I took my daughters virginity at her request. [F/M] [Incest Father Daughter] [long]

It’s been just Amanda and I for the last ten years. Her mother left for greener pastures, so I picked up the roll of the mother/father duo and kept chugging right along. It was a rough start, but we’ve found a comfortable routine. Life’s good now.

I work as a carpentry refurbisher out of our home-shop. Amanda’s a study bug and spends most of her time prepping for college entrance exams. A med-school hopeful. She’s grown into a beautiful and intelligent woman, but I worry about her social ineptitude. She has friends, but I feel that she tends to throw most of her social efforts at me instead of them. She’s had a boyfriend but refused to bring him over and they managed to stay together for about a summer. She rarely has friends over and when she does, she usually tries to get me to hang with them.

Amanda overly relies on me for everything, I wouldn’t call her helpless but she rarely makes choices without running them by me first. I’ve tried to foster a bit more independence in her, but she usually deflects with, “I’m just asking your opinion daddy, I’ll handle it.”

I hate that she still calls me daddy. Trish, the last girl I slept with, called me daddy. It was a bizarre feeling. Didn’t kill the mood but does make you question your morals as you cum on your dates face with your daughter in mind. Sex is a pretty open topic between Amanda and me. She asks a lot of questions and I figured it can’t hurt to be straight with her. She’s old enough and would be in college soon. Better to be prepared with information than go in blind.

When her mother left, I avoided dating for years. I didn’t want to mess up my kid by having a new girlfriend around every month. Eventually though, I caved. First one night stand I had had in years and sure enough, soon as my pants hit the floor, Amanda walks in and screams bloody murder. Not because she saw my dick in a woman’s mouth but because there was a stranger in the house. We laugh about that today, but it was fairly traumatizing at the time.

Amanda’s openness is a bit of a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I know everything that’s going on in her life, and on the other hand, I know everything that’s going on in her life. From periods to boys and slack-jaw bitches at school to her ever-evolving cup sizes. Amanda tells me everything and rarely spares me the details. It’s become our Friday night ritual to get under a blanket and snuggle up with a movie on while she unleashes a weeks-worth of gossip on me. She’s a strange kid, but I love her dearly.

Last night, was very different though.

I showered and threw on my sweats then laid out the comforter and opened Netflix. Amanda emerged in her over sized Drexel shirt and sank into the spot next to me. “Whats up?” I asked noting her look of disappointment.

“Alice had sex with Mark.”

“Lucky them,” I replied flipping through the unyielding tide of crap that Netflix tries to pass off as cinema. Alice is Amanda’s best friend, her bottom bitch, as the kids say. Amanda seemed unusually quiet about it. I would have assumed that this would be an explosive topic, but she sat there, eyes turned down. “…and this upset you?”

Amanda threw her arms around me into a tight hug, “she said she’d wait till we could do it together.” She said sullenly.

“What!?” I chocked.

“Like we were going to wait until we both had guys that we trusted, and we could experience it then share afterwards.” She was on the verge of crying, “but she didn’t wait for me.”

“I’m sorry baby, she must have felt it was right and went ahead. Sometimes when everything lines up, there is no waiting. Don’t worry you’ll meet someone special one day and have that experience for yourself.” I patted myself on the back for a crises well averted. Amanda didn’t feel the same way. She launched into what can only be described as a thirty-minute tirade about trust, friendship, sexual desire and frustration. She didn’t break cadence once and managed to incorporate everything from seeing her ex’s penis at a pool party to having the same spirit animal as Alice. Or maybe Patronis, I honestly have no fucking idea what half of it was or how that half related to the other half.

It was clear that her virginity had been a massive “problem” of late. Her and her friends had been obsessing about it this year which came as a surprise to me. We’d barely broached that subject.

I thought Amanda had calmed down as she settled back into the couch when a thought crossed her mind and launched her into a new deluge of over sharing. She confessed that she had been masturbating multiple times a day. She’d get a random urge and just pop off to the nearest spot to wank it out. She had stopped wearing underwear to make it easier. I made a mental note to steam clean the cushions later. But the roller coaster didn’t stop there. Amanda proceeded to admit every absurd sexual gratification she had experienced over the last couple of weeks.

Brace yourself, there were a lot. She had: put a sharpy in her ass and kept in while at school, masturbated in the library cubicles with people on either side, tried to feel what deep throating was by gagging on a zucchini…which we ate for dinner, rubbed her self to orgasm on the couch arm rest… where my face was laying, and had spent her entire allowance on a collection of varying dildos. Every fantasy, every variation of flicking herself came to light. All of it was pretty overwhelming but it was the last thing she admitted to that dropped my jaw.

Our living room is over-looked by our second-floor hallway. Apparently one night after some drinks I had gotten frisky with a date. It was late and I assumed Amanda was asleep. I was wrong. Amanda had heard us and came to investigate. Rather than warn us she was up, she quietly watched us fuck and sneakily masturbated along. I was mortified.

Things grew quiet for a while. We both staired off in different directions, thinking over everything that had been said. She looked like she was sweating. After what felt like years, I broke the silence.

“Baby I’m sorry that you’re going through all that. I know its tough when your all hormonally supercharged and you feel cheated and jealous that your friends get to experience things that you don’t. Just know that I’m here for you.” I stiffly patted her on the back. I wasn’t sure how I could be there for her in that sense, but it sounded reassuring. Dad points achieved. I was diligently trying to push the thought out of my head of her watching me while I fucked that waitress. Did I just fuck up my kid? Did that form some weird kink fetish in her head that will stay with her for life. Fuck.

“It’s this whole virgin thing. I’ve never felt like this before and its all we talk about when we’re hanging out after school. Everyone has these plans and grand reveals and I can’t stop thinking about it.” Amanda had buried herself in the comforter. She had balled up into the fetal position and was kicking her feet against my thigh.

“Look, your virginity is not that big a deal. I promise that once you have sex, you’re not gonna feel any different and you’ll realize that none of it mattered. Just wait for someone who you trust and enjoy it. Don’t build it up to be this monumental life changing thing.”

“But it is monumental, you wouldn’t get it, you’re a guy. It’s different for us.”

“I highly doubt that.”

She peaked her head out from the blankets. “Daddy…I put a sharpie in my butt. I’m pretty sure this is a big deal.”

“Sorry baby, as funny as that is,” She shot a death glare at me, “you’re on your own with this one.” I said, turning back to the TV. I needed something to distract us and take us out of this hole we dug.

Amanda said something very muffled under the blanket. I felt her toes clench against my thigh as she kicked a little bit back up to the surface.


“You said find someone you trust,” she said sheepishly.


“I trust you,” She threw the comforter back over her head as the words left her mouth.

“What?” I put down the remote, “you didn’t just ask me what I think you asked me?”

“You said it yourself, it’s not that big of a deal” She was peeking from under the blanket pile.

“Baby, no. No, no, no. That’s not even an idea I’m willing to entertain in my head.” I was stammering to find an excuse. It shouldn’t have been this hard since it was such a ridiculous idea.

“Hear me out,” she started, “we just do it quick so I can say that I’ve done it and I can get over this hurdle.”

“No. Fuck no! Amanda, think about that. For just a second think this through. Your friends are gonna wanna know who you did it with. I have raised you since diapers, I couldn’t possibly touch you like that. Let alone the legality, incest is frown upon for a reason.” My protest barely phased her, in fact it felt like they emboldened her.

“Ancient civilization around the world practiced sexual mentoring between parents and children,” she retorted. She had risen out of the blankets like a cobra and seemed to have found the hill she was looking to die on.

“Oh drop the humanities essay bullshit. Amanda those same people burned sacrificial cows and thought leeches on their fucking eyes had medicinal value!”

“Leeches do have medicinal value,” She chimed.

“Baby, what I’m saying is I will do anything for you, anything in the world, but I can’t do that.” I brought her close to me and hugged her. “I know this is tough but I can’t.”

“This has been upending my entire life. I can’t think or sleep right. Please, just do this for me and we don’t have to tell anyone, I promise. It can be our secret. I have never asked you for anything. Please daddy, just do this one thing for me.” She pleaded. Not begging or whining but truly trying to appeal to me.

“Let me think about it,” I said in slight defeat, “give me a minute.” I rolled the comforter off her and pointed. Without a word she rose up and left. “Fuck” I sighed. I got up and poured a whiskey. I knew deep down I could have sex with her. Gently ease her into it, make it a pleasant experience and send her on her way. Never to speak of it again. But would that be true, if my family found out or worse, social media is a death sentence for something like this. Would it really be done when it was done?

I could tell she was serious. She actually wanted to get it done, it wasn’t like she wanted to have sex with me, it was like she wanted me to get her through this like some kind of challenge she couldn’t overcome.

I finished my drink and pored another. Fuck. Am I really going to do this? What if we really like it? What if it devolves into some sick habit? What if it goes poorly? Where were we even going to do it? Should she keep her cloths on or should we get naked? I started nit picking it.

With whiskey confidence and my entire life on the line, I did what any sane person would do. I flipped a coin.

It landed heads.

I’m going to fuck my daughter tonight.

I called Amanda back in. She peeked around the corner and waited expectantly. “I’m setting ground rules,” I said looking at my glass, “No kissing, no kinky shit, we do it on the couch, you keep your shirt on, we do missionary, and we never do this or speak of this again. You’ll keep your eyes closed. This will be a feeling experience. Got it?”

Amanda squealed in excitement and launched herself onto the couch tackling me and flipping my drink out of my hand.

“Easy, easy, damn girl. I’m serious. I’m only doing this on the chance that it will actually straighten you out. But this is wrong and you know it,” I said with as much authority as I could muster.

“I know daddy. I love you. Thank you,” she purred. “Can I make a request though.”

I shrugged.

“Can I take my shirt off? You’ll have your eyes closed too so what does it matter? It’ll be way more comfortable for me.”

I threw my hands up in the air, “fine. Fuck it we’re already this deep in I guess.”

“So… do we just start?” She asked looking down at my lap.

I pulled my shirt off and began untying my sweats. Deep breath. Point of no return here we go. I slip my sweats and boxers off and kicked off my socks. My dick flopped to the side. We were not on the same page. My semi was riding on the thought of getting laid and not being able to take it back.

Amanda licked her lips, she was dead eyeing my cock and I faked a cough to get her attention. “Mmm hmm” she acknowledged. She was beet red in the face.

“Do you want me to turn off the lights?” I asked her, she shook her head. With a swoop of her arm she threw her long blonde hair over her back and lifted her T shirt up and over. I hadn’t seen her naked in years and I was not prepared for the transformation she had gone through.

Amanda was pleasantly voluptuous. Curves in all the right places and her breasts had swelled to double-D’s with faintly silhouetted nipples. She looked like a vixen on the cover of a playboy. Her milky white stomach lead down to a soft nestle of strawberry blond pubic hair. For a moment I wasn’t sitting in front of my daughter, I was sitting in front of a horny little eighteen-year-old goddess. My cock twitched up right as it swelled.

Well, that answers that questions.

Amanda had wrapped her arms around her chest to hide her nipples but all that did was push up her bust and make it look even sexier. With a long sigh I reached over and put my hand on her hip. Her soft skin was warm to the touch as I guided her over to my lap.

She didn’t say a word, just lifted her leg and straddled me on the couch. Her pussy was wet and her lips slid down my shaft as she settled into my lap. We both let out a sigh with that.

“You okay?” I asked timidly.

“Yeah, I’m okay daddy.”

I had half a mind to ask her to stop calling me that but what would that even matter at the point. There was no reason to hide it. I wasn’t just doing this out of some necessity to teach her. I was going to fuck her because I wanted to.

I reached down and grabbed handle fulls of her soft ass and lifted her against me. She put her arms against the back of the couch and her breasts draped onto my chest. The sensation of her nipples rubbing against my hairy chest was amazing and my cock throbbed at it. I could see her nipples had stiffened and my instinct was to reach down and suck on her, squeeze them in my face while I entered her. I resisted.

I gently lowered her then lifted again allowing her pussy to slide up and down my shaft to wet it just enough to push in. Amanda had buried her head in my neck and shoulder. Her breathing had become shallow and I was drowning in her hair and the scent of her honey shampoo.

“Do it. please.” she whispered in between breaths.

“Alright baby.” I pulled her ass up so she was mostly kneeling on the couch. I grabbed my cock which was rock hard now and positioned it so the head was just teasing the opening of her pussy. She threw her head back and bit down hard on her lip as I gently lowered her down. We went slow because she was incredibly tight but the sensation of her pussy stretching onto my dick almost made me cum then and there. As she came to a rest in my lap, she let out a gasp.

“Oh my god.”

“I know baby.”

“Oh it feels so…”

“Yeah” I said as I pulled her close to me. She rocked forward tossing her tits back into my chest with a pleasant slap. We locked eyes for a moment but said nothing, then she collapsed back into my chest. So much for closing our eyes.

She was trying to slowly grind on me, but the rhythm was off. Each hard press was punctuated with a little moan or gasp. It was cute. She was so wet that I could hear the little slaps between our thrusts.

“No, more like this,” I said, “use your hips not your thighs.” I grabbed her ass firmly and began pulling her up and down harder and slightly faster. “Okay daddy,” She moaned into my neck. A few moments later and we were really going at it.

The slaps of her pussy and ass on my lap were almost as loud as the creaks of the couch. Amanda had moved from the reserved gasps to flat out screams of pleasure. “Oh fuck, yes! Fuck, god, fuck me daddy! Fuck me daddy, please!”

She leaned back grabbing her breasts, face turned to the ceiling. “Please touch me, please suck on me. Please.” I didn’t bother protesting, I grabbed one breast in hand and the other with my mouth. Amanda wrapped her arms around my head and proceeded to grind me into oblivion.

In the heat of the moment, while sucking, I bit down hard on her tit. She yelped but we didn’t break the motion. She rested her chin on top of my head and tried to catch her breath in between thrusts and begging me to fuck her harder. I was getting close.

“Baby!” I warned. She cupped her hands on my face and looked wildly into my eyes. “I’m going to cum, I need to pull out.”

I flung her sideways onto the couch and pulled out my cock. With a squeeze I began to shoot a massive load of cum onto her stomach. Every jerk shot a fresh stream onto her chest, I even arced it upward, landing on her chin and lips. I had soaked her and was still going.

Amanda grabbed her tit and massaged her nipple with the cum. She clenched her teeth and arched her back as she orgasmed. While I was cuming on her, she had been aggressively fingering herself. As she finally relaxed, we both collapsed into the couch together.

We didn’t say anything. Just laid there till we were cold. We went up and showered together and returned in pajamas. Watched a movie and then turned off the lights. We slept spooning on the couch.

The following morning, without a word of protest. We fucked some more.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lns2ir/i_took_my_daughters_virginity_at_her_request_fm


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