[21M 39F] An Ode to The Fountains of Wayne

‘I don’t know if she’s got a daughter named Stacy, but she has definitely got it going on.’

This was the thought running through Gavin’s head as he watched her walk through the bikini clad and shirtless youth of the pool. As he sat up in his stand, the sun hitting his skin and causing him to rethink the amount of sunscreen he had applied, he could hear the song running through his head. He didn’t necessarily mind it, after all it was a good song, but he also couldn’t help but get slightly lost in the fantasy of her and him. Of course Fountains of Wayne played over these images in his mind as he mindless scanned the pool for potential victims of the “drowning process” as he was told to call it. Every so often, he would glance over to where she had disappeared, hoping for another glimpse given the shaded area, but with the sun beating down and reflecting into his eyes, he couldn’t tell.

An hour went by and he was finally given his break, a mere 30 minutes per hour spent in the stand, but nothing too terrible. As he climbed down, his tube in hand, he walked over to the shaded area to drink some water and cool down, he saw her through the tint of his sunglasses. A tall, hot, blonde, MILF. She wore a black bikini that complemented her hourglass figure, sunglasses adorning her face as she sat in the shade, her long legs crossed as she talked with similarly clad women. Her blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail, snaking down her back and partially covering the Chinese symbols she had down her back.

‘Or are they Japanese?’ Gavin thought as he stopped for a moment and stared, pondering this. He could clearly see her backside from the angle he was standing at, her voluptuous ass barely held in by her swimsuit bottom, and the fact she was leaning over the table to talk only helped but add to her overwhelming amount of attractiveness. He wasn’t starting at her more prominent features though, he was legitimately staring at her obscured tattoos and attempting to figure out the language. As he stood there, going through his many half learned and abandoned languages he then thought of Reily Reid and her back tattoo.

‘Nah. Not the same. It’s a common tattoo.’ Plus, he didn’t really like Reily too much, however popular she may be. No, he was into MILFs. Why? There was probably some psychological reason for it. Maybe his mom had doted on him too much, or maybe it was his many, many attractive teachers through his schooling career, but that was his thing: MILFs.

‘Stupid college professor hags. Why couldn’t they-‘ his thought was cut off by the eye contact he made through his lenses with the woman he had been staring at. She was looking right at him, along with two of her friends who were giggling behind their hands. Gavin could feel himself growing red, but he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or from the sun having beat down on his rather pale complexion. She then got up, and walked over, her tits bouncing as she did, her hips swaying in such a way that he couldn’t help but watch. She stopped a few inches away from him, close enough that the end of his guarding tube was almost at her chest.

“Is something wrong?” She asked, her voice kind and sweet, genuinely concerned that something was the matter. She took off her sunglasses to reveal a pair of bright blue eyes underneath with a piercing gaze that would make most men crumble. She cocked her head slightly as she watched Gavin mouth the words to a song, but she didn’t know the lyrics.

“Are you okay?” She asked him. Suddenly Gavin snapped out of his ‘Stacy’s Mom’ stupor, and responded, his voice sounding strange as it left his throat, “Just a little dehydrated. Sorry.” He took a very long, and awkward sip from his water bottle, gulping almost all of it down before noticing she was still standing there, watching with modest concern. Through his glasses he looked down at her hands: no ring.

‘Nice.’ He thought.

As he finished his water, he said, “I also noticed your tattoo. Looks Chinese. What does it say?” He spoke with haste, like he was talking to his crush in elementary school, and his voice nearly cracked in the middle. He kept his shades on through this ordeal to stare at her breasts, unsure if his head was actually tilting down or if it was just his own perception.

The woman gave a small giggle at this before turning around and pulling her ponytail to the side, “Long live the queen.” She turned back around, her chest melons swaying slightly as she did. Gavin almost forgot about the conversation and dumbly responded, “Cool. Sorry for staring ma’am.” The woman giggled again, “Don’t be sorry. I saw you in the stand. I find it to be complimentary.” She gave him a wink, and turned around walking away with her hips swaying.

Gavin sat back in the stand by the lap pool, his favorite spot, mainly because nobody was going to drown in the lap pool, meaning he could relax his vigilance. As he sat back, the sun again beating his skin into the color of a freshly cooked lobster, he saw the woman get into the lane closest to the stand. Gavin didn’t sit up, instead deciding to “play it cool” and keep about his casual and suave lifeguard persona intact.

‘Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Stacy’s Mom. Why is she over here again. Wait was she flirting with me? I’m 21. People don’t flirt with me unless they’re drunk.’ He thought. Gavin then looked at his arms and then his legs. While he had been going to the gym frequently, and working out in the pool pretty much every day, he was nowhere near the level he wanted to be. ‘I don’t have a 6 pack yet. Although the abs are, as they say, “toned”.’ He smiled at this thought, pleased with his progress towards a better body, as the woman swam past him, doing a freestyle stroke that had seen better days. She stopped at the wall and swam back to the stand, being directly under his feet.

“So. I see you teach swim lessons?” She inquired, looking up at the bottom of the chair in which Gavin sat.

While he couldn’t see the woman, and he technically couldn’t look at her, he responded, “Yes ma’am. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. One of a few teachers.”

“And I see you offer adult classes as well?” She said this with the same inquiring tone as the previous question. Still staring at the stark white undercarriage of the stand.

Again Gavin responded, “Yes ma’am, Monday nights. And Friday nights.”

“If you call me ma’am one more time I’ll report you to your manager.” The woman said this jokingly as Gavin stared over the edge of the chair stand and down at the woman, his sunglasses hiding his surprise and delight. “Please, call me-“

‘Please don’t be Karen. Please don’t be Karen. Please don’t be Karen. Please don’t be Karen. Please don’t be Karen. Ple-‘

-Brittany.” She said, staring at Gavin with those piercing blue eyes of hers.

“Like. Spears?” Gavin responded, his voice going up in pitch as he finished the question and swung his head back up to pay some amount of attention to the lap pool. He heard her laugh and respond, “Yeah. Like Spears.” He swung his head down again, “Alright, Brittany. I’m Gavin. Pleased to meet you.”

“Gavin. Cute name.” She responded as he swung his head back up, and started to swim laps again.

As he sat back in the chair again, Gavin had multiple thoughts running through his head, most of them song lyrics such as ‘Stacy’s Mom’, ‘You’re the Best Around’, and ‘Super Freak’. But he also had another thought:

‘Is she actually flirting with me?’ Now that thought was the one he focused on as he watched the people swim laps. He thought about how she had deliberately swam over to him and engaged in conversation, he thought about their first name basis. And most of all, the ending comment. ‘Yeah. She’s flirting with me.’

After an hour sitting by the lap pool and another at the top of the waterslide, the pool was ready to close down for the night. As the patrons left and the lifeguards began to do the same, Gavin noticed a black sedan waiting in the parking lot, not far from his own car. He couldn’t help but get a mild sense of excitement, but equal unease as he began to walk past it. As he was about to get into his car, he heard a window roll down and a short whistle.

He turned around, and saw Brittany, waiting there in her bikini and sunglasses, leaning against her center console. She raised a hand and beckoned him with a finger, and he somewhat hesitantly obeyed her command. He stood at the window, and she spoke in a slightly hushed tone, but still in her flirtatious way, “You busy?”

Gavin thought for a moment about the 2XP Weekend happening in Call of Duty, and the camo grind he had been working towards when blowing off his college papers. Then he thought of the opportunity presented and decided to take the chance.

“Not particularly.” He said. He was glad to be wearing his sunglasses so she couldn’t him staring at her rack.

“Well, if you follow. It could be fun.” Brittany said, leaning back away from the armrest and preparing to roll up her window, turning up the radio to hear “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” playing. As the window began to slowly roll, Gavin placed a hand on it. “Hang on.”

The window stopped, and he spoke again, “Y’know. Some would consider it slightly creepy that a patron would wait for a lifeguard in order to… seduce him.”

He heard Brittany give a giggle at this, as he continued, “However, I don’t. So… sure.” With that, he turned and got into his own car, as she began to roll away and he peeled off to follow.

As he drove behind Brittany, ensuring to stay almost directly on her bumper, Gavin could not for the life of him find the right song to lighten to mood. As he cycled through his library, passing by many potentially suitable songs, he finally settled on “William Taylor” from the Assassins Creed 4 soundtrack. The sea shanty had little to do with the current thoughts running through his head, but he couldn’t help but sing along as he drove the near empty streets of the somewhat lavish neighborhood he found himself in.

‘Damn if this isn’t a banger of a song.’ He thought as he sang the chorus. ‘I’m following a woman to her house. To potentially have sex. Cool. Sea shanties should really by more mainstream.’ His thought process was a little scattered.

Soon Brittany’s car pulled into the driveway of a rather size-able home, large enough for him to park next to her. He watched as she exited, still in only her bikini, and walked up to the front door, and he followed. He shut the door behind him, and watched as she ascended a staircase to the upper floor. He glanced around and noticed plenty of photos of her and a rather lovely looking daughter, who, coincidentally, appeared to be similar in age. He also noticed the many paintings around the walls and the minimal furniture. As much as he would’ve like to analyze the situation, he decided he should move upstairs.

When he got up the stairs he saw her in a bedroom, a very lavish king size bed in the center with a nightstand on the side, opposite of which was a very large TV. He watched as she walked down a small hall to a set of double doors and opened them to a bathroom with quite possible the coolest shower he had ever seen.

It had stained glass on the outside, but from what he could tell, it had multiple jets on the walls and the ceiling, a temperature adjuster touchpad, and speakers surrounding. He could also make out a bench area on the far wall, almost as though it could double as a sort of sauna unit. Brittany turned and faced him, smiling but saying nothing, as she opened the door and climbed in, before throwing over her bikini top followed shortly by the bottom. The water came on and steam began to billow as the fans kicked on.

“Coming?” A voice beckoned from within the mysterious fog. He could barely see the outline of her perfect figure, as he took of his own clothes and kicked them aside, before looking down at his already growing cock. Given the fact he hadn’t done this before, he supposed he was in the right to be hard already.

He opened the door and climbed in and was met with the nude backside of Brittany, her tattoos showing off as she had two anchors on her hips and a pair of lips on her left buttock. He wasn’t sure how to proceed but decided to go with his gut and came up behind her, placing his hands on her stomach and kissing her neck as he felt her hands reach back and instinctively grab his cock.

He kept kissing her neck and shoulder, switching sides as she very slowly began to jerk him, her grip firm yet gentle as she stroked up and down. She moaned as his hands went up and felt her breasts, how nice and firm they were, perfectly rounded, as if sculpted by God himself. She let go of him and turned, facing him in all of her glory, and he noticed how similar in height they were, as she grabbed his cock again and pulled his face in for a kiss, the warm water running over them making it seem all the more sensual.

As they kissed, he felt her tongue playing with his and her hand speed her jerking slightly as he moved a hand to her ass, giving it a squeeze and feeling how bubbly and round it was, yet firm. He moved his other hand to the back of her head keeping their embrace as he explored her some more. Moving down to her groin, her felt a smooth and clean shaven pussy, her labia barely protruding as he rubbed it with the palm of his hand before sticking a finger inside. Brittany pulled away and moaned again, as she slowed down, “Yes. Keep going.” She said, as she went in for another round of tonsil hockey.

‘Alright. So I still got ‘it’, I think.’ Gavin thought as he slipped another finger in and felt her squirm, their mouths playing more forcefully. He took his finger out and gave her left ass cheek a hard slap, feeling her jolt before melting back into his mouth. She pulled away, and got onto her knees, looking up at him again with those eyes, before sticking her tongue out licking the tip of his cock. She began to kiss it, going up and down the shaft and as she did, Gavin was very thankful he kept himself well groomed. When she had finished she put the tip of his hard member in her mouth, letting in rest with her tongue swirling around the head, before grabbing his shaft and going down on his cock.

Gavin had experienced this before, but Brittany seemed to do it better. She worked his cock nice and slow, her tongue running along his shaft as she sucked him deeply, not to his base, but just enough to where he could feel a small amount of ventricular force around his cock. Brittany looked up at him as he stood there, his mouth agape in pleasure and low grunts emanating from him, and she put a hand down to her wet pussy.

Wet from both the shower and the treatment she had gotten earlier, pleasing herself as she blew him. She let go of his shaft and squeezed his balls, and Gavin went with his gut again, placing a a hand on the back of her head and gently forcing her deeper, all the way to the base, her eyes seeming to well with tears as she came back. The saliva she left was clearly visible on his cock as she stood and kissed him again deeply, her hand still pleasing her pussy and the other on his chest.

Brittany then placed herself against the shower door, facing outward with her ass, bubbly yet firm, out for Gavin to grab and spank. He got onto his knees, feeling the warm water run over his skin and hair, and then began to please her pussy with his mouth.

He grabbed a hold of her ass, pulling her back into his face as he stuck his tongue down her cunt, feeling how wet it was, and kissing it deeply, hearing Brittany moan as he did so. Occasionally he would slap her ass, and after a while, she placed a hand back, pushing him deep in her, and he felt her shake and orgasm on him, moaning loudly as she did. She let go of his head and he stood up, not even hesitating, and stuck his rock hard cock inside of her, grabbing her tits for support as she held onto the door.

Her pussy felt amazing, squeezing his cock tightly as he began to thrust in and out, her tits feeling nice and firm in his hands as he did. She moaned as he fucked her, “Yes. Yes. Deeper. Harder. Fuck.” She moaned for him to go faster and he did, speeding up and grabbing her hips as he thrust in and out, fucking her fast and deep, spanking and pulling her into him as he did. The sound of their fucking echoed throughout the bathroom as her ass clapped against his thighs, her moans and his groans growing in uncontrollable crescendo.

Gavin pulled out, and Brittany turned around, before she was picked up and fucked with her back against the wall, feeling Gavin’s cock ramming into her and pleasing her better than she had ever been. He buried his face in her tits as he pounded her, until he felt he was going to cum.

“Oh… oh… I’m gonna cum.” He moaned as he kept thrusting inside of her cunt, she looked at him and kissed his lips, whispering: “Mmmm, cum. Cum in my mouth.” Gavin didn’t have to be told twice as he pulled out and unloaded inside of Brittany’s mouth, down on her knees as she sucked down every drop of his cum.

They exited the shower and once they were dry they fucked on the bed, Brittany riding Gavin like a horse as they fucked hard and fast. Her tits bounced and swayed as he slapped her ass and grabbed her tits, her pussy taking all of his cock as she gyrated her hips around him. She leaned over as she got spanked, feeling his cock deep inside of her as she fucked him. She ran a hand through his messy brown hair as she felt herself cum again, moaning loudly as she did, before he said he was going to cum again. Brittany looked at Gavin, before leaning back, hands by his legs, and let him explode inside of her.

As she felt his large, hard, cock, explode inside of her with all of the cum he had left, she couldn’t help but be proud of herself. She had seduced a man nearly twice as young, and had rocked his world. As they both collapsed and lay next to each other, naked and breathless, and put a hand on his cock and got her lips close to his ear.

“You know. I have a step-daughter around your age.” Brittany whispered.

‘Fuck.’ Gavin thought as he smiled and let her stroke him. ‘Maybe I am dreaming.’

But as he sat there and felt this MILF jerk him slowly while he put a hand on her pussy, he decided that he didn’t care to wake up if he was. He just wanted to enjoy it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lq7xex/21m_39f_an_ode_to_the_fountains_of_wayne