The Starjumper Chronicle – Ch 1 (OC, Star Wars, Ahsoka, Creampie)

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**Alright, onto the chapter :)**

[Content Note – This story starts in the Star Wars Universe but jumps to other universes during the story. Among them is the Starcraft universe. I’ll put the correct labels on each chapter.]

‘Come on, I’m so close,’

Kiiran thought as he continued to walk the halls of the station. Like half a dozen other stations that he had traveled through in recent months, the main walls of the station appeared to be retrofitted pieces of starship hulls, converted from smooth sailing behemoths of engines, shields and weapons that had been transformed into now nearly immobile floating satellites. Many of these structures had been simple outposts but the Clone Wars changed these small orbiting satellites into massive stations that garrisoned troops, protected frontiers and battle lines and served half a dozen other functions. It meant that for someone like Kiran, there were many places that serve as refuges and hidey holes for a character like him. The only problem was that the Greybell Station was currently in the hand of Republic forces.

‘Or should it be Imperial forces?’ Kiiran thought as he continued along the corridors. It was true that according to Palpatine’s proclamation, Kiiran and countless people now lived in a Galactic Empire. For him, things weren’t too different. He was still a man largely known by his alias; Starjumper. His alter-self didn’t really mind who he was beating, fighting, outwitting, and more than occasionally running away from. He was still just focused on getting what he wanted out of the galaxy. Everything else could take a backseat. With all the proposed changes that might be happening within the Empire, there would still be people who would still be around to tell him that he couldn’t do this and that and even with an entire face change it wasn’t like he would stop trying to do this and that. Lucky for Kiiran the Force, some benevolent deity or just the will of the universe seemed to always favor his crazy notions. He wasn’t much of a violent offender, but if there was one line of Aurebesh that would explain his place in galactic history it would be that ‘Kiiran Sorar did what Kiran Sorar wanted to do’. At this point he wanted to get off the Greybell station, but he couldn’t leave, not when he was this close.

While the galaxy was in the middle of a gigantic star-spanning conflict of burning worlds and endless armies, Kiiran had been hard at work on a project of his own. What started with simple rumors being heard had grown into a fully-fledged obsession. From rumors, whispers, and notes on flimsy and old records he had found the name of what he was looking for. A name that was echoed throughout the ages. Qonavis. What’s more the Qonavis was here; just waiting for him to find it. He was close that he almost constantly dreamt of seeing the smooth lines of the ghost ship, whispered about by pirates and captains alike. The legend and tails fueled his drive. He knew that the pieces of gear in the pack slung over his shoulder would ensure that once the time came, he would be able to take the ship of legend.

Suddenly however as he walked around a corner, he came upon a squad of clonetroopers. Their white buckets were marked with red symbols and trim, some legion he had only half heard about from holovids. But, if they were here on this station it meant that some of their brethren would be tasked with protecting the Qonavis. Of course, of far greater concern to Kiiran was when the sergeant decided that Kiiran needed closer examination.

“You there, citizen! Let me see your identification.” The sergeant said in the same voice of thousands of his brothers spread throughout the galaxy. Kiiran paused, his green eyes sweeping over the corridor. The door behind him was far away and would only lead to a potential escape. The door in front was closer, but occupied by a knot of four troopers. They were cautious but they had not drawn their weapons yet. He figured he could have talked his way through things, if he’d even had one identity card to his name, fake or real. That small little major point hadn’t reached the top of his list somehow but all the same, he slowly reached out his right hand to show it was clear and not holding anything while he gently moved to slide off his pack.

“Of course, sergeant. It’s in my bag for protection. Can never be too careful these days.” Kiiran said as the troopers got closer. The sergeant was closest, looking on impassively through his armored helmet while Kiiran knelt to search through his pack. His eyes flashed and spotted one more pair of boots, within striking distance. The unfortunate thing for Kiiran was that none of the parcels and gear inside of his pack would help him deal with the situation. The truly unfortunate situation for the clone troopers is that it still wouldn’t matter. Kiiran’s gaze fell onto his bag a moment more before he sprang into action.

His hands moved quick as a blaster bolt. By the time that the sergeant realized what was happening Kiiran had already grabbed his holstered blaster, flipped open the white latch keeping it in its plasteel carriage and swiftly lifted the blaster up and out before firing two point-blank shots into the soldier’s gut. The clone coughed into his mouthpiece and fell. The fugitive largely known as the Starjumper rose to his feet and slammed into the dead man’s chest with all his strength. As the man closest to Kiiran pointed a blaster rifle, Kiiran and the dead soldier cashed together. In the ensuing chaos the clone raising his blaster carbine was trampled by his former sergeant. By then, the two other clone troopers readied their weapons, but Kiiran had open shots and a still nearly full powerpack. A shot to the head of each removed the threats. With a heavy clatter the last two clone troopers fell to the ground with the only one left standing being the dusty black-haired human with a smoking blaster pistol.

Kiiran studied the design of the weapon for a moment. ‘Solid design and sturdy aim, these guys have nice toys,’

He thought before taking the sergean’ts other blaster packs and pocketing a grenade from two of the downed soldiers. He couldn’t salvage the armor; it would be too easy for people to pick him out if he tried masquerading as one, but he did find a com unit and a datapad. By the time Kiiran managed to break the encryption protocols on the thin tablet, he was far away from the sight of the dead squad of troopers. His green eyes looked through the new source of information.

There were a number of areas that were being highly watched and focused on by the clone detachment on the station. Only a few areas were large enough to house a ship. He looked through the three entries that could potentially house what he was looking for and after cross referencing various power fluctuations it was easy to eliminate a main power control station as well as the security center. With one entry left, he tried to hack into any nearby surveillance equipment. Dark screens answered all his queries. There wasn’t even static or voices to listen in on. It had to be where they were keeping the Qonavis. Excitement drilled through him like a plasma flare and after he memorized the route, he unslung his pack and moved the datapad inside. Only then did he there was an enourmous problem to deal with. The vial had been broken.

Kiiran quickly stepped into one of the small meat vendors in the area of the station he had ran off to after the confrontation with the clone troopers. When the Rodian cook growled at him for just loitering around Kiiran glared at the man before scanning through the menu and quickly ordering a plate of fried Nerf hide strips and a drink to go. It seemed to shut the rodian up and when the green skinned alien set to work at his stove, Kiiran gingerly took out the vial. The case was a clear, hardened material that was highly resistant but seemingly not indestructible. The red liquid that had once been housed in a small inner crystal shaped structure had apparently vacated the area when the crystal smashed against the outer shell. The fugitive from all manner of galactic law enforcement cursed himself for not being more careful. Now he had lost one of the vital elements to operating the Qonavis. The vessel was not just some ship. The security systems were said to be both some of the most advanced and most ancient locks that the galaxy had at its disposal. One of these locks was a biometric scanner that required the blood of a Force User to unlock it. The vial that Kiiran had carried was his key to this particular lock and without it, one major systems would remain locked to him.

Frustrated Kiiran tossed the datapad back onto the table of his small booth. It was not the first time that he had tasted failure on his quest, but it didn’t mean that it made it any easier for him to taste the bitterness again. The sudden feeling of a soul flattening wall slamming shut on his dreams made his gut tangle. His eyes blinked slowly, and he felt like now more than anything he was just some worthless killer with no other direction for his life. Slowly however he managed to refocus his attention through the mishap and instead find something better to focus on. First step is getting off this rotten waste of durasteel and piping, Kiiran thought as he casually picked up the datapad and turned it on once again.

He started looking through the various ships berthed at the station for the best candidate for a ride out of here. Unfortunately, his attention kept falling back towards the garrisoning of clone troopers. He put aside figuring out an escape plan and started to focus more on the deployment of clones once again. He found the areas of major focus once again but there was one area where the soldiers were congregating that wasn’t large enough to house a ship but was rather barely enough to house a single sentient. Kiiran’s hand raised up and rubbed over his chin as he focused on the display once again. Something was off here and once more Kiiran started digging into the issue. He searched for any information that was available and it appeared that there were more than a few similar locations that were under lockdown by the clone troopers. But the first cell that the Starjumper had found remained the main focus point of their guardianship.

The feeling of unease and uncertainty returned and Kiiran had to squash it away with a simple calculation. If they had someone important locked up on the station it could be his ticket not only off the station but a way to shove it to the Imperials for squandering his chance at the Qonavis. The way that Kiiran lived it was only a matter of time before he would his last sunrise on some forsaken planet far from home. The idea of payback had greater appeal at that moment than any lead on the ghost ship. He started working deeper and once again he did his best to open up access into the surveillance equipment in the area. Soon enough he saw the familiar markings of the clone division that was on task in the station. It became quickly clear that these soldiers were different than the ones that had been on patrol earlier. Their gear had strange coverings all over their armor. Kiiran was looking closer into one of the feeds when the Rodian slapped a plate of freshly overcooked nerf strips on his table.

“I have been calling you for five minutes, human!” The rodian chef quickly growled in Huttese with a wave of his sponge tipped fingers. Kiiran nodded and just gave him a steely nod before the humanoid retreated and left Kiiran back to his work. He needed to move and move fast, not exactly the best way to handle any sort of prison break but if the soldiers discovered their missing squad any time soon then doing what he the human had in mind would be even more risky. So, with a route in mind, he stood up and headed out after trying out the nerf strips. Turned out the rodian cooked a mean meal, Kiiran made a note to grab some food on the way out if he wasn’t being chased by half the clone troopers in the sector with whoever he was looking to breakout.

Whereas the corridors from earlier had been a mismatch of various ship pats before the ones that Kiiran was lurking about now were dark and segmented. The area had to have been some sort of prison even before the clones took over, it had the same feeling of half the lockups that Kiiran had the unfortunate pleasure of getting used to. Still as the old sayings went breaking into a prison was always much easier than getting out. From the map of the station and a bit more digging into the maintenance and piping systems the Starjumper had found his way in. Now he stood poised in a small maintenance locker after having dropped in through the vents. It wasn’t much but it was close to another room with a power conduit that would help him with his scheme. While the locking systems for the Qonavis were ancient and mysterious the electronic locks keeping most of the door secured here all needed electricity to run. Turn off the lights and not only would Kiiran be harder to spot but the doors from the cell back to the larger parts of the station would be open for him.

He timed the execution of his plan with the patrols of the guards. So far, his luck was holding on Greybell station. No alerts for the missing clone troopers had gone out and his insertion into the area appeared to be undiscovered. He spent an extra five minutes slowly watching the troopers on their routes, calculating weaknesses and hardpoints with a slick tactical mind. All those lessons with Gunner would never go to waste while Kiiran still breathed. When the time was right, he stepped out of the locker and into a dark walled corridor. There were no clones in sight, but he kept the captured blaster at the ready, down low to his side as he moved for the room housing the conduit. He waited at a corner for a trooper ahead to finish his walk and move down into the next corridor. It was easy to pick up on the foot falls and figure out how close or far the man was. By the sound of things, he was right on schedule. Taking a few more moments Kiiran then moved forward and after taking a moment to open up the next door he entered inside the room housing the conduit. The first problem was a clone technician waiting inside of the room. The man’s alert eyes turned with his head and spotted Kiiran. The Starjumper’s heart skipped a beat but that was the only hesitation. He moved forward swiftly and grabbed the startled man as the automated door closed shut behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Kiiran hissed at the technician as he dragged him close to his body with one hand holding the man’s mouth shut while the other locked his left arm and helped restrain his movements. He quickly realized that he had no time to deal with the unexpected technician. It was something that he hadn’t caught and as the frustration started to spill through Kiiran he had to restrain himself. Think clearly or a clone trooper will make sure you stop thinking forever, the human thought to himself before snapping the unfortunate clone’s neck. He would have preferred to knock him out, but he didn’t have the time to lock him with a sleeper hold or risk the noise of smashing his head against one of the walls. Kiiran had many tricks but knocking people out with a single strike was one he had yet to master. He had to move now, or he’d delay himself even further. Once he let the lifeless body drop to the ground, he quickly turned to the power conduit. Fortunately, enough that piece of the plan was waiting there peacefully right for him to get to work. With a heavy application of the technician’s hydrospanner Kiiran smashed through the power conduit’s casing and then through its wires. Moments after the room was blanketed by darkness and Kiiran smoothly stepped into the larger corridor.

The Starjumper closed on his target with slow methodical care. Up ahead the cell with his mystery prisoner was right in front of him. He could pick up on voices coming from inside of the cell and he knew that soon enough the clone troopers still inside would come out to investigate. Taking one deep breath Kiiran grabbed the manual door release and then swept into the room. There was darkness and the south of breathing noises coming through helmets. They aren’t moving though, smart on their part, Kiiran thought as his thumb switched on the flashlight of his blaster pistol. He found the two armored clone troopers just as they were looking for their own light sources. His finger twitched on the trigger scoring a headshot on each of the troopers. As their bodies fell, he heard a weak female scream in the darkness and his light moved to track the source.

Inside of the room the only people left breathing were Kiiran and the prisoner. His light played over her form and he found she was dressed in a tattered grey jumpsuit that cut off near her shoulders. Her arms were attached to numerous needles and feeds that were connected to portable machinery that floated nearby. A medical droid on hand looked at Kiiran before he blasted it in the faceplate as well. He hoped that the medical implements were just helping with the torturing process and not keeping her alive as he quickly unhooked the various leads. Being closer to her now he found her skin was orange with white marks and that while humanoid in appearance her head had a set of proud large horns. At first, he thought it was a headdress, but it soon became an apparent it was rather a crown of a certain species he had seen. The prisoner was a Togruta and as he finished removing the last of the leads, he saw her eyes open for a moment revealing luminous blue eyes. Her orange face had white markings on her forehead and cheeks that seemed somehow familiar. As he made sure there was no more hooks, he helped her gingerly out of the chair and kept his blaster at the ready.

“Come with me now. We’re getting you out of here.” He told her as they moved through the darkness. It was only a matter of time before the backup lights came on.

“Master… The clones… They’re killing me.” The weak voice said as she trembled against him. Her hands took a much firmer grasp of his body as he tried to recall the way back to the storage chamber. The light on this blaster flicked off as he felt along the walls for the door that was carry them to safety. Unfortunately, she kept talking about a ‘Master’ and the clones who had been hurting her.

“It’s okay. I’m here now the clones are dead. We’re almost out but you have to be quiet.” He quickly told her before he opened the door back into maintenance locker. As they were just getting inside Kiiran was surprised to hear a hiss as the door automatically slid shut behind him. Moments later the power flickered on.

“Hutscum! They’ll be on us soon.” The Starjumper said as he got his first unhindered look at his prisoner. Suddenly his mind almost did a summersault when he realized why the markings looked familiar. He knew that face.

“Ashoka Tano?!!” He asked incredulously as he stared at the weakened Togruta for a moment. The realization was startling, Tano was dead, wasn’t she? He put the thoughts aside as he nudged her forward towards the opening to the maintenance shaft. Answers would have to come later. She wasn’t exactly in the talking mood and he didn’t have time to waste with questions that didn’t involve their potential for surviving. “It’s going to be a tight fit but when we come out the other end, we’ll be fine. Just keep moving Ashoka.” He ordered her as he opened the access point. She gave a barely noticeable nod and then knelt down to start crawling.

“Yes Master.” She whimpered but kept moving forward all the same. Kiiran was still surprised by the discovery. But all the same as he directed her through the maze of tunnels a realization dawned on him. A new exit had just appeared for the two of them and Ashoka was the key to it. The vial had been broken but he had a Jedi or at least a former Jedi right here. Her blood would be the key to unlocking the Qonavis and their escape. It was a slim chance but Kiiran had relied on his luck since he figured out how to splice the controls on a landspeeder and he wasn’t going to stop now. The choice was easy enough as most of the alternatives were certain death or life imprisonment better to go down on a wing and a prayer.

After they got out of the maintenance tunnel Kiiran found that the alarms all over the station were blazing. He figured that while his identity was safe the image of Ashoka might start being streamed all over the station. They had to leave now. Luckily, he found the route to the hidden hanger pretty easily. There were no guards outside the large hangar doors, but he had a feeling more would be awaiting inside. He took a moment to hack into the console set into the wall and he was glad to see that the Togruta was standing on her own finally. She was one tough girl and he just hoped she’d survive long enough to get aboard the ship. The doors opened and four clone troopers stood waiting for them with blasters drawn. Kiiran’s gut sank as he readied his blaster but suddenly, he heard a scream from Ashoka. This one was not weak and terrified but rather angry and strong. With a flick of her hand the four white armored troopers were blasted away from the door and sailed about thirty feet before crashing onto the exterior of a large ship. Kiiran took a moment to nod and smile at the sight before him. He had finally found the Qonavis, unfortunately there were other clone troopers around.

The clone troopers were nearly on top of them as they raced for the Qonavis’s landing ramp. Kiiran would have liked to take some time to enjoy looking over the vessel he had hunted for years but there was no time for that as he and Ashoka raced up the ramp and quickly closed it behind them. He moved quickly as he heard blaster firing peppering the hull of his ship. Moving quickly, he raced for the bridge and was grateful to see it was empty for the moment. He closed the door behind him and then dropped his pack on the main console and pulled out the items he needed for ignition. Along with them he had a sketch of the console that he’d received from an ancient pirate near the start of his hunt and with the crude drawing Kiiran went about inputting various control codes, flipping certain switches, holding his thumb to a scanner, and writing a symbol on a keypad before turning to the final element. Ashoka had just stood and watched him work and she still looked half there so he was glad that during her recent session that the torturers had broken her flesh. Asking the poor girl for a sample of blood might not have ended in the best way for Kiiran and so he simply gave her a warm smile and held her hand gently sat her down in one of the chairs in the cockpit area.

“We’ll be gone soon, Ahsoka. You just saved us both.” He said before taking his hand away. His fingers had brushed her arm where the syringes had been and the fingerpads came back bloody as a Sith’s lightsaber. Moving back to the console he placed his hand on one last scanner. After a moment, a light burned bright green in front of him. The ancient ship of legend stirred from sleep for the first time in centuries.

The final key inserted the ancient ship hummed alive as the reactor blasted back to life. Kiiran couldn’t help but smile as he settled sully into the helm position in the cockpit. Given the room’s size it was really more like a small bridge, but the controls were familiar enough that he knew how to get them out of the nasty situation. The hangar doors still weren’t open, and more and more clone troopers appeared in the area while some even went about setting up heavy artillery to try to take down the ships. With a flick of his fingers the Starjumper activated the shields and the forward guns. Years of study and reviewing every part of the ship made it seem at least half familiar to the new captain as he trained the forward sights on the heavy doors.

“Time to jump…” Kiiran said before pulling a red button on the control yoke. A hellish fireball of red leapt forward in a straight line from the Qonavis to the doors. The blast smashed against the reinforced armor before Kiiran fired again and again and soon enough a large enough hole melted away inside the hangar doors. With no macom shield up the clone troopers nearby were snapped off their feet and into space as Kiiran cut on the repulsors and lifted the large vessel up. Gunning the engines, he spurred the legendary ship forward as the vessel left the confines of the Greybell station and returned once more to the void. Ships were already all over the area, but the shields seemed nearly invincible as they fired with everything they got. Setting in a course as far away from the area as possible Kiiran quickly punched the control dongle forward. Just as easily as it had broken free of its prison the Qonavis jumped to lightspeed.

As they traveled through lightspeed everything seemed to have settled down. For a long while Kiiran just stared out into the wash of blue and white light as he caught his breath. It was incredible thinking of how close he had come to failing in his pursuit and now here he was in command of the legendary ship. The strange thing was he wasn’t alone in this achievement as he had thought he’d always be. Ashoka was still largely weak, but she seemed to be recovering at a good pace. Kiiran made sure to raid the small stockroom that appeared to have been constructed ages ago. Fortunately for them the food was not ancient, and he served up some MRE’s for the Togruta.

“Why are you helping me?” She asked after a moment, her eyes trying to give him a look of suspicion though that was soon abandoned as they closed. She seemed tired enough to slip into a coma and so Kiiran simply took the time to pick up the bowl holding the warm soup he had found from the packed meals and he placed the warm liquid back to her lips. Her eyes slowly opened up again slowly and then her lips slowly opened up as he placed the spoon forward to deliver the nutritious soup to her healing frame.

He almost told her how without her blood that they would have never been able to leave the station, but he figured that just in case anything happened with the ship he wasn’t going to be leaving her any time soon. And he didn’t feel right about even potentially killing her to preserve his identity. She had been tortured and beaten by troopers that were supposed to serve and protect the Jedi and the Republic and before that if the vids could be believed she was almost sentenced to death by the Republic for a scheme that wasn’t even her doing. After that she had dropped completely off the galactic stage, until some group came across her it seemed. The injection marks on her arms and shoulders were not recent. She had been a prisoner for a long time. It twisted Kiiran’s gut. Only then as he was looking over her body did he realize that she was looking back at him.

“I’m not a Jedi or someone really invested in the Republic, but I am against the improper imprisonment and torture of a fellow sentient. When I found you and the others imprisoned there, I felt compelled to free you. You were more injured than I had anticipated so I figured the least I could do was get you back on your feet before getting you on your way.”

“There is no path that can take me from the pain this galaxy has already caused me. Half of me feels like I’m already dead. But it feels different now than when they had me locked up.” She lifted her head slightly.

“They called you Starjumper before…” She said before letting him give her another spoonful of soup.

Kiiran nodded with a chuckle. “I got it because I jumped on and off four different security ships before finally stealing a shuttle on one and escaping the Sector Rangers. After that it just sort of stuck to me. You can call me Kiiran, Ashoka.” He said with a small smile.

“Kiiran… well I never thanked you for saving me.” She said quietly with a small smile of her own as she looked at him. “With so many people out there, who had shown me their true colors I feel like right now the only thing to hold on to is this ship… and you.” Ahsoka said as she slowly rose up off the chair and stood before him.

“And since you saved my life, I can’t stand just sit around waiting for the ship to arrive. Not when I can repay you.” She said as she moved forward towards Kiiran on the chair and pressed her lips against him. The Starjumper was surprised by the action but he didn’t resist it. It was strange feeling the smoothness of her lips and skin as his hands reached up to hold her shoulders. It seemed her healing skills had not dampened at all with her capture and even though he was excited and nearly overwhelmed by finally acquiring the ship the woman now pressed against him had been so instrumental to it that somehow the two seemed connected. He kissed her lips back with a hunger born from success, from reaching his goal and his hands moved over her orange flesh while she cupped his cheeks.

Kiiran tried to stand up and say something about moving to find a more comfortable spot but only succeeded in tripping both of them up so that they landed on the ground. Ahsoka paused for a moment to chuckle and then her bright blue eyes were focused down on Kiiran again as her hands went to start tugging up his shirt which the human was only too happy to oblige in. The adrenaline was still surging through Kiiran with the rescue as he tugged open her prisoner suit to find her perfect C cup breasts revealed as she shrugged out of the top of her clothes and then kissed him again as they moved together on the cold floor of the cockpit. She whimpered out as he leaped forward and clasped his lips around her nipple while squeezing her other breasts as he felt his cock getting harder and harder.

He felt the Togruta rubbing her body against his hardon as soon as she detected it and then her hands moved in between their bodies to start helping him out of his pants. Kiiran wasted no more time and released his lips from her orange nipples with a wet pop before helping her tug off his pants and undershorts before he stood her up to help her shrug out of the rest of her coverall. She had no panties underneath but as he looked at her smooth orange petals, he knew they would have just gotten in the way. Ahsoka was already wet and as he pulled her back down on top of him, he felt her entire body quiver as his cock prodded up and against her smooth ass flesh. She looked at him with a dark hunger glowing in her eyes before he grabbed her face and pulled it in for a hot kiss while she grabbed a hold of his cock. She started to quickly stroke his cock and Kiiran moaned into her lips as he felt a trickle of warm precum forming at his tip.

“I want you… Kiiran… when I first heard you come in, I thought you were my Master coming to save me after all this time. That was foolish. My Master abandoned me. If he’s not dead already he will be. I have you now…” She said with a breathless moan as he kissed and bit along her exposed neck before he grabbed her body and moved it up to direct his cock inside of her. When she settled on top of his cock she cried out with a mix of pain and pleasure as he penetrated her. Kiiran growled out in bliss as he pushed deep inside of her. She was incredibly tight and as her back pulled back she moaned out and dragged his hand up to her breast before she fell back down as he started to drive inside of her. They moved together on the cold metallic floor, their flesh rubbing against one another as Ahsoka’s fingers dragged along the smooth metal while Kiiran’s hands grabbed onto her ass and drug her down again and again as the pulsing heat inside of him started to grow and grow. The cockpit was filled with the raucous noise of their passionate fucking as they kissed, bit, grabbed, rubbed, and fucked until they could hold back no further. Flipping Ashoka onto her back Kiiran grabbed the young girl’s hands and placed them above her head as he started to really slam into her dripping pussy. Her juices were flowing out like a waterfall at Theed as he slammed his cock down with all his strength. Suddenly he felt her body clamp down around his cock as she started to milk him for everything, he was worth. Kiiran growled out as his fingers held onto Ahsoka for dear life as she screamed out.

“Mrwarrrwahh!!… Master… please… I want it inside of me! Marragghh!” She moaned out as her hands tried to resist his grip before he slammed one more time deep inside of her quivering cunt before he came. Below Kiiran he watched as Ahsoka quivered and shook. Her legs hooked around his as her fingers moved to lock with his as she moaned out and rested her head against the deck. Kiiran groaned out as he fired off inside of her warm wet pussy. Her insides continued milking him as more and more thick white cum was pumped inside of his new associate as her body clung to him. His grip on her hands slackened and then he felt her hands reaching up to hold his back as they rested against one another. Kiiran looked down at her and gave a small smile as he felt her body rubbing gently against his. Slowly he felt the need to sleep and every moving slightly off of Ahsoka he rested his hand across her body and relaxed until his eyes closed and sleep found him.


Thanks for reading. That’s the end of this story for now. If enough people like it, I might do more.

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