Chasing the Horizon 2 (M/F)

Chasing the Horizon 1

Chasing The Horizon #1 (M/F) from eroticliterature

Chasing the Horizon 2

Her nerves were firing all over her body. She gets tingly every time he walks by, if she catches him looking at her, or just seeing him walk into the office does it to her. She’s never been this electrified by another person. The intensity in his gaze, the dominance in his presence, the strength in his hands, the allure of his smile, the knowledge he carries whenever he is around her melts her resolve into a giddy school girl again. She gets nervous, fidgety, and loses focus; finding it hard to concentrate on anything else but him, his wants, and how she can fulfill his desires.

This cat and mouse game is keeping her on edge and a level of neediness she has never dealt with before. She has usually been the one on the controlling end. The one being pursued, so she was able to call the shots. She has never met anyone like him. He pursues her, but not with a reckless abandon. He desires her, but is not willing to cross a certain line. He commands her to do such debasing things with her body, but mostly without touching her, except that last time in his office bent over his desk. Mmm… such a yummy memory.

He offers her something she has never experienced. And it scares her. Not in a terrified sense, but more of an uncharted territory. The excitement of a new adventure mixed with the fear of traveling too far down a path she cannot find her way back, or what if she likes what she finds? That is the question teasing at the edges of her conscience. There is a beckoning unto him she feels within her heart, and a calling to him within her soul. There is also a burning within her loins that keeps the flame of passion alive within the fibers of her body.

Today she is gong to dress to impress. She knows he prefers skirts the float off her hips like 1950s dresses. She knows he prefers her to wear a skirt without panties, what he calls a “naked skirt,” and refers to it as a skirt that is “properly” worn. She dresses in one of her best accentuating dresses and puts on a lacy thong. She arrives early to work, before he gets there. She goes into his office and removes her panties and places them in his chair. Pushes his chair into his desk. And walks back to her desk, and eagerly waits. Right on time, he walks into the office lobby. She sees him and suddenly realizes this might have been a bad idea as she feels the warm rush between her legs as he approaches, and she has no barrier to keep her juices from leaving a wet spot on her skirt. Damn! She really should have thought this through. He greets her with a warm smile that crinkles around his eyes. Oh, how she loves that smile. It melts her heart. It’s the kind of smile you want to wake up to every morning and then be pulled into a soft good morning kiss that just melts their lips together. She wonders what it would be like to kiss him, or better yet, to be kissed by him.

She jumps when she hears her name being called. She realizes she’s been lingering a little too long on that thought as she’s been nibbling on her bottom lip. He is calling her into his office. He doesn’t like to have to repeat himself. He expects her to respond to his instructions the first time. He calls her for the third time… Shit! She shouldn’t have kept him waiting. Stupid day dreaming and creaming between her legs. She can hear the irritation in his voice, though pleasant as it may sound to others, she can hear the exasperation of having to call her three times to come into his office.

She walks briskly, but steady into his office to find him standing just inside the door. She enters and steps to his right. “Yes, sir? What can I do for you, sir?” she’s says. “Sir”… he has always preferred she call him “sir.” She tried calling him out once by his name, and that didn’t go over so well. It was a fun banter of sorts, and she called him by his first and last name in faux appall. He abruptly turned on her and said that if she ever did that again she would be taken over his knee and find herself with a different definition of smart ass firsthand, or rather, by his hand. She complied, apologized and asked forgiveness. He forgave her.

So, she has yet to challenge him to follow through on his word. Something about how he reacted to such a minor thing (at least she thought it was minor), and the level of his threatening tone sent a chill down her spine that she wasn’t sure if she liked. She knew he was an intense man. She knew others felt intimidated by him at one time or another, until they got to know him. (He’s really a big bear, sometimes he’s just a bit of a grizzly bear) But she had never seen that side of him directed at her. It scared her, and strangely turned her on in way she wasn’t sure how to process. She had never felt that kind arousal before for something so threatening. But would he really “spank” her?! Never in her adult life had she been spanked. Well, not really spanked for punishment, maybe more of a “funishment”. The type of bedroom play with some swats to her ass and some tugging of her hair for a passionate aggressive fucking. But never a real spanking that would leave her ass matching her red bottom heels she likes to wear.

“What is that?!” he asks while looking directly at her and pointing to his desk chair. She steps back a moment to catch her breath, as she almost swooned being this close to him and him looking directly into her eyes. His gaze. She can’t hold his gaze. It makes her knees feel like jello. Steadying herself she looks to where he is pointing… his desk chair. It had been pulled out. She swallowed hard, as her throat suddenly became parched since all the moisture in her body was soaking her pussy…. she decided to test him a bit. “It’s your desk chair, sir.” she said, with just a hint of sarcasm. He noticed, but let it slide. “What is in my desk chair?” he said with a little more sarcasm right back at her. “It looks like a pair of panties,” she replied. “I’m not blind, young lady, but whose panties are they?” He asked, with the emphasis on “whose” while he look directly to at her. And she began to tremble and she could feel her own juices begin to trickle down the inside of her thigh. Shit! She really should have thought this through, removing the barrier that could keep her from making a mess of herself. Now she knew that he knew they were hers. No one else in the office would dare try such an action.

“They…. they’re… they are mine, sir” she finally managed to whisper. “Whose are they?” he asked again with a slightly raised voice. “They are mine, sir” she said more firmly. “How did they get there?” he asked more calmly. “I put them there, sir” she answered matter-of-factly. “Obviously, what I mean is did you just bring them in and set them down or something else?” he said with so much sarcasm, but ending with a hint of intriguing “something else?” “Or something else” she teased, with an impish grin on her face as she rocked back and forth, hands clasped behind her, acting like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. He raised one eyebrow as he gave her a mischievous smirk and asked, “are you wearing a proper skirt?” “I am now, sir” she said meekly and grinning. She gets this goofy grin when she gets turned on. She can’t help but smile like that to know that she has pleased him so. She was feeling pretty proud of herself, when… what?! What did he just say?! Shit! She has got to learn to focus when she is around him…

“Show me,” he says calmly with that cool even tone that demands her obedience, her swift obedience. She swallows hard and tried to think. “Prove it to me,” he said with that same even tone. “Isn’t that proof enough?” she replied. “Isn’t ‘what’ proof enough?” he answered. “The panties in your chair, sir?” she asked. “No,” he said. That was it, just no? What does that mean? What does he want her to do to “prove” it to him. Guess there is only one way to find out… “No? Sir? What do you want me to do to prove it to you?” she asked. “Show. Me.” he said, with a coldness that expressed his irritation of having to repeat himself. This conversation just made a complete circle back to his original instruction. Shit! She should learn to just follow instructions the first time, but she wanted clarification. What was she supposed to do. Was she supposed to just lift her skirt over her head like she used to do as a little girl? What the hell?! Ugh! He infuriates her sometimes. Even if she is being turned on, he knows just how to push her buttons and get under her skin. What started out as a fun game this morning has turned into a challenge of wills. She decided to hold her resolve and not allow herself to be belittled by him or be humiliated in front of the other office staff.

“No” she said. “No?” he asked. “No” she said. On my gosh, on my gosh, what am I doing?! She thought. She has never told him “no”. AND she did not say “sir.” She was trembling, but he pushed her buttons too far. He couldn’t just accept the gift he was presented and simply say “thank you.” He had to push. And she was tired of being pushed. “No, what?” he asked in a slightly threatening tone. “No, I’m not going to show you.” she stated directly. “Sir” he quipped. “No, I’m not going to show you Mich…” before she could finish saying his name he had grabbed her, bent over his desk, and flipped her skirt up revealing her bare naked ass to anyone who might walk by. “What are you….?” She started to say incredulously.
“Ow Ow ouch!” she yelled incredulously
“What are you…”
His bare hand lands squarely on the underside of each buttock of her bare ass alternating back and forth in quick firm swats.
“No, what?” he says firmly.
“Let me go!” She snipped.
“No, what?” He repeats firmly. A little more exasperated due to his physical exertion in holding her squirming body as she kicks her legs and spanking her bare ass.
She begins to cry as tears trickle down her cheeks. Crying from humiliation, crying from anger, crying from the fact she had pushed him to the point of making him follow through on his word and the disappointment of her deliberate disobedience.

“No, sir” she whimpered. Sniffling.
He paused. As he was prepared to spank her again if needed. He paused… and eased his pressure on her back holding her over his desk. He paused… and let her breathe.
She settled and relaxed on his desk. She embraced this punishment more than she thought she would. Maybe because it was so swift and exacting. Maybe because he actually followed through on his word. He always says, “say what you mean, and mean what you say.” Now she knows he truly means everything he says.

As she relaxed more she felt his hand rubbing her ass. She winced as his hand rubbed across the tender heated bottom of her seat. She has never felt this way before… a strange mix of defeat and satisfaction at the same time. But she enjoys his touch. She really enjoys his touch. She could feel her pussy moistening from his touch. He could feel the heat of her flesh where he had just spanked her hard and fast. Maybe this will teach her a lesson, or maybe this will open another path in their adventure together.

Mmmm…. that feels nice… She can feel his hand cupping her ass. Her swollen globes from her very first sparking as an adult. She’s not wincing anymore and the tenderness is settling deeper into her flesh. She imagines it will be tender when she returns to sit at her desk, but for now she is enjoying his touch. Oh my! Her eyes go wide as she feels one of his fingers slide down along her skin towards her clit. She is soooo fucking wet from the recent spanking that his fingers glide into the folds of her flesh. Her body betrayed her mind in the heat of the moment. “Oh my!” she exhales with joyous contentment. She’s forgotten about being in the office and is focusing just on his touch. He adjusts his position to block any view from the hall outside his office, and begins to run his fingers up and down her slit, not touching her clit or entering her. She is purring and mewing with ragged breathing as she is becoming a mess of arousal, lust, excitement, shame, and desire… for him… his touch… she’d do anything for him right now… and she means aaannyythiiing…

“oh fuck!” she expresses, “that feels soooo good.” As she feels him insert two fingers deeply inside her. She actually comes up on her tiptoes when he shoves his two fingers all the way in. He holds his hand still, she is struggling to keep the position on her tiptoes and begins to rock her hips and wiggle around to get some sensation. She wishes it was his cock instead of fingers, but damn! He is good with his hands. He begins to move with her, moving his fingers in and out, slow and methodical. She likes what he’s doing, but wants more… harder… faster… this pace is killing her. She’ll never orgasm at this pace… he knows that too, that fucker! “Why must he always fuck with my head, and body?! Doesn’t he know it all just fucks with my hearty?!” she thinks to herself. Oh…. oh… oh… don’t stop at the moment…. pleeeeassseee…..

Her eyes shoot wide open! And a delicious wicked smirk creases her lips as she feels him use the pad of his thumb to rim her anus. He keeps fucking her with his fingers and rubbing her anus… oh wow! She about jumps off the desk when she feels him take another finger and place it directly on her clit!!! The triple sensation is driving her wild, as she begins to buck and grind hard against his hand to get him deep as she can and feel the clit and anal stimulation at the same time! “Oh Fuck!” she moans out loud. How does this man know how to manipulate her body so well. She is slicker then she has ever been and can feel it running down the inside of her thighs. The sloppy wet sound of sex emanating from her body slamming against his hand adds to the euphoric atmosphere of her growing orgasm… just… right… there…. ooohhh… just… keep…. Aaahh… that’s… it… oooohhhh…. oooohhhh…. ooohhhh… her body is moving faster… his hand is slamming harder… her clit is getting just the right attention… and her anus is trying draw his thumb inside of her… she wants more! She is riding him hard, grinding on his fingers for as much sensation and pleasure she can get…. sooooo close…

Two swats across her ass as she continues to ride his hand.
She loves the mixture of pleasure and pain. The pleasure stirring in her loins and burning of her ass every time he swats her.
They are in a rhythm like a horse in the home stretch. The rider whipping to the finish line!
Oh Yes! Oh Yes! Oh Yes!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!! (She she breathes through her teeth quick rapid succession) as her body is building tension…. she can feel her thighs slick with juices running down her legs like a waterfall… she is riding his hand, he is rubbing her clit, and thumbing her asshole. She is just about… just a bit… more…. aaahhhh… griping the other side of the desk to help with leverage… legs wide as possible… bent over his desk… damn this is hottest fingering she has ever….

“AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!” She explodes! Her body convulses, her legs snap together crushing his hand inside of her as she shakes and wails in ecstasy!!!! She is feels all the warm fuzzies that come with a full body orgasm. He body goes limp with exhaustion. She relaxes enough for him to remove his hand. She whimpers at the emptiness she feels when he pulls out. He brings his hand up to her head where she happily licks and cleans most of his fingers. She doesn’t mind tasting herself, especially after an orgasm like that. He reaches down and pulls her up off his desk. She tries to help, but her arms are wobbly. He pulls her back into his arms where he sits back in one the large black guest chairs across from his desk chair. He pulls her up into his arms and cradles her against his chest. She snuggles into the crook of his neck, and listening to him breathing. The calm steady rise and fall of his chest hypnotizes her into a deep restful sleep. He sits cradling her in his lap for what seems like forever. But after a few moments she stirs, and he sighs. His wonderful woman is waking. “Well, hello beautiful” he says with his deep calming voice and smile. “How do you feel?” he asks. “Satisfied” she whispers with her goofy grin as she looks up at him. This is her favorites thing in the whole world. To be satisfied and being held by this man who does the damned things to her body. It belongs to him. It all belongs to him. And she coos as he looks down at her with that smile that crinkles around his eyes pulling her up to his lips for a soft sensual kiss that allows their tongues to dance around each other. He pulls back, smiles at her, and begins to push her. She pouts her lips, but complies and gets up. He pats her bottom and she winces… he chuckles.. then gives her one more hard SMACK. She yelps and scurries out of his office and back to her desk… he walks over to his desk chair and picks up the panties and stuffs them in his pocket. She plops down in her desk chair, and nearly jumps back up form the sting of her ass… she smiles, today is gonna be a good day! Only a couple hours until lunch… she is starving!
