Holy crap.
    A) glad to see you’re still breathing
    B) this has been crazy to follow…you’ve got a knack for storytelling though so I do hope you’ll keep us updated
    C) hope things with you and Becky work out; but no matter what happens, for god’s sake…don’t fuck James

  5. This has been a wild ride, but my dude, I am glad to hear everyone was able to resolve this in the end

  6. First gonewildstories that did not need any sex. Started out skeptical, and felt wholesome by the end. All in all 100/100.
    If not on here, you better post updates now that we are all emotionally invested ?.

  7. Wow that was a rollercoaster of stories and a FUCKING good read! I’m glad for your OP that it worked out in the end. Sorry none the less that this shit storm happened.

  8. Came to GWS for the sex stories, walked away feeling like I read something from a parallel universe. This ought to be a movie. But glad you’re (mostly) in one piece.

  9. Glad to hear it’s on the way to heal. It’s with stuff like that that you see how human relationship can lead to tragic event.

    Heal yourself well and have fun with Becky:)

  10. I came back every single day to this subreddit looking for this post. Glad you are still alive :)

  11. I take back my initial comment: this was the best way you could’ve handled all this. You really are a lucky motherfucker, hold on to these people bro. I’m just glad your intuition is better than mine.

  12. Honestly, still hoping for more updates as things progress with you and Becky

  13. Idk why this last post made me so damn emotional . You had me tearing up man! Honestly tho you deserved it but I’m glad y’all could all work it out. Take care of James, he deserves better. He’s a real one, & I’m still shocked he has forgiven you but that goes to show how big of a person he really is. Good luck to you all!

  14. what a fucking rollercoaster. james sure beat the fuck outta you and you deserved it but im glad you’ve pretty much resolved everything

  15. Yoooo I’ve been following your story on here and I’m just glad it turned out okay somehow hahaa what an experience

  16. Karma affirming story. Glad you played it out the way you did and on the up.

  17. Wow what a family that is. Full of amazing wholesome people, you are fucking lucky they took you in and decided to work things out after all you’ve done. Rebuilding with James is gonna be hard and depends on how things with Becky go too I guess. Learn your lesson and good luck! Thanks for sharing all this it was wild.

  18. how did your neighbors call JUST an ambulance? shouldn’t a cop car accompany the ambulance after they heard, “some dude is getting his ass beat”?

    did the ambulance/hospital not file a report?

  19. Glad everything turned out as good as it could, all things considered. How much was the hospital bill? ?

  20. Fuck dude this was wrapped up so nicely… how the fuck did you come out of this winning?! Wtf. everyone was just so okay with everything… and Becky still wants to be with you after fucking her mother?! Wow, just wow… I’m in shock

  21. This was a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Props to you for handling it the way you did. You, you my friend have cajones, not for taking the beating, but for taking accountability when the time called for it. The beating was unfortunately the price to pay. I just hope you really learned your lesson man, I really do because I genuinely want you and Becky to thrive and I especially don’t want you to lose your friendship with James. I always remember what the comedian Joey Diaz said about friends, you only need one or two tight mothafuckas to take over the world, not 10, 40, 100 etc. Don’t jeopardize that friendship. Good luck to you my dude.

    Also, just saying, don’t fuck James.

  22. I have been waiting for your post!! Congratulations on getting the ass kicking you deserve. Because you came clean and took it you won becks. Live happily ever after man. Marry her have babies and live a happy life. Seriously you seem like a nice guy and nice guys slip and fall into pussy.

  23. I’m so goddamn happy for you. Was thinking about how you where doing all week. I’m happy the truth prevailed.

    Now my advice still stands. Treat Becky like a goddamn queen. And no more stupid “following your dick” stuff.

    Much love and happiness for you brother.

  24. This was a good ride. Glad for a happy ending, live a good life sir. Update us if there’s a wedding ?

  25. Genuinely stunned by how well you seem to have handled this. Massive, massive respect for having the balls to own up to everything and ask for forgiveness, and very glad to hear you’re alright. Hope you recover soon and best of luck to you and Becky.

  26. I’ve been following this since the first post. Man, I came here to jerk off, but you left me feeling like there’s hope for all of us Mfs. I hope things between you and Becky go well and that you and James can rebuild that friendship. Best of luck to ya.

  27. We can say what we want but you took that shit like a fucking man. I hope every goes well for you dude. Also at now you don’t have tonworry about James fucking your girl. Hopefully.

  28. Oh man. Good to hear you are alright and alive, also that you did not fuck James.

    Taken a beating like a man and didn’t fight back, well played dude.

    Also good to hear it is working out

  29. Me who comes regularly to check updates with no hope
    Our fucked up guy : ok so there is an update
    Me wait seriously?

  30. Been following this story since the first one and good on you buddy, it seems like you’ve straightened things up as well as you could and that you are man enough to recognise you made a complete tit of yourself.

    You’ve got a keeper with Becky, I’m glad it worked out in the end


  31. Happy for you bro. First time i ever reply on this sub, and it’s all because of you. Stay happy yourself

  32. Bro. This is so fucked and wholesome. Idk how to even feel or why I have a boner.

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