Mom Catches Son Watching Incest Porn: Part 04 The Finale [FFM][M/s][S/b][incest][seduction][teasing][mom sister son][sibling]

This is a work of fantasy. Author and all characters are over 18 and is intended and written for an adult audience. It is incest themed. If such themes offend you, it may not be for you.

Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.

Word Count: 8409

Thank you so much for following this series. It’s a bit longer than previous parts. Ending is in the comments. Enjoy the Finale.


A few weeks had gone by since Ryan and his sister had sex and as punishment for doing so, he had to eat his Mom’s pussy without the opportunity to fuck her. While the dust had somewhat settled and Ryan had become adjusted to the new reality of not having sex with either his Mom or sister, he still felt they were both rubbing salt on his wounds in a way.

For example, when he wanted to watch a movie in the living room, he would see them cuddling up against each other on the couch. When either of them left the house, the shared a loving French kiss. At the dinner table, they would flirt with each other. They would often go out for drinks together and return home holding hands, clinging to each other, giggling about how they pretended to be lesbians to deter creepy men or, acted like sluts to fuck them.

What got to him the most though, was hearing them, every night. This happened not long after dinner or when they returned home from having drinks. They would hold hands and walk upstairs to one of their rooms. Sometimes, Ryan would walk by as they closed the door and they’d give him a wink or a little wave. He’d then go into his room and without any shame, when their moaning got loader, he jerked himself off. He never lasted long doing this. He’d seen them both naked and had sex with them too, so imagining what they were doing wasn’t much of a problem.

It was like they were a couple now and Ryan was watching both of his exes having the time of their lives. The cuddling, the intimacy, the daily, loud sex – he often reminisced of what could have been with his Mother if he just kept his dick in his pants.

Tonight was one of those nights. All throughout dinner, Jackie and Emer were talking amongst themselves and only occasionally included Ryan. They’d hold each other’s hands. There would be moments of silence where they’d stare into each other’s eyes and when some sauce spilled on Emer’s cleavage, like what happened this evening, Jackie didn’t hesitate to clean it off her daughter’s chest.

Then after dinner, it was Ryan’s turn to clean up. As he did, he had to hear Jackie and Emer discuss what they were going to wear tonight for their girl’s night out. He listened as his Mom considered wearing the black dress she had just bought which made her boobs look good or the red dress which made her ass look good. Then he stiffened as hard as a rock when they debated over whether to wear a bra and panties, or not at all, saying they wanted to show off their nipples.

There was only so much talk of boobs, ass and women’s underwear that Ryan could take. He finished cleaning up and moved to the living room. He switched to a sitcom, he needed something to distract him for a moment. He resisted the urge to go up to his room and jerk off as he knew his Mom and sister would be enjoying hot and loud lesbian sex with each other tonight. And that’s how the night proceeded to unfold.


A few weeks had passed and Ryan woke up on a fine Friday morning. It was his birthday today and he had the day off from college, which made the day automatically better. He woke up with raging morning wood. He thought about jerking off as a great way to start the day, but decided waiting until tonight was the better choice, when his Mom and sister will be home from their drinks. They had a tendency to go a bit wild on Fridays.

Outside his room, Emer was waiting for him to get up. She knew he’d be awake at this time as he routinely wakes up at the same time every day. She waited nervously outside, her impatience growing as she had to leave for work soon. She heard some movement come from his room, then opened his door.

“Hey, Ryan. I’m just about to leave for work now so I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and all.” She closed the door behind her and stood there awaiting some sort of response from him. “Wow, Ryan. You should open a window or something. Your room is beginning to smell like…” She rolled her eyes as if to think of the best way to put it. “…boys.”

Ryan was sitting on his bed in just a t-shirt and boxers. The visit from his sister caused him a bit of a shock, especially as she just stood there in her Hooters uniform with her long blonde hair barely reaching her shoulders. She waited in anticipation by innocently rocking between standing on her heels and toes, causing her large boobs to jiggle in her white tank top with each movement.

He took this opportunity of having his hot sister in his presence to check her out. His eyes wandered from the converse shoes she was wearing, up her long, slender legs. When he reached her orange hot pants, his eyes lingered as he tried his best to remember her pussy that was underneath them. This happened again as he noticed the hooters logo, behind which she was wearing a white bra that pressed her cleavage against her chest. When he looked at her face, he was met with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow.

“Are you just going to keep eye-fucking me, your sister, or are you going to respond?” She pulled his desk chair over and sat opposite him.

“Yeah. No. Thanks, Emer. Really means a lot.” He tried his best to look his sister in the eyes, but instead focussed on putting on some trousers. Emer leaned over, which gave Ryan a remarkable view of her breasts and placed her hand on his bare leg, which brought him to a nervous halt.

“Hey, listen. I understand it might be quite hard for you to see Mom and me together all the time now.” She placed her other hand on his other leg and started rubbing both her hands up and down his leg. “And being with Mom is great. The sex is *fantastic*… sorry.” She looked down and noticed her brother was getting hard but also that he was now confident enough to not hide it.

She looked him in the eyes. “What I’m trying to say is…That hard dick of yours…” She pressed her hand into his crotch, gently squeezed his hard dick then whispered to him. “I want it. I miss it. And since it’s your birthday, I thought I’d save you your present for later tonight. What do you think?”

“Sure, Emer. That sounds like a plan to me.” Ryan couldn’t help but grin, he even managed to look his sister in the eyes to thank her.

“Great. I’m afraid I have to go now. So, Happy Birthday, I guess.” She leaned in and with her soft lips that she must have lightly dabbed with lip gloss, she kissed her brother on the cheek. She began to leave his room, but then turned back. “And try not to jerk off before I give you your present, Ryan. I want your dick to be nice and hard. I want you to be ready for me.”

He feigned a confident nod before checking out his sister’s body before she left and closed the door. He had to wait for his hard dick to settle before going downstairs for breakfast.


Jackie was in the kitchen cooking up some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Emer, surprised to see Ryan has gotten out of bed so quick, looked at him with surprise as she rushed her way through some toast and some fruit.

Ryan looked towards his Mom and noticed she was placing the food on the plates, about to bring them to the table. With this, he sat down at the table opposite Emer and watched his mother with an eager eye as she made her way towards the table shortly afterwards.

Jackie had the next two days free and to make the most of the morning she planned to go on a long walk. She wore her running shoes, a new pair of black and grey yoga pants and a purple sports t-shirt under which the outline of her sports bra could be seen. Her dark, black hair was tied in a ponytail as she was ready to leave after eating breakfast. After placing her and Ryan’s plate down, she placed one of her hands on his chest and with the other, she caressed his hair at the back of the head.

“Happy Birthday, Ryan.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “I didn’t forget about it, you know.”

“Nah. Of course not.” Ryan was a bit overwhelmed. After weeks of essentially being treated as non-existent, he was now getting kisses on the cheeks and teased by his sister. He wasn’t used to this much attention. He felt his mother’s arms leave him as she sat down to eat.

“Anyway, I was thinking… Ryan and myself could go to Hooters for something to eat. Emer, you can join us at the end of your shift and then all three of us could go out for drinks then afterwards to celebrate.” Jackie picked up that this idea caught Emer by surprise. “At least that way we could all be together on Ryan’s birthday. Even work won’t be a problem.”

“Emm. Yeah, I’ll see what I can do.” She paused to think for a moment. “I might actually be able to get off early. Sandra does owe me a favour.”


The evening came and Ryan’s stomach began to growl with hunger. He was sitting in the living room playing computer games, impatiently waiting for the events of this evening to unfold. He heard Emer arrive home as she announced her arrival after closing the front door. She must have heard the TV from the hallway as she poked her head through the door.

“Hey, Ryan. So, I got off early. Looks like we can get going shortly. I just have to figure out what I want to wear. In fact, I’ll call Mom to see what she’s wearing.” She walked away from the door and shouted up to their Mom.

Ryan continued to play the game, but was slightly distracted by his Mom and sister talking in the hallway about what they might wear. They stopped talking for a moment before approaching Ryan. Jackie opened the door and Emer followed her into the living room as they stood before him.

“Ryan. Emer and I were thinking… We’re having trouble deciding what to wear for tonight. Can you come upstairs and help us?” Ryan stumbled over his words, not that he found it intimidating, it’s just he was not expecting such a proposal. He agreed.

“Great. We may as well look the part for you on your birthday.” His mother took him by the hand and they went upstairs to her room. Emer led the way.

“You and Mom can go right ahead. I’m just going to grab some clothes. I won’t be long.”

Jackie brought her son into her room. She sat him down in the armchair that was in the corner of the room. “Happy Birthday, Sweetie. I hope you enjoy the show.” She kissed him and chuckled as she knew what was in store for him.

Ryan sat there, his leg restless as he waited in anticipation, staring at his mother as she started to pick out some clothes from her wardrobe and enter her bathroom.

Emer entered shortly after with an array of clothes resting around her arm. She noticed her brother impatiently sitting in the corner and smirked at him. She looked around the room for their Mom but soon copped she was in the bathroom. She went to join her.

When Emer opened the door, Ryan caught a glimpse of his Mom in her bra and panties. Not used to seeing such sights, he started to go a shade red in the face. Emer closed the door behind her and he closed his eyes to preserve the glimpse he had just gotten.

As he sat there, he could hear his Mom and sister talking with each other, laughing occasionally. They’d often go silent for a moment. He’d hear things fall down on the floor and they’d laugh at that. His mind was going crazy thinking about what was going on in the room. His imagination began to run wild and his dick was getting harder as a result.

He thought about how his Mom probably had his sister Emer sitting on the countertop of the wash hand basin as they were naked, kissing each other. They were probably laughing at the tingling sensation they felt when they sucked on each other’s nipples. He leaned back into the chair as he let his imagination take over, unconcerned by how obvious his hard dick was.

A minute later, he was interrupted by the bathroom door opening. His Mother walked out first as she shook her long black hair, no longer in a ponytail. Her seductive blue eyes stared right at him as she walked towards him in a red dress. His eyes moved from her face down to her prominent cleavage, held by the tight, low cut dress that hugged her body.

With each step, her boobs jiggled and teased a better view as the material swayed side to side. This brought his attention to her legs where as she moved one leg in front of the other, the dress rose from just above her knee to halfway up her thigh. She stopped in front of him and waited for her daughter to come up beside her.

Emer came out wearing a white tank top and a black leather skirt. She also wore high heels. As she stood in front of her brother, she caressed her top, underneath which she wasn’t wearing a bra. She made this obvious to Ryan by squeezing her boobs, massaging them until her nipples were poking through. The black leather skirt did not leave much to the imagination. Aside from being extremely short, there were exposed sections on the side of it, treating him to a view to nearly all of her leg. Ryan was quick to notice here that there was no sign of her wearing panties either. He was stunned just thinking about what was underneath his sister’s clothes. Jackie interrupted his stare.

“Well, Ryan. What do you think?” She swirled around and Emer followed suit, giving him an all-round view. “Don’t you think that we look… sexy?”

Ryan was too focussed on admiring the two sexy women he had in front of them, modelling their most revealing clothing, just for him. His looks grew more lustful and with that his dick only got achingly harder. He was so horny and frustrated, he wanted to fuck them both, right now.

When they stopped twirling around, they moved closer together and stood side by side. Emer noticed his hard dick protruding through his trousers.

“Oh my God! Mom! Look, Ryan’s so fucking hard right now.” She pointed at his erection and looked towards her Mom and they shared a little laugh together.

Jackie laughed a little, but then gave her son an apologetic look. “Oh, Sweetie. You must be really uncomfortable. But you haven’t said anything yet. Are these not sexy enough for you?”

“No. Mom, Emer. They’re fine. You both look great.” Ryan said in a panic.

Jackie moved in closer to her son and beckoned her daughter to do the same. “Well. We’re not aiming to be fine, or great. Are we, Emer?” Jackie and Emer shared a glance, then Emer faced towards Ryan, wrapping her arm around their mother.

“No, we’re not. We want to look *sexy*.” She gave Ryan a questionable look. “Do you get it?”

“Yeah. I get it now, sorry.” Ryan shuffled about in the chair, now slightly self-conscious about the erection he was now trying to hide.

“I guess we’ll have to try again then, Emer.” Jackie wrapped her arm around the back of Emer’s waist and before they returned to the bathroom to change, they looked back at him with inconvenienced looks.

So, Ryan began waiting again as he heard the mumblings of chatter and laughter between his mother and sister. Minutes went by as he let his imagination run wild again. He could have sworn he heard a moan come from the bathroom, but concluded it was probably just his imagination, wishful thinking. He sat back, continuing the fantasy, while he waited for them to come out.

His Mom led the way again. This time emerging from the bathroom in a very short tube dress. Even shorter than the last one. It was a plain black dress that just about covered her ass, but didn’t go much lower. If she was to bend over, her bare ass would be fully exposed. There were no shoulder straps, she had to keep pulling up the top of the dress to prevent too much cleavage from being in display.

Emer came out next wearing the same black leather skirt, but instead was wearing another white tank top of sorts. It was a ripped style, but this particular top had more slits in it than material covering her skin. It just about covered her nipples, but it was a tight top that held her boobs together well and with each step it teased a view of her nipples.

Ryan’s dick was now throbbing, the movement of which was clearly visible through his trousers. Seeing them in such revealing clothing caused him to be shocked. But he finally snapped out of it state of non-response as his confidence came back to him. His mother was the first to approach him again.

“Okay, Ryan! How’s *this* for sexy?” She smiled at him as she appreciated the soft material of her dress. But she kept walking towards him.

“Wow, Mom. You look fantastic.” Emer emerged from behind Jackie.

“And what about me, Ryan? Am I dressed sexy enough for you? She gave him a cheeky smile and raised her eyebrows as she already knew his answer. But she also didn’t stop walking towards him. They both moved towards him, his mother sitting on one side of the chair and his sister on the other.

“Feel the fabric, Ryan.” Jackie grabbed his hand and placed it onto the end of her dress. “Doesn’t it feel so soft.”

“And what about my top, Ryan. I mean, the parts of it that do cover up my boobs.” Emer took his other hand and placed it just below her neck. “Tell us, Ryan. Are these clothes sexy enough for you?”

Ryan was caught between looking at his mother, then at his sister. They seemed to have focussed on his throbbing dick which his Mom brought up.

“Oh look. I guess *that* answers your question Emer. I think these outfits will do just fine.” They laughed at Ryan being stuck in such an uncomfortable position, then shared a glance as they agreed with what they were wearing. Jackie looked back at Ryan. “Oh, look at you, my poor son. It must be so difficult to be living in the same house as us two gorgeous, sexy women. You’re such a sweetie for putting up with us.”

“I bet he jerks off to us when we’re having sex, the fucking pervert. It’s been so long since he’s been with either of us, he probably just lies there on his bed as we, his very own sister and mother loudly fuck each other nearly every night.”

“No. I don’t. I swear.” Ryan argued back, attempting to retain some dignity.

“You’re probably right, Emer. He probably wants to jerk off right now. He probably heard us laughing in the bathroom, wondering why it was taking so long for us to get changed.” They were now engaged in their own conversation, almost forgetting that Ryan was even there. “He probably imagined us naked, kissing each other against the countertop. Little does he know that things went a lot further that kissing. She started to caress his face. “The things we get up to Ryan, you could only imagine, literally.”

Ryan was taken aback by this. It was like they could see straight into his mind.

“Mom, what’s that saying – you always want what you can’t have?” She paused for a moment. “And when we’ll get back from the drinks, Ryan will just go back to his room. We’ll be in here, on your bed right there, Mom, and I’ll be licking your juicy pussy and we’ll be kissing and then I’ll suck on your tits. Then you’ll do the same to me, then we’ll rub our pussies together. And that’s just the beginning, Ryan. Oh, fuck… I literally can’t wait.”

Emer was interrupted by a notification on her phone. She got up to get the phone from the bathroom. “Looks like the taxi is just outside.

“Saved by the bell, it seems.” Jackie looked at Ryan and caressed his face. “I hope our little chat didn’t push you too close to the edge.” She followed Emer into the bathroom to finish getting ready.


(After finishing dinner in the Hooters that Emer works in, they move onto a bar for more drinks)

“So, Ryan. What do you think of my co-worker Anna? She was the one who served us.”

“Uh. She was great, I guess.”

“You *guess*? She’s *the* hottest girl that works in the restaurant, Ryan. Plus, her tits are bigger than mine. I mean, come on.”

“Yeah her tits were pretty big alright.” They all chuckled after Ryan admitted this.

“Maybe I should set you two up. She’s single by the way. She just broke up with her boyfriend so she’s probably in need of some rebound sex.” Jackie loved the way they her son and daughter were actually talking about stuff, they were really bonding now.

“You should take Emer up on that offer, Ryan. Plus, it’ll do you good to fuck someone that’s not your mother or sister.” Jackie didn’t notice the waitress behind her until she caught her staring at the three of them. She was probably within earshot and in shock at what she just heard. Jackie called her over and ordered another beer for Ryan.

“Umm. I don’t think girls like Anna go for guys like me. You know, I get nervous when I approach girls, especially ones I don’t really know.”

Jackie reached over and started to rub Ryan on the leg. “Oh, Ryan. There’s only one way to solve that problem.” She leaned in towards Emer and whispered in her ear. Ryan couldn’t tell what was being said as she covered her mouth. But they started giggling and the exchanged whispers for little longer before resuming the conversation.

“Okay, Ryan. Your sister and I are going help you with your confidence.”

“Yep. We’re going to be your wingwomen for tonight. We’re going to get you laid, one way or another.” While they looked at Ryan reassuringly, he couldn’t help but exude a nervous laughter.

“What? Really? I don’t think-” He was interrupted by Emer.

“See that’s your problem Ryan… you think too much. Just go up to any woman here and ask her if you can get her a drink. That’s all there is to it.”

“She’s right, Ryan. See that woman over there, in the blue dress. Just ask her if you can buy her a drink.” She beckons her son to stand up, which he does, but then had to give him a gentle nudge to actually start walking.

Ryan’s heart was thumping, he could feel it and he also felt little beads of sweat forming on his forehead. On his way towards the woman in the blue dress, he kept looking back at his Mom and sister, who nodded at him reassuringly.

“Hey, can I buy you a drink?”

“Emm. What about those two… women you’re with. Are you not buying them drinks?”

“Oh, no. They’re just my Mom and my sister. It’s my Birthday and we’re just out for a few drinks.”

“They’re your Mom and Sister? And they’re dressed like *that*, for your birthday? That’s a bit creepy. I’ll pass on the drinks, thanks.”

Ryan nodded, accepting his defeat. When he turned around, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and finished his beer. He looked back at his Mom and sister, but they were too busy flirting with the barman who was delivering them their cocktails and another beer for him. They spotted him approaching the table again and the barman left.

“What happened, Ryan?” His mother asked as she gave him a pitiful look. She started to pat and rub his back in support as she handed him his fresh beer which he very much needed.

“She was, um… a bit weirded out by the fact I’m here with my sister and mother on my birthday.”

“Dude, *why* did you say that? Just say we’re your friends, or colleagues. And don’t mention your birthday either, you’re not a fucking kid.”

“Sorry that happened, my dear son. But the best thing for it is to get right back out there. Go talk to that woman there, in the corner, she’s wearing a purple top and has red hair.”

Ryan didn’t really feel up to it so he hesitated, only to feel the hands of his mom and sister on his back giving him a little push. He approached the woman, offered her a drink to which he refused, explaining she had a boyfriend. He returned to his Mom and Sister, feeling a little more down than before. His Mom started to pick out another woman for him.

“Look, I get what you’re trying to do and I appreciate it, don’t get me wrong. But I just want to go home now. Can we just go home?” He rolled his eyes as Emer and his Mom once again exchanged whispers with some smiling and giggling, as if they didn’t acknowledge his misery. His Mom reached out and held his hand.

“Sure, Sweetie. Let’s go home. We still have to give you your presents.”


They made Ryan sit in between them in the back of the taxi so they could continue to comfort him and offer him general dating advice. They were constantly touching him, placing their hands on his inside of his legs, rubbing his chest and every so often, they inched closer to him, their legs touching off his, their shoulders, then their breasts too. Part of him thought that it was just harmless, but he couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild. He was hard as a rock but they were ignoring it, despite their behaviour being the very thing that caused it.

They arrived home and Jackie and Emer lad the way up the stairs, each of them holding Ryan’s hands. Jackie pulled them into the direction of her room. When Ryan closed the door behind him, His sister and his Mom both turned around to face him and walked backwards. They still held onto his hands and led him towards the bed.

Ryan took this as an opportunity to take in what his Mother and Sister were wearing. His Mom had let the dress slip down a little throughout the night, meaning there was a deep cleavage line and the dress was struggling to stay just above her nipples. Then Emer, whose nipples were now visible after the fabric had loosened a little, pulled on her top giving him a better view.

They reached the bed and pushed Ryan so he was lying on it. Jackie and Emer stood side by side, and started to speak with each other. They still looked at Ryan, only exchanging glances between them every so often.

“What do you think, Emer? If he’s going to be getting with girls such as Anna, he’s a couple of more things to learn. What should we teach him?”

“Well, if there’s something he could work on from the time I fucked him, it would be way better if lasted a bit longer. I mean, girls like Anna want to fuck experienced guys, guys that can go the distance.”

“What are you talking about? What do you mean?” Ryan was picking up on this team effort thing again, that they had going the whole night. And he was right. His Mom leaned over and whispered into her daughter’s ear. Ryan was trying to focus to hear what they were saying, but it wasn’t long before they broke apart. His Mom went to bedside drawer and his sister stood there in front of the bed.

“Ryan, take your clothes off. Mom’s going to tie you to the bed so you won’t be able to move.” She looked towards their Mom awaiting further instruction.

It finally clicked with Ryan. He couldn’t really believe that this was happening. Having gone so long without sex with his mother or sister, his imagination began running wild again as he entertained the thought that he was about to have sex with both of them at once. Emer beckoned him to hurry up, so he started to fumble about and take off his clothes. His nerves must have gotten to him as even taking off seemed to be a struggle.

Jackie wasted no time. As soon as her son took off his trousers and boxers, she had his legs tied to the bed posts.

“Here, Emer. You can tie his arms.” She handed the ties to Emer and looked at her son, then winked. Emer then moved up beside him. He couldn’t help but look at her chest. Her top was pretty much redundant at that point meaning he had a clear view of his sister’s big tits.

Ryan lay there, tied up and completely nude. He was hard as a rock while his Mom and sister stood at the end of the bed, again whispering to each other, planning what they were going to do.

Ryan growing impatient, started to panic. “So, what are you planning to do to me?” This brought the attention back on him.

“See, Emer. Guys your age always want things now, they want things done fast. This is why they never last long enough. It takes a real man, well, an experienced man to be patient and hold on for as long as possible.” Jackie climbed onto her bed, kneeling on one side of Ryan and beckoned Emer to position herself on the other side.

“Look at your brother’s cock, Emer. Do you see it throbbing and twitching? He’s about to explode.” Jackie paused for a moment to think and then glanced at her son. “Suck your brother’s dick, Emer. Show me how you would give a blowjob.”

Emer heard her mother’s instruction as she stared at her brother’s cock. She moved back and started to suck his cock, moving her lips up and down, occasionally licking it and spitting on it to make it wetter.

Ryan threw his head back in pleasure. He’d almost forgotten how it felt to have a woman’s lips wrapped around his shaft. He couldn’t believe that his sister was sucking his cock. It was quite a surreal view for Ryan as he looked down at his Sister and Mom.

“Okay Emer. That’s enough for now.” Jackie saw some strands of Emer’s hair stuck to her face so she cleared them for her. “The thing you have to realise, Emer, is that women like us, we just have to *look* at a guy to get them hard. It doesn’t take much more to get them to cum.”

“What do you mean, Mom?”

“What I mean is, guys are visual in nature.” She stood up from the bed and slowly took off her short, black dress. She first grabbed it from the top, exposing her large breasts, then slid it down her slim body, revealing to Ryan and her daughter that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “Just seeing a pair of boobs can drive them insane. I mean, you may as well take your top off too.”

Emer took her top off, then cupped her breasts as she waited for her Mom to climb back into the bed. “I still don’t get it, Mom.”

“Okay. Look at your brother. Look at his face.” She waited for her daughter to look. “See the way his face is red, his breathing is heavy and he can’t keep his eyes of either of us… That’s because women like us have power over men like Ryan. Look, he’s lying there, powerless, with two naked, sexy women like us by his side… and he can’t do *anything* about it. So, there’s no need to go right into a sloppy blow job. You can just *tease* your way into it, so to speak. Maybe kiss it a little.”

“Kiss his dick? Never thought about doing something like that.”

“Yeah just like the way we kiss each other. Like this…” Jackie leaned into Emer who also leaned in. She caressed her Daughter’s face while Emer caressed her mother’s breasts. They started kissing.

Ryan couldn’t believe it. He saw his hot blonde Sister and his milf of a Mom French kissing each other, rather passionately too. What he thought was just going to be a small kiss, turned out to be quite long. They got closer together, their large breasts now pressed against each other’s, making them look even bigger. Jackie then placed one of her hands on Ryan’s chest, as did Emer. They started moaning.

Taken aback, Ryan wished he could pinch himself. He had fantasised what his Mom and Sister were getting up to at night and now he was living in that very fantasy. He started breathing almost as heavy as they were. He started thrusting up and down as much as he could. “That is so fucking hot. Holy shit.” This seemed to cause enough of a stir to break up the kiss.

“See what I mean, Emer. All we were doing was kissing, and Ryan, who wasn’t involved in the kiss, was about to cum if we continued any longer. So, like I said, tease your way into it. In fact, let’s do it together.” They moved apart again and Jackie, now positioning herself between his legs, held her son’s dick before she moved her head down to kiss it.

Ryan looked on as his mother made eye contact with him for the first time in a while. She licked her lips before she brought them down to his balls and ever so softly, pressed her wet lips against them. Kissing each of his balls, slowly, alternating between them, moaning between each kiss. Emer started to kiss her brother’s shaft from the side that was facing him. She became conscious that she was blocking his view so swung her leg around him, providing her brother with a close up view of her wet pussy, but she wasn’t as tall as her mother so Ryan couldn’t actually reach it, but she was close enough for him to appreciate her scent.

The sensation of his Mom kissing his balls and his sister kissing up and down his shaft sent him into ecstasy. He stayed silent as heard the sounds of their kissing, their moaning. His Mom started sucking on his balls, ensuring that each one was fully in her mouth as she also moved her tongue around. His sister started switching between kisses and licking, slowly moving her tongue up and down her brother’s throbbing, pulsating shaft.

His dick was now aching, becoming increasingly sensitive by the second. It didn’t help that his sister swirled her tongue around the head, which caused him to thrust ever so slightly upwards. “Stop. Stop. I’m about to cum.” Ryan exclaimed in panic. It took them a second to stop, but they did, much to the relief of Ryan who was now able to breathe normally again.

“Ryan, Sweetie. I see you have some precum dripping down. I’m just going to lick that up. You’ll be able to handle it, won’t you?” Jackie didn’t wait for a response. With her tongue, she licked up the stream of precum that leaked form his dick and then swallowed it and Ryan groaned with restraint, fighting every urge not to cum. She returned to Ryan’s side, as did Emer.

“Now, Emer. You might have noticed by now that Ryan *loves* big boobs.”

“*Of course* he does. How could he not, especially having grown up in a household surrounded by us, haha.”

“Well, what I mean is, what we did with his dick there, was probably torturous for him. Perhaps we should reward him with the opportunity to suck on our breasts.” She looked towards Ryan now. “How would you like to suck on Mommy’s huge tits, son.”

“*Mommy*! Is that what you call her. Aww. Does my big brother want to suck on my big tits too? I bet you’ve wanted to suck on your little sister’s big tits, Ryan. Haven’t you?” They moved up closer to his face and held their breasts just before his mouth. He reached forward and started licking and sucking on their nipples.

But they kept moving in on him. It wasn’t long before they smothered him with their tits. He could barely breath and couldn’t see anything. He could hear them laugh though. They started shaking their tits and his head shook with them. He could feel their hard nipples by his mouth and up by the top of his head. He felt the softness of their brests, then weight of them and how they moulded to his face has they pushed them further into him.

It wasn’t long before they stopped smothering him. He took in a gasp of air as their boobs fell away from his face. It took a second for him to realise that with his mother and sister towering above him, with their boobs hanging there, he could see that they were engaged in a passionate kiss. He saw up close how they felt each other, how their lips touched off each other and their tongues move in and out. There was nothing Ryan could do, except just enjoy the moment while it lasted. A minute or so later, they remembered Ryan was there.

“Oh, sorry Sweetie. Here, let Mommy give *you* some kisses. She laid down beside him and began kissing him on the cheek. Ryan treasured every press of her lips against his cheek. Emer joined in too. She started kissing the other cheek. He closed his eyes in pleasure as his Mom and sister continued to kiss him all over his face, then all over his neck.

His Mom then pressed her soft wet lips against his and initiated a French kiss. Ryan very much appreciated the felling of his Mother kissing him, feeling her tongue move around his mouth, it was so arousing. She resumed kissing his neck, but Emer didn’t waste any time French kissing him either. They were really making sure he wasn’t given a moment’s rest.

While Emer continued to kiss Ryan, his Mom started to caress his chest, rubbing her hands all over him in a sensual manner. This caused him to move about, which ended the kissing with Emer and her returning alongside their Mother.



  1. “Now Ryan, my dear sweet boy. Now’s the time for the true test of seeing how long you can last.” She noticed Ryan stare at her in wonder. “You have me, Mommy, your milf of a mother and Emer, your smoking hot babe of a sister ready and waiting to fuck you. Our pussies are so fucking wet and we want you inside of us. So, who do you want to fuck first? She started to caress Ryan’s body again, moving slowly in the direction of his crotch as she waited in response.

    “Mom, please. That’s not fair.”

    “Ryan, you’re going to look one of us in the eyes and say that you want to fuck us.” Both Emer and Jackie were now looking at Ryan. With Emer now focussed on him, Jackie moved her hand down further and cupped his balls. “Ryan, we need an answer. Who are you going to fuck? Your Mommy or your sister?” With each second that passed, Jackie squeezed her son’s balls ever so slightly, just enough to cause discomfort.

    Ryan switched between looking at his sister, who was looking at him seductively and licking her lips. His mother looked at him sternly, with raised eyebrows. He was starting to wince in discomfort and he gave in quickly.

    “Mommy. I want to have sex with you, Mommy.

    Jackie released her son’s balls from her grip. “Good choice, Sweetie. I always knew you were Mommy’s boy. Or, should I say, Mommy’s naughty little boy.”

    Jackie moved to straddle her son. She licked her fingers and massaged her pussy to ensure that she was wet enough, it wasn’t a problem. She stroked her son’s dick a couple of times so it was as hard as possible before grabbing hold of it and guiding it inside her warm, tight pussy. Emer watched in amazement as her mother put her brother’s dick inside her.

    “Okay Sweetie. Don’t forget to tell Mommy you’re going to cum so we can take a break. That’s how you practice at lasting longer.” She started to move back and forth as they each found a rhythm. Emer looked on with a hint of jealousy as her mother relished in the feeling of having a dick inside her for the first time in weeks.

    Out of that jealousy and sexual frustration, Emer sat on Ryan’s face, pushing her pussy right into him, instructing him to eat her out. Ryan takes in the smells of his little sister and the sweet taste of her juices. He once ate out his Mom to completion so he started to lick and suck on her labia and inside her pussy.

    Ryan felt like he was having an out of body experience. In a way, it was shame he was buried in his sister’s pussy as he would love to see the view of his Mom as she rocked up and down on his throbbing hard dick while his sister sat on his face. How he lasted this long he didn’t know.

    “Oh God, Ryan! Your cock feels so good inside me. Yes!” She placed her hands on his lower torso as she began to rotate her hips. Emer began moaning too.

    “Fuck, Ryan. Keep eating my pussy. Rub your tongue over my clit.” He pushed even harder into Ryan, occasionally squeezing her legs together as her brother sent tingling shivers all over her body from time to time.

    This all became too much for Ryan before long. He started moving about and thrusting up. He stopped eating his sister’s pussy. His Mom, recognising he was about to cum, didn’t hesitate to pull out, slowly, so as to not make him cum and Emer went down to join her at the end of the bed.

    They whispered amongst themselves as they let Ryan recover for a moment. It was Emer’s turn to fuck him now so she got herself into position. As she put her brother’s dick inside her, Jackie made her way up to her son and untied one of his hands.

    Emer started gasping in pleasure as she moved her hips back and forth. She closed her eyes and bit her lip before letting out a gentle moan. Meanwhile Jackie held Ryan’s hand in hers.

    “Do you like fucking your sister, Ryan? I wonder how many incest porn videos you watched, fantasising about fucking your Mommy *and* your sister. You’re living the dream.”

    It took strength for Ryan to take his eyes off his sister. Watching her tits bounce up and down, he wished he could feel them.

    “Now, Sweetie. Something tells me that you want to feel Mommy’s big boobs.” She moved is hand up and pressed it against one of her boobs. She placed her hand over his and squeezed her boobs for him. He was caught between looking at his Mom and his Sister.

    “I do miss your cock, Ryan, after all these weeks. This is what I would do to it if you weren’t fucking your sister right now.” She brought his hand up to her mouth. With both her hands, she held down all but his middle and index fingers. She started to lick them, up and down, before putting them into her mouth entirely and moved them in and out. She swirled her tongue around them, making sure they were nice and wet.

    “Yes! Ryan. I fucking love the feeling of your cock inside me. Don’t cum yet. Please… don’t cum yet.” Emer began to moan loudly.

    “Oh fuck, Emer. Your pussy is… so tight. Keep going… I can last… Fuck. I can believe you’re fucking me, sis.”

    Jackie took advantage now that Ryan was distracted by Emer’s moaning and pressed his wet fingers against her pussy. She manoeuvred to lay down beside him, but kept is hand on her pussy. She started kissing him on the cheeks and then on the lips. She kept an eye on her daughter who was too busy fucking him. She could hear his short breaths and knew he was close. “I know you’re going to cum soon, Sweetie, so listen to me carefully. Actually, hold on.”

    She started to move her son’s hand, making him massage her pussy the way she wanted it. “Can you continue fingering Mommy. Just move your fingers like this…” She showed him how to massage her clit and insert his fingers in the way she liked.” Yes! Oh wow! That’s it, my son. You’re just a naughty little boy, aren’t you?”

    “Are you going to cum for me, Ryan? Cum for your fucking sister. I can feel your throbbing dick twitching inside me. Cum for me. Oh fuck, cum for me Ryan.” Ryan became glued to his sister. Seeing her rock back and forth, her big tits bouncing and jiggling sure was a pleasurable sight.

    “Ryan, listen to me. I want you to cum inside your sister. Let your cum erupt inside your sister’s pussy. But listen. While I want you to cum *in* her, I want you to cum *for* me. Can you do that?” She recognised that Ryan couldn’t really talk at this moment. She resumed kissing him on the cheek and neck so as to not spoil the view of his sister fucking him.

    He started to grunt and groan. He was assisted by his sister moaning loudly too. “Oh god YES! OHHH! I think I’m gonna cum too. Oh, yes!

    Jackie started to whisper in her son’s ear. “Cum for Mommy, Ryan. Mommy wants you to cum inside your sister. Can you do that for Mommy? I bet you can. Because you’re Mommy’s naughty little boy, that’s why.”

    Between the Mommy talk, his sister fucking him, fingering is Mom and having his mom kiss him every so often and just being beside two very hot and sexy naked women with big tits, it became too much for him to handle. But they doubled down. Emer was now riding on top of him even faster, rotating her hips to bring her brother to completion. And his mother kept whispering in his ear encouraging him with mommy talk to help him cum. It was too much for Ryan’s senses.

    “I’m gonna cum now, Emer. I’m gonna cum.” Ryan groaned and moaned louder and louder, almost as loud as his sister. He could her his mother whisper ‘Cum for mommy’ to him and felt each time she kissed his cheek in between. She also kept his hand pressed against her warm, wet pussy, guiding his fingers still.

    His body stiffened up and he started to thrust up with each shot of cum that he pumped inside his sister.

    “Oh fuck. I just came too. Emer closed her eyes in pleasure as she could feel her brother’s hot cum erupt from his throbbing dick. He looked down and he could see his sisters cum all over his dick. She was exhausted so she lay down on top of her brother and kissed him.

    He looked towards his Mom. When their eyes met, she looked at him with delight.

    “Do you feel that, Sweetie.”

    He actually forgot that he was fingering his Mom, most likely caught up in the moment. He looked down to see a small bit of cum dripping from her pussy. He smiled but he was too worn out from trying not to cum. Emer laid down on Ryan’s other side and they each caught their breath and recovered.

    Shortly after, Emer got up to refresh herself in the bathroom. Jackie tapped Ryan on the shoulder.

    “Sweetie, you can leave now. Mommy has to clean up.” Just as he was about to untie himself, she pulled him back and gave him a long, passionate French kiss and whispered in his ear. “I hope you enjoyed your birthday, Sweetie.”

  2. I hope the relationship between the trio can go back to before Ryan got cockblocked despite the dad coming back. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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