Hot Girls Wants Other Girls to Come With Her.

Amber Riverwood encourages all human females to enjoy themselves. [Meditation Centres](

We are spiritual sisters. Let us act like spiritual sisters. I am here in front of a camera, far away from you, wherever you are. And I wish to make you come. I wish to cause your vagina to have orgasms. I wish I could be with you, and watch you as you come. On our website, you can see videos of me having orgasms with Master Roscoe, and having orgasms with Captain Evil and with Bea Seadottir. Our orgasms can be used for good purposes. In addition to the very good purpose of making us feel delicious, we can train our minds, to make our joys last longer. At the Meditation Centers, girls and boys learn to make the best use of their bodies. We learn to make each orgasm count. We can learn something new from each orgasm, if we are paying attention.

Right now, if you are a heterosexual girl, think about a handsome man, stroking his big cock, close to your face. He smiles down at you, as you kneel in front of his long erection. If you are a lesbian, or a bisexual girl, think about my moist, vaginal lips, spread wide for you, aching for you, aching to be touched and licked by you. If you own a dildo or a vibrator, whip them out, plug them in. Let us get to work. It is time to use your beautiful imagination. Think about whatever most excites you. Our objective is this: I want you pussy fully aroused. Take as much time as you need. I want your pussy fully aroused. And then, I want you to hold yourself on the edge, one touch, one caress away from orgasm. Let the vibrator barely touch your skin. Allow yourself to thrill in anticipation of each small touch of your vibrator.

My fingers are in my own vagina. I am wet for you, aching for you. I am aching to see you grow aroused, to smell your arousal. To taste your arousal. To drink your fluid. To watch your nipples contract, and grow hard. To watch your vaginal lips grow moist. Perhaps you lips will get puffy as you are aroused. I want to watch your fingers slide, in and out, in and out of your hungry vagina. More than half my joy is the joy of knowing, knowing your body thrills with pleasure. Your body thrills with pleasure as we masturbate together. I am here for you.

Touching my pussy for you. You can play this video, over and over again. Whenever you want to come with me. If you visit our Meditation Centers in person, I will lick you, in person. My tongue inside you. If you enjoy kissing me, I will kiss you as I move a dildo in and out of you. If you enjoy boys. I will find a handsome boy to kiss you, and move a dildo in and out of you.

If you desire a warm, friendly cock. I will find one for you. That is my job as director of the meditation centers. I get people what they need. I get people what they want. Only one thing is required. You must tell me specifically, without shyness, what you truly need, and what you truly want. On our Oneness two, zoom platform, you might meet the person you really need and the person you really want. There are so many ways for people to enjoy each other. None of us need to be a burden to another person. None of us need to be control-freaks, wanting to enslave another person. Those are obsolete ways of being in the world. We teach shared joy, and self reliance. You are responsible for your own happiness. I will help you. Other people will help you. But you must be in control. You decide where and when, and with whom you wish to have your orgasms.

Enough philosophy. Are you still with me? Is your pussy still aching and wet? I want you to come now. Come with me. Get-off with me. I am here for you. My orgasm is for you. I have made myself wet, because I want you to come with me. Come with me. O, God. God. Please, come now. Come with me, oh, oh, oh, God Blessed Canada! God Bless America! Oh, say can you see, my bucking pussy is coming for you. By the dawn’s early light. My pussy is coming for you.
