How I quadrupled my magic number in 5 days due to reputation [MF]

Let me start by saying that going from 1 to 4 isn’t as impressive as my title probably made you expect.

In my first year of college I was a virgin. I had never kissed a girl, let alone had sex with someone. It was really the first time when I decided to approach some girls with any confidence. Turns out I was pretty bad at it with very little success. I made some friends but really nothing more.

At the start of the year I met this girl (let’s call her E) who I quickly became good friends with. I started to hang out with her in a pretty small group a couple of times every week and we always had a great time. I knew she had something going on with another guy we knew so I didn’t really think of her that way for a while. I thought she was really fun, we had some chemistry (but at that point in my inexperience it seemed like she had chemistry with everyone) and she was really attractive in a girl-next-door kind of way. She was extremely open about sexual topics and even delved into some taboo stuff at times and our group would talk about stuff like that pretty often which was pretty awkward for me as I had really nothing to contribute, I just laughed along.

Now, I really liked E and as time went on the attraction grew stronger. I also thought that she was starting to be more into me but I was sure I was just imagining it because of her thing with that other guy and my low confidence. After a few months in an extremely drunken state I admitted my feelings for her (I know, rookie mistake and stupid but I was young). She initially said that she was very flattered but couldn’t ever imagine anything between us but no harm done. Obviously, I was extremely disappointed but decided that it was alright, I was gonna get over it and we would remain friends. Turns out that slightly before this the other guy she had hooked up with had basically been a complete asshole towards her and she had called it off.

A month after this she texted me that she wanted to hang out with me, alone. We had hung out just by us couple of times before and I didn’t think much of it, I was just her friend and we watched a movie together. Initially, it was nothing more until she texted me and we hung out again. At that time all of a sudden she pulled me in for a kiss. We had a passionate kissing session which was unbelievable as we were extremely comfortable with each other as we had known each other for months already. The next time we hung out with our group everything was basically normal except for a couple of unusual looks. Few days after that she came to my place and that’s when we had sex for the first time. She just came in very determined, she even prepared with some condoms (too bad she didn’t buy XLs) and it didn’t take long until our clothes were off. This was literally the first time I ever saw a woman naked in my life other than the internet. She had very small tits, A-cups, but her ass was unbelievable, insane waist-to-hip -ratio. She was very beautiful with long blonde hair. When she was trying to put the condom on me I casually said that they probably won’t fit comfortably and got up to get my XLs that I had tested were better for me. She just laughed that she would never have expected that from me. I’m not insanely big but probably surprisingly so, as I’m a skinny guy otherwise with a pretty thick 8-incher. The first time we had sex I was pretty reserved and timid, letting her do most of the work as I had little idea what I was doing and she was more experienced. We tried most of the “basic” position and doggy was especially insane with her ass. We fucked for a while and she was surprised that I didn’t cum quicker. She was very open with communicating what I needed to do and left the house that telling me to be more assertive and confident.

Over the next few months we had sex probably twice a week. I learnt everything from her, she was a really good teacher and we had such a great time. I also was the first one to give her orgasms through penetration alone (I trust her on this as she’s extremely open) and as I learnt the ropes and how I could please her I could give her an orgasm extremely quickly through penetration alone after foreplay. We never wanted to commit to a relationship, I was into her and she was into me but we didn’t really think it would work out as she wasn’t even in town a lot of time (complicated life situation).

As I said, she is extremely open when it comes to sex and sexual experiences. Turns out, she talked with her friends (girls) very transparently about what we had and our sex life. She really had no qualms and no doubt my size came up as well. I knew some of these girls as well. She talked with me about them and even said to me how she wanted to have boobs as big as her friend (let’s call her N), probably as a method for me to assure her that hers were beautiful. I knew her friends a little as well and it had not even occurred to me that N had big tits as she was very shy and effectively hid them.

She ended up being the perfect wing-woman to me with her openness. Our relationship was not committed, I didn’t sleep with anyone else over these few months but it wouldn’t surprise if she did (at least once) but we didn’t talk about that at all. We had a great time and I didn’t really have much incentive to look for anyone else. Anytime she was around she came to me and we had a lot of fun.

In the end of the college year and finals week, our college basically has a week’s worth of parties and drinking. People basically were wasted for like five days through and that was considered normal and part of the college year. E wasn’t around during time due to commitments elsewhere. I participated in the party week just as most of us did and was drunk basically 24/7. I talked with everyone, I hung out in random apartments and bars and just plain had fun. In the second day of the week we were in this very crammed social space that definitely had way too many people in it. I’m not a dancer so I just had the best place in the space on a sofa. All of a sudden, this short blonde that I knew pretty well already came up to me and started to stroke my beard (pretty pathetic college beard looking back but I thought it was cool) and asked me to come smoke with her. I don’t smoke but I sensed something was going on. We talked about nothing for a while and then when we were finished she said “I heard you’re pretty well-equipped down there” with a smirk and went quickly back inside. I was left wondering how the hell she knew that. That was basically the point where even my stupid ass realized that she wants some.

When she left the party she was with her friend. I left slightly after her and texted her, making my intentions very clear. We pulled a sneaky move as we didn’t want anyone to know but she ended up at my place after she had gotten her friend home. Almost immediately I asked her how she knew about my dick, and she told that it was basically a common secret around that I was packing. She was uniquely beautiful with bigger tits than E but not as great an ass on her and we ended up having very drunken but very good sex that night.

The same story basically repeated the next day and the last day of the party week. The next day I ended up sleeping with this small brunette who had a big fight with her FWB that night and I think I was probably used as some kind of revenge and outlet of frustration. She was also someone that I knew pretty well before and who was pretty damn hot. She also knew that I was big somehow (turns out E was very good at spreading the word) and I think that’s one of the main reasons I was her target that night.

The last day I ended up sleeping with N. She was one of the best friends of E and obviously had heard a lot from E and probably was responsible for those other girls knowing about me along with E. She was extremely blunt with me, just came straight at me and asked me if I wanna fuck her. Of course I did for many reasons but one of the main reasons was because E had showed envy of her boobs before and I wanted to really know if that was true. True enough, we got to her place and she had nice big tits (really /r/biggerthanyouthought material) and she was the best lay I had that week. She was also a very beautiful brunette who didn’t even wear any makeup at all. Extremely tight and we both came basically the same time. She was the only one I ended fucking in the morning as well.

Things with E ended fairly quickly after that and N was my FB for almost a year.

ps. I’m not saying that these girls slept with me because of my size as I already knew them pretty well before and might have been able to make it happen even without this knowledge. But I think it helps. Not necessarily in the way that the girls said: “I need to sleep with him because he’s hung” but because after hearing that they started to look at me in a more sexual way.
