Strange made me a free use slut [F]

I had been doing that journey for months, always the same and at the same time, always alone. On some occasions she had come to consider the possibility that it was dangerous for her, perhaps an ill-intentioned person, a click on a head raptured by anxiety or pain could become the trigger for madness in a healthy mind; However, he liked that path in the shadows, at dusk, after hours of seclusion inside the office and, even more, the sensation of hiding that secluded path that no one else seemed to use, even from family or friends, as a temple to his loneliness. The humid and warm air of an almost summer autumn and the almost sacred silence of nature as his steps entered the path that wound down the hill, by the sea, until he reached his town, turned that delicious half hour into the most his, in the longing that haunted him as he typed a new pointless report into his desktop computer, wishing the hours would pass quickly to get lost in the undergrowth.

That afternoon she left work feeling defeated. Everything she could go wrong had gone worse. Her head ached and that made him slow her steps, she thoughtfully swaying from one side of the path to the other, listening to the waves that were breaking hard against the rocks on the invisible cliffs, hidden by the undergrowth. It was that slumber that prevented him from seeing the approaching silhouette. She brushed against him just before he pulled away from her, her scent penetrating her, causing the expensive perfume that covered the stranger’s sportswear to slip into her. She looked up and stared into her honey-colored eyes. He smiled at her and continued up the path she was descending, away from her in opposite directions. She wore a black tank top, exposing strong arms, attached to a well-contoured back. Black sweatpants from Nike showed slender legs that climbed the winding path at a steady pace.

That night she dreamed of him, it was the first of many, but it was especially significant for the sensation of reality that seized her when she woke up, sweaty and excited, still panting, with the faithful conviction that those hands that still seemed unknown to her had made of her body a temple of pleasure. She felt each touch as if it were real and when she entered her interior gently with her wet fingers, her ecstasy made her come back to reality, awakening with a start.

She felt stupid getting excited at work as she remembered that moment and the possibility that that chance encounter with this complete stranger could be repeated. She sped off to the meeting as soon as the clock struck the time of departure; however, he did not appear. She waited for him, grumbling at her passing until the light completely went out and she needed the flashlight of her cell phone to return home, frustrated and sorry, feeling silly for having fantasized about an unreality.

It was not until a week later that the unexpected encounter was repeated. Her body was sweaty and athletic again, with a pleasant smile and eyes the color of honey. Her skin prickled as he brushed past her, trying to avoid her, on a narrow path where there was hardly room for one person. That night she pretended to feel loved by that man who awakened her most ardent desire. She closed her eyes and surrendered to pleasure as she remembered that first dream that made her wet.

Several days passed, in which there was no trace of the stranger; Despite this, each afternoon she descended the path hopefully, feeding the imagination of the many thoughts that her mind had begun to generate about that sweaty body, that lopsided smile and those big brown hands that she had known in dreams and hoped. feel some day in reality. The last afternoon before Christmas break there was a little party in her office. Some cava, some polvorones and marzipan stories, hugs, kisses and wastes of good wishes for the year that was to come. She left very late, the darkness already reigning and the excess of her cava made him doubt. Going that road without adequate lighting could break your ankle. She hesitated, but the almost sexual sensation that descending the path gave her feeling that this was the scene of her many erotic dreams made her come home completely aroused and ready to indulge in a few minutes of personal pleasure. The alcohol still bubbling in her nose made him think that perhaps she could take advantage of the loneliness and darkness of that path to recreate her fantasy live. She had a toy inside her bag, she had taken it to the office to show it to Maite, and give her advice on the matter.

She hurried down the path, taking advantage of the light from her cell phone screen at a brisk pace. She was very clear about where she wanted to do it, in the small clearing that would be to the right of one of the curves of the path, from where you could see the sea and the lights of the lighthouse. The scene of all her fantasies with the stranger.

When she got there she just had to drop her stockings and let herself go. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of the ocean as she let the sipper do the rest of her. She gasped and let the bag fall to the ground and then spread out on the grass.

When she opened her eyes again, the stranger was watching her, with total seriousness and his gaze very fixed on her body. Shame and blush washed over her being.

“Please don’t stop,” he asked her.

She observed the erection in her sweatpants that left no room for doubt. She looked at him in disgust, but those words had turned her on even more. She continued, as he knelt between her legs and delicately removed her boots and stockings, exposing her completely. He began to caress her skin, just as she had dreamed, starting from her ankles, moving up her knees to her thighs and from there to her clit. She caressed him gently making small circles as he inserted another finger inside her, letting the moisture lubricate her movements.

“Do you like it?” She asked, standing very close to her ear.

She could only moan. Her pleasure had washed over her.

The stranger unbuttoned her shirt, opening it wide and released her small white breasts from her, kissing them candidly. He let her tongue play with her nipples as he sidelong watched her arch under the most exciting sensations he had ever felt. He moved down her navel and finally brought his tongue, warm and soft, between her legs. The delicacy of her movements brought her to the most intense orgasm she had ever felt, howling under a great full moon that shone over the sea.

When she opened her eyes, her compiled, he was watching her, lying next to her, on the grass wet from the winter cold. He smiled at her as he gasped excitedly.

“I want the next time to be the one to help,” he said as he closed one eye as a sign of complicity.

She shook her head at his surprise, descending into her sweatpants and discovering her cock yearning for touch from her. She licked him gently, and then she let it slide down her throat in a beat of slow, smooth movements that made the stranger’s hips jerk with pleasure. He stroked her hair and her face as he watched her enthusiastically, smiling and groaning at the same time, until it all ended in a series of spasms of satisfaction.

They both got up after a few minutes of silence.

“Are you coming next week?” He asked her with a mischievous smile.

“I come every afternoon,” she told him, and she began to descend the path feeling that dreams sometimes come true.
