Dear diary, my dream came true!!!!

I swear to god, I need to hide this diary! My daughter Jenn found my diary and read it all! ALL! I’d normally be pissed but everything in it is so benign up until Valentine’s Day! Apparently she found it looking for a pair of shoes of hers I borrowed and like an idiot, I left my diary by the bed in the exact same spot Mark found it. I didn’t expect her to be home but she needed to decompress for a few days while she did her classes online and needed to get off campus for a few days. I always enjoy my kids being back home but talk about perfect timing. So how did this make my dream come true? Rewind back to Wednesday.

I wasn’t at home but Jenn came back home and let herself in. A few hours later I got back home and was excited to see her but she looked a bit nervous. She brushed it off as if nothing was wrong and we enjoyed the night for the most part.
Woke up Thursday and made them both breakfast. After breakfast, Mark left to go to work. It was while I was cleaning up and doing the dishes that she finally confronted me.

“Are you and Mark fucking?” She asked.
I almost dropped the glass I was cleaning back into the sink. I froze and not knowing what to say, I blurted out “What? Why would you ask that?”
“I’m not stupid mom! I read your diary. I read every sordid detail” she said, visibly agitated.
“Ok sweetie, I think we need to talk about this,” I started to say, turning off the water. “What you read…”
“Oh get off it mom!” She interrupted. “I read it all! Do you really think your Mark’s bitch now?! That he ‘owns you’” Jenn said, making air quotes with her fingers. “Are you fucking kidding me? Mom, how could you?”

My heart started racing and I was panicking. Was this ruining our family? Would Jenn tell the family or, worse, never spoke to me anymore? I admit this was something I hadn’t really thought through but it was certainly hitting me now. And I could see she was starting to cry. I needed to calm her down. “Honey, listen,” I said, then hesitated for a second, not quite what to say, “I’m not gonna lie to you. Mark and I just happened to discover this side of ourselves recently. And it was completely by accident sweetheart, I swear. We were just hanging out and the next thing I know…”

“Did you enjoy it?” Jenn interrupted, her head still looking down, fighting back tears.

I was a bit shocked, not expecting that question, but answered her. “Yes, I did.”

“His dick does feel good, doesn’t it?” Jenn asked, lifting her eyes to meet mine. “Like it’s a part of you.”

“It feels great actually,” I shot back before catching what she meant. “Wait, what? How do you know what it feels like? What are you talking about?” I asked gruffly.

“Mom, do you seriously not know?” She asked. “Like seriously?”

“Know what?!” I quickly shot back, getting nervous

“MOM,” Jenn said, more serious, “Mark and I have had sex before. We’ve been fucking for about two years now.”

Stunned, I just sat there and stared at her.

“He’s mentioned before that he’s always wanted you, but was afraid to try,” Jenn said with a bit of astonishment. “We thought of asking you to join us, I just didn’t realize he was going to try so soon.”

“Join you?” I asked, slightly astonished, but also intrigued.

“Yes, of course.” Jenn said, trying to hide a smile. “We both thought it would be hot if he were the real man of the house and took care the women in this family.”

My heart was racing. “Jennifer!! I never knew you had thoughts like that!” I finally blurted out.

Jenn laughed “OMG mom, seriously?! You’d be shocked at the thoughts I’ve had!”

We chatted a bit more and decided to talk to Mark when he got home from work. It changed our dynamic for sure. I started to slowly see her not as just my daughter, but also as an equal. Another woman. She even walked around the house that afternoon naked and suggested I try it. I wasn’t quite ready but about 15 minutes before Mark got home, I went ahead and took it all off. Jenn thought it would be a good idea. “Mom, can you imagine his face when he walks in and both of us are naked?! He’ll freak out and probably cum in two seconds!” She laughed.

“You know he lasts longer than two seconds” I shot back before realizing what I said. We both looked at each other and laughed.

Mark came home and, of course, was shocked. Jenn started to talk to him and it didn’t take long for him to piece together what was going on. We could both tell he was ecstatic by the smile on his face.
I wasn’t sure how things would play out, so I was a bit nervous.
Jenn was the first to breach the subject, “so mom and I have been talking and she wants in. She loves the idea of you being the new head of the household and I say we make it official tonight. All three of us…tonight.”

“What?” I asked. “We never talked about any of that.”

“Mom, we both know you want it.” She said.

I admit, I wanted to very badly. The thought of this was already affecting me. If I had my panties on, there would be a wet spot. “So what,” I responded, “you want to just have a threesome? Like, with just us?”

“Oh mom,” Jenn was quick to say, waving her hands, realizing where this was going, “you don’t have to touch me and I don’t have to touch you. This will be Mark having us both so he can officially take leadership of the family.”

I loved that idea but didn’t let it show. “I’m not sure if that’s the best way…”

“Oh c’mon Mom,” Jenn interrupted, “we all know things have been different since daddy left.” She paused for a moment. “Admit it, it’ll be nice to have a man in charge again. I always thought you might remarry, but that hasn’t happened” she said with a slight sarcastic grin. “Mark is the perfect choice to take over daddy’s role in this family and lead us.”

She had a point. “This won’t be weird for you hun? For either of you?” I asked.

“We’ve been fucking for two years mom! Im already his. I’m more worried about you!” Jenn replied.

I looked at Mark. His eyes met mine and then he finally spoke “I’ve owned both of you, but Jenny’s right. It’s time I own you both at the same time. We’ll do it after dinner.” His authority was surprising. He wasn’t asking us, he was telling us. I was a bit startled. Part of me was upset hearing my son take control and tell me what to do, but there was also a sense of comfort coming over me. Someone else taking the lead feels SO nice. And if I was being honest, it was kinda hot watching Mark take his place in this family. Something his father never could master.

We got dressed for dinner and tried to have a normal dinner, which was nice. About 30 minutes or so after dinner, I was summoned with a loud “MOM!!” that Jenn screamed. I realized they were in my room and when I walked in, both of them were naked. Mark was on the bed laying down and Jenn was to his side…a hand around the base of his cock and her head going up and down, taking every inch of his cock in her mouth. I was a little shocked and when Jenn saw me, she started to giggle, which sounded weird with his cock in her mouth. Mark looked at me and summoned me closer with his finger.

As I walked towards the bed, I asked “should we do this somewhere else?” It felt a little awkward on my bed.
Mark smiled and said “this is the master bedroom…” but before he could finish, I interrupted “and you’re the master.” His smile melted my heart in so many ways. The smile of the little boy i gave birth to . . . the young man I raised . . . the man who fucked me on Valentine’s Day. This man owns me.

I took my clothes off quickly while Jenn continued to suck his cock and when I was done I started to climb on the bed until I felt his arm around me and pull me close. To my surprise, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him to kiss. His tongue felt amazing in my mouth. After he released my mouth, I lifted my body and presented my right breast to his mouth, which quickly took in my nipple.

Jenn lifted her mouth off his soaking wet dick and smiled at me before saying “Woohoo! Get her Mark! Taking the titty that once fed you!” Her outburst surprised me but was kinda hot to hear. Jenn kissed up his torso, then kissed his cheek which had my nipple it, then raised her body to match mine and held her left breast close by.

“Here,” Jenn said softly, “hold us both and alternate. Or put us both in your mouth!” Mark then held her breast in his other hand and suckled each of us for a few seconds before switching to the other breast. As he did, I felt Jenn’s arm wrap around me to hug me. We were at an awkward angle but she was still able to put her head on my shoulder for a second and whispered “I love you both. This is perfect!”

He finally put both nipples together in his hands and licked us both at the same time. A few seconds later he released both our breasts and we got off of him. He lowered himself down onto the bed to give him about a foot of room between his head and the headboard. He grabbed Jenn’s ass and said “get on Jenn” wanting her to fuck him. He then looked at me and put his hand on my ass and pulled me closer and said “come sit on my chest and let me taste you mom.”

I threw my leg over his body to ride his face and positioned my dripping wet pussy up to his mouth and his arms wrap around my ass and pull me to him. I feel my little pink suction right up to his lips just perfectly. I let out a moan immediately. After a few seconds I hear Jenn say “Mom, you should see this.”
I turn my head around as she’s about to slide onto his cock. Before she slides down, Jenn continues “I thought you might wanna see your son fuck your daughter for the first time!” Her smile was so big it was infectious. She slid down, implying herself on her brothers cock and her expression turns to one of pure joy. After hearing her moan like crazy, I look down, get Marks attention and whisper “hold on baby, let me turn around. I wanna watch this.”

I then pull myself off him and turn around so I can see Jenn ride him. I throw my leg over Mark again and once again nuzzle my pussy up to his mouth. At this point I’m seeing everything. My little girls pussy sliding on my little boys dick and it was so hot to watch. I could tell that she wasn’t going down all the way on him, which made me think her pussy was smaller and tighter than mine. At first it made me feel a little self conscious but then again, I did give birth to them both, which made me smile again.

I folded my body to Marks and held Jenn’s thighs as she went up and down. I felt Jenn’s hand on my hair and she started to play with it.
She changed her rhythm a bit and said “that’s it … fuck your big sister!! All girls wanna fuck their brothers but I actually get to!” Hearing that made me wetter and I’m sure Mark felt a bit of extra lube squirt out of me. GOD his tongue was owning my pussy!
My little boy was owning both of us. His mom and sister belong to him now.

Jenn moved my hair out of my face and looked me in the eye and said “No other man can do what he can, can they? I’ve been monogamous with him for two years now mom and I don’t think I could ever be with anyone else.” She looked so happy, like her heart and body were both happy at the same time and it was all because of Mark. I knew exactly what that felt like!

“I know what you mean sweetie!” I said to her quietly. “He truly is amazing. I’m so happy we get to share this together!” She smiled and then closed her eyes to keep riding her brothers veiny shaft.

All of a sudden Jenn stops, “are you about to cum?” she asks. Mark unlatches my pussy from his mouth and says “not yet.”
“Ok,” Jenn said, relieved, “just let me know before you do” she finished as she continued to fuck her baby brother.
After a few seconds I look up at her and ask “why?”

“Because I’m not on birth control mom!” she said with a smile and in a tone that sounded more like “DUH!”

I hadn’t thought about that! Oh wow, that would definitely be cutting it close. Jenn was a senior in college, but if she got pregnant it might just mess that up. And pregnant by her brother!! Yeah, that would be difficult to explain!! But then a thought occurred to me…

At that moment Jenn must have felt Mark’s dick start to convulse the way it does right before he cums because she started to lift herself off of him. I quickly slapped my hands on her thighs and half screamed “NO!” I could tell she didn’t understand what I meant, so I had to say it quickly.

“If you get pregnant, it’ll be Mark’s baby! You were right when you said no other man can do what he does. There’s love here. A lot of it! Who better to have a baby with?” She stopped and smiled. I could tell she was thinking about it but knew I was right. She slid back on and I sat up and held her hands. That moment was perfect as Mark owned me and my daughter, his sister. I was feeding him my sweet pussy, my daughter was fucking his wonderful cock, and my daughter and I were holding hands. A perfect love triangle, with Mark at the top.

Jenn slid down hard and held herself on his dick and said with a smile “go for it Mark!”

“Are you sure?” Mark asked.

Jenn looked into my eyes and smiled. “Yes!” she said “put a baby in me Mark! Let’s give mom a pure grandbaby!” At that moment her face changed and I knew he was cumming inside her. This was it. Mark officially owns me and his sister and we have a perfect little family. I have my perfect dream come true!


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