Red and the Wolf’s bet

Foreword…The relation to real people through story characters in this piece is entirely purposeful and is intended to leave the reader with an overwhelming feeling of titillation and excitement. The story is best read after a nice joint. The wearing of lingerie while reading is encouraged as is light or full nudity. A glass of wine balances the device used for reading nicely. My serving suggestion is to accompany the piece with a nice warm jar of lube.

They had made a bet, or rather, the Wolf had pressed Red into an agreement that had now played out fully. If he would attend yoga with her for a year (yes, a whole year) and do his very best at learning and at honouring it and doing it right, then she would learn to ride and buy a bike.

The yoga had been hard, and he had done his best, at first he had been a little unstable and inflexible but now he was actually improving and was even passable. She had made the yoga hard, choosing a tough Iyengar teacher who was a perfectionist task master. At times he thought he would snap in two and there was a morning where he couldn’t get out of bed, but the worst was through now.

Learning to ride had been scary for her, her leg had ached at the very thought and many an Urbanol was consumed before the learning was done. The learners license had fucked her off, with all the beaurocracy, but she had passed it and had now been riding since her birthday.

She loved her bike, with its sleek lines and deep throaty growl and “Fuck ! it was quick”. She hadn’t realised how fast serious bikes were when you were alone and the one in control. It felt like an untamed beast that was straining at its tether trying to rip itself free of her hands. She told him it was a girl and gave it some or other name she thought he would like, but in her mind it was a he and it was naked, raw and untamed, its metal and plastic and carbon felt like strong muscles between her legs and the vibration of the motor ran through her pussy and into her body like a giant primal vibrator. She wasn’t sure if she rode him or he rode her, but she knew it was so good.

It was the weekend of their anniversary, their fourth. And unbelievably their relationship had gotten more and more open and more and more fun.

The Wolf was just ahead of her, winding through the valley on his bike. It was black and sleek, and the exhaust howled and reverberated off the walls of the pass. He was just ahead, and she could catch sight of him now and then as the road wound ahead.

Her bike was beneath her, fast, strong and sleek. The trees and rocks and sky reflected in the polished paint of the tank. Reds fear and excitement causing her adrenalin to course and fizz through her veins.

She thought back to the night before, at the Wolfs house. He had stripped her slowly, peeling her clothes achingly slowly from her curvaceous body. Spending time looking into her eyes, proclaiming his love, kissing her full red lips and then slowly working his way down her body. He had lapped at her breasts, his wide tongue lapping underneath her nipple, he had kissed what seemed like every millimetre of her. He had opened her pussy with his tongue and lightly rubbed his beard against her soft inner thighs and her belly. Her pussy had flowered open and he had taken her engorged lips into his mouth and licked her until she had screamed and screamed in pleasure. Then he had led her to the mirror where he sat on a chair. He had handcuffed her hands and pulled her mouth to his cock.

He had started slowly and so had she, her tongue circling the head of his cock and licking off the first bead of precum from his cock. He had slowly become wilder and less controlled and soon he could no longer stand it and he began fucking her mouth, hard and fast until he had come deep in her mouth. Red had eagerly sucked him dry and then swallowed all of his come. The Wolf was hers and she was his and she craved his fluid, evidence of his desire for her.

“Fuck” she said aloud as she almost over ran the corner, a tight curve to the left with the ground falling down thousands of metres below. She would have to concentrate and stop thinking of fucking if she was going to survive the ride.

The afternoon passed quickly, they stopped for a delicious sumptuous lunch and then some more riding. The scenery was incredible, the trees lush and green. The wind that whipped past her was clean and crisp, the heat from the bike keeping her warm.

The Wolf watched her as she rode in front of him, holding back a little to enjoy the sight of her, revelling in the freedom. He had longed for her to ride and now that it had come true – she was sexier and better than he had ever thought. And fuck she was brave, even a little crazy. Clearly she craved the speed and the adrenalin. Her bike pants were tight and accentuated the curve of her muscled legs. Her ass was pert and tight, tilted up a little by her position on the seat. Her jacket also, clung to her curves. And “fuck!” her tits looked great in her bike jacket. He thought of her naked, beneath her clothes. He always felt that she was more naked than other people, even under her clothing. He could touch her and feel her skin and heat beneath her clothes. Especially when she wanted him, its like her nudity seeped through her clothing. “Fuck – she’s a magnificent woman” he thought and then cracked the throttle open a bit more as she was now speeding ahead.

Just as the evening was cooling, they arrived at the lodge where they were staying.

They booked in easily and were greeted by pleasant staff. The room was sublime, with a view over the top of a forest and a private pool. They were tired and drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. The Wolf caressed Red and held her as she drifted safely off to sleep.

Her last thought as she went to sleep was that the lodge he had chosen was amazing and she looked forward to investigating it in the morning. The Wolf smiled a wide and wicked smile, licked his lips and as he drifted off to sleep his cock twitched a little at the surprises the lodge held in store.

She woke to the sound of splashing and giggling. Red was still a little sleepy and it took her a while to take in the scene. Her first gasp was for the incredible view over a lush green forest. Her second gasp was at finding three people in their private pool at the end of the wooden deck attached to their room. There were two pale brunettes, splashing in the pool. Their large breasts topped by cherry red nipples, their pussies completely shaved. They were facing each other laughing, water running down their pale white bodies as they scooped up the cold water and let it run down the body of the other woman. Stretched out on the lounger was a sun bronzed god of a man. He had trained just enough so that his muscles seemed to roil beneath the surface of his skin. His six pack just defined enough to be attractive without being overdone. His fist stroked slowly up and down a large and long circumcised cock. The sight of his companions clearly arousing him. Red could not contain her fascination and gathering a sheet around her, stepped closer to the window. The woman waved shyly to her and the man nodded in greeting. They didn’t move to leave and his fist didn’t move from his cock. Then she felt the Wolf behind her. He kissed her and nuzzled her neck. Sensing her arousal at the naked troika in the pool, the Wolf gently tugged the sheet away from Red and let it fall, leaving her beautiful curves deliciously displayed. Seeing her, one of the women came to the closed glass door to look at red. Red beckoned her a little closer and the woman obliged, pressing her large tits against the glass. The other woman settled on a lounger, facing the glass, obviously expecting something to happen. The man rose from the chair and came up behind the woman, his erect cock in his hand. He pushed her up against the glass and entered her with one fluid stroke. Her face in ecstasy at being filed. Now the Wolf also pushed Red against the glass, the two woman pressed against each other, save for the glass imbetween and began to fuck her. Slowly at first his cock gliding in and out of her using the full length of his cock. Red watched as the other man fucked one of his lovers, the woman obviously in ecstasy. The other woman laid out on the lounger, her fingers between her legs, caressing her clit and her other hand circling her nipple which was now delightfully erect.

The other man and the Wolf began to pick up the pace. The Wolf encouraging Red to reach between her legs and finger her clit as he fucked her.

Through the window Red sees the woman on the lounger come up and settle herself under the couple, fucking through the looking glass.

We watch as her long tongue darts out and licks at the woman’s clit and cunt while the man fucks her.

The Wolf and Red watching the show outside became more and more aroused, Reds fingers caress her clit as she watches the woman being fucked by her bronze god of a man and the other woman lapping at her cunt. She closes her eyes and imagines the second woman’s tongue on her clit, licking the Wolfs cock as it slides in and out of her. Her orgasm builds and suddenly without warning her cunt is convulsing around the Wolf, who lets out a grunt and comes deep inside her wet pussy with long loving jets of come shooting deep inside of her. Their eyes are closed as they come and when they open them, they are alone in their room. The splashes of water next to the pool the only sign that the troika were there at all. And there, clearly written by a finger in the sand, “Room 7”

The Wolf and Red languish in their room for a while, slowly waking up, showering and getting dressed.

They wonder out to explore the hotel. The pool is a little walk through a lush forest. It is blue and the water is perfect. There are comfy loungers around the pool and at first there aren’t many people there. The Wolf and Red settle onto a lounger. Red asks about the nature of the resort and the Wolf relates that it’s a resort for couples. Nudity is encouraged as well as teasing the other couples. All manner of couples are allowed, gay, lesbian and polyamorous groups too.

The visitors are screened and must be good looking and healthy.

Red orders a strawberry daiquiri for herself and The Wolf and when it is arrives there are two remarkable things. The Daquiri is huge and strong and the berries are fresh and sweet. Red notices that the male waiters wear only torn jeans and that each of them is beautifully in shape and just perfectly muscled. The female waitresses are in bikinis and the more adventurous of them are in bikini bottoms and light see through gauze tops which shift with their movement and with the wind. The waiter’s jeans are artfully torn and Red can see that none of them wear anything under those jeans.

Other couples drift in and out of the pool area. Some staying to swim and drink a little and some passing through. The men are handsome and the women are beautiful. Red and the Wolf comment on the more remarkable ones and are gradually getting tipsier. There is a lot of casual nudity, some of the men slip out of their board shorts when they slip into the water and the women swim topless more often than not. Its fun to call the waiters and waitresses. The drinks are included in the price. All of the staff are friendly and warm and open. Red and the Wolf have great luck, the hotter waiters and the cuter waitresses come around often and there is enough variety to keep it interesting and mildly erotic.

A waitress brings an envelope and hands it to Red. As she hands it over she kisses Red softly on the lips and then strolls away. The envelop is black and embossed with gold, as is the sheet of paper in the envelope. That evening there is to be a welcoming ceremony and Red and the Wolf are invited to appear if they wish. They should bathe and dress formally. They should be well rested and open minded.

Red and the Wolf take a nap in the afternoon, they have sex slowly and lovingly. They come and its satisfactory but not remarkable, then they drift off for a refreshing snooze.

Soon its time to get ready and they take time bathing and showering. Shaving, getting clean, smelling good. Both of them are a little apprehensive, so they sit outside and smoke a joint.

The conversation is a little stunted until the weed begins to calm them down. Red is a little aroused by the weed, but they both decide to wait and see what the evening holds.

The ceremony is to take place in the Hideout which is a bit of a walk into the forest.

Wolf wears a tuxedo and Red wears a beautiful evening gown. Both have no shoes and no underwear as directed by the embossed invitation.

The path to the hideout is green and lush beneath their feet and the way is lit by flaming torches.

There is a distant, deep, compelling drumming. Red and the Wolf feel their hearts running wild and can barely speak with both the apprehension and excitement of what may come.

They come upon the hideout, which is a large thatch building deep in the forest.

There is a large wooden door with long black steel hinges. Carved into the door are the words “Knock thrice and come hither, leaving thy inhibitions behind”

Red is first to the knocker and lets it fall tentatively against the door. The Wolf is firmer and knocks a little more demandingly. Then Red and the Wolf take the ring of the knocker together and make one final request with the knocker.

The door slowly swings inward.

It is dark beyond and the candles all a-flicker.

Red and the Wolf hold hands and step forward, the door closes, creaking behind them.

The drumming was from within and it becomes louder and more insistent.

Two people step forward. They are striking in their beauty and totally naked beneath their robes.

Their robes fall open at the front and expose their bodies.

The hoods are loose around their heads. The woman has a dark red robe and the man a dark black robe. Their expressions are serious, but friendly and welcoming.

Red feels the Wolf squeeze her hand and knows that his pulse is quickening as is hers. She feels herself become a little damp and she knows the Wolfs cock will be twitching.

The mans cock hangs flaccid but is easily twice as long as any Red has seen. His body is bronze and once again in shape, with muscles rippling, just enough, beneath.

His eyes are ice blue and his dark hair is peppered with grey.

The woman is statuesque, with large breasts and dark nipples. She has a well-trimmed bush, the hair thin enough for Red and the Wolf to see the lips of her pussy beneath the soft down. Her nipples are fully erect and it seems as if they had been recently pinched or sucked as they are a little damp.

Her eyes are also ice blue.

There is a high ringing sound from a singing bowl and the woman says “Good evening, we have long desired your presence. There’s a short pause and she says “Now, disrobe”

The couple walk away. The singing bowl rings again.

Red and the Wolf look at each other, knowing that they have come for adventure. They peel off their clothing and put it aside. They stand naked in the hall, his cock beginning to harden and Reds pussy beginning to flower open and become damp.

The singing bowl rings and the couple return.

She walks forward and places a thin stamplike square on Reds tongue and then one on the Wolfs.

Almost immediately Red and the Wolf feel a warmth spread through their bodies. They feel relaxed and calm. They feel desire well up within them.

The woman relates that they are to be addressed as “The duke” and “The Duchess” for the evening.

“Come now” says the duchess.
She reaches for the Wolfs cock and pulls him forward as the Duke takes Reds hand and pulls her towards the passage way ahead.

The passage is dark and there are flaming torches in sconces in the wall.

Red and the Wolf realise that the passage is tight and that the walls are lined with people standing against the walls, facing inward.

The Duke and the Duchess release the Wolf and Red.

The Duke says “ Our guests and staff have gathered to welcome you as it is your first visit. You must traverse the passage. You may stop to play with any of the persons along the way but know that they may also play with you. Take as long as you like. “

As they come closer Red and the Wolf realise that the guests and staff have dressed for titillation and that some have taken the trouble to not be dressed at all.

Some of the men are shirtless with torn jeans. Some are naked.

Some of the women are in lingerie and some topless.
Some just bottomless.

But none are fully clothed.

The drug has already taken effect and Red and the Wolf feel euphoric and naughty.

They begin to traverse the passage. Its too small to walk through without touching anyone. The closeness of the bodies means that they must walk slowly and they begin to brush against half naked and fully naked bodies.

Red and the Wolf reach out and caress some of the bodies as they pass. Lingering here to touch a breast, and there to stroke a cock or caress a cunt.

Whenever they touch someone, more often than not– that person reaches out to stroke them too.

As usual Red and the Wolfs desire for each other is evident.

They stop and kiss somewhere in the tunnel and feel everyone’s gasp of approval.

Red sinks to her knees at one point and feels many hands on her body as she sucks The Wolfs cock until its hard.

The bodies are beautiful, they are clean and well-groomed, and their desire is evident.

The cocks hardening and the cunts melting.

The duke and duchess are secretly watching, seeing where Red and the wolf linger the most.

They join in the fun, caressing a breast here and kissing a hungry mouth there.

Now the new couple is led to a room where there are two large flat beds clearly setup for massage. The beds are pushed next to each other and there is a space to put your head.

Two women enter. They are naked and their bodies are oiled. Their breasts and curvaceous forms shine in the dim light.

When Red and the Wolf lay down they see that there is a small screen to watch and the screen displays the other partner being massaged.

The women take their time in massaging Red and the Wolf, they use their entire naked bodies on the couple.

Red can feel the women’s breasts and sometimes her pussy pressing against her.

The feeling, with the drugs is erotic and luxurious, decadent and relaxing.

She can watch the other naked masseuse working on the Wolf and she is at once seethingly jealous and aroused.

At one point the duke arrives, naked but for his robe.

He stands near Red and enquires if everything is fine.

Since Red is jealous and angry at the Wolf for being massaged by another woman, she takes the Dukes incredibly long cock in her hand and strokes it hard until he leaves.

It’s a long while, but it seems so short, when the singing bowl rings out again.

The naked masseuses leave and the couple is left alone.

They immediately grab each other and begin to kiss and touch each other.

Aroused from the scene in the passage earlier and now the naked massage. And, yes, a little from whatever drug the duchess gave them. It feels like MDMA because they are warm and welcoming and happy. But The Wolfs cock is still working, and working well – so it must be something else.

They are rubbing and feeling each other, the Wolfs cock is hard and Reds pussy is open and wet.

Suddenly, the duke and duchess enter.

They take the Wolf by his cock and Red by her hand and lead them into another room.

The room is again dark and lit by torches in their sconces.

It is a large room, but not large enough to not be cosy.

There is a bed in the centre and the couple sees that it is freshly made and clean. It is on a slightly raised dias and they can see that it turns slowly.

All around the bed there are couches and on each couch a couple is seated. It is the same people from the passage, but now they are formally attired.

The duke and duchess lead Red and the Wolf to the bed.

The drugs, the experience in the passage and the massage have heightened their desire for each other.

They can hardly keep their hands off of each other and they settle on the bed and begin to play with each other.

The Wolf is loving and soft and begins to kiss red and make love to her slowly.

They do not mind that they are naked on the bed as they have seen everyone nude and the drugs have lowered their inhibitions.

The stage revolves slowly.

The duke and duchess ring the singing bowl and the couples on the couches stand and ritualistically take off a piece of clothing.

They walk forward and fold their clothes and place them on the stage like an offering to the couple upon it.

The Wolf and Red realise they must slow down and let the ceremony unfold, but they keep kissing, caressing and feeling each other openly.

Reds mouth sometimes on the Wolfs cock and the Wolfs hands and mouth caressing Reds every curve.

At each ringing of the singing bowl, the couples become gradually naked. They too begin to touch each other and make love.

The Wold makes soft but hungry love to Red.

Red and the Wolf can see the other couples stripping gradually naked.

They can see the other couples watching them. Some of the people come up to the bed and sit on the dias, clearly showing off for Red, The Wolf and the other couples.

The Wolf turns Red over and gets her to position herself naked on the bed on all fours, kneeling.

Reds pussy is wet and The Wolf slips a well lubed finger inside of her ass and then follows with his cock in her pussy.

He begins to ride her lovingly.

Red can feel The Wolfs love for her and revels in showing the other couples their deep desire, their chemistry and their love.

Both know that they could invite the other couples to join, but both want to just take each other.

Reds fingers circle her clit and she can look out and see the other couples fucking.

The two women from the Troika are naked and one is fucking the other one with a large dildo, clearly having fun and giggling. The other clearly close to orgasm. The first woman slips the other end of the dildo into her wet cunt and uses it to fuck her hungry friend.

Red sees that two men have taken one woman, the one deep in her cunt, the other fucking her mouth vigorously.

Another couple is fucking on the other side. The woman on her back, her tits jiggling as a man fucks her.

His rhythm is dictated by another man who parts his ass and slips his cock inside of him, fucking him and using him to fuck her.

The Wolf begins to fuck red hard.

Her fingers circle her cunt as he fucks her. Red takes in the scenes arrayed around her and she knows that the Wolf is doing the same.

The kink of watching the other couples and triples fucking and cavorting drives them on to orgasm.

The Wolf pauses now and then and makes Red wait. Her orgasm building with each pause. She screams at him to fuck her now and fuck her hard, but he pauses anyway.

It inflames and infuriates her and her orgasm is massive when it comes.

It racks her body and she screams out, her cunt squirts around his cock as he ejaculates in her.

The other couples stop to watch, their mouths open at her coming.

He fucks her through her orgasm and through his own orgasm. He comes long and hard inside of her. Neither of them have ever come this long or this hard and the orgasm fizzes through their entire bodies.

The audience, or at least those members of the audience whose fingers are not otherwise occupied – applaud, knowing that they have witnessed an incredible orgasm for both parties and that they have enjoyed their own.

The singing bowl rings out and the evening is at a close.

As they leave the duchess presses another embossed envelope into Reds hand and lightly kisses her.

It is an invitation to “Cinderellas ball” the next evening.

The dress code is “lightly undress to impress”. You are to come as your favourite fable character, Red riding hood and the Wolf will not have to look far for a costume.

There is a second invitation to welcome another new couple the evening after the ball.

Red and the Wolfs hearts skip a beat at the excitement of knowing they are to line the passage naked with the other to welcome the new couple and at the excitement of watching the other couple make love in front of the audience.

There is another red piece of paper in the envelope and Red blushes as she reads that it is an invitation to a party called “The RCS orgy”. Reading further it seems that attendees will be randomly broken into small groups and each group is then to randomly choose a come slut for the evening.

The chosen person, having agreed to the terms of the event may not balk if chosen and must serve the others as they wish.

Imagine the excitement and trepidation of not knowing if you will be chosen but not wanting to miss out on the excitement of playing with the chosen person. She wonders if the Wolf will want to go and decides to persuade him to.
