Ghostly [FM] [F2M Body Possession]

(Originally created Nov. 2017)

Mike was feeling very tired. He had been up for hours trying to finish a speech for his Liberal Arts class and was just now finished with the rushed assignment he was given.
Between having to manage the house while his parents were gone for  buisness for 2 whole weeks, to having to do all this stuff for college Mike thought that all of the  universe must have hated him.

After putting on pajamas, Mike flopped face-first onto his bed and seemingly instantly became drowsy.
But as he drifted off to sleep, he was awoken by a strange feeling. Like his ass had just been cupped through his gray pajama pants.
Just as he was about to react to this, his cheeks were slapped and he heard “nice” being said smugly by an unfamiliar woman who sounded the same age as him.

Mike then went to get up  and see the intruding woman but he felt the woman sit on his back.
“Don’t worry about getting up mikey baby. You look best from this angle.” the girl said before again touching Mike’s butt.

Mike tried to see this burglar/molester via his mirror on his wall. To his shock, there seemed to be nobody there.
“Wha…what are you? Why are you doing this to me?”

“I am a ghost, honey. I died in this very house a while before you moved in.
I am doing this to you because you are hot, Mike. You may not be a  muscle-bound guy, but I know from checking you out that you got some good organs.
Your parents being gone and you being drowsier than normal helps my idea greatly. ”

“Your idea?” he asked.

“Yes. See,I can’t actually feel anything. All this touching I’m doing right now is only an imitation of the real thing.
I need a human body. And since you’re the only o-”

“No. Hell no.”

“Just for the two weeks your parents are out. After that, I’m heading to the afterlife.
I just need to feel a guy’s body one last time. ”

“For 2 weeks? You’re just gonna play with my body constantly for that long?”.

Yep. I’m pretty horny.
And ya know, I’m pretty sure you aren’t conscious during my takeover. You’ll just go to sleep and wake up with missing time. ”

“Uugh. I just don’t know….”

“Or I could just keep feeling up your junk till you do.”
After saying that, Mike was suddenly flipped over and pinned even harder to the bed.
A single finger went across his penis, and it instantly began to grow.
“Alright, alright! If I have the opportunity to not see you jerking me, I’ll take it.”

Mike felt himself being freed from the ghost’s pinhold.
“Okay.” he said. “Let me just get my bearings before you posse-”

Mike suddenly began to shake wildly out of his control. He could feel cold hands touching his body before having them reach into him.
Mike fell backwards on the bed into blackness as control of his body was surrendered.

He then felt himself up sit upwards and place his hands on his penis. He was still conscious.

“DAMNIT.” he screamed.

“Oh. You’re still  here?” The ghost spoke to Mike in his voice.


“Pretty sure. I said I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be. This is my first time.”


“Well……guess we’re in for a ride, huh?”

Mike yelled and growled in his head as his body skipped towards the bathroom.
He was stuck as he had to watch his own ass and penis shake for hours.

Mike definitely thought the universe hated him at this point.  But there was one ghost girl who liked him. Or rather, parts of him.
