Step Sister Corruption Part 78 – Day 36 Ginger’s plans (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I can’t believe it’s finally here!

My special order finally came in but I feel the timing couldn’t be any worse.

This afternoon my daughter got extremely hurt during an unusual volleyball match with some girl’s that should have been flagged with obvious steroids.

How they didn’t get tested is beyond me.

And those little bitches played dirty by smacking that damn ball at high speeds hurting my daughter’s team one person at a time. And Kelly received the most damage from getting hit one face shot at a time.

After Gabe, my sweet sweet big cocked son, took Kelly to the hospital and we received his damage Kelly took. Bruised ribs, swollen eyes, broken nose, busted lip and other injuries.

Thank God she didn’t receive a concussion like a couple of her team mates.

Once we returned home my husband Jason rushed home from his finance meetings or whatever he called it. I was a little frantic calling him that Kelly was hurt from her volleyball match and was dealing with my daughter’s who were completely concerned for their sister.

And I couldn’t blame them.

Plus I was a little pissed at Jason for not ending his whatever early and come to the hospital right away but he kept calling every 30 minutes wanting an update.

Though he did come home as soon as she was released from the emergency and beat us home.

After he found out she was semi ok, he kissed me and told me keep him informed if she takes a turn for the worst and left.

Ok now I’m pissed.

And looking at my custom order just gives me ideas.

Only problem is if I go through with this it will hurt Jason. I will be betraying everything I was ever taught.

But still……that massive meat between my son’s legs and seeing him use that cock still makes me weak in the knees……and makes me wet.

Some weeks ago, after admitting to my closest friend and employee Jesse, helped me come up with plans which was what came in. When I originally ordered this I didn’t realize that it would take so long to come in but Jesse assured me this would the perfect thing to help get my son’s cock in me.

I moved my special order into our bedroom where the girl’s can’t see me opening it. Last thing I want to explain to my innocent daughter’s why mommy has a new sex toy…..or in this case a new sex furniture.

Technically it’s not furniture……at least not in the literal sense.

I opened the box and moved the box to where my special item slipped out. Then I removed the plastic sheeting that covered the faux leather item. Then I opened the cavity of the furniture and removed the hardened foam that packed the center.

I stood in front of my special order and smiled to myself.

The furniture looked like a simple ottoman but it wasn’t an ottoman. It was a sex case.

The cavity was the perfect size for a woman of my size to easily slip into. At one end was a opening that would reveal my holes to anyone that opened it. And at the other end was your typical glory hole.

The person in the contraption would be forced into a doggy position with your ass hanging in the open….when the rear latch was opened up. There was padding for your knees and a nice rest area to essentially lay down and be somewhat comfortable. And the dips where someone’s breasts would go was a nice touch.

I felt the inside and was happy it felt like nice soft lining almost resembling fleece. I pushed down and was equally happy that they installed sturdy memory foam.

I just had to see how it fit……or how I fit into it.

I got undressed and slipped into the cavity and closed it on myself.

God it’s fucking dark in here.

The only light I got was from the glory hole.

And the padding felt semi good on my knees. Plus the fleece felt good against my naked skin. Even my breasts hanging down felt supported in the concave portion.

All in all the entire cavity was comfortable.

SF Industry does good work.

I had never heard of SF Industry until Jesse introduced me to the company and showed me some photos of her sex furniture she had from the company and the few times I had visited her house the furniture I sat on was actual sex furniture and I never knew it.

My only bitch about the ottoman was all the fleece made me sweat pretty quickly and the ventilation wasn’t there. So within a few minutes of sitting in here my skin was glistening with sweat.

After ten minutes my forehead was drenched with sweat.

And five minutes after that sweat was dripping down my nose.

Maybe I should write SF Industry a nasty note on their comments.

*Furniture felt great and fit like a glove but no ventilation made it hard to stay in.*

Or at least that was what I would write.

Maybe I should have a trusted friend help modify this thing?

But who do I know that would modify this sex ottoman without it getting back to Jason?

They would need to be handy. Someone who was willing to not all stupid questions. And was willing to be discreet.

I snapped my fingers and thought of the one person who came to mind……Moe.

Only problem with Moe was he was a deplorable man…..and fucking creepy.

But he was reliable. And handy. Plus for the right amount he wouldn’t ask stupid questions.

There had to be another person……Jesse.

Why didn’t I think of her. She’s the one who suggested this heat exhaustion inducing contraption.

Ok it’s too fucking hot in this bitch. I can’t think straight.

I opened my confines releasing myself to the open air and was rewarded with hard nipples as the temperature went from fucking hot to the warm air in my bedroom. But it was cold enough to make my sensitive nipples get harder than fucking diamonds.

I stepped out of the faux ottoman and put my clothes back on looking at the open sex furniture.

Maybe I’m coming at this wrong way.

I opened the latch the opened my ass out to the open and restripped to nothing and got back in.

Once I closed myself in being careful to not let my ass latch close I immediately felt a difference.

The opening was enough to where I felt warm but there was enough air circulating to where I wasn’t getting AS hot as I was earlier.

Maybe I don’t need to modify this.


No I need circulation for when it’s closed.

I can’t have my ass hanging in the open.

Not for the surprise I was planning.

Yep this modification.

I sighed and felt defeated as I got back out that I couldn’t employ this lovely now but this overheating issue had to be addressed.

Which fucking sucked.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Jesse’s contact information.

I hit CALL on my phone and hoped she might have an idea on this refusing to call Moe.

Looks like I’ll have to put surprise on hold until I get this little problem fixed.

I secretly whispered to my wet pussy *Soon girl….soon*. And lightly hoped that I can have this ready before my son’s birthday that was right around the corner.

I just hope Jesse’s husband can fix my present in time.



1 comment

  1. Dude I love this series, but if your gonna make the installments this non eventful you GOTTA release them faster

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