The Farmer Friends – Part 8 [MF][Oral] Chapter 5

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[Part 1](
[Part 2](
[Part 3](
[Part 4](
[Part 5](
[Part 6](
[Part 7](

**Chapter 5**

“This pump is three phase, it’s like black magic to me. It would not start last week, so we replaced the seal-in relay. It ran for a day and then it stopped working again.”

Charlie was standing over his well pump control panel scratching his head with his hat in his other hand. I bent down to look inside and begin to trace wires with my finger waving in the air in front of them.

“Where does that cable go, I asked?” Pointing to a cable leaving the panel.

“Oh, it goes out to the barn. I have a 240 volt panel out there to get power for the panel space heater and the heat trace on the water pipes.”

“Alright.” I stared at it for a bit longer. “There’s no control power transformer in here, is there?”

“Hell if I know”

“I think that 240 volt feed is powering your control circuit on one of the legs. Have you checked the breaker in the barn?”

We walked over to the barn and it was tripped. Resetting it, it tripped again.

“So there must be a short in the control panel somewhere,” I concluded.

Walking back to the well pump, I spotted a chewed wire touching the case of the control panel.

“Damn squirrels. Ain’t they got nothing better to do than chew wires?” He said with disgust.

I helped Charlie replace the chewed wire. Turning everything back on, the pump spin up and whirred happily.

Charlie slapped me on the back and said, “you’re quite the talented man, there, Sam! I think I’m ready to call it a day, let’s go see if the ladies have some dinner ready.”

Charlie was happy to have his well running again, and so he was talkative. He cheerfully told me about how his wife and her sister had inherited the farm from their dad, and how he and Ruth bought the Becky’s’ share of the farm. He had grown up on a farm in North Dakota and met Ruth in college while they were both Ag majors. He was 2 years ahead of her, and when he graduated, they got married and she dropped out. They moved to her hometown to take care of her ailing parents, and he got a job at the co-op selling seed.

I, on the other hand, was happy about what had happened just before fixing his well pump. Feeling horny because I had not gotten my rocks off after getting his rocks off, I turned the subject back to sex.

“How long have you and Ruthie done the swinging thing?”

Charlie smiled and replied, “you know, it’s always been part of our relationship. We used to mess around with other couples when we were dating in school. We were happy to find a group of like-minded couples in Sioux Falls when we moved here.”

“Great for you then. How did Becky get involved? Isn’t it strange for sisters to… you know?”

“Fuck each other? No, they don’t do that.” Then he smiled, “but I get to… you know?”

“At the same time?” I asked, burning with curiosity.

“No, except on a couple of birthdays. No, when there’s company then they will stay in the same room, but they don’t get very excited about doing anything together.”

“Do they ever get competitive or jealous? How did you even get in this arrangement with two women who are sisters?” I asked .

“It was organic… in the beginning we were living in the house Becky is in right now while Ruthie’s parents were in our current house. Becky was always a free spirit and would come stay with us for a couple of weeks and then disappear, and then reappear with no warning. We did not hide our swinger friends or activities from her, but she had no interest at first. Over a few years, she and I became proper family. She trusted and respected me, and I returned it. I don’t keep secrets from Ruthie, and one day she asked me if I was attracted to her sister. I told her the truth and said ‘yes’, and she said I should fuck her. Talk about a mind trip. I did not know if it was some sort of test, but Ruthie was not that kind of woman. I said ‘no’, because I thought it was a dangerous place to go. Ruthie told me to stop overthinking it, and that all of the sexual tension between me and Becky was getting annoying. Well, I was surprised because I thought I had been doing a good job of not flirting with Becky.”

“I told her to tell Becky with her own mouth that I have permission. And, the first time we did it I was still nervous about how Ruthie would react. But the only thing she said afterwards was to brush my teeth before I kissed her. They have been close their whole life, and I think they may be closer now that Becky and I have been together. I know that I am a lucky man to be loved by two wonderful women like them. Sometimes I get the impression that they coordinate schedules together to take turns with me.”

“Anyway,” Charlie continued, “it wasn’t long after Becky and I started sleeping together that she begin joining us with our swinger friends. She fit right in.”

We were silent as we walked the rest of the way, my mind working hard to process how these relationships work.

As we walked into the backdoor of his house, I asked Charlie if I could change into some clean clothes. We greeted Becky and Ruth as we passed them in the kitchen.

Charlie took me upstairs to his bedroom and handed me a new set of blue jeans and a t-shirt, with some clean underwear. I thanked him and then called down the hallway, “Becky, do you want to come up here and check me for ticks?”

Charlie grinned and saluted me and then walked back down the stairs. Becky met him halfway up the stairs, and he saluted her as well.

I walked into the bathroom and I was already undressed to my boxers when she walked in the doorway.

“You need some help, I hear? “She asked slyly with a mischievous smile.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then said, “I’m sorry for sucking off your brother in law without talking to you about it first. He told me about you guys.”

Her eyes got serious, but they stayed friendly. “Well I do appreciate the apology but it was fine by me and I did appreciate the show.”

“Well the pleasure was mine,” I said. “Charlie said that things might happen tonight, do you want to stay as a couple?”

Becky let out a loud laugh, “ha! You are a gentleman aren’t you? That’s cute and I will fuck you for it, but I would be happy to watch you and Charlie again, and I already told Ruthie that I will share you with her as well. She asked so sweetly, who am I to be selfish? Listen, Ruthie, Charlie and I have a stable and trusting relationship. We have done a lot together and you are not the first guest to our table.” Then she winked at me. “Now did you really want me to check you for ticks? ”

I flashed a large grin at her and then dropped my boxers. I was quite erect, and she held me in her hand, as she knelt in front of me. She pulled my dick to one side to check, and then to the other side to check for ticks. She reached her other hand between my legs, and then cupped my balls, tickling the skin behind them.

The way she stared at the head of my penis, I knew she was thinking putting it in her mouth.

I gently put my hands on either side of her head, and then pulled her head toward my waist. She willingly let me guide her and opened her mouth to receive me.

She was stroking the base of my shaft with her hand, and I pushed into her until her hand bumped against her chin.

She got to work. I was building quickly, and told her so. But she did not change her rhythm. A minute later I could feel the muscles in my penis twitch and then begin to pulse semen into her mouth. I could feel her tongue swallowing, and my body involuntarily spasmed, my stomach muscles tightening. My whole body doubled over until my chest covered the top of her head. My knees bent slightly so that, as I stood, I was in a loose fetal position, surrounding her.

Her relentless rhythm continued, and as my orgasm slowed, my penis began to soften and turn more sensitive. “Okay okay stop,” I begged her.

She stopped moving her hand, but continue to hold me in her mouth. Occasionally she would wiggle her tongue, causing my body to convulse. My knees were weak and I sank slowly to a kneeling position. Her head followed my crotch down. I could feel her hair tickling my chest and the warmth of her forehead against my abdomen. Her nose was smashed against my abdomen and made a different sound as she breathed. She was like a leech, unwilling to let go of my cock even as I shrank to nothing.

I gently scratched her back through her shirt, running up to her head and scratching her scalp through her hair that was pulled into a loose ponytail. She moaned into my lap . She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed me, and begin to work me again with her tongue, her lips still around the base of my cock and her mouth completely containing me. The sensitivity was gone now, but at first it was just touch, not stimulating. I sat on the floor, admiring the shape of her back and appreciating the closeness her. I began to grow again and then soon I was fully erect.

Having established a new erection, she pulled off, licking her lips and rubbing her cheek muscles. She leaned back, and we were facing each other sitting on the floor.

“Can I taste you now?” I asked her.

She wiggled her hips and slid her hand into her pants between her legs.

After a moment’s thought she said, “it sounds nice but they’re waiting for us downstairs. I just want you to fuck me from behind. Quickly.”

She removed her pants and underwear in a flash, and then she was leaning her elbows on the edge of the bathtub, kneeling on her knees again and her beautiful ass on display, her pussy peeking out from underneath, pink and open like an orchid.

I knelt behind her and put my finger at the entrance, at the top of the orchid. She was very wet, and I spread the juices around a little.

“Let’s not dilly-dally,” she called back to me with a smile.

I guided the tip of my penis with my hand to her entrance and I slid slowly into her.

She groaned deeply and I began to move in and out at a medium pace. I loved the feeling of her butt bones pushing into my abdomen, and I leaned forward so that my stomach was across her lower back. I supported myself with one arm on the edge of the bathtub next to her elbow which was doing the same. Maximizing skin contact felt good, and I reached my free arm under her, feeling her belly and then sliding it down and feeling the crease where her thighs bent away from her torso. I moved my arm up to her breasts and felt them swing gently has my body pushed into hers. I slid back down to her crotch, and felt my penis, wet with our juices, sliding in and out of her. Then I drifted to her clitoris, and I drew gentle circles around it with my middle finger.

This elicited a moan so I continued, though I gradually made the circle smaller until my finger was right on top of her clitoris and I was pushing it around in circles, like a puppy pushes his empty food bowl around when he wants more.

Becky was silent, so I put my face next to her ear and asked her if I should keep going. I wasn’t sure if she had already come or if something was not feeling good.

Her response was a tight squeal and I felt her vagina clamp down hard on me. Her elbows gave out, and her chest fell until it was resting on the edge of the tub. I continued my rhythm, in and out, in and out, and continued rubbing her with my finger. Her head was turned sideways I could see that she was clenching her eyes closed tightly. The squeals came at regular intervals, coordinated with the pulsing spasms I could feel on my dick.

Finally she put her hand on mine between her legs to still it.

I had been building slowly but was nowhere near orgasm, but the sensations were very nice. I slid in and out of her a couple of more times to enjoy the feelings a little more before I pulled out slowly,

Becky twisted her body around until she was sitting on the floor, her back against the tub. She was panting.

“Well Sam,..” Her trailed off. “Let’s go downstairs and join Ruthie and Charlie again.”

I extended a hand to Becky and helped her to her feet. She dressed herself while I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself quickly.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, we saw Charlie and Ruth were setting the table. In the center was a large roast chicken set in a pan surrounded by roasted carrots and sweet potatoes and beets. A basket of fresh baked rolls sat steaming next to the pan, and a salad sat on the other side.

“Hope you brought your appetite,” Ruth said proudly.

Charlie and I both expressed feelings of borderline starvation.

[Part 9](
