A fair cop at the convention

It's big convention time in my neck of the woods again this weekend, which led to me keeping an eye out for potential adventures… lo and behold, I managed to find some, and now I'm sat here in bed after the first night of the event feeling a little turned on and unable to sleep, so I thought I'd write down my latest encounter while it's still fresh.

In the week or so leading up to the event I found myself checking out Craigslist for ads relevant to the event I was at, and one in particular caught my eye – a guy in his mid-twenties who had a hotel room to himself and was looking for some casual fun. I replied, he responded, and we got chatting and hit it off pretty well – he was friendly, good-looking and very keen on me and the cosplay outfits I was planning to take with me for the weekend. We ended up agreeing to meet for a while once he was in town on the first day, and by the night before we were both pretty excited at the prospect.

The next day rolled around and after a few hours of packing up outfits and everything else I needed, I met up with my friends and off we headed to the event, hanging around for a while before it was time to check into our hotel rooms, giving me an opportunity to get changed into my first outfit. For today, I was dressed as "Cop Stocking" from the anime Panty & Stocking (look it up online) – a police hat, very short white shirt that shows off my midriff nicely, a black tie, a pair of tight black shorts held up by braces, and black and white striped knee-high socks with ankle-length boots. Showing my best friend my outfit and taking a look in the full-length mirror in the room, I was happy with how I looked, and once we were both changed out we headed to the event.

Wandering around and checking things out, I couldn't resist checking my phone at regular intervals to see if the guy had messaged me, as I realised that I was both excited and impatient. Eventually, after a couple of hours of looking around with my friends, I felt a vibration in my bag and looked to find the message I'd been waiting for: "Checked into hotel. Still want to meet?"

I replied that I did, and made some excuses to the group I was with that I was going to go and say hi to someone I knew for a little while and that I'd be back later, before hurrying out of the convention hall whilst sending a brief flurry of text messages to arrange where to meet. We met up in a busy public area not far from his hotel room – he was also wearing a relatively simple cosplay that he'd told me about so I spotted him straight away, and it didn't take long for him to spy me either. Once I'd made it through the crowd to him, we said hi and chatted about the day so far for a while, both of us eyeing one another up a little as we did so. He was relatively tall and thin, and while I was talking he removed the mask that was part of his outfit to reveal a pretty handsome face with a little facial hair.

Once the small talk ran out, it was him who took the lead and asked if I wanted to head back to his room. I agreed, barely able to contain my enthusiasm and excitement, and so he led the way through the growing crowds into the hotel and across the reception area into the lift. We waited in silence as the lift arrived and then ascended to his floor, and I followed him down the hall and waited for him to open the door to the room.

Once open, I followed him inside, setting my bag down before we stood for a while not knowing what to say, until he broke the ice by exclaiming that he hadn't told me how hot I looked in the flesh in my cosplay. I thanked him, telling him I was glad he liked it, and when he told me that it turned him on seeing me dressed in it I told him I was excited to hear it – I genuinely was too, feeling a flush of arousal at those words.

Moving over to me as I looked him in the eye, he took heed of my unspoken signal to continue and leaned in to kiss me. This was immediately a deep, passionate kiss of arousal, which I returned as my excitement immediately jumped up a notch. His hands went straight to squeezing my ass through my shorts as our tongue dances and pushed against one another, and as he pulled me closer I could already feel his erection pressing through his trousers against me.

Knowing that I didn't want to be away from my friends for too long, he broke the kiss to say "we need to get these shorts off you". I nodded, and moved past him to sit on the edge of the bed, unhooking the braces of my outfit for him and tossing my hat aside as he knelt by the bed in front of me. His hand rested on my legs for a while before tracing up them, quickly moving to the buttons of my shorts and unfastening them. Knowing what he wanted to do, I lay back and lifted my hips – this led to a giggling fit from both of us as he discovered just how tight my shorts are, and it seemed like they would refuse to budge at all for a while before I finally started to wriggle free from them. Such was the tightness of the shorts that my thong began to come down with them, giving him an unexpected treat as he got to gaze at my shaved pussy instantly once they came down around my thighs, causing him to redouble his efforts to get them the rest of the way off… down over my legs and knees, then awkwardly over my socks and boots to be dispensed on the floor.

Now bottomless before him and already a little wet, I was quite happy for the fast pace to continue as my legs were pushed apart before he lowered his head and I felt his lips close around my clit, bringing a little gasp from me. After slowly working his tongue over my clit for a little, he went back to explore the rest of my pussy, dipping his tongue between my lips and exploring my wetness for a while as his legs stroked my thighs and his beard tickled me slightly. It was to my clit he eventually returned though, licking and sucking on it with abandon and leaving me moaning and grasping the bedsheets as his tongue flicked, circled and probed me while my wetness increased further.

My pent up horniness of recent days and the speed and intensity of his efforts meant that it wasn't long before I came, bringing forth a few long, loud moans as my hips bucked and he held my legs firmly to keep his tongue working my pussy until I couldn't stand it any more. Pushing away from him, I was left breathless, gazing down on my spread legs, naked pussy and knee-high sock-clad legs still held by the now smiling face looking up at me from between them.

He then stood up, and as his hands reached for his trousers he asked me to turn over. I shifted myself onto all fours on the bed as I heard the trousers dropping to the floor, and as he moved around to a wallet on the bedside cabinet I got my first glimpse of his penis – not particularly long, but perhaps the thickest that I'd seen in the flesh. He pulled a condom out of the wallet, and soon I felt his weight sink onto the bed behind me. A hand soon touched my leg, moving up my thigh to stroke my pussy lightly, testing my wetness before I heard the condom packet open. A finger then returned to slide up and down my lips briefly, before I felt his cock rubbing gently against my entrance.

Lifting my ass a little with my head down, I felt him pressing against me – sure enough, he was thick against my tight pussy, causing a brief inadvertent little yelp of pain which caused him to stop, then work himself into me even more slowly. He took some time to slowly ease in a little, then move in and out just as slowly for a few strokes before entering a little deeper. Eventually I felt him pressed against me and knew that he was fully inside me, and after a brief stop by him to enjoy that sensation he began to move slowly as I sighed with pleasure.

After a little while, my pussy had grown wetter still and more used to his cock, and he began to move more easily, his hands moving over my legs, hips and waist as he thrust against me and I began to moan again. As he sped up, he breathlessly told me I was so tight that he couldn't last for too long; I told him not to worry and just to fuck me until he came. This set him off at a much faster pace, and with an exclamation of "Oh God" he held my hips tightly and began to fuck me hard. This left me moaning loudly, pushing my face into the pillow and moaning louder still into that as he fucked me rapidly, before I felt him suddenly pull out and a few seconds later streaks of cum were deposited over my ass and back as he pulled off the condom to cum over me together with some loud moans of his own.

I flopped forward on the bed, breathing hard, then heard him go to the bathroom where he returned with a towel and wiped down my back for me. Thanking him, I rolled over and looked him in the eye for the first time since he was inside me, which for some reason left to another bout of laughter.

Asking if I needed to get back to my friends, I agreed that I probably should, and went into the bathroom to wipe myself off and clean myself up a little more before returning to retrieve and pull my thong and shorts back on. Retrieving and replacing the braces and hat, we talked about possibly meeting again the next day, before I said my goodbyes and left him, still trouserless in his room.

That was my first day at the convention, but it's late and I should get some sleep. It might be a busy day tomorrow?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/36xm02/a_fair_cop_at_the_convention


  1. Another great story. I hope you write about anything that happens tomorrow

  2. I didn’t know this anime.. After a quick search a sexually obvious anime made by the gainax? I HAVE to see it. One another thing I have to do : See you cosplaying it.. Maybe in your history. ?

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