Office Flirt Part 2

[Part 1](

So, trying to piece the night together was a little difficult to put it mildly. One thing I do remember quite well was that once Alison told me and Sonya she was leaving, I figured it would be a good time to go as well. So, I told Sonya I should head out too, seeing as I wasn’t a big drinker to begin with and I had a pretty big buzz going on at the moment.

“Come on, Thomas. My kids are spending the weekend at my parents and all my girlfriends are at home doing the mom thing. If you leave now, I’ll have to go home to an empty house, all alone. Stay with me for a little while more and keep me company.” She said holding on to my hand, sticking out her lower lip and drooping her eyes.

Alone? What about her husband? I thought. I mean she was holding my hand and I could see that diamond flashing in the dim lighting of the bar. Plus, there was a bag of weed in my drawer at home calling my name. Should I just ask her to come back to my place and see if she wanted to join in? No, I couldn’t do that. That would just sound like I’m trying to get in her pants. Not that I would have a problem if that were to happen. Yes, I would, she was married. I was so conflicted of what to do at that moment, I just kept sputtering out uhs and umms.

She raised my hand between hers in front of her face and gave me an even poutier face. God she was so cute like that, but I didn’t think this was a good idea at all. That is until she said “Pleeeeaaasssse. If you say no, I’ll think you don’t like me.”

I knew that that wasn’t true, and she knew that I knew as well. That look was melting my brain making it almost impossible to say no to her. The alcohol was fogging up the rational part of my brain and I gave in and said, “Fine” in a defeated tone.

“Yay!” She said as she jumped up and down a few times, providing an interesting view as I looked down at her. She turned toward the bar, my hand still in her and she pulled me in tow. “Four shots of chilled tequila and limes and two beers.” She said to the bartender.

What happened next, I can only put together in snippets, and even then, I’m not sure what was real. If my memory can be trusted, there were a lot more tequila shots. Some involved taking the limes from each other’s lips, I’m pretty sure I licked salt from her shoulder and cleavage for some too. Actually, I don’t know if that was Sonya or some other woman we met at the bar. I could remember the action of doing it but that was it. Then there was dancing, well me sitting and someone dancing on my lap.

Next thing, I remember vividly was having a throbbing headache, my mouth feeling like it was dabbed with cotton balls all night, and me in just my boxers lying on a couch I have never seen before. The scent of coffee brewing and the sound of some sort of meat sizzling in a pan got my eyes to open but my body was protesting any movement. My head was perfectly fine with lying still for the next few minutes or hours as well.

“You know the best remedy for a hangover is a nice hot steamy shower.” Sonya said.

The sound of her voice startled me, and I sat straight up, which was a huge mistake. My head felt like a New Year’s Day fireworks show crammed in a steel barrel. There were tiny pinpricks of flashing in front of my eyes even though they were closed, and the pounding made me want my head to explode just for the relief it would bring. I immediately slumped my head back into my hands as my elbows rested on my thighs. It took an eternity for the pounding to subsist, but when it did I opened my eyes to see Sonya standing in front of me in a black satin bathrobe.

The bathrobe was tied loosely around her waist letting the top to be spread generously down the middle. I could make the tips of her breasts as the thin fabric lay softly on them. The hem of the robe barely made it to her thighs, showing off her tanned toned legs. It was the first day of work all over again, I couldn’t take my eyes off her figure. Instantly my headache was gone. It must have been because there was no blood rushing through it at the moment, it had all rushed to my cock, which was dangerously close to poking through the front hole of my boxers.

She began to saunter towards me, one foot in front of the other causing her hips to sway. All I could think of was what I wouldn’t give for a big gust of wind right about now. (Ok, I know I was indoors and that happening was impossible. Give me a break I was horny, hungover, and probably still a little drunk.) When she got near she reached out to my hand, still holding my head in them, and pulled, guiding me to a standing position. Once I was standing she lead me out of what must have been the living room down a hall.

Even as horny and hungover as I was, I was beginning to have a lot of doubts of what I was expecting to happen. My battling conscience was making my head start to pound again. She was married, I couldn’t do this. I wasn’t a homewrecker, was I? Well, of course my image of what was coming next couldn’t have been further from reality.

She opened a door to the bathroom and said, “There’s a new toothbrush on the sink and a travel toothpaste. The towel and bathrobe are hanging on the towel rack. A nice clean mouth and hot shower always cures me. Don’t worry about using all the hot water, there’s no one else here.” And with that she turned and left me by myself in the bathroom.

I was disappointed that events had not transpired as they had played in my mind, but also partly relieved that I wouldn’t be having a guilty conscience about it either. I didn’t want to have that on my mind every day I went into work and saw her there. It was one thing to flirt and ogle but to take that next step with a married woman was a line I didn’t really want to cross…or did I. I looked back at my actions with her and maybe subconsciously I did want to cross that line. I mean I didn’t have to work out with her after work. I could’ve just went home last night when everyone else did and I wouldn’t even be having this conflict over this made up situation.

I shook my head, which wasn’t a great idea, to clear my thoughts and I grabbed the toothbrush. While I sat on the toilet brushing my teeth, I couldn’t get the image of Sonya standing in front of me in her robe. I began fantasizing of her undoing the tie and letting it fall to the floor revealing her firm naked body and mounting me on the couch where I sat. Her hand sliding down my bare chest and reaching below to pull my hard cock from my boxers and guiding her body down upon it.

The toothpaste foam dripped from my mouth onto my thigh and shook me from my daydream. I debated hard whether to just take a cold shower to shake all this nonsense from my brain but decided my head couldn’t take that kind of torture, so I rinsed the toothbrush and my mouth and turned the shower all the way up. Once the water was amply heated I jumped into the shower letting the water blast on the top of my head.

Once the water was on me, Sonya’s words about a hot shower reverberated in my brain, then the image of her popped up again and with it so did my cock. No matter what I tried to think of, she always came up again. Without thinking I grabbed the shampoo and lathered it between my palms and I was transported back to high school again. I closed my eyes and began stroking, imagining she was in front of me pushing her ass into me taking me deep into her.

Then the scene jumped to her standing in front of me in the shower. Flecks of water ricocheting off my body on to her ample breasts and perky nipples. Her hand gripped on the top of my hand and moved hers in time with each of my strokes. Her bottom lip was between her teeth as she stared down at our synchronized hands.

“You know you could have just asked me to join you in the shower, instead of leaving the door open like that. Though I do like this invitation a lot better.” Sonya said turning her gaze from my cock to my eyes.

Did I leave the door open? With my brain being fogged up from the hangover and thoughts of her out of that bathrobe, that it could have been a good possibility but in no way was this some sort of elaborate plan for her to come join me. In fact, I wasn’t sure this should even be happening. I kept repeating that she was married in my head, but my arm wasn’t listening, as I kept stroking and with each stroke the voice in my head became exponentially softer.

“I did take a shower earlier but there was couple of pesky areas that I just couldn’t get to.” She said with a smile and reached over to pump a handful of body.

She took her hand from my cock to lather the soap and instantly felt the void of her touch upon me. Once she got a good lather, she pulled my still stroking hand from my cock and spread the bubbly soap to cover the entirety of my hand. Then she pulled my hand around her and took a step forward. The tip of my cock poked into her stomach as she did, the soapy lather helped to slide it up. Her other hand cupped my cheek and pulled us tight together. The heat of her body against my pulsating cock and her soft breasts pressing her nipples into my rib cage sent a shock through my entire body.

I clenched my jaw tightly and my breath heavy through my nose. A storm began brewing within me, begging me to throw out my morals and just take her. She obviously wanted just as much as I did, right? But still there was a faint, a very faint voice in my head telling me this wrong but try as I might I couldn’t get the word no out of my mouth nor could I get my body to pull away. The only reasonable thing I could think of doing was stare at the tile behind her and make my arms and hands as limp as I could. I figured if I didn’t do anything and just stood there maybe she would take that as a hint and stop. Plus, if I wasn’t doing anything then maybe I could leave this situation with a clear conscience.

However, when she pulled my hand behind her to use as a loofah for her perfectly sculpted ass, my fingers began to curl on their own, curling to fit around her curves. She guided my hand smoothly around her contours of one cheek from the top of her hip and slowly down and around the bottom of her cheek then back up through the middle of her cheeks.

A second later both of my hands were in moving in synchronized circles feeling Sonya’s smooth firm cheeks, as her body slid up and down against mine. The friction of her body on my soapy cock was fueling the storm inside of me, it was dangerously nearing a category 5. The inner restraints were beginning to buckle. I tried to move with her body to lessen the friction, but she took the motion to mean something else and moved her body against me faster. I was in real trouble here.

“With all your staring at work, is this how you imagined my ass would feel in your hands?”

I tried to ignore the question, keeping myself in my trance, hoping that if I didn’t say anything she would think I wasn’t interested. And for an instance I thought that it had. She let go of my hands and I let them fall to my side. I felt the pressure of her body leave me and I let out a long sigh of relief. Then as soon as I let my guard down her body was pressed against me again. But this time instead of feeling the softness of her breast, I felt the long curly hair against my chest. She grabbed ahold of my hands and wrapped my arms around her. She guided my hands across of her flat stomach and up, where I could feel the ridges of her ribs and further up until both of my hands were now cupping her breasts.

She leaned her head back into chest and I couldn’t help but break out of my trance to look down at her. As I did I took in a big whiff of her freshly shampooed hair and I nuzzled my face in the top of her head. At that she wiggled the top of her ass against my balls and bottom of my cock. She had positioned it so that my cock was lined up with the crack of her ass and I couldn’t stop myself from bending my knees slightly so that all of my cock was between her cheeks.

“Such a naughty boy, you are.” She said. She let go of one hand and raised it above my head. She grabbed a fistful of hair wrenching my head to the side while she slid my hand between her legs with the other. I noticed the stark contrast of textures under my fingers as the made their way lower. My middle finger felt the thin patch of hair under while the rest felt smooth soapy skin. My mouth opened to let out a long exhale as her body moved up in opposition of her guiding hand. As soon as she curled my finger into her I could feel her let out a breath that matched mine. The combination of sensations of my cock between her cheeks, the warm welcoming embrace of her pussy lips around my fingertip, and the proximity of lips to mine had me on the brink of crossing a line I knew I shouldn’t.

I steeled my will trying to picture an enraged husband catching us here in this shower. But the movement of her body moved with a greater speed to match the intensity of her guiding hand about her clit. The acoustics of the bathroom amplified the moans that were now bursting from her lips. As great as her soapy cheeks felt engulfing my cock, I knew being inside of her would intensify that feeling by tenfold. The monster inside of me pushing me to just bend her over and take what she so generously wants to give. I bit my lip trying to stop myself, but it wasn’t doing any good.

Then as if by some miracle, her movements stopped, and I felt the pressure of her body leave mine. My head sprung back into its normal upright position. I looked down at Sonya as she turned toward me. Her hands outstretched to my chest and nudged me back a couple of steps. The water from the shower hit the back of my head then was shooting out just above it to give Sonya its full force. She stood just there with her head just above the top streams of the shower with a disappointed look on her face.

“I guess this shower just wasn’t hot and steamy enough for you. Maybe breakfast will help with your hangover more. I’m going to throw your clothes in the wash. There’s a bathrobe hanging by your towel.” She said and turned to rinse her backside, then stepped out of the shower and left.

I stood there for I don’t know how long feeling stunned and a bit bad over what had just transpired. I was sort of relieved that I didn’t have being a homewrecker on my conscience but that look of disappointment and the tone of her voice as she left the shower weighed even heavier on me. What if I had this whole situation wrong. What if they had an open marriage and I was her choice. Maybe I should have asked or said something. But with everything going, that thought had never occurred to me and even if it did and she said yes to having an open marriage, would I still be ok with that. Well I guess my opportunity to find had left when she left the shower. I let the hot water flow off the top of my head for a while longer before I finished washing.

All throughout I kept trying to find the right words to say to Sonya, regretting that I didn’t even tell her not to wash my clothes, so I could just leave. But now I was stuck there in an awkward situation made even more awkward knowing that I would only have a bathrobe on until they were done. I paced the bathroom for a few more minutes after I finished drying, still not coming up with anything to say or do. Best I could come up with was just politely ask that I have my clothes after they were done washing and call and uber or something to go home. I thought riding in wet clothes was probably better than riding in a bathrobe. Hopefully she didn’t take that as an offense and hope to just ignore the events of this morning when we got back to work.

So, I stepped out with my terrible plan in hand. I quickly found Sonya in the dining room back in her black satin bathrobe setting up the table for breakfast. She was slightly bent over putting down plates and utensils, as she did the hem of her bathrobe pulled above her cheeks. I immediately stopped in my tracks once I spotted her. The plan that I had come up with tossed out the window and my cock did its best impression of Moses with the front of the bathrobe.

Sonya lifted her head when she heard me enter and turned toward me keeping her lower half right where it was. She raised her hand in front of her face and raised one finger in the air and crooked it toward her. It must have been some sort of magic trick because my body just followed her direction even though my head was saying stand still.

“Come have some breakfast. I made you my special peach gobbler. It’s sure to get rid of any hangover.”

I kept repeating to myself that I resisted once, I could do it again. But that was a completely false statement because the next thing I knew I was down on my knees throwing off the bathrobe with the flesh of her cheeks between my teeth. As soon as I was free of the bathrobe my hands were full of thick firm cheeks. The monster inside of my had taken full control of my body. There was no holding back.

My mouth furiously kissed and took big bites of flesh as my hands spread her cheeks, opening a pathway to what I needed. My tongue slipped out tracing its way from the top of her crack until I reached the edges of her asshole and circled around it, feeling just tiniest of ridges. After I did the first circle around I heard Sonya say, “So naughty!”, but this was nowhere near as naughty as I could be. My tongue started another circuit this time drawing closer the center. My hands gripped tighter as I felt her cheeks tense and her asshole pucker beneath the tip of my tongue.

“Wait!” I heard Sonya say but my only response was my hand coming down. The sound of my palm hitting her cheek echoed in my ear and I snarled back, “NO! THIS IS MINE!!”

I pulled my head back from her ass and slapped down with my other hand. The surprised squeals after each spank brought a delighted smile to my face making me want more of it. So, I lifted two hands as high as I could and came back down with a thunderous slap of both cheeks. I could see the red begin to spread on both cheeks and I smiled even wider. But as fun as that was this was not the real thing I wanted. I was starving and there was a savory meal staring back at me.

I stretched my hands forward placing my thumbs on each lip, spreading them wide, displaying an inviting shade of bright pink. Without hesitation I dove in tongue, flattening it against the soft warm flesh. Sonya’s salty tangy flavor coated my tongue as I slowly moved my head up, and as I did the tip of tongue pushed hard inside of her trying to scoop more of her flavor into me. As soon as I hit the top of her slit, my tongue made its descent retracing its steps back to the middle of this delightful cuisine. Once I was in the middle my head pushed forward until the tip of my nose was pressed against the top of her slit, pushing my tongue in as far as it could. And my tongue began twirling its widest circles inside of her.

Without stopping the movements of my tongue, I traced one thumb down the edge of her lip and replaced it with my other fingers to keep her pussy spread. I could feel my thumb begin to slide more easily the lower I got, accumulating the combination of my saliva and building slickness until I felt the small button that was her clit beneath it. Then my thumb moved in a slow circle in time with my tongue. As I did, began to hear soft moans coming from above me and felt a slight quivering of her legs under my palms.

Her legs began to quiver more intensely as I widened the circles of my thumb upon her clit. The sound of her moans becoming so frequent that they seemed like just one long sound only to be broken up by a short intake of breath. I could tell she was close to her climax but that feeling of abrupt disappointment from the shower filled me with the sense of wicked revenge. No I wasn’t about to give her what she wanted just yet.

I kept my tongue and tongue moving with the same speed and motion, feeling her legs and listening for cues to tell me when the moment was upon us. Then when I felt that she was just about to reach the summit. I pulled my face and hands away from her, briefly wiping our mixture from my face. I could hear her long-disappointed exhale as I did and smiled to myself. After a short pause, I leaned back in to spread the hood from clit with my thumbs and started my slow exploration with the tip of my tongue. I tested different pressures and motions listening as she would gasp with just the right combination.

The constant starting and stopping of my tongue must have finally got to her when I heard her scream out, “God, stop teasing me. Fuck me now.”

It was just what I was waiting for. I raised both hands to her cheeks to help me off my knees. As soon as I was standing I pushed my cock to point down as I stepped in to have hips pressed up against her ass. I could feel her saliva-stricken clit slide across the top of my cock and her warm wet pussy tight against my hip. I knew I could have slipped my cock deep inside her with how wet she was, and I was almost tempted but the scales had to be balanced first.

I leaned over, pressing my chest against her back, my hand sliding around her throat. My mouth hovered above her ear as I whispered, “Don’t you remember? I told you it was mine and if I want to play with my peach gobbler then that’s what I’ll do.”

As I was whispering, I bounced my hips tight against her cheeks making sure my cock made long slow strokes against her clit. I saw her close her eyes and breath quicken as I did. The motion was taking affect on me as well, the effortlessly gliding of my cock between her lips were bringing me back to the shower. The monster inside of me was screaming at me to finish what she had started then.

I tried to quiet him, still wanting to tease her as she had done to me, but my hand was already reaching between us as my hips pull further back until I could feel the tip of my cock sliding against her cock. My hand grabbed hold of my cock, guiding it as I felt her warm inviting lips start to swallow my cock. My hips pushed forward with all I had as soon as my tip was inside of her.

At the sound of Sonya’s gasp, the monster inside of me took over, and the definition of slow and easy was nowhere to be found in his dictionary. My hand squeezed around her throat and pulled my body into her. The sounds of my hips slapping against her ass and the loud moans now escaping Sonya’s lips were making a beautiful symphony of music that echoed throughout the dining room. My hand let go of her throat as my torso straightened up, both hands were full of firm cheeks now as I spread them open to see my cock glistening with her juices hammering her pussy. Soon my cock no longer glistened but became coated with a thick cream as I kept my hips crashing into her.

Satisfied with the work I was putting in, my hands slid up to her waist to get a better handhold and more leverage. With her cheeks now free of my hands I could see the waves her ass was making as my hips crashed even harder into them. The reality of watching its motion was better than any fantasy I had come up when I first saw her in the office that day.

I could feel the slight burn of muscle in my abs and thighs, as I kept up the constant pounding. Then a new sound began mixing in with loud moans from Sonya and the wet fleshy impact of my hips into her ever-growing wet pussy. It took me a second to figure out that it was me making the sounds. It was my monster vocalizing itself, grunting loudly with each thrust. I could now feel my cheeks tightening with each thrust into Sonya. My shoulders, too, were beginning to feel the burn as I pulled on her hips to give her everything I had to offer.

Then my body tightened just for an instance and I knew that I couldn’t hold back the rushing tide that was to come. I pulled my hips back, sliding my cock out of her. As I pushed my hips back toward her I got on the balls of my feet and pulled my cock up and over her ass. I let out a guttural roar as I unloaded the entirety of my balls all over her back. My hands slammed on the table on both sides of her as I leaned over her as I inhaled gulps of air. I stood there for a few moments more taking in the sight of her frosted back and loving every bit of it.

I finally moved to a chair that was positioned in front of her and slumped my body into it. My head fell back, and I let out a deep exhale. My body was exhausted from the experience. When I looked back down, Sonya was still lying on the table smiling at me.

“I knew I was forgetting the frosting. Thanks for finishing off my gobbler like that. But it’s impolite to not let your baking partner lick the frosting spoon.”

Special thanks to u/bluebyakko459 for the inspiration for the story. If you haven’t already please go check out her fiery posts.

As always please let me know what you thought of the story. Always willing to hear how I can improve.
