Generous Office Hours [MF]

Over 10 years ago a student propositioned me on the final day of the critique seminar class they are required to take in their final semester. Like any male professor I was and am keenly aware of line between church and state and until this moment had not entertained fooling around with a student. OK, ok, I entertained it all the time in my mind. There is always some sort of innocent flirting going on here and there. But like most professors, I like my job:). Also, none of us have private offices anymore and are rarely alone with any students one on one without others in the room or nearby.

This particular student had flirted with me quite a bit but never crossed a line at any time. On the last day, after class, she gave me an envelope with what I assumed was a thank you note. This was fairly common, I would usually get a few every semester. It wasn’t until after everyone left that I opened the envelope and read her very original note…

*Dear Sir,*

*Thank you for an excellent class, I came away with a much better understanding of my work and your teaching style is wonderful…*

*I felt we had a great connection and if I may, I would like to propose an arrangement. If I am way off base, just tear this up and don’t think about it again. But again, wonderful class!*

*I want to be your Sugar Baby. If you aren’t familiar, for an allowance I will spend some time with you a few times each month. I want to explore my submissive side and something tells me you are the perfect man to guide me. I propose we meet in a hotel and explore my kinks… in particular, I want you to spank me.*

*Are you in Daddy? Send Baby an email and let me know.*


Well, I remember having to read that a few times before it sank in. Was it a joke? I had heard of Sugaring but only in a vague sense, I didn’t really know what it entailed. I did a little research online and decided it was a win-win situation and the next day I emailed her back saying:


*I am a little shocked but a lot intrigued, if you are serious then I am willing to give it a try. And I think I love being called Daddy.*

Long story short, we met that next week at a hotel in midtown. She got a room and sent me the particulars and when I arrived for our first meeting, nervous as hell, I knocked lightly on the door. Baby answered by slowly opening the door just enough for me to slip in. The room was low lit and she had some music playing softly. She stood in front of me almost completely naked save for some high heels and the smallest panties I had ever seen. She said Hi Daddy and immediately got on her knees in front of me. Unbuckling my belt and unzipping my jeans she pulled down the waistband of my underwear and freed my cock. It bounced free and she swallowed it giving me the best hands free, deep throat blow job ever. She looked up at me and gagged and slobbered all over for what seemed like hours, but in reality was less than 5 minutes I am sure. She eventually stopped and said to me, Hi Daddy, I wanted to break the ice and thought that might work. Please spank me Daddy, I have been a bad girl. And I did just that, putting her on the bed head down and ass up… Her pussy had already made her panties wet.

That began one of the most amazing years of my life…



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