A series of encounters with a coworker. Part 3. (m/f)

This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Previous chapters are found here and here.

The next few days after our encounter at the hotel were filled with text messages discussing what happened. Jen remained incredulous that she could cum like that and I repeatedly told her how much it was a turn on. Jen also asked me many questions about what I had and had not done. From my responses, she could tell I was a novice. I told her how hot it was when she swallowed my cum and how much I liked it when she did that. I also told her how much I enjoyed the way we fucked with no barriers to doing anything any time. Her fucking me then going down on me or me licking her pussy after fucking her were things that I had never done and to me it was liberating. I was reveling in breaking rules that I had lived by for 30 years.

A few days after the hotel meeting, the texts turned to when we could get together again. We both were frustrated by our inability to plan something because of upcoming travel schedules. Late one evening at the end of the day, Jen texted me.

Jen: How late are you staying tonight? Me: I don’t know another hour or so. Jen: Is there anyone else still here? Me: I don’t see anyone but I think that Ken is still here. Let me check. Me: Yep, he’s still here but he is heading for the door. Jen: Good… I want you. Me: I want you too. Jen: I mean it. I really want you. Now. Me: What? Where? Want me to look for a room or do you want to come to my apartment. Jen: Screw it. I don’t want to wait. Come to my cube. Me: Ok. Let me get something and I will be there.

I picked up my laptop and walked to Jen’s cube. Along the way I didn’t see anyone and it looked like our section of the cube farm was deserted. When I got to Jen’s cube she was waiting for me.

“Let’s go somewhere now.” She whispered. “What? Here? At work?” I stammered. “Yes. There’s no one around. Let’s find an office or a conference room. Come on.. it will be fun” “I don’t know Jen. That’s dangerous. What if we get caught?” “We will be quiet. No one is around and no one will know.” “If we get caught, who knows what will happen.” I said. “We won’t get caught. Come on. Let’s go for it. Meet me in that empty office over by Jim’s office.” “Ok. Let me go back to my desk and I will check to see if anyone is around and I’ll be there in a few.”

As I walked back to my cube my heart was pounding and my cock was rock hard with anticipation. This was violating all sensibility and I could not believe that I was actually considering it. I dropped of my laptop and as I did, I heard the door to the office open and when I looked over the top of my cube I could see the door quietly shut. The light remained off.

I took a stroll around our cubicle farm and I was relieved to see that everyone was gone. There were no purses or jackets or any indication that someone remained. I threw caution to the wind and I started toward the office. On the way I told myself that we could just make out a little and I’d figure out a way to beg her off for another, safer time.

With one last look around, I opened the door to the office. I quietly slipped inside and closed the door behind me. These offices had a floor to ceiling glass panel adjacent to the door so light filtered in and I could see Jen standing as far out of sight as possible. Fortunately a row of cubicles were directly across from the door and window, which blocked some of the light, and it would take someone walking directly down the corridor to see into the office.

Once I closed the door we embraced. Our mouths met and I grabbed Jen’s ass pulling her into me. We groped and grabbed at each other for a few seconds before we caught our breath. Jen pushed me down toward the floor. This office had a desk that faced the door but it was open underneath. It somewhat sheltered us from anyone looking in the office and I hoped that with the low light no one would see us. I crawled under the desk with my feet pointing toward the door and Jen straddled me. If someone had looked in the window they would have seen nothing but a closer look toward the bottom of the desk would have revealed our shoes and Jen’s ass.

She bent over and we kissed while I began to unbutton her jeans. They were skintight and we struggled to get them down. Jen rolled off me and worked them down to a wad around one ankle. She proceeded to unzip my pants and I managed to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my jeans. Jen pulled down my shorts and my cock sprang upright. We positioned her over my cock and in one swift motion she slid down my shaft bottoming out on my hips. She was wet with anticipation and the entry of my cock was fast and hard. Once settled on me, she began to rock back in forth working my cock throughout her pussy. Occasionally she would rise up and then drop back down on me. Her hot pussy would engulf my cock and I would thrust up to meet her downward stroke. She would then begin to rock back and forth grinding her clit across me. This must have felt very good because she began to grind faster while whispering to me.

“Oh god, this feels so good. I can’t believe how your cock fills me.” She hissed. I only managed to grunt back at her in the darkness as I grabbed her hips to hold on. “It feels like it is too much but it is not. It just pushes me to the edge. I want to see just how deep I can take it.” With that comment she ground even deeper into me and I could feel her body begin to quiver. With each grind I could feel the tension within her pussy building. Suddenly she sat straight upright banging her head against the underside of the desk. “Shhhhssh!” I whispered angrily. I was certain that if there were anyone around, they would have heard the loud noise. Hunched over and struggling to sit upright on me, Jen ground ever faster. I could feel the wetness from her pussy running down my shaft. As she worked faster I could feel myself getting wetter and in a moment she suddenly went silent. She was fucking me in a frenzy and I struggled to maintain control. I grabbed her hips to try to control her. She would have none of it and continued her relentless pace back and forth across me with her clit. Her hands slapped at my chest as she beat into me and all at once I felt her cum running all over me. I knew that it was happening again and her pussy was gushing cum. Her breathing was erratic and ragged as the warmth spread over my hips and down my balls. The sound of her cum sloshing between our bodies coupled with the clenching of her pussy was too much for me to control and I arched my back pushing deep into her. The first spurt of cum shot into her pussy and with her on top I could not control the sensation overwhelming me. Sensing my cum, Jen started to bounce up and down on me. With each bounce I shot another load of cum. I desperately wanted her to stop because the feeling was too intense. She would not stop and I kept clawing at her as I kept cumming.

“Hush!.. you are being too loud” Jen whispered. I realized that my grunts had become audible and I quieted myself out of fear that we would be heard. Her bucking stopped and she bent over to kiss me one last time. Slowly she pulled my cock from her pussy as she rose up off me. Our cum poured out of her onto my cock leaving a wet mess on my stomach. Silently, she untangled her jeans and pulled them back on. With a peck on the cheek she was up and out of the office. Hurriedly I pulled up my shorts and started to button my jeans. As I pulled up the zipper I felt the wet soppy mess from our fucking. My hips were drenched and my jeans were soaked from how much Jen had cum on me.

As silently as I could manage, I got up and left the office. Thankfully no one saw me and I grabbed my bag to head for the door. I realized that Jen would be leaving at the same time so I decided to stay at my desk for a few minutes so that we would not be seen together. Leaving the building 15 minutes later, the cleaning crew greeted me as I walked down the hall. When the cold air hit me when I got outside, I could feel Jen’s cum all over me. It chilled my body and I savored the feeling. I was thankful that no one noticed my wet jeans at the bar where I met some of our coworkers. The constant sensation of wetness was a turn on the rest of the night as I thought about the decadence of what we had risked and done.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/36x5q2/a_series_of_encounters_with_a_coworker_part_3_mf