First time getting drunk led to me getting head in a restroom in Spain [MF]

Quick story about my first time getting drunk, which also resulted in my first random hookup. I was 19 and had just graduated high school. We had a class trip planned to Spain that was set for June after graduation. Maybe this is a normal thing? It felt strange, but very liberating, to be going to Europe with some classmates after we were done and getting ready for college. We had one chaperone, our Spanish teacher, and there were eight of us. My graduating class was small, and we were the only ones who wanted to spend money on the trip. Arguably we were also the top of our Spanish class, but I’m not going to be using Spanish here haha. Sorry, but it’s been ten years since I’ve really spoken the language conversationally and I don’t want to check my translation as I’m going!

The eight of us started in Madrid and made the rounds of the country for a couple weeks–Barcelona, Seville, Toledo, Córdoba. My favorite was a day excursion to Segovia to see the acqueducts. The Alhambra was pretty darn cool too. But our final days there we split up to go stay with host families for a week. Mine was in Lodosa, near Logroño. Being a very anxious back then (not much has changed) I lucked out by having an awesome host family. My “brother” was Armen, and we spent most of the week bumming around town, hitting the bars and swimming, playing music in a little space they had above a garage. I tried absinthe for the first time in an underground den Armen and his friends all hung out in.

Even better, one of my classmates was staying in the same town, and so were about six other American kids who were on the same trip we were. High point of the trip–one of the nights all the host siblings prepared a huge banquet style meal for all of us, and the next night all of us Americans did the same for them. We spent every night at the bars, drinking a lot of calimochos (wine and Coke) and getting wasted.

On one particular night, mid-week, a bunch of us were at a bar drinking when one of the American girls from another school disappeared for awhile and then returned with very noticeable green stains on the knees of her jeans. She’d also returned with one of the host brothers. So we all knew what had happened, and no one really tried to hide it, but neither did we make a big deal. You do you.

I think that opened the floodgates somewhat, however. The next night we were out, I got really drunk–definitely the first time I was legitimately wasted–and found myself between two of the host sisters. We were actually talking about George W. Bush (aging myself here) and they were extremely curious about whether Americans really liked him as our president. Somehow this progressed into taking turns kissing each other…each of them made out with me briefly while the other (and probably a lot of our friends) watched. We weren’t the only ones making out that night. But shortly after that, and as I was trying to focus my eyes on reading the bar signs as a way of bringing myself back, one of them came back to me and started whispering in my ear.

I have no idea what she said. For the most part all the host siblings spoke a mix of Spanish-English for our sakes (I’d say about 70% English) but between me being drunk and her using words I didn’t understand and/or because it was loud, I had no idea. I could tell from the way she was talking that she wanted to keep making out. So I followed her out of the bar, into an alley. Right across was the door into another bar (there were so many in this town) which was much quieter. I thought she wanted to be able to talk easier, but she led me to the restrooms instead.

Like I said, floodgates. I don’t think any of us who messed around on this trip had PIV sex, but there was certainly a lot of oral going on. Maybe there was a novelty sort of thing about it. I’m not sure. But this girl (I can’t even remember her name now) pulled me into a large stall and got on her knees. I do remember she was tall, only a couple inches shorter than me. She had long black hair, really cute dimples, and big expressive eyes. I probably remember these features the best because for the next five minutes or so, my head was hanging down in disbelief watching her do her thing. It was like watching porn–I was too drunk to really understand it was happening to me (I was consenting) and I’m amazed I even responded physically so well. She unzipped my jeans and pulled them partway down. I was wearing boxers (ugh, the 2000’s) and she pulled those down too. I was in her mouth immediately, she didn’t want to waste any time jerking me off. So I had that awesome sensation of getting hard while engulfed by a warm mouth, her tongue going crazy over my shaft. I didn’t take me long to get a decent semi, but I’m not sure I ever really got fully hard. If I did it was in the final seconds.

She didn’t play with my balls (which I love) or do anything particularly memorable. She eagerly sucked and tongued my cock like she was in a race. I didn’t care. I was in heaven, watching this attractive girl go for something she wanted. I was happy to be that thing she wanted so badly.

I told her (in English) that I was getting close. She either didn’t understand or was fine with me finishing in her mouth. I didn’t want to take the chance, so I said this time “I’m gonna cum” and she definitely understood that. She withdrew her mouth and backed away, now jerking me off while reaching for tissue.

Yeah, it was an unceremonious finish. Still intense though–I didn’t get on her clothes but splattered the floor quite a bit and got all over her hand and arm. Having shared a bedroom with Armen for four days, I hadn’t jerked off at all. She smiled at me, big eyes, and said something that indicated she had had a good time. We washed up and returned to the bar next door, me thinking we were going to get a lot of looks. We didn’t, as everyone was very preoccupied with drinking and dancing. I rejoined my classmate and our host brothers and did notice this girl talking to her friend, who looked at me and then gave her a playful smack on the arm.

Nothing else happened, and we didn’t talk much for the rest of the stay as we were always in big groups after that. But it was a memorable way to end my summer in Spain, close out high school, and pave the way for many less exciting hangovers to come.
