Persephone and Hades – Part Five

A sudden massive gust of ice cold wind circled the bedchamber like a vortex, extinguishing the flaming wall sconces and shrouding everything it touched in a cloak of darkness as it whipped around the room. My hair was tossed across my face and my clothes dishevelled in its wake. I tried to see through the gloom, peering into the inky blackness in an attempt to make out the bed, the chair, Hades, anything… but there was nothing but ebony emptiness to behold. 


He must have had his eyes shut, because – as I glanced around blindly – two burning, ruby embers suddenly lit up the darkness directly in front of me. Hades had opened his lids partway, and was perusing me in ominous silence, hellfire blazing in his deep red, glowing eyes. I realised then that the wind and the dark were a direct manifestation of his mood… so, in comparison to those other occasions when the room had darkened along with his temper, this time, his anger must have been extreme… Rather than a deepening twilight rage, this was like a sudden fucking solar eclipse…

“I’ve realised something,” he announced through the gloom, his tone flat and devoid of any emotion – a direct contradiction to his heavy lidded, intensely burning gaze. 

“What?” I replied, swallowing thickly past a wave of fear and nausea that suddenly washed over me like a rogue wave in a flat, glassy ocean, leaving me feeling cold and shivery with apprehension in its wake.

“You wished for me not to touch you until you’d requested, did you not?” He queried, voice hushed.

I lifted my chin in defiance. “Yes, I did,” I replied a tad triumphantly, with a toss of my head. “And wasn’t that good timing on my behalf?”

He laughed, then, slow and low; a creeping, ominous sound that echoed throughout the darkness like a clawed monster crawling and dragging itself towards me from underneath my bed.  

“You forgot something essential about the situation, though,” he retorted, still chuckling. “That being, exactly WHO, and WHAT, I am…”

WHO, and WHAT, he was? 

My brow furrowed slightly as I contemplated his words, and his odd tone. Then, with a start, I opened my mouth… “A Go-?” I began, but the telltale word was cut off by my own shriek, as I heard the muffled click of his fingers and something suddenly wrapped around my waist and slammed me back against the wall, sweeping my wrists up and pinning them to either side of my head. My skull connected with the stone with a dull thud, and I groaned at the pain that shot through me, exhaling sharply through my nose. A long moment of silence followed as I hung there, stunned… I was hyper aware of Hades’s forboding presence looming over me, but he remained quiet, letting me drink in the sense of his enormous power that seemed to be emanating from him… I eventually let my head sag onto my chest, my long hair hanging in my face, and allowed a wave of defeat to slowly wash over me… 

“Yessss,” he purred low, triumph seeping through his tone. “Correct. A God. And I have been around for a long, long time…”

A God…  

… All I had done was make one little wish, and I’d thought that I was so clever, the cat’s pajamas. 

Why, oh why, had I been so cocky? Why had I decided that it would be a good idea to tease him to arousal, only to snatch his release away at that crucial, agonising moment? Why had I thought that I could possibly outwit him in this scenario? He had the upper hand, at everything – knowing me inside and out, being able to recall our life together as though it were yesterday, knowing what the fuck was going on, having such Godly powers that he could even grant my mortal wishes… By comparison, I was lacking completely. My only power seemed to be that I was just as much of an expert at seducing him as he was at seducing me… but seduction alone wasn’t going to get me out of this situation and deposit me back home in my own normal life, miraculously un-impregnated, now, was it? What a hot headed fool I had been, as he always said. Inwardly, I raged at myself. I had been so sure of myself, and now look where I was… pinned to the fucking wall. By magic. 

“Hades,” I choked out, realising that I was completely at his mercy and desperate to regain my footing. “Please…”

I don’t know what I’d been going to entreat, but my voice trailed off as he started his advance towards me, the glowing orbs of his eyes floating closer, ever closer, through the darkness, until he stopped just in front of my face. I could feel his warm, intoxicating breath on my cheeks. 

I squeezed my eyes shut like a coward, completely at a loss at what to expect…

Something cool touched me, like a brush of the wind, an icy cold tendril of magical energy that gently grasped me by the chin and lifted my head up to regard Hades. Cautiously, I unscrewed my eyes one at a time, my heart pounding heavily in my chest.


His gaze burned. 

“I’ve got you now, baby…” Hades breathed softly, slowly, possessively, while the tendril of air caressed my face like he was rubbing his thumb across my cheekbone… “Now, it’s my turn…”

I squirmed against the invisible bonds holding my wrists and my waist, thrashing left and right, trying to loosen their hold on me in order to escape, but to no avail… I was pinned against the wall, Hades towering before me, completely helpless against him…. 

Unless, I made another wish? 

“Don’t even fucking think about it,” he growled instantly, furiously reading my mind. The tendril of air that had been stroking my cheek changed tact and suddenly shot out like a striking snake to wrap itself around my hair like a clenched fist, snapping my head back and thrusting my face upwards to meet Hades’s unholy fire filled gaze.

“Ouch!” I cried at the attack, startled by his unexpectedly violent reaction, and the hellfire embers of his eyes suddenly flickered to a smooth, warm vermillion for a moment as he looked down upon me and searched my frightened face. 

“Don’t be afraid, Persephone,” he whispered, gruffly, towering before me, his voice a gentle caress… “Never be afraid… But beware… I am not the sort of man accustomed to not getting his way, especially where you are concerned. I can’t hold myself back. I’ve tried. Keep pushing me, and I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

His callous arrogance caused my fight or flight sense to rebel and bristle. I found my former defeatist attitude swiftly banished and replaced with a fire of my own, heating my blood with defiance. “Or what?” I dared him with a sneer. “You’re going to kill me?” 

“Oh, I can do better than that,” he whispered darkly, and I positively could hear, if couldn’t see, his sensual lips spreading into a smile that hinted at all sorts of richly sinful things… Before I could process the tone of his voice fully, another long tendril of cool pulsating energy stretched out from Hades’s direction and proceeded to slinkily snake its way around my ankle… another followed suit… lightly circling my other ankle with its airy grip… then, like a vice or cuffs, both tendrils suddenly snapped tight, wrenching my legs apart… holding them spread and pinned up against the wall just as surely as my wrists. 

“What the FUCK are you doing, Hades!?” I cried out desperately, straining against the ropes of air that were holding me still and helpless. 

His glowing, vermillion eyes darkened again to a deep, intensely burning ruby red as he gazed at me… “Let’s see how you like it when the tables are turned, hmmm?” He murmured softly. “What will you do when I can touch you, Persephone, but you can’t touch me?”

I thrashed against my bonds, my temper rising as he outlined his plan. “You fucker,” I snarled. “That’s not fair, and YOU KNOW IT!”

Suddenly, ferociously, with an eardrum destroying BOOM, Hades lashed out and SLAMMED his fist into the wall beside my head and one of my wrists, shattering the limestone into tiny pieces. I couldn’t see the extent of the damage properly in the darkness… still the only source of light was his firey eyes… but I heard the shattering of the stone and the rubble fall in chunks to the flagstones of the floor.

“Was it fair, when you left me hanging just before, after working me up to such an extreme level of excitement, Persephone?” Hades leant forward and roared in my face, his spittle spraying my skin. “Was it fair, that you did it out of spite, to show me “who was boss”, as you mortals like to say these days, for that reason only? Was it fair, when I had to wait TWO THOUSAND years for you to be reincarnated, before I could hold you in my arms again? Was it fair, that for you to even be able to die in the first place, that I had to kill you with my own BARE HANDS!?” 

Hades’ voice broke, suddenly, becoming raw and ragged, as he continued… “Was it fair that I had to drain the life force, the light, out of my lover, my wife, my Queen, my best friend, the reason for my existence, MY SOUL!!?? Was it fair, that I had to LOSE all of my humanity for you to be given the chance to reincarnate as one? Was it fair, this deal that we struck with The Fates, after it all? Was it WORTH IT, ANY of it, children or no, if you NEVER REMEMBER our INCREDIBLE love? Was it fair, if you NEVER REMEMBER… ME!?” 

I was frozen in place, wide eyed and aghast at his words, at the position I found myself in, and at hearing his powerful, roaring voice turn hoarse and ragged and full of unshed tears. 

“You… You had to… KILL ME…? Yourself?” I breathed, incredulous at his words. “What on earth…?”

Hades leaned forward, as much as the wish would allow him proximity to me, and those glowing orbs stopped mere millimeters from my face.

“Persephone,” he whispered harshly. “Yes. Yes, I did. You are a Goddess, after all. The deal that we struck with The Fates was no ordinary bargain, and you had to die to be reincarnated as a Mortal. No other hand was as strong as mine that would have been able to do it, but nor would I have allowed anyone else to even attempt it… I’ve made myself very clear in that area, before… You. Are. Mine.”

“How did you kill me?” I breathed, transfixed by his hellfire gaze. Hades exhaled loudly, a burst of air through his nose, and his eyes closed for a second as he considered my question, and the situation…

…”I don’t think that this is really the time, or the place for all the gory details, Persephone,” he replied finally with a forced air of nonchalance, his tone changing just as light began to shine in the room once more by way of the fire sconces. They slowly reignited, blooming into flame, one by one around the room, until I could see all of Hades and make out the details of our bedchamber again. He was looming over me, just in front, hands pressed to the wall on either side of my swept up fists… His eyes were still burning with an intensity that I had never seen before…

“Hush, now. Let me remind you of nicer things, my baby,” Hades purred low, leaning his lips in close to my ear. “Let me remind you of what it is that we do best…”

He clicked his fingers again and a thin tendril of cool magical energy, a barely visible shimmering, hazy mirage of air, reached out from nowhere to softly caress first my cheek again, and then danced down my neck, slowly tripping its way down to my nipples and my breasts, where it stopped to pinch both tiny buds between non existent fingers, circling them one by one, and plumping each of my full tits as though there were a hand cupping each teardrop shaped, mountain of flesh in the palm of a hand…

… Then, another tendril of cool air appeared, this one intent on dancing its way up one of my legs, tickling my thigh as it sought, and easily found, the tiny V between my hips. I twisted and wriggled against my ties as it did so, hoping that I would be able to ignore its teasing touch, but when it suddenly ducked and slipped between the slick, tiny folds of my pussy, I knew that I was gone…

“Hades,” I gasped, feeling the tendril of magic circle my clitoris and slide along my moist little slit, working my body to produce my own personal brand of honey that would make its job even easier, as it continued on its quest to explore me… “Oh, please, don’t…”

“Hush, my baby,” Hades shushed, chuckling quietly. “How about you just relax, cut the questions, and allow yourself to just FEEL? I swear that I’ll have you begging me for more before I’m through with you…”

“No!” I cried, knowing that I would be lost if that were to happen. “You mustn’t!”

“Ssssh,” he whispered, grinning devilishly, motioning as though he were going to place his finger across my lips but of course being unable to actually physically touch me with his skin. “This time, let me drive…”

I groaned in frustration as Hades completely ignored my protests and continued to feel me up with a few tendrils of magic, skillfully manipulating my body into responding to him and his dark desires… he laughed low at my predicament, as though he knew the emotions and thoughts that were running through my mind, and licked his lips as one of the tentacles of air slowly started to dip its tip inside of my body, the cool substance pushing up, and into me, from inside my thighs. I gasped loudly but couldn’t help myself as my legs tried to spread themselves against their bonds, welcoming Hades’ intrusion of my body like some sort of wanton slut. My hips thrust forward, helping the tendril of air to enter me further and stretch me wider as it continued to push onwards and upwards, exploring my insides as though it were his questing, rock hard cock. I moaned and tossed my head back, hair falling in a waterfall behind me, cursing him aloud as the tendril really began to go to town, thrusting inside my body and then sliding out with a delicious friction, then delving back into me again, only to do the same thing over and over and over, mimicking the thrusts of his massive cock when he’d slide himself into me… Hades was silent, breathing fast, his burning eyes never leaving mine, and I felt weak with lust under the heat of his hungry gaze. He fucked me expertly with his magical tendril of air until I was soaking wet, mewling and circling my hips up senselessly, grinding my pelvis against the wall as I hung there spreadeagled. As an orgasm built within me I bit my lower lip and started to pant, my eyes imploring him to keep up his pace and force. He complied, and after a few more minutes of being slammed repeatedly, I exploded in a creamy mess all over the tendril that was pounding into my body, my slick juices soaking the inside of my thighs as they dripped out of me. I threw my head back, gasping, and wished, silently, with all of my might, that he’d been the one to wring it out of me. Despite him getting me off, I was positively now craving his touch, and his engorged cock. The tendril wasn’t enough for me. I wanted the heat of skin on skin.

Hades licked his lips hungrily, his expression strained as he watched me. I hung there, against the wall, my entire body trembling, positively quivering, in the aftermath of my mammoth orgasm. My skin felt like I was on fire, hot to the touch between my legs. 

“Do you want me?” He queried finally with an arch of one dark eyebrow. His full lips were curved into a knowing smirk that would have infuriated me, had I not been so damn fucking desperate for him to just impale me with his cock. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit out a moan. So this is what it had felt like for him, when I teased him. The fucker.

“Persephone, I asked you a question,” Hades pressed, followed by a rich, deep chuckle. I opened my eyes to glare at him and watched in slack jawed amazement as he casually lifted up a hand to inspect his fingernails, as though my current tormented and helpless state were nothing out of the ordinary and he was just passing time, waiting for a fucking bus..  “Well…?”

I was at a loss for what to do. 

‘Keep your wits about you, you stupid bitch’, I scolded myself, managing to shake my head in a refusal to answer, but I could feel my features twisting into a petulant scowl, at which he only laughed more, taunting me with a slow, delicious snaking movement of one of one of those magical tendrils lightly up and down the inside of my thigh… It only made me want him more. And he knew it. 

“No?” He asked lightly, feigning surprise that he followed with another dark, rumbling laugh. He smiled at me, showing his pearly teeth almost animalistically. “Why don’t you make another wish then, if I’m boring you?”

“Oh, FUCK ME!” I cried out, disbelieving and rolling my eyes in exasperation at his sarcasm. I blew a huff of air to get my hair out of my face.

“As you wish,” he retorted smoothly, eyes lighting up with an unholy fire. The grin that followed spread so slowly across his face that it took me a moment to register his words…

…And mine, spoken in frustration without thinking…

…Oh, shit.

Everything stopped for a second, before Hades let out a roar of triumph. A massive blast of bright white light shot out from inside him and lit up the room with all the ferocity of the sun itself, and the flames from the fire sconces erupted upwards with a roar as though they had suddenly been doused in petrol. 

“YESSSS!!!!!” Hades hissed, closing his eyes for just a moment with glee. The bright light dimmed to a low glow. “A bit careless with your wording there, weren’t you, my love!?” A gloating smile was plastered across his unbelievably handsome face. “I thought that you’d have taken a lot more care than that! I guess it would seem that all that sexual frustration can fog the mind!”

I scowled at the rather tasteless crowing over his win, but, as my body was positively ACHING for his touch, I didn’t voice a protest. He’d beaten me, this time round… Instead, I gave a little groan of frustration and wriggled a bit against my magic bonds again, to remind him that I was still hanging pressed up against the wall…. He got the message.

Changing tact, Hades purred in his smooth, deep voice,”Come here, baby, I’ll give you what you need,” as he reached out to touch me and encountered no physical barrier barring his way this time. His thumb stroked my cheek as he caught my face between his big hands and slowly, tantalizingly, leaned in and lowered his lips to press against my own. I groaned into his mouth as his tongue dipped inside and caressed mine, heavy with seduction. I had missed this, in the very short time that I’d had him at arm’s length. His kiss was deep and filled with desire and our mouths fused together, opening and closing against each other repeatedly.

His huge body pressed up firmly against me, pushing me harder back against the wall, but my hands remained pinned to either side of my head. Then, he released my face from his hands and swiftly reached down between his legs to grasp his massive girth in his fist, adjusting his position as he readied himself to impale me…Then, I screamed aloud in delight as, in one smooth, fluid movement, he thrust his rock hard cock deep inside of me. I relished every inch of him as I felt the head part my sticky little lips and slide inside of my pussy, burying himself to the hilt in that one, slow, delicious thrust. I was so wet and juicy with my own cum that he instantly started roughly pounding me into the wall as I spread my thighs as wide as they could go upon discovering that my ankles were free of their invisible airy ties. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, digging my heels into his buttocks as I received his driving thrusts with some hip circling of my own, meeting him as he thrust deep into me and then retreated, sliding his cock in and out, in and out, in that amazing rhythm of the night. I squeezed his cock with all of my muscles as hard as I could as he slammed into me over and over again. 

“Aaah,” I cried out as he rode me, each pump a stab of ecstasy. I had never been so full of him before. Hades groaned with his own desire, grunting as he ground himself into me over and over. My ass slapped against the cold wall behind me.

“I’m going to cum, baby girl,” he growled into my ear after a while, biting down on my earlobe before moving to my jawline and dragging his teeth across my skin as he kissed me. I felt his cock thicken deep within me, stretching me even further around his girth, and I gasped aloud as the stirrings of my own massive orgasm started to tingle a way to the surface. He increased his pace, slamming me into the wall in a devastatingly fast rhythm that had me hitching my breath with each thrust, panting along with him as he rode me to his climax. He erupted into me with a roar, spilling his semen so hot and fast that I felt every spurt of his throbbing cock as he unloaded, and the sticky wet sensation between my legs and my clit finally sent me over the edge into oblivion. I clung to him, trembling, my legs squeezed around his waist, barely able to hold myself up as I came and came and came all over and around his dick. He held me up by my arse cheeks and stilled to give me more pleasure, smiling against my temple as I was wracked with shudders. 

As soon as I had finished coming, I collapsed against Hades’s chest and into his arms with a cry. He scooped me up and carried me across to the bed, collapsing atop the black silky duvet covered with luxurious furs with me in tow. The four postered structure groaned beneath his massive weight. He swept me up against him and pressed my cheek to his bare chest. I could feel the loud thudding of his heart against my skin. 

“It only beats for you,” he said softly, ruffling my hair gently, letting the long strands run between his fingers. I snorted at the cheesiness of the line, but he was strangely solemn… 

“You wouldn’t remember,” he murmured, “but you are the light in my life, in our kingdom… you bring sunshine and springtime to the depths of the Underworld, a realm that is as dark and as foreboding as my soul without your presence…  I… I can’t live without you, Persephone, I’ve tried, when so much time passed and you did not return… I’ve experienced love and I WILL NOT live without you now.” He stared deeply into my eyes and his own suddenly flared a bright, crimson at his passionate, possessive words. “I know that deep down you believe that you still have a choice in the matter,” he continued, his voice deepening to a low purr as he continued to run his fingers through my hair. “You believe that you’ll somehow manage to outwit me and escape back to your old life, but this time, I am NOT letting you go… Your mother had help last time, from the other gods, to retrieve you, even if it were only for six months of the year, but this time, there’s no one to petition the Gods for your well being. This time, there is only ME.”

Well, fuck.

Hey guys! I’m sorry that this part took me so long to get out! I’ve been going through a lot in my personal life and found it hard to find time to write as I wasn’t inspired and things were getting me down. I’d love to hear your feedback on how you’re enjoying the story, though! Comments and reviews really inspire me to keep up the pace when it comes to penning each installment. I’m also open to suggestions when it comes to the storyline and what you guys would like to read, or read more of! Thank you so much for being my readers. You make it all worth it. Hope to hear from you!


1 comment

  1. I love this series! There is always so much thought put into it, and it is different from all of the other stories I have read on here, and with a load of detail that I love and helps me really picture the story as I go along. Please keep writing these. ✨

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