[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part severn

I’m left alone with Tabitha. She looks a sorrowful figure, obviously in considerable pain.

I pick up her smock and help her up from the chair. There is no point in putting it back on; we will not meet anyone between here and the crypt. I take her arm and guide her down the stairs to the cell. Once in the cell, I place her on the bench.

“I need to take off the clamps,” I tell her. “It will hurt when I do.” I know that it will hurt when the blood returns to her abused nipples, but I’m not sure how much. I suspect a lot – probably more than when I put them on. But they have to come off.

She nods. Again, I can see the terror in her eyes.

I take hold of the first clamp. I start undoing the wing nuts as quickly as I can, to try and get the pain for Tabitha over and done with.

Tabitha immediately begins screaming and writhing almost uncontrollably. It takes me all my effort to hold onto the clamp until I can remove it from her nipple.

Despite Tabitha’s protests, I move straightaway to the second clamp and release it as quickly as I can. I want to get this over with, both for Tabitha’s sake and mine.

As soon as the second clamp is released, I unfasten the shackles binding Tabitha’s hands. She immediately puts her hands to her nipples in a desperate attempt to ease the pain.

I leave her screaming and crying and lock the door behind me. There is nothing more that I can do to help her.

I go to find myself some lunch, although I struggle to find an appetite.

About an hour later I return with some bread and cheese for Tabitha. I’m pleased to see that she has recovered, somewhat, and she has put her smock back on.

There’s a smell of fresh urine. I look at the bucket. It seems that she has had another pee. Unfortunately, one of the least pleasant parts of my role is to empty the bucket, when necessary.

Tabitha looks at me warily. I don’t think she knows whether I am friend or foe. I don’t blame her. I’m not sure myself.

I leave the food for her.

“I’ll be back for you in half any hour,” I tell her. “I don’t know what Dr White has planned for this afternoon, but I suggest that you just tell him whatever he wants to know,” I suggest. Did I just suggest that she lies, if necessary, to please Dr White? Maybe.

Just over half an hour later, we are all reconvened in the vestry. Dr White seems keen to continue. Reverend Gaunt still seems to be a reluctant participant, if that, actually more of an observer. Tabitha is standing in front of the table, again, in her smock. Her ankles and wrists are shackled, the latter behind her back. I take my place at the side of the room. I’ve placed the nipple clamps on the table. They lie there as a reminder of this morning and as an implied threat that they may be used again. I’m sure that Tabitha’s nipples must still be painful and raw. I sincerely hope that there use will not be necessary.

“Now, let’s continue,” says Dr White.

“So, the goat/man only appeared in response to your summoning on the most recent occasion that you were dancing in the woods with the other girls?” he says.

“Yes, sir,” replies Tabitha. “I didn’t expect it. It was only a game. It wasn’t meant to happen,” she tells Dr White.

“Mmmm,” he replies, thoughtfully. “I’ll need some convincing of that,” he says, doubtfully. He makes a note on his pad.

“But that aside, for the moment, let’s continue,” he says. “Did the goat/man speak?”

“No sir,” Tabitha replies. “He made a grunting noise, but he didn’t speak.”

“What did he do?” Dr White asks.

Tabitha hesitates, as if drawing on her memory of the night. Perhaps a memory which she has tried to dismiss.

“He gestured us to make a circle around him,” she says.

“Then he stood in front of each of us in turn, starting with me.”

She hesitates, as if the memory is too difficult.

“Go on,” Instructs Dr White. I realise that I am equally keen to know what happened next. I am becoming aroused, again.

“He gestured me to stroke his member,” Tabitha tells him, looking at the floor, again, clearly embarrassed.

“And did you?” Dr White asks.

“Yes,” she whispers, still staring at the floor.

“And then?” Dr White says, impatiently. “Speak clearly, girl!”

“Yes, sir, sorry, sir,” Tabitha replies. “He did the same with each girl, in turn,” she tells him.

“I see,” says Dr White, making another note.

“Did you lie with him?” he asks.

Tabitha looks up, confused.

“Did you have intercourse with him?” Dr White says. He glances at Reverend Gaunt. “Did he *fuck* you?” he asks. There’s almost a hint of excitement in his voice.

“No sir!” says Tabitha, with obvious shock.

“Have you ever lain with a man, Tabitha?” Dr White asks her.

“No, sir!” she replies, again.

“Do not lie to me!” Dr White warns her. “We can check!”

“No, sir, I‘ve never lain with a man, sir,” Tabitha says, desperate to convince Dr White that it is the truth.

Dr White looks at me.

“Jonathan,” he addresses me. “Remove the slave’s shackles and strip her, naked, then refasten her hands, behind her back.”

I see the shock on Tabitha’s face.

“But do not re-shackle her ankles,” he adds, in case I had not fully understood his instructions..

I look at Tabitha. I know that I cannot afford to show any reluctance to follow Dr White’s orders.

I walk over to her and go behind her and unshackle her wrists. Then I move to the front and take hold of the hem of her sock and lift it over Tabitha’s head. Tabitha knows better than to resist.

I discard her smock and then kneel in front of her and unfasten her ankles.

I stay kneeling and look at Tabitha in just her drawers. I can see that her nipples are swollen and that the skin has been broken. They have been bleeding. I shudder. I cannot imagine the pain she must have suffered and must still be suffering.

I undo and loosen the leg ties of her drawers. Then I take hold of the waist tie of Tabitha’s drawers and undo the bow. I loosen the waist tie and let her bloomers fall to the floor, revealing her *cunt* and a wispy, curling bush. Tabitha makes no attempt to cover herself. She has learned that there is no point.

I help her step out of her drawers and I put them on top of her smock.

I stand up and stand back.

Finally, I go behind Tabitha’s back. I take the opportunity to admire her smooth, well-rounded, butt. Tabitha cooperates while I refasten her wrists.

Dr White takes his time taking in the naked slave girl in front of him. Reverend Gaunt holds tightly onto his bible and averts his gaze.

I stand watching and waiting. I am semi-aroused, again.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lsgapy/mmm_ffff_the_devils_work_part_severn