Masturbating on a Zoom group call and getting CAUGHT (28f) [F]

Well, fuck.

Thanks largely to the current state of the world – specifically the recurrent and unrelenting lockdowns we find ourselves perpetually trapped within here in the UK – I’ve found myself cruelly ensnared in the merciless midst of the longest sexual ‘dry spell’ I’ve ever encountered since the heady days of losing my virginity.

I’ve posted previously about how I haven’t taken at all well to this stark sexless existence and how, as a direct result, my libido is currently running rampant. I’ve found myself hopeless trapped in a state of near constant arousal the likes of which I haven’t experienced since the early days of discovering that it was possible to self gratify, and that boys were something *not* to be ignored at all costs, but actually worth spending time with because they have appendages attached to them that can be very useful indeed…

Perhaps unsurprisingly in this wild and unchecked perpetual horn-dog state, I’m masturbating with both a frequency and urgency that might put a typical teenager to shame. I suspect the sheer relentless tedium of lockdown – wherein there’s literally nowhere to go nor people to see – also plays a significant factor atop the inflamed libido, given that self gratification is often the only way to break up an otherwise utterly uneventful day.

The net result of this ‘new normal’ is that I now require almost embarrassingly little stimulus in order to ignite the urge to masturbate. Which is my excuse for why, around two weeks ago, I was to be found subtly fingering myself during our weekly friendship group Zoom get together.

In my defence it wasn’t entirely unprovoked. I’d barely given a second thought to Chloe’s boyfriend Darren prior to lockdown, but something about enforced home-based incarceration had rendered him far more good-looking than I’d ever noticed previously.

And that’s when, as the result of a stupid forfeit in whatever game we were playing at the time, he took his shirt off. Something he was more than happy to do, as clearly he’d spent all the covid-hell year working out.

The shock, surprise and immediate sexual frustration was more the sufficient to have me utterly lose my mind, and start to subtly play with myself beneath the view of the camera.

Mercifully I regained control of my senses in time to hold back from actually *finishing* whilst on the call. I’m neither that good of an actress, nor, generally speaking, quiet enough at the art of the self inflicted orgasm to obfuscate its effects on my face and vocal cords. Which was why I felt incredibly confident that i’d got away with it. Not least because my friends are about as far from subtle as you can get. If one of them had even the slightest inkling that I’d been indulging in some self love beneath everyone’s eye-line I’d have been publicly called out on it *immediately*.

Instead I masturbated furiously as soon as the call was over and had, even if I say so myself, an excellent self rendered orgasm, aided by many unspeakably vulgar thoughts of Darren.

But this left me with something of a problem (Two problems technically, but I’m choosing to totally overlook the morally dubious nature of having repeated obscene imaginary encounters with a boyfriend of a friend). Because now I knew I could get away with it. And the results were excellent. Which meant it was going to happen again.

And it did. Sure, he didn’t take his shirt off the second time but that wasn’t needed – I still had screenshots of the first time anyway. The fact was I could see him and he was still inexplicably and infuriatingly hot. And, because I’m clearly a pervert now, I’d even worn a skirt full well knowing that its only purpose was to make my own access easier.

Except this time; somebody noticed.

What follows is a transcription of the chat log from Zoom between myself and the friend that caught me. Please note that whilst this conversation was going on we were also playing one of the Jackbox games interactive games, and multitasking really isn’t my strongpoint.

George: Mind elsewhere?

Me: Fuck off. My answer was funnier than yours!

George: Oh that’s your concentrating face, is it?

Me: I’d make a comment about your face, but I value our friendship too much.

(I’m not being coy here, my hubris was such that it hadn’t even occurred to me that he might be commenting on the fact my face perhaps held the look of someone in the midst of some self loving)

George: More excited than confused.

Me: You’ll only see me starting to look excited when I start winning. You bastards are all deliberately not voting for me.

George: Really? You seem pretty excited to me? ;)

(At this point, the penny drops. I freeze. And only suddenly being launched into an actual round-ending group discussion saves me from dying on the spot)

George: Unless you’re not doing what it looks like you’re doing.

George: Maybe it was just my imagination.

Me: Why, what were you imagining?

George: That you looked VERY excited during that last round.

George: Very VERY excited.

Me: Yes. I had a funny answer.

George: The ‘I’ve got another browser window open with something much more exciting than you boring fuckers’ kinda excited ;)

(Here I relaxed a little, as I’m now of the opinion that he’s just assuming I’m distracted elsewhere)

Me: To be fair, anything is more exciting than your shitty excuse for a quiplash. [The game we were playing]

George: You can just leave if you’re that desperate for some personal time not that i’m complaining ;)

Me: You only want me to leave so I won’t beat you again.

(This was, I’m perfectly aware, a piss-poor retort on my part. It was now obvious to me again that he had strong suspicions of *exactly* what I was doing but that, hopefully he had no inclination of the actual cause. So prepare to see my try a new tack to take ahold of the conversation)

George: Not the kinda beating it looked like ;)

Me: I’ve no idea what you think female masturbation *is*, but there’s very little getting ‘beaten’. If you think there is then I fear you may be doing something wrong…

George: Who said anything about masturbating?! ;)

Me: You did. With shitty and inaccurate innuendo.

George: I KNEW IT!

Me: You’re the only one. So shut it.

George: You shut your legs first you perv.

Me: Because I’m sure *your* search history is all watercolours and knitting patterns.

George: Hey at least i wait until after I’m off camera!

Me: Surely that depends on how erotic that weeks needlepoint is? “Ooh, it’s a half loop stitch!” *Masturbates vigorously and ejaculates on the small knitted cloth*

George: Hang on why am I being mocked when you’re the pervert who’s just been caught?

Me: Because I’m good.

This isn’t where the conversation actually ended, but it’s an excellent closing line for me to end on.

To clarify a few points – I’d obviously stopped playing with myself once it was obvious he knew what I was doing. No, I’m not remotely attracted to him and nor, to the best of my knowledge, is he to me. We’ve been friends for far, *far* too long and frankly each know far too many revolting secrets about each to ever consider the other a viable sexual prospect.

He hasn’t told anyone yet. Not because I don’t think he will, but because I’m certain he’s holding it as ammunition for later. Which is fine. I’ve far worse on him.

The only upside to this while torrid mess was that it became abundantly clear that George had no idea what the inspiration behind my self indulgence had been. He was seemingly convinced I’d simply be watching some pornography in another window. A merciful escape!

The downside is I’ll no longer be able to risk doing something so idiotic as indulging in self loving during a zoom call anymore. Which, even as I type it, really can’t be considered a downside.

I’ve just switched to Darren’s Instagram instead.



  1. I’m very curious to see how things turn out with this Darren fellow..and by extension his girlfriend. Eventually your horny brain is going to make you do something foolish, funny or just plain hot and I look forward to finding out.

  2. Interested to see how this develops as well! 30s guy here, having a very similar turbo libido during the constant in and out of lockdown. Can see myself going very wild for a week or two in June when we’re hopefully out out!

  3. Haha this was incredibly entertaining, you tell a good story. It doesn’t help that i can relate in my own weird sort of way as well.

    Remember not to double tap the photos from last year.

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