Poetry & Blood Part 11 [FF] [BDSM] [Mind Control] [Vampire]

**Chapter 11: Plotting**


Emma snored softly in Laura’s lap. Laura sat up in bed, stroking Emma’s hair, thinking. She couldn’t sleep, not after what she’d seen. She had work to do. She had problems to solve. Nikki was trapped. She was treated like cattle, maybe worse. Laura couldn’t save her now, but she didn’t know when she would be able to or how. Laura had some new powers, something strange was changing in her. It had been happening slowly at first, ever since the first Muse Session perhaps, but since her time with Marcilla and Emma, things had been happening faster. First it was her lust and achiness, then Nikki and other women, and then her hunger took over. She couldn’t resist looking at Claire, and now she wouldn’t be able to resist touching Claire.

And of course, there was the blood and the power.

She didn’t know her limitations. She didn’t even know how to control it. What she knew was that she wanted more. The question was how to get it. She knew now that she didn’t want Marcilla to devour her. She didn’t pray for death. She saw what that looked like in Nikki. It was one thing to have hot, bloody sex, but it was something else entirely to be taken over, to be nothing. Laura hated when Emma invaded her mind. She hated when Marcilla told her what to do and forced her to obey. No, she didn’t want to serve Marcilla.

She wanted to rule like Marcilla. She could be persuaded to rule along with her. Perhaps if Camille begged, if she got on her knees and admitted that she was weak, that she was afraid to rule, afraid to bite, to drink. Maybe then Laura could rule beside her. But that felt unlikely. Camille didn’t even hunt anymore. All she did was feed off Nikki, forgetting her nature, forgetting the joy of taking and ruling.

There were several problems, and all of them swirled around in Laura’s head. It felt like writing a story to her. She knew the ending she wanted, and she knew the beginning. Now it was about creating a logical connection of events. It was time for character development. How to approach the climax? How to reach a satisfying conclusion?

Laura wanted to rule like Marcilla. Did she need to become a vampire to do that? It felt like the reasonable conclusion, but how could she do that in this house undetected? If she became a vampire, surely Marcilla would know. Laura couldn’t hunt without drawing attention to herself. Besides, she had some power now. Maybe it was enough? Laura wasn’t sure.

She looked down at Emma, asleep in her arms. Emma, her other fallen huntress. Emma could be tempted to feed, but she would never do it on her own. She didn’t bite Laura, not ever. Every time Laura would have to make the cut, to start the process. She was so childlike, so pure. Emma reminded Laura of a fey creature, of an elf, barely part of this world. Laura was sure that one day she would wake up and Emma would be gone on the wind, looking for some orchard, wanting to speak with the trees or catch the moon.

She doubted Emma would ever bite her and turn her. She didn’t dare press the issue with her. Emma seemed to regard vampirism as a secret shame, a terrible burden. She wouldn’t willingly pass that on to Laura, and Laura doubted she was strong enough to force Emma to do it against her will.

No. She needed power, and it wasn’t going to come from Emma. Emma was a tool in her hand. She could be persuaded to help her, like with Nikki, but she was also a liability, like with Nikki. She couldn’t use her publicly, and if Camille found out they were together, it could be the end of everything. Laura would use her sparingly.

Laura also wanted to free Nikki. Of course, if she ruled the house, she could free Nikki easily. That was probably the only way. If they ran away together, could they escape the wrath of Camille with her fortune? Would Angelica show up one night with Jacques and force them back to Camille to be destroyed or chained? No. It was too risky. Nikki would have to wait. It was the right thing to do, though Laura could still see the horrified look on Nikki’s face as she gagged her.

Without any public allies, without access to Camille or the Muse Sessions, but with limited power over vampires and some power over humans, what could Laura do? She twirled a strand of Emma’s short blond hair around her finger. What could she do?

If she couldn’t conquer the vampires, she would have to work backwards. Both Camille and Emma were dependent on humans for food and service. That was their weakness. She could start with those that knew Camille the least, those with the least loyalty to her. Abby, the new girl reading poetry during the Muse Sessions, would be a great start, but her room was close to Angelica and Miss Lancaster. That would be difficult. Laura needed someone else, someone who could get into the Muse Sessions. But who?

The idea came to her later that day as she was working, reading over the same droll line of text and falling asleep. She dozed off for a bit, and when she caught her drooping head, she had it. She needed an ally in the house, why not bring one in?

Laura hopped up and crossed over to the phone by her bed. She buzzed the line for Angelica and held her breath.

“What?” snapped Angelica.

“Hello to you too,” said Laura. “Isn’t part of your job to be courteous?”

“Isn’t part of your job to help Miss Kontalban?”

Laura sighed. It wouldn’t help if she pissed Angelica off. She needed to give her the moral high ground. “Does that mean I’m still not permitted to be at the Muse Sessions?”

Laura could almost hear Angelica’s smile. “You were told until further notice. Have you received further notice?”

“No, but —”

“Then you are not currently welcome at the Muse Sessions, no.”

“Fine,” huffed Laura, pretending to be frustrated. “I had a question; can you answer it, or should I go to Miss Lancaster?”

“Miss Lancaster is out of town currently.”

“Perfect, so you’re the one I need to speak with.”

“What do you want?” sighed Angelica. Laura gripped the phone tightly. She could not wait to remove this woman.

“I was wondering where Nikki went?”


“Nikki, curvy redhead that worked as a maid along with you. She left a few weeks ago, I think you all said was sick?”

There was a long pause from Angelica, and Laura smiled. “She was sick,” said Angelica slowly, “but she has since quit.”

“That’s too bad,” said Laura through a wide smile. “I preferred her.”

“Well, she’s gone now. Is that all?”

“Did she say why she quit?”

“No. I assume it was health related.”

“Ah,” said Laura. “Have you found a replacement for her? Or are you doing twice as much work?” A little bit of flattery could help with the next part.

“I am taking on extra responsibilities for the time being, yes.”

“Is Miss Kontalban seeking a replacement for Nikki? That’d be great to take some of the burden off your shoulders.”

“We are seeking to fill the position, yes.”

“Perfect. Thanks,” said Laura as she hung up. Laura took out her phone and began to text Claire.



Claire took her phone out of her pocket and checked it. It was a text from Laura: “Free tonight?”

Claire felt a jolt of energy surge through her. She had expected Laura to contact her earlier. She’d needed Laura to contact her earlier. For the past few days, every time her phone vibrated since that night at the club, she checked it, hoping it was best friend. Sometimes she’d feel a phantom vibration, swearing that she’d just got a message, but she would check her phone and the screen would be blank.

Claire didn’t entirely remember their night at the club. She woke up hungover and miserable in her bed. She was alone, but her panties and skirt were soaked. She clearly had some type of good time, but the details were fuzzy. Laura said she didn’t feel good and took Claire home, but that didn’t explain the obvious indicators of lust.

And of course, there was the bite mark. Not playful or seductive, but hard enough to draw blood. Already, it had healed, but Claire found herself rubbing it absentmindedly whenever her mind wandered. How did she get it? Who gave it to her? She hoped Laura had the answers she needed, but this was the first text she got from her friend since dropping her off.

“Absolutely,” texted Claire back.

“Your place? 8?”

“Please,” said Claire.

The conversation went cold after that, and immediately Claire went into a storm of preparation. Her room was a shit show, which was a casualty of unemployment. Most days were spent half-heartedly looking for a job and watching Netflix in her pajamas. Her apartment was a graveyard of empty glasses and takeout boxes. She needed a shower like Africa needs food, and she needed to find something to wear. Something that can be taken off easily and makes someone beg to fuck her, but not something as obvious as lingerie and thigh high boots. It was a dilemma.

Claire looked in the mirror trying different outfits, one after the other. On a whim, she grabbed the red cloak from Halloween a few years ago and put that on with nothing else beneath it. She stared at her reflection: so obviously covered and obviously bare. She appreciated her beauty, but as she looked at the cloak, her mind wandered back to her recurring dream, the one that started the night after the club.

They all started the same: a long dark hallway. She was always in an old building, like the kind of place where Laura worked now. The walls were wood and decorated with tapestries and paintings, but Claire could never make out the details. It was too dark, only lit by a few scattered candles making tiny puddles of light. Down it walked a dark figure, in a thick purple cloak. As she stepped, Claire could see that she was naked underneath the cloak. With each step, her pale skin peeked out like a slice of silver. The candlelight would catch it but could not warm it. The figure was feminine, her soft legs and round hips danced out of the heavy fabric, drawing Claire’s eyes. The hallway darkened; the shadows grew towards the figure. It was as though her cloak repelled the light in the room, or perhaps drank the dark.

Claire never moved as the figure approached. She never ran. Each night she had the same dream. Each night she stayed in place, letting the cloak and pale skin slink towards her. She held her breath, listening for a voice, a hiss, anything to let her know if she should run, but nothing came. As she waited and watched, a strange melody rang throughout the hallway. It was slow and unnatural, not like any instrument Claire had heard before. Behind it was a rhythm, a pulse, like the blood slamming against her veins could be heard all around her. As she listened, as she watched darkness gather in front of her, she found herself dancing. Her hands went above her head and her hips swayed from side to side. She closed her eyes, suddenly unconcerned with the figure approaching her.

Outside the dream, Claire the dreamer watched Claire the dreamed, and she shouted at herself. She knew that Claire should not dance. Claire should run. Something was wrong with this figure, this hallway, this darkness, and this music. But Claire in the dream had no cares in the world. She swayed her hips, twisted her hands, bent her knees, and danced freely as the darkness moved towards her.

As Claire danced, she felt the warmth leave her body. The darkness wrapped around her and the light fled. She felt her clothing fall away from her body as though cut. Her heartbeat faster, and the music in the hallway became louder. She danced faster, grinding her hips, pulsing her pelvis, giving herself away. She stuck out her hand, two fingers in front of her, and then felt all the warmth in the hallway, all the light, center on that point. Her fingers felt pressure building on them and then wetness. She held her fingers in place, feeling the pressure shift around them, the wetness building, but she kept dancing.

Darkness smothered her. She was frozen, practically shivering, but she kept dancing. She danced for the warmth she needed and the warmth pressing against her fingers. As she froze, her fingers burned. She felt the darkness pressing down on her, creeping up her body until it reached her shoulders, her neck. There it coalesced, pressing down on her right shoulder, pressing until it was biting, biting until it was stabbing.

It was as though the fire in her fingers was suddenly in her shoulder, as though there was darkness everywhere but a searing light coming out of two tiny wounds in her shoulder. Claire’s eyes flew open from the pain, and she saw a glimpse of the dark figure before her. Her eyes were shadowed, her eyebrows thick, her hair long and curly. Her lips were colored purple, and her sharp green eyes looked through Claire entirely, through her skin to her veins. She looked sickly and hungry, but dangerous and feral. She smiled at Claire, showing two long and white fangs. She was beautiful and ancient. She was primal and unrelenting. She was captivating and death all at once.

She was Laura.

And then, she was gone. Each night Claire woke up touching the mark on her neck. It was the same spot from her dream, the same mark that appeared after the night at the club, her night with Laura, the dark goddess of her dreams.

Claire never gave credence to dreams before. They were fun. They were silly. They were adorably impossible in every way. That was their point, right? But then she had the same dream the next night, and the next night after that. Each night she dreamed of Laura. Each night she woke up rubbing the mark on her neck, where it met the shoulder.

Needless to say, Claire had a thousand questions for Laura when she arrived. Until then, she continued getting ready: cleaning, showering, shaving, drying, makeup, hair, and then wardrobe. She went with something classic: a short skirt, a white lace shirt over a white lace bra. She decided on a black thong for panties. She wanted to look sexy if Laura wanted to see her that way, but not slutty if Laura didn’t think of her that way. To top it off, her favorite black thigh high leather boots. Those tipped the look into the dominatrix slutty side, but Claire couldn’t help herself. She had legs for days; you show those babies off if you got ‘em.

The apartment was clean. Her hair was down over her shoulders, wavy but not curly. Her makeup was done, simple with nothing dramatic in the eyes or lips, almost a nude look. She skipped dinner because she was too nervous to eat. She spent the last hour trying to sit still on the couch, but then getting up and pacing nervously around the room. She didn’t know what she would say to Laura. What would she ask her? She needed to know what happened that night at the club. She needed details about the mark on her neck and how she got it. Maybe, if Laura didn’t have any answers, she should tell her about her dream. Should she mention seeing Laura under the purple cloak? No. That was nonsense.

Her phone shook her out of the confusion. Laura was outside. Claire buzzed her in and continued her pacing, straightening out her skirt every ten seconds. There was a knock at the door, and Claire pounced to open it.

Laura was in the doorway, holding a brown paper bag in her arms and smiling wildly. “Brought frozen yogurt,” she said, shaking the bag. “As a peace offering.”

“I love it,” said Claire, smiling despite herself and stepping aside so Laura could come in. Laura moved to the kitchen counter and put the bag down. She began taking the yogurt out, taking off lids, and stabbing the frozen goodness with plastic spoons.

“Why a peace offering?” asked Claire.

“Well,” said Laura, handing the Styrofoam cup to Claire. It was chocolate and strawberry, a delightful combination. “I felt bad for how our night out ended, and then for not calling before. Forgive me?”

“If it gets me yogurt every time, then yes. Forgiven indeed.” They both smiled and dug in. Claire moved to the couch, and Laura followed. A silence fell on them. Claire didn’t know what to say, where to begin. Instead of talking, she ate her frozen yogurt slowly and looked over Laura.

Her friend was not the dark goddess of her dream. The face was right, but everything else was wrong. Laura’s hair was relatively short, barely going past her shoulders. It was a little curly, but not nearly as kinky as the woman in her dream. Laura’s eyes were blue; the goddess’s eyes were green. Laura wore black, thick-rimmed glasses; the goddess didn’t. Laura’s eyebrows were thin and plucked, not bushy like the woman in the cloak. Laura was short, not tall and intimidating. She was lithe and less curvaceous than the goddess as well. Claire tried to reason it out, tried to make exceptions and create explanations. Perhaps she was remembering the dream wrong? It was as though the woman in her dream had the face of Laura, the essence of Laura, but all the wrong features. She felt a wave of disappointment come over her as she watched her friend eat frozen yogurt, awkwardly smiling at her. Laura was goofy. She was shy. She was awkward. She was no primal huntress of the night. She wasn’t darkness incarnate.

Laura was dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants for crying out loud. She was quintessential innocence. She blushed if you mentioned the idea of humans having genitalia or the very notion of reproduction, let alone reproductive acts.

“What’s wrong?” asked Laura. “Did I get the flavors wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“You have a furrowed brow.” Laura pointed to Claire’s brow with her spoon. “That says different.”

“Well, it’s just.” Claire sighed. “It’s just that I can’t remember the night at the club. So, I have no idea what you’re apologizing for.” Claire pulled back her top at the neck, revealing her mark. “Unless it’s this.”

“Oooh,” said Laura, leaning forward to inspect Claire’s neck closer. “Is that a bite mark?”

“I think so.”

“You got that the night of the club?”


“And you don’t remember what happened?” asked Laura.

“Not at all.”

“Jeeze.” Laura chewed on her lip, as though trying to find a way to explain something difficult or depressing. Claire’s heart sank. Maybe whatever happened was much worse than she could have imagined.

“Well,” said Laura. She stood up, walking away from the couch. “Jeeze, I have to come out twice,” she muttered under her breath.


“I told you about my job, but that doesn’t really matter.” Laura paced around the room. She put her frozen yogurt down on the countertop and went back to walking around the room, putting the back of her hand on her forehead. “Jeeze. This sucks.”

“It was something you needed to apologize for?” asked Claire. Laura was scaring her. She wanted to grab her small friend by the shoulders and hold her still, but she was afraid Laura would retreat if she approached.

“Well, apologizing for doing all that and then going silent on you,” said Laura.

“What did you tell me?”

“Shit,” muttered Laura. Then, all in a burst, she turned and approached Claire. “I’m gay. That’s what I told you. Jesus.” Laura huffed, turned from Claire, and paced away. The back of her hand went back to her forehead, and she continued pacing around the room.

“You’re gay?” asked Claire.

“Yes. There’s a longer story, but telling it twice is like putting the tooth back in my mouth before ripping it out all over again.”

“That’s graphic,” said Claire, smiling. “Is that all?”

“Is that all? Yes, that’s quite everything,” said Laura, getting hysterical. “Nothing too big or crazy, just gay Laura. Everything is fine except Laura is gay.”

“You know I’m bi,” said Claire. “Did you think I’d have a problem with it?”

“No, but it’s fine if you’re bi,” said Laura, extending her hand in Claire’s direction, as though presenting her to the world. “But me being gay is entirely different.”

“If you say so,” said Claire with a shrug. She dug back into her frozen yogurt.

“No, you don’t understand.” Laura rushed across the room, sitting down next to Claire on the couch. “I told you I was gay that night, and then I, then I …” she trailed off. Her eyes roamed over Claire’s body. Claire knew that look; she’d seen plenty of men undress her with their eyes before.

“We what?” asked Claire, scooping more yogurt into her mouth. “We fucked?”

“What?” gasped Laura. “No. We danced, but it was, um … very provocative dancing.”

Claire’s dream flashed before her eyes: dancing in the dark hallway with her hands in the air and her hips swaying as her heart pounded with the supernatural music of the goddess.

“We danced?” asked Claire, her voice far away.

“Yes,” sighed Laura. “And that’s what I need to apologize for. I feel like I should have bought you dinner or asked you to marry me before I danced with you like that.”

Claire snapped back to the present moment. She smiled. “You’re such a prude. A little slutty dancing never hurt anyone.”

“I guess not,” muttered Laura. She reached up and began twirling her hair. “I just didn’t want to blow it.”

“Blow what?” asked Claire.

“My one shot.”

“Shot at what?”

Laura twisted her hair more. “I think the drinks got to me. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was too forward, too aggressive.”

Claire shrugged. “I like aggressive.”

Laura smiled. She took a deep breath, turned to Claire, and grabbed her hands. “Right, but I don’t want to ruin things between us because the thing is … the thing I didn’t get to tell you … the thing that I should have said and that I want to say now is that … I, um … I didn’t know I was gay until recently, but I think I’ve probably been gay my whole life? Like, you know, I’ve never had much success with guys, and it never lasted long. I’ve never been terribly sexual, and it wasn’t good with them. Right?”

“Sure,” said Claire. She tried to maintain eye contact, to make her face calm but focused. She wanted to make sure Laura knew she was taking her seriously, but she cared about her and wasn’t judging her. She’d had many friends come out to her, mostly guys, and she had practiced the balance of making sure it was no big deal but also the biggest deal.

“Well, I know that I’m gay now. I have words for it, and that’s making me rethink and rename different things I’ve felt in the past. For example, I had this piano teacher that I loved. I loved when she sat behind me and whispered in my ear as I played. I didn’t know what that was, but I know now that it was arousal. I didn’t have the word for it before, but now I know I was attracted to her. She turned me on.”

“Sounds hot,” said Claire, smiling.

Laura smiled back, seeming to relax.

“Right, well, I’ve always had a special bond with you. We’ve been roommates for years, since freshman year. Even after college, we decided to move in together. Before, I’d say you were like a sister to me, but now I have different words for it. I … uh … I realize that I’ve been … uh … in love with you for years.”

Claire’s heart stopped. Was this really happening? She fantasized about Laura for days, and then, at the perfect time, she comes out to Claire and professes her love to Claire. Did Claire love her back? Did she want her back? She wasn’t sure. Laura was always like a little sister to her. She was fun and adorable and hopelessly lost. Everything seemed to overwhelm her, distract her, or upset her.

“Wow,” said Claire.

“Yeah.” Laura let go of Claire’s hand and went back to twisting her hair. “You can see why your amnesia is incredibly unfortunate.”

“Yeah,” said Claire. “Well, I’m flattered, Laura. Really, I am, but —”

“I explained this the other night,” interrupted Laura. “My job has changed me. I’m not the sheltered girl you knew.”

“Oh really?”

“Really.” Laura bit her lip and twirled her hair, processing something. “I know things now,” said Laura. She was processing something, trying to decide how far to go. “There are things I can show you now.”

“Like what?”

Laura stood up, pacing again. “First I have to know,” she said. “Do you like me back?”

“I … I don’t know, hun.”

“Because you danced with me.” Laura was speaking quickly, the words tumbling out of her mouth. “You danced with me, and it was hot, and you fingered me, and I wanted to finger you, and I freaked out, and I lied, and I said I wanted to go home because I was nervous, and it was all happening so quickly, but I think I’m ready.” She took a deep breath. “I think I’m ready.”

“I fingered you?” asked Claire. She stopped listening after she heard that. Nothing else mattered after that. She fingered her best friend on the dance floor? That didn’t sound like Laura at all.

That sounded hot.

“Yes.” Laura blushed. “It was intense.”

“Sounds like it.”

“So before you send me back to that manor alone, you should know that some part of you wanted me. Some part of you can like me back.”

Claire tried to reason that out. If she didn’t want to be with Laura now, why would she do anything with Laura then. In public? None of it made sense.

“Besides,” said Laura, pointing to Claire’s neck. “I can explain how you got that.”

“What?” Claire stood up, knocking her frozen yogurt to the floor. She scrambled to pick it up and turned to Laura, her hand going to the mark. “You said you —”

“I lied, okay? I’ll get you more frozen yogurt later to apologize.”

“I don’t want an apology.” Claire’s voice was soft and far away. She was trying to process, trying to understand. What the hell was happening? “I want an explanation.”

“Okay, okay.” Laura took a deep breath. She turned and faced Claire. Her shoulders went back, her back lengthened. She smiled, and in a flash, Claire saw the dark goddess of her vision. It wasn’t the smile of a nervous girl. It wasn’t the smile of a friend. It was the smile of a villain.

Claire shivered.

“I’ve changed,” said Laura. Her voice was deeper. It was calm and measured. “I have a job. It’s strange and dark and wonderful, but most importantly,” Laura put her hands at the bottom of her sweatshirt and pulled up. “Sexual,” she said as she threw the hoodie to the ground. Claire gasped. Underneath, Laura was wearing a deep read corset and nothing else. The boning of it was tight, making Laura’s waist seem imaginary, and it pushed up her small tits making them appear ample.

Laura stood tall and confident, letting Claire drink her in with her eyes. She lifted her chin and smiled. “Nightly orgies. Sexual poetry. Women coming and going at all hours. It’s not at all what I expected, and I know you think of me as that awkward girl, but she’s gone.”

Laure bent down, peeling down her sweatpants. When she stood back up, she revealed the thin and sheer red thong that matched her corset. “I meant what I said. I love you. I want you.”

Laura stepped towards Claire, and Claire’s mind went back to her dream: the dark goddess moving down the hallway towards her. Claire’s peripheral vision blurred. She could only focus on Laura. It was like the light of everything else went out. There was only Laura’s pale and soft skin under the dark red. Claire heard her heartbeat. It was so loud. She was sure Laura could hear it too. The neighbors must be able to hear it. It was the music, the supernatural music. She wanted to sway her hips, to close her eyes, but she couldn’t look away.

“I know how you got that bite,” said Laura, stepping right in front of Claire. She ran her fingers over the mark. Her hands were impossibly cold. Claire shivered.

“Before I lived at the manor, I thought you knew everything there was to know about sexuality. You were like a big sister explaining the body and its ways to me. I thought there was nothing you hadn’t done or explored, but now I know that’s not true. There is so much you haven’t done, that you haven’t dared imagine. Even sluts don’t do the things I’ve done, the things I want to do. There is something much deeper to human sexuality than orgasms or pleasure.”

Laura slipped her other hand up Claire’s skirt. Her smile widened when she felt Claire’s thong, when she discovered Claire’s wetness. Claire stood still. She didn’t run. It was the dream all over, but her goddess was Laura. It was always Laura. The Laura she knew had become the Laura she imagined.

“There is pain,” said Laura, letting her fingernails glide over Claire’s bite mark. “And passed that, there is consumption. Beyond that, there is death. All sex is a kind of death, but I have been closer than you could imagine, and I’ve come back. Each night I come back, and I return to it. Death is better than you imagine, and far kinder.”

Claire barely understood what Laura was saying, but she couldn’t look away from Laura’s ice blue eyes, her thin pale lips, her short and twisted hair, her beautiful smile, her cruel smile, her wicked smile.

“You want me to show you.”

A warmth spread around Claire, like the warmth of her dream, the warmth on her fingers and then the warmth on her neck. She felt her body go numb and fuzzy.

Claire nodded.

“Say it.”

“I want you to show me your darkness,” whispered Claire. She knew it was true. The worst part of the dream each night was when she closed her eyes. She never saw what the dark goddess did to her. She wanted her eyes open now. She wanted to see for herself. She wanted to look at Laura up close as she bit her.

“On your knees,” commanded Laura as she pressed down on Claire’s shoulder, forcing her to her knees. Claire didn’t resist. Her mind was a fog where she couldn’t separate the dreams from the reality right in front of her. Was her room lit by candles? Was the darkness wrapping around her? Was she shivering from lust or the cold? She couldn’t tell.

She saw Laura’s smooth pussy in front of her. Laura pulled the string of her thong to the side, put her hand on the back of Claire’s head, and pulled the platinum blonde into her pussy. “Serve,” she commanded.

Claire obeyed.

She moved in and began to lick the beautiful pussy in front of her. She had done this before, but this was not death. This was life. She licked, happy to see how wet Laura was. Laura should always be wet. She knew things Claire didn’t know, things Claire could never know unless she listened to Laura. Laura would show her, and then Claire’s dream would become true. It would be better than true. She could change it. At the end of the dream, the dark goddess wouldn’t disappear. She would stay and show Claire what death tasted like, to feel it inside of you, to drink the pleasure from death and know peace.

Claire’s mind roamed the dark hallways of her dream as she served. She lost track of time. She didn’t need to think to serve. Her tongue knew the way. Laura guided her. Laura would always guide her now. Laura told her when to slow down and when to speed up. Laura told her when to go deeper and when to stay shallow. She told her to where to lick, either the lips or the clit or as deep as she could go. Laura would tell her how to serve women now. Laura knew. She knew everything.

Then the dark goddess arrived. Laura’s voice was deep as she grunted. She held Claire’s face in place and began humping her best friend’s face. The slick juices coated Claire’s face from her chin to the top of her nose. Laura’s moans were never high. She never sounded like she was about to break. Instead, they sounded like the beginning of a roar, as though the monster inside her, the dark goddess, was about to break back out and take them both away with it.

“Finger yourself, slut,” commanded Laura in the peak of her lust.

Claire obeyed, sliding one hand down her skirt while Laura continued to ride her. She struggled to breath beneath Laura’s pussy, and she wondered if this was the death Laura had promised. Had it come so soon? Claire wanted more. She wanted to come back from death with Laura to die again, to die a thousand beautiful ways.

Laura’s body went rigid. Claire shook her head back and forth with her tongue extended, doing her best to tease the clit, pressing down on it to push Laura over the edge. She held her breath. Her vision blurred. Her head was light. She was dizzy, but she didn’t stop. This was it. Laura was showing her.



Laura pulled away from Claire’s mouth after she orgasmed. She stood to the side, catching her breath, as the only sound in the apartment was the sloshing sound of Claire fingering herself.

She smiled as she looked down on her former best friend. Claire’s eyes were vacant, glazed over, like they were in the club. She sat on her heels, on her knees, fingering herself. Her whole body shook from the force of her self-fucking, especially her poor breasts trapped under that shirt and bra. Laura would fix that later. She wasn’t done here.

She sat down in front of her Claire and grabbed her head from behind by the hair. Claire gasped and made eye contact.

“You are mine,” said Laura. “You belong to me.”

She felt her breath, hot and thick, wash over Claire. Claire shivered and seemed to accept the new command.

“You will do whatever I say, whenever I say it. Do you understand?”

Claire nodded as she fingered herself, muttering something.

“What was that?” asked Laura.

“Yes, dark goddess.”

Laura smiled. She liked the sound that. This was easier than she expected it would be. Is this what Camille felt like? Or is this what Camille could feel like if she abandoned her precious cowardice and precaution?

Laura turned around and reached into the front pocket of her hoodie. She pulled out a thin leather strap with a small red ruby on it. It had cost her an unfortunate chunk of her pay, but she wasn’t using it for anything else. She took Claire’s hand and wrapped the strap around her toy’s wrist.

“This is a sign of our bond, of my control over you. It feels like a collar around your neck, reminding you that you are owned, that you belong to me and no one else. If anyone tries to control you, tries to take you from me, you will look at the red ruby and remember that you are mine. No one may have your mind but Laura.”

“Yes, dark goddess.”

Laura giggled, then tried to compose herself. Without the rush of lust and hunger in her, it was harder to be poised. It was almost silly how easily she could control another person now.

“Please,” muttered Claire.

“What was that?”

“Please bite me. Please show me.”

Laura smiled. “You want to know what I know?”

“Yes,” whined Claire. “Please.”

“As you wish,” Laura looked at the spot where she bit Claire before. Claire did look delicious. Laura felt the hunger taking over her again. She needed to control it. She needed Claire alive. She needed Claire to be able to think for herself. She couldn’t destroy her yet.

Laura licked her lips and moved in closer. She put her teeth on Claire’s neck and hesitated, but the hesitation was for Claire, not for her. She felt Claire sigh underneath her and shudder. Laura felt Claire’s heat, heard her heartbeat, sensed her need and lust. She smiled.

Laura bit as hard as she could, harder than she did the first time. Immediately, the blood welled up around Laura’s teeth and into her mouth. It was coppery and metallic, but there was a sweetness behind it. Laura let it fill her mouth, but she didn’t suck, she didn’t drink. Claire’s body tightened, and the blonde filled the apartment with her screams. Claire wrapped her arms around Laura and began to rock back and forth, moaning, grinding her hips as the pleasure overtook her.

As Claire relaxed, Laura pulled her teeth away. She let the blood dribble out of her mouth, back over Claire’s shoulder where the mark was bleeding again. Laura looked into Claire’s eyes. Her former friend was transformed. She was no longer the confident older sister Laura had known. She was weak and trembling. She looked at Laura with reverence and with fear. She wanted more, and that terrified her.

Laura loved it.

She stood and went to the bathroom sink. She spit into it and rinsed her mouth with water. Claire sat on the floor, still catching her breath, but Laura didn’t have time. She needed to get back and begin her plan for Abby.

Laura approached and picked up her sweatshirt and sweatpants. She kissed Claire, but her toy didn’t kiss her back. Laura pat the bracelet on Claire’s wrist. “Don’t forget this she commanded.”

Claire, despite her zombie-like state, nodded. Laura slipped on her pants and sweatshirt. “Also,” added Laura, “You should pack. I know you were looking for a job, and I found the perfect one for you. It even comes with a fancy place to stay.”

If you want access to more stories, access, and influence, find me on Patreon or Twitter. You can also find the rest of this series and all my other works on Amazon.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lt0tlo/poetry_blood_part_11_ff_bdsm_mind_control_vampire