A Friendly Visit [MFM][OC]

“Hi Love, just wanted to remind you that Joe will be staying with us for a couple nights this weekend,” read the text that I sent to my wife, Amber.  Her reply, “Oh yes, I remembered and I know you’re looking forward to it.”  I was indeed looking forward to it, but I suspected Amber was also looking forward to it more than she was letting on.

Joe was in the process of moving from Ohio to Florida and I had offered him the guest room in our North Carolina home as a layover point. Joe and I were lifelong friends that met in High School and continued our friendship to the present; we’re in our 40’s now. 

Amber had met Joe several times and always enjoyed his company and engaging in conversation with him.  The two of them were in the same profession and were never short of topics to discuss.  Of course that also afforded them time to enjoy stealing longer gazes of each other; fueling the naughtier thoughts I suspected both of them were having.   

Joe had never stayed with us before, but that didn’t necessarily mean he hadn’t been in our house.  What I mean is, I had good reason to believe that Joe was a regular visitor to Amber’s wandering mind during her moments of self-pleasure…more to come on that.

Amber and I have great sexual chemistry and we explore fantasies regularly during our hottest sex sessions.  Over many years of lovemaking I’d learned the various physical, mental, and visual stimulation that gave her the strongest and most pleasurable orgasms.  But one of the best kindlings for a hot night of sex had always been for Amber to read erotica that aroused her own fantasies.

A few weeks ago we had an incredible night of orgasmic bliss that may have topped anything in our past.  Amber had shared with me a couple of her favorite erotica stories and I spent a little time reading through them.  While reading them I was considering targeted edits that might be powerfully arousing in the right situation.  Both of the stories Amber shared involved a husband and two of his friends all desiring and wanting to pleasure the lucky lady. 

As the following weekend approached I suggested to Amber that we should have a hot session on Saturday night and she was all for it, asking with a suspecting glare, “Have you been reading the stories I shared?”  Oh had I ever, and Amber was about to become the very lucky lady. 

As Amber and I entered our basement fun room for an evening of pleasure on Saturday, I was preparing to fill her ear full of whispered story narration.  I selected a nice bit of mood music and limited the volume to very light background levels, dimmed the reddish hue lighting, and fashioned an overhead hook.

I messaged Amber and told her the room was ready and a few minutes later she came walking down the stairs wearing a sexy corset and high heels.  I motioned her to the corner of the room, handcuffed her wrists, and raised her arms overhead; a position she enjoys immensely.  Next I blindfolded Amber and whispered in her right ear, “Relax, free your mind, and let your sexual thoughts take you wherever there is pleasure.”  My only goal was to make Amber feel as loved and aroused as possible.  Then I whispered, “Let your fantasies guide you.”

Standing behind her, and with help of a small reading light, I began reading the story softly into her left ear as my right hand gently grazed her side.  The story I was reading began by establishing the names of the characters, and this marked the point where I would have to take a slight risk, but hopefully a rewarding one.  In the story the husband’s friends were named Mike and Anthony, but I wanted to change one of the names to heighten the realism and arousal for Amber. 

The story was fast approaching the point of describing Mark when I whispered to Amber, “Joe was a tall and well-built guy with a gorgeous, masculine face.”  Amber gasped at the name change and the fingers of my right hand, now lightly grazing her pussy, felt a quick moistening and a slight spreading of her legs.  “Oh whew, good” I thought as Amber willfully accepted the realism of the name switch from Mark to Joe. 

Taking a second to accept the reality for myself…now I knew.  The thought of Joe taking her was driving her crazy and flooding her pussy with warm, cock-lubing juices.   

The story continued to get hotter as I whispered the scenes to Amber.  At one point I thought she was going to cum simply from hearing the words and feeling an occasional light finger across her clit.  Amber loves to suck cock and her squirming intensified greatly when I read the line, “With her husband driving deep into her pussy, Joe offered his hard, thick rod to her cock-hungry mouth.” 

“Oh wow” I thought, Amber is really liking the idea of sucking my friend’s cock. 

As I finished the story I walked Amber (still blindfolded) toward the couch, sat her down, and positioned her spread and extended legs on the ottoman.  My cock was raging to enter her soaking wetness, but I resisted the near impossible urge and instead pulled out a very life-like cock shaped dildo.  I nudged in beside her on the couch and began circling her clit with my fingers as I whispered in her ear, “There is someone else here that wants to fuck your hot pussy.  Would you like Joe’s cock in your pussy?” I asked.  Then I said, “Joe’s cock is raging hard and pointed right at your sex.  Do you want my friend’s cock?” 

“Tell me, Tell me now.”

“Oh yes”, she replied.  I want it so bad.” 

“Do you want his cum inside you?” I asked.

After a deep breath, Amber replied, “Please, oh please yes, I want his cum in my pussy.”

I positioned the head of Joe’s cock at her opening and told her I was going to control the pace of entry.  I worked the head of Joe’s cock over her pussy and slowly allowed the large head to begin entering. 

“Do you want more?” I asked.

“Oh god yes, please, I want all of his cock.”

I slowly moved my hand back a little along the shaft and allowed Joe’s cock to begin making it’s way into my wife’s fantasy-fired pussy.  Joe was about 8 inches and there was still plenty to share when I released my hand entirely and nodded for Joe to fill Amber’s depths with all he had!  Joe didn’t waste a second as his cock was swallowed up inside Amber’s pleading pussy.

I held Amber close and whispered, “Does that feel good?  Do you like Joe’s cock?  That’s it, take his cock baby, it’s okay, it’s okay, fuck his cock.” 

It all seemed so real.  My wife was fucking another man in her blindfolded fantasy and I was loving every second of her pleasure.  But after listening to and imagining herself being the lucky wife in one of her favorite stories, she couldn’t take much more.  Amber was getting very close to cumming and it was going to be in mind-blowing fashion.  She was furiously rubbing her clit as I pistoned Joe’s cock more rapidly in and out of her cunt.  As she reached orgasm her hips were bucking wildly and working every inch of Joe’s cock into her dripping wet pussy.  “Oh my god!, Oh my god!, Oh my god!” is all Amber could mumble as she fell back onto the couch.

It was now my turn to fuck my wife.  I positioned Amber on her knees and took her from behind, all the while asking if she enjoyed fucking my friend.  “Did you like his cock?  Did you like it?  Tell me, tell me how you liked fucking my friend’s cock.” 

Amber moaned loudly and her pussy pulled and clenched my cock.  I pounded her pussy furiously until I couldn’t hold the pressure any longer.  With one final plunge my cock delivered ropes and ropes of hot cum deep inside my wife’s fantasy-drenched slit of passion.

It was a great night of highly impassioned sex, but it was driven mostly by fantasy.  Now Joe was coming to visit and I couldn’t help but wonder if it might really happen.

During the week leading up to Joe’s visit, I couldn’t stay focused on anything for very long.  My mind kept wandering to the images of Amber and the extreme pleasure she enjoyed the night we played with fantasy Joe.  

Amber and I don’t typically have any follow-up discussions after our fantasy play; the only purpose of our fantasies is to create the strongest and most pleasurable orgasms possible.  To discuss them at any length always seemed to us to be irrational and potentially limiting to our play fun.  Besides, I had always assured her that anything we enjoyed would be left in the bedroom.  Quite simply, I wanted Amber to be comfortable enough to explore and enjoy her fantasies without judgment.

But this time felt different.  The night we played with fantasy Joe revealed a level of pleasure for Amber that I had rarely witnessed.  To watch her at such heights of pleasure was a joy to behold.  I would love nothing more than for Amber to experience that level of excitement in full reality.  But the question that kept entering my head was, “Would Amber really let Joe fuck her?”  I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, but I knew I needed to talk to Amber about it before Joe’s arrival.

While I may have been less than certain about Amber’s willingness to go through with an actual MFM scenario, no such doubt was present regarding Joe.  “Why?” you might ask. 

Well during a guys’ weekend some years ago Joe had blurted out, “Steve, can I fuck your wife?” 

It was during a night of drinking and fun and I just laughingly said, “Only if I can watch.”  Joe was very attracted to Amber and I was certain he wouldn’t hesitate to bury his manhood in her if given the chance.

It was now Friday morning and we expected Joe to arrive sometime later that evening.  I still hadn’t brought up the fantasy night with Amber and time was running out. 

I thought, “I’ve got to say something to Amber.”

I was working from home on that particular Friday and when Amber came home for lunch I said to myself, “Now is my chance.”

“Amber, do you have a minute?” I asked.  

“Sure, do we need to talk about something?”

“Well I was just thinking about Joe being here and the night we had…”  

Amber quickly interrupted me and said, “Don’t worry about it, it was a fun night, that’s all.”

I was encouraged by her casual attitude but I wanted a little more feedback.

I asked her straight out, “What if we found ourselves in a real scenario like that?”

Amber placed her hand on the kitchen counter, thought for a moment and said, “You know what the fantasy did to me, but I don’t know.  I’ll have to think about it.”

At that very moment, Joe called me and I felt compelled to take his call immediately because he was traveling.  In the meantime, Amber returned to work and that was the extent of our conversation about fantasy night.  Not much to go on, I thought, but she hadn’t rejected the idea entirely either.  

I texted Amber and told her Joe expected to arrive around 6:00 that evening.  Thinking Joe wouldn’t want to go out after traveling all day, Amber suggested we should have dinner at our home, enjoy some conversation, and maybe watch something on Netflix.  

When Joe arrived, Amber answered the door and gave him a nice welcoming hug.  We enjoyed a great dinner prepared by Amber and commenced catching up on his moving plans and other life events.  Time flew by and we nixed the movie idea but Joe and I headed off to the basement to watch the end of a baseball game.  

As she normally does most evenings, Amber wanted to work out in the adjoining fitness room.  I told her that would be fine and it wouldn’t bother us as we watched the game.  But what I didn’t realize was that she would have to pass by multiple times in her body-hugging fitness attire.  Amber’s curves looked great in her yoga pants and I knew Joe couldn’t help but steal a glance or two as she walked by. 

At one point Amber stopped to talk for a second.  Joe pretended to be messing with his phone but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed his eyes working her entire body.  After all, Joe was a single guy and I was sure he wasn’t having nearly as much sex as he would like.  Watching Amber walk by was probably making his cock twitch a little too.

It was now getting pretty late and I knew Joe was tired from the drive, so we wrapped up the evening and Joe made his way to the upstairs guest room.  I told him to sleep in as long he liked because I had a bit of house painting to do early Saturday morning.

I headed to our bedroom and as I approached it I noticed the door was slightly ajar.  ‘Good,’ I thought, ‘I won’t wake Amber by turning the doorknob.’  But as I opened the door into our darkened bedroom I heard some jostling in the bed. 

“Oh hey, I didn’t hear you coming down the hall,” said Amber. 

“Were you sleeping?” I asked. 

Amber said, “Not quite, was just trying to fall asleep.” 

I couldn’t help but wonder if the jostling I heard was really Amber fumbling around with one of her sex toys. 

I crawled into bed and cuddled up beside her.  It is our normal practice to sleep nude so I quickly noticed her body was very warm, with a bit of perspiration on her skin.  I playfully asked, “Have you been having a little fun?”

Amber said, “If you really want to know, why don’t you touch my pussy?”

“Oh my god,” I said as I reached for her sex.  Amber’s pussy was dripping wet and soaking the sheets. 

She had never felt wetter and my cock immediately sprang into action.  There are many thoughts and images that swell my member, but nothing affects its response time like touching a flooded, cock-hungry pussy.  

Amber offered, “All afternoon I was thinking about our lunch conversation.” 

“Oh, you were?” I asked.  

As my left hand rubbed her mound just above her wet treasure, Amber answered, “I’ve been a horny mess all day.”

“Oh, is that so?” I asked as my middle finger made a light grazing motion from the bottom of her opening to her clit.  

Then Amber reached for my cock and said, “I want you to fuck me right now.” 

The excitement level was incredible and there was no need for additional foreplay.  I crawled on top of Amber and slammed my steel-like shaft into her as hard as I could.  The harder I fucked her the more she wanted.  She was insatiable for cock. 

As I continued to pound her pussy I placed my lips next to her right ear and whispered, “You’re thinking of Joe, aren’t you?”

Amber mumbled faintly, “Uh huh.”

“When I walked in the room you were playing with your pussy and imagining Joe…weren’t you?”

Again she mumbled, a little louder this time, “Uh huh,” then a slight pause before adding, “Oh, he looks so good.”

Wanting her to recapture the orgasm I had inadvertently interrupted, I offered, “I wanna help you fuck him.”

The words were barely off my tongue when Amber spread her legs as wide as she possibly could.

Then I asked, “How was he fucking you when I walked in?”

Amber said, “He was on top of me just like you are.”

“Good,” I said, before adding, “Now close your eyes and whisper his name.  There you go, there you go.  Can you see him?  Can you see him? Can you see his cock going in your pussy?” 

“Oh yes, I can see him, I see him, oh his cock, his cock.”

“Good, good, you’re doing so good,” I said.  “Now don’t stop fucking him until you cum.” 

“Okay, okay, I won’t stop fucking him until I cum.”

As I continued to pound Amber’s pussy my ears picked up the very faint but clearly whispered mumbles of, “Joe, oh Joe, your cock feels so good, fuck me, Joe, just fuck me.” 

Amber’s pussy was squeezing and contracting against my shaft with such force that I knew she was about to cum.  Her hands clenched the bedsheets and she moaned in delirium as the pleasure of orgasm overtook her whole body.  My balls tightened and the uncontrollable sensations sent loads of cum firing into my wife’s pussy. 

After taking a moment to gather ourselves I curled up behind her and we drifted off to sleep without saying another word.

But as I drifted off to sleep I kept thinking, “Oh my gosh, that was incredible.  We should really go for it while Joe is here.”                   

I woke up early the next morning and was outside working by 7:30.  Some of the work I was doing on the second story required me to pass by the windows of the guest room Joe was sleeping in.  I tried to be as quiet as possible as I crossed the roofline.  But I soon discovered my concern of waking Joe wasn’t necessary at all. 

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I caught a glimpse of the guest bed through the upper part of the window.  Joe definitely wasn’t sleeping!  I was positioned in such a way that Joe couldn’t see me, but I could see right into the bedroom.  The covers were moving up and down and it looked like Joe was really enjoying his morning.  I was going to walk away and let him continue in privacy, but what happened next had my eyes glued to the window screen. 

Joe picked up his iPad and scrolled through a couple of pics until, ‘Oh wow,’ I thought, ‘that’s Amber on his screen.’

“Where did he…?”

Then I remembered Amber walking by in her yoga pants the previous night.  Joe hadn’t just been playing with his phone…he was snapping pics of my wife!  ‘Whoa!’ I thought.  I had to brace myself as I nearly slipped trying to get a better view. 

Raising the iPad with his left hand, Joe kicked the covers off his body and prepared to revel in his fantasy of fucking my wife.  

When he removed his right hand from his cock for a moment, I thought, ‘Wow, I bet Amber would really like that.’  Joe’s cock was at least eight inches, very thick, and sporting a nicely shaped head.  I could also see that his triathlon training had been very rewarding to his abs; they were very tight and well defined. 

Joe started stroking his rod at a faster pace while staring at the picture of Amber on his iPad.  As his hip movements became more pronounced he leaned the iPad against a pillow and continued to stare at the arousing image. 

‘This is crazy,’ I thought. 

While Amber was no more than ten feet below him in the kitchen, Joe was visualizing ramming his cock deep into her pussy.  I knew Joe was getting close when he began pointing the head of his cock towards his stomach; then just like that, it happened.  Joe’s cock erupted like a volcano and shot three huge loads of cum all over his chest and stomach.  The first shot nearly reached his chin as it fired like a missile from the tip of his cock.

‘Wow, oh my god, what did I just watch?’

I stood stunned for a moment as I stared at the puddles of cum pooling in the ridges of Joe’s abs.  It had been crazy hot to watch and my cock was twitching and jumping all over the place, but I needed to get off the roof and fast.  I was feeling a bit light-headed and unsteady after witnessing Joe’s cock erupt loads of cum to the thought of pounding my wife’s pussy.

After a short break, I made my way back onto the roof and finished the morning project. 

As I was coming down the ladder I heard Joe say, “Good morning, Steve.”

It was all I could do to hide my grin when I replied, “Good morning, Joe; did you sleep well?”

As I headed into the house to clean up I could only wonder, ‘My goodness, what might this evening bring?’

After cleaning up and putting away my tools from the morning project, I headed to screenporch where Amber and Joe were enjoying some conversation and the beautiful morning.  It was around 10:00 when I sat down to join them.  Following a bit of conversation Joe said, “Hey Steve, don’t let me interrupt any other plans you had for the day.  Just let me know if there is anything I can help with.”

“Thanks Joe, I might take you up on that.  There are a couple of other things I’d like to get done today.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Joe asked.

“Well I’d like to install an entry pad on the basement door, and there are some logs I need to finish splitting and stacking.  I could definitely use your help lifting some of the heavier logs onto the splitter.”

Joe said, “Great, let’s do it.”

Joe and I headed down to the basement and after installing the keypad entry I said, “I need to enter a four-digit personal code for it.”  I thought for a moment and then said, “I know, why don’t I make it our high school graduation year, 1991.”  I continued, “You’ll probably never need it Joe, but if you do you’ll know what it is.”

Joe said, “Cool, that’s a good idea, and easy to remember.”

After finishing that task, Joe and I headed to the backyard to tackle the log pile.  I fired up the log splitter and grabbed some work gloves and an axe.  It was a fairly warm day for October and it wasn’t long before both of us were breaking a good sweat.  Joe was doing most of the heavy lifting and he was getting quite a workout.  He said, “I’m getting way too warm,  hold on for a second, I’m gonna take my shirt off.  And do you mind if I switch to the axe work for a bit?”

“Sure, we can swap, no problem,” I said.

Amber must have noticed us working pretty hard.  She brought us some drinks, which was nice of her, but I also noticed her arrival was right after Joe removed his shirt.  I smiled and thought to myself, ‘Well that sure was interesting timing.’

While we continued to work, I happened to look up and notice a silhouette of Amber’s body in the upstairs guest room window.  She didn’t seem to notice my glance right away, but it appeared her right hand was moving midway down her body.  Joe was a slight distance from me and his body must have looked amazing to Amber.  His toned body and muscles were flexing with every swing of the axe.  It didn’t hurt that he was also wearing work-boots; which had always been a very strong visual fetish for Amber.

Then Amber noticed me and quickly stepped away from the window.  Had I just caught her playing with her pussy while staring at Joe?  I couldn’t be sure right then, but I would definitely bring it up later.

Joe and I finished with the firewood cutting in the early afternoon and then headed into the house to clean up and shower.  I told Joe I’d meet him out back and we’d have a beer or two and relax a bit.  About thirty minutes later, Joe came downstairs and said to me, “You’re not going to believe this.  I just got a facebook message from Kelly Whitehurst, do you remember her?” 

“Oh sure, I remember Kelly from High School.  She was in our graduating class wasn’t she?”

Joe said, “Yes, I haven’t seen her in a long time, but it turns out she lives here in North Carolina.  She said it’s only about an hour from here.”

“What town is it?” I asked.

“Sharpsville,” said Joe.

“Oh yes, that’s a nice town just a bit north.  What else did she say?”

“Well, she asked if I was free this evening.  She wants me to meet her for a drink out near where she lives.”

I said, “You should do it Joe.  You two dated back in High School, didn’t you?”

“Yes, for a short while.  But I hate to leave…”

“No, no, by all means, go ahead.  I completely understand.”

“Are you sure?” Joe asked.

After convincing Joe he should go and meet Kelly, he got ready and headed up to Sharpsville.  Joe said he would text me when he was driving back to our place, but it would probably be fairly late.  I told him we would be up, and to just knock whenever he got back, no matter the hour.

Seeing how Amber and I now had the night to ourselves, I suggested we have a bit of fun in the basement.  I also hadn’t forgotten the window silhouette, and I wanted to have a little fun with it.

It was around 8:00 in the evening when Amber and I headed to the basement.  Joe had left around 7:00, and based on what he said, we didn’t expect his return until after midnight.

Amber was wearing a very sexy black bra, crotchless lace panties, and wet look, thigh-high stockings as we got comfortable on the couch.  I dimmed the reddish hue lighting and suggested we start by watching one of our favorite porn channels on the big screen.  Amber leaned back into the couch, spread her legs a little, and said, “That sounds good, can we start with a threesome scene?”

“Sure, let me find something good.”

As the scene we chose started heating up I began circling her nipples through her bra, and lightly rubbing along her inner-thighs.  As the two men on the screen began pleasing the sexy lady, Amber blurted out, “I wish Joe hadn’t left.”

“What?” I asked.

“Watching the screen makes me wish Joe hadn’t left. I was going to tell you I wanted to go ahead with our conversation from yesterday.”

“Oh, you were huh?  Are you sure?”

“Yes, it’s all I’ve been able to think about.”  Then Amber volunteered without any prompting, “Watching the two of you working outside earlier today made me so hot!”

“Oh it did huh?  Tell me more.”

Amber spread her legs a little wider, reached for my cock and said, “I don’t know what it is about Joe, but my pussy gets so wet when I think about fucking him.  Does that bother you?”

“No, no, not in the least.  Like we’ve talked about before, I just want you to be able to share what turns you on.  I mean, you’re having those thoughts anyway, right?  I only want to help you enjoy them.”

The fingers of my right hand were now dripping with Amber’s juices.  As she talked about Joe, I continued to rub her nipples and work my fingers all around and into her well moistened pussy.  The scene playing on our television was also an incredible teaser for what we we’re discussing.  Amber’s breathing was beginning to pick up slightly when I asked, “Did you masturbate earlier this afternoon?”

“What?  How did you know?”

“I saw you looking out the window when we were working.”

“Oh, I was afraid you might have.”

“Is that when you played?” I asked.

“Yes, yes, it was.  As I watched Joe working without his shirt on, well, I just…”

“You what?” I asked

“I had to cum.  I just had to cum.  I laid down in the guest bed and smelled Joe’s scent all over the room.  I just had to cum.”

“Did you use a toy?”

“No, just my fingers.  I was so turned on.  Almost as soon as I touched my pussy I started cumming.”

“Is that when you decided to go ahead with the threesome; if Joe hadn’t left?”

“Yea, I finally realized we should enjoy this in full reality.  We’ve fantasized about it so much and now I think we should really do it.”

“Well maybe we’ll get another chance sometime in the future.”

Amber looked me in the eyes and said, “I hope so.”

I was very excited at the certainty I heard in Amber’s voice, but I was also disappointed that Joe had left for the evening.  There was no doubt in my mind Joe would be disappointed too if he knew what he was missing.

The first porn scene ended and I reached for the remote to find something else to watch.  That is when Amber asked, “Can you find something with a guy stroking his cock?”

“Oh, is that what you wanna watch?  Mmmm, that’s hot, let me see what I can find.”

I scrolled through a few options and Amber said, “That one, go back one, yes that one.”

As the scene started playing it was immediately obvious the guy looked an awful lot like Joe.  He was built similarly and had the same color hair and eyes.  He also had something else that looked like it could be on Joe, but Amber could only fantasize that arousing feature. 

I asked Amber, “Do you like that cock he is stroking?”

“Oh yes, it looks yummy.”

“Would you like to suck it?”

Amber answered, “Oh, would I ever.”

“Would you like a cock like that in your pussy?”

“Oh god yes, it looks so big and thick.  I’d love to feel it stretch me open ”

Amber’s desire was building rapidly when I pulled her panties to the floor and removed her bra.  That left her wearing only the black, wet look, thigh-high stockings.  As she thought about what she had just said and with only the slightest nudge, she opened her legs very wide and leaned back into the couch.  She reached for my stiffened cock and said, “I hope you’re gonna fuck me hard with this tonight.”

Turning her attention back to the screen I said, “And will you be thinking of that cock when I do?”  And then, before I realized what I was saying, I added, while attempting to trail it off, “Because that cock looks just like J..”

Amber didn’t miss it and she quickly asked, “What?  You’ve seen Joe’s hard cock?  When?”

I hesitated for a moment and then offered, “This morning.”

“But this morning you were working outside.”

At this point I realized I had stumbled into saying something that could be very arousing to our play.  Improvising now, I wasn’t sure if I was going to relay the whole morning scene, but I knew I wanted to get Amber really worked up by describing what I had seen.  I quickly reached for the remote and paused the screen during a great view of the guy’s cock.  His legs were open and his right hand was in full grip of his long, thick, and hardened shaft.  Then I said to Amber, “Stare at the screen, do you like what you see?”

“Yes, ohhhh yes, his cock would feel sooooo good.”

Then I nudged in closer and whispered, “Joe’s cock looks just like that.  He was stroking it this morning when I walked by the guest room window.”

“He was?  Oh my god, tell me, tell me what you saw.”

Amber’s pussy was now flooded with cock-lubing juices as I leaned in to describe Joe’s cock.  With my right hand at her opening, I slid my index finger into her wetness and worked her swollen clit with my thumb.  My left arm was around her and I was fondling her nipples with my left hand.  Then I said,

“He was in the guest bed and I watched through the window as he stroked his cock this morning.”

Amber moaned in delighted realization as she said, “Ohhhh, that is sooo hot!  I came so hard in that same bed this afternoon.”

“Oh, I know you did.  You fantasized fucking Joe in the same bed where I watched him stroke his cock this morning.”

“Does he have a nice cock?”

“I said, “Just look at the screen and you’re seeing his cock.”

“Oh, ohhhh, I knew it, I knew his cock would look so good.”

Amber wanted to know more, “Did you watch him cum?”

“Yes, he shot three huge loads all over his chest.”

Amber spread her legs as wide as she possibly could and squeezed my cock hard with her right hand.  Amber’s pussy was clenching and pulling on my fingers as the thought of watching Joe stroke his cock was making her crazy with heat. 

“Are you ready for me to fuck you hard now?” I asked.

“Yes, please, oh please, I need your cock in my pussy.”

My cock was raging to enter Amber, but I wanted to change the scene slightly before driving my cock into her pussy.  I told Amber I wanted to blindfold her as we fantasized a threesome with Joe.  I changed the channel to some background music and dimmed the lights to a very low level. 

With Amber blindfolded, I said, “I wanna take you from behind.”

Amber moaned in approval and said, “Yes, ohhh yes, fuck me from behind.  Grab my ass and fuck me hard from behind.”

I pointed my cock right at her dripping slit and placed my hands on her ass cheeks; pulling and spreading them apart so I could watch as I rammed my cock into her pleading pussy. 

As I drove it into her doggy-style, Amber cried out, “Oh, ohhh yes, fuck me, ohhh fuck my wet pussy.”

And then!  A light appeared under the door from the adjoining room.  Anxiously I thought, ‘What’s that?’

Amber was blindfolded but sensed something was wrong and asked, “Why did you slow down?”

“Hold on, stay right there and don’t remove the blindfold.”

“Okay, I won’t remove the blindfold.”

I said, “I’ll be right back.”

I stepped into the adjoining room of the basement and to my shock and surprise, there stood Joe!  He had returned earlier than expected and had used the basement keypad entry.  He looked at me standing there fully erect, and said, “Sorry man, I knocked on the door but…”

Thinking very quickly and not wanting to lose another second, I waved off his explanation and motioned for him to remove his clothes.  He looked at me with a bit of shock, and I just nodded.  It didn’t take long for Joe to score the situation and he began unbuckling his belt.  I motioned to Joe that I would be right back.

I went back into the playroom and told Amber everything was fine, saying, “I just thought I heard something.”  She was none the wiser because she was still blindfolded and there was music playing in the room.  I quickly peeked back into the adjoining room and motioned for Joe to very quietly step into the playroom.

I wasn’t entirely sure how to approach this changing scene, but Amber had only hours earlier told me with certainty that she wanted to experience an MFM with Joe.  And now she was about to get what she wanted.

With Joe in the room and Amber on all fours and playing with her pussy, I plowed my cock back into her wetness.   I motioned Joe’s ear right next to my mouth and whispered, “Stay quiet and follow my lead.”

Joe’s manhood grew to full pussy pleasing power as he stood and watched my cock enter Amber’s pussy.  It was the same pussy that only hours earlier he had fantasized about fucking.  Now Amber’s pussy was within three feet of his raging rod.

I leaned into Amber’s right ear and said, “You really wanted to fuck Joe tonight, didn’t you?”

“Uh huh, I really wanted to feel his cock.”

“Would you let Joe fuck you if he was here right now?”

“Oh my god yes, oh my god, I would fuck his cock sooooo good.”

Joe was quickly realizing this wasn’t the first time Amber and I had fantasized including him.  He couldn’t keep from quietly stroking himself as he stared at Amber’s cock-filled pussy. 

Amber and I had played with threesome fantasies many times in our past.  Now I was preparing to take advantage of something that was a familiar part of our play; the fake door knock of another man entering the room.

I pulled out of Amber and said, “I think there is someone at the door.”

Amber said playfully, “Oh, I hope it’s Joe.”

I knocked at the door three times and said, “Oh, hey Joe, come on in, Amber is blindfolded and waiting for your hard cock.”

As I moved back towards Amber I motioned Joe to move in behind her.  I leaned in close to Amber’s right ear and asked, “Are you ready for Joe’s cock to be in your hot pussy?”

“Oh, I’m so ready, sooooo ready.”

With Amber positioned face down, and her curvy ass pointed towards the ceiling, I slid a hand under her breasts and began fondling her nipples.  We had played this fantasy scene many times and I’m sure Amber expected to feel a cock-like dildo slide into her waiting pussy at any moment.

I motioned Joe even closer and then said to Amber,

“I want you to cum harder than you ever have.  I want you to feel so much pleasure.  Are you ready for Joe’s cock?”

“Yes, I can’t wait anymore, please, please give me his cock.”

I nodded for Joe to move in without his hands touching Amber, and to tease her opening with the swollen head of his cock.

“Oh my god!, Oh my god!, That feels amazing, it feels so real…”

Joe was barely touching her opening with the head of his cock when Amber pleaded,

“Oh, ohhhh, put it it back, I want it in my pussy.”

I motioned for Joe to enter a little more of the head so Amber could realize the full pleasure of what was happening.

Joe pushed the large head of his cock into Amber and she immediately gasped at the reality.  Amber threw the blindfold off, looked backwards over her left shoulder and let out with, “Oh wow, Oh wow, Ohhhh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me Joe, oh my god, just fuck me!”

Amber continued to moan and ramble aloud, “It’s so big, oh you’re so big, ohhhhh, it feels sooooo good.”

As Joe pounded Amber from behind, I placed my cock at her mouth.  She began licking and sucking my shaft with an eagerness like I had never seen.  Amber’s love for cock was on full display as our threesome fantasy moved to full on reality.  

“Oh her pussy feels so good, it feels so good.  I think I’m gonna cum,” said Joe.

I asked Amber, “Do you want Joe’s cum in your pussy?”

“Yes, ohhhhh yes, cum in pussy, I want his cum in pussy.”

Joe’s grunting and breathing were becoming very intense when I said, “Cum in her pussy Joe, she wants it in her pussy.”

Amber cried out, “Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Ohhhhh, it feels soooo good.”

Joe grabbed Amber’s ass and squeezed with all he had before saying, “Fuuuck, fuuccck, oh my god!, oh my god!, oh my god.”

I watched as Joe’s balls tightened and his cock pumped like a firehose into my wife’s stretched out pussy.

I was getting very close and I quickly motioned Joe away and drove my cock into my wife’s cum-filled pussy.  Seeing and feeling Joe’s cum all over my cock was more than I could handle.  Within a few strokes of entering Amber I drove my shaft deep into her pussy and held it there, saying, “Here you go baby, here you go.  You fucked Joe, oh you fucked Joe. Take my cum, take my cum, Ohhhhhhh, that’s it, take my cum…” 

It was an incredible night of fantasy that was replaced, in real-time, by reality.  It was intensely pleasurable to watch Amber’s face and expressions as her body and mind overflowed with satisfaction.

Joe left the next morning, but he still visits occasionally, if only in fantasy.

Today when I got home work I noticed Amber had left the television on.  Wanna guess where she paused the screen?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lrvmld/a_friendly_visit_mfmoc

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