Even The Bears Enjoy Roscoe’s Little Joyful Heterosexual Cock. Thinking clearly about LGBTQ.

[Meditation Centres](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/)

Gay boys and bisexual boys, especially *The Bears,* enjoy Roscoe’s medium-sized erect cock, just as much as girls enjoy Roscoe’s medium-sized erect cock. The boys see a warm, friendly grown-up, with a rounded belly. A hairy, cuddly older man, with a welcoming, generous personality. Gay boys would love to suck Roscoe’s cock, just like Amber, Gina and Rosalee love to suck Roscoe’s cock. All this is beautiful and normal, and Roscoe is pleased to know his sexual audience is not exclusively female. There is great comfort in sucking a cock which is attached to a rational, loving, intelligent and entirely responsible, mature man. Girls and boys can suck such a man, and relax in the honest, calm joy of the experience, knowing Roscoe truly appreciates every moment of pleasure, and feels tender love for the people who suck his cock. Only an immature person would not feel tender love for another person, while that person is sucking cock, and even after the cock-sucking is complete.

People with many sexual partners, new strangers, and repeat customers, miss out on hours of tenderness and shared love. Such love is physically and psychologically not possible with more than a dozen people. Strangers can share blissful moments, and zippy orgasms. But they walk away with nothing. They soon forget the face and the name of the person with whom they shared the blissful moments. That is so temporary as to be no more important than a good, satisfying fart. Why bother?

Do we really believe the quick thrill is all that is available? And we settle for that, and look no further.

The LGBTQ movement has made so much of checking new boxes on government forms, and make such noise over separate bathrooms, basic human needs *get ignored*. The need to be consistently loved, honestly loved, over long periods of time, by one, two or three other people. Reliable people. Rational and supportive people. As a bi-woman, I get annoyed with the political noise of LGBTQ, and their focus *on who fucks who, and the various forms of fucking*— all that, more than a focus on who honestly loves who, and designing ways for gay people to enjoy each other, and live joyfully in the world. Pushing LGBTQ agendas down the throats of tens of millions of white-bread heterosexuals is not a way to make friends. And *never* a way to get those tens of millions of people feeling good about all the non-hetero forms of fucking.

It gets worse, when LGBTQ-ers start fucking with the English language, and make hissy fits over *personal* *pronouns*. Those who identify as non-binary, gender non-conforming or genderqueer, calling themselves, They. They. Fuck me. Why not just say, you are *Cousin Itt, Cousin Itt* of the Addams Family TV shows!

Such people focus their personal self-definitions on irrelevant things. Who a person is, is much larger than who they fuck, and what type of sex organs they have. To reduce one’s primary self-definition to small sexual facts ignores the larger more important elements of self-definition: Yourself as a spiritual being, within a physical, political and economic civilization, and sub-sets of that civilization. Your talents, your interests, your creative ambitions, and business ambitions, your personal and social ambitions. What you do each day. What you would like to do each day. Those are the specific items which truly matter. Items which have little or nothing to do with your personal genitals, and what kind of people you like to fuck. To tie yourself to a cart, and get dragged down the street, *as a They*, or a Queer, or a White-bread Heterosexual, is to deny everything else which makes you who you are. Why would any rational person willingly limit their potential, and limit themselves in such small, and essentially meaningless ways? We are not what we eat. We are not who we fuck. We are much more than either of those things.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lnrn5t/even_the_bears_enjoy_roscoes_little_joyful