My father-in-law sucks my tits [M]50 [F]29

This is what happened next after my last two naughty encounters with my father-in-law (FIL), which you can read on my profile if you want to. He stayed with us for a few weeks over the holidays. Before this incident, other than a gentle pat on the bum, he hadn’t really touched me, but this changed all that.

After a day of tiring winter walks, me, my husband and my FIL were all lazing around that night watching trash TV. A lot of beer and wine had been consumed and I was channel hopping. We started watching a documentary about extreme body modification – tattoos, piercings, that kind of thing. The show was mostly about people regretting getting quite radical things done, like a guy with more than a hundred piercings on his face etc.

Anyway, we’d been watching for a while and my FIL kept commenting that he didn’t understand why anyone would want a tattoo or a piercing, and I kept drunkenly/playfully arguing back that they can be cool if you get something more subtle done. This back-and-forth went on for most of the show, with my FIL describing what he was seeing as “disgusting” and saying that piercings must be so sore and uncomfortable.

This is where my husband joined in, saying “Dad, Cara’s right. When it’s not extreme, it can be really nicely done. [Turning to me] Your piercings aren’t disgusting, baby, they’re sexy as hell.”

My FIL, who’d been slouched on the sofa, sat up, “oh I’m really sorry, Cara, I didn’t realise you had piercings. I’m sure they’re, uh, very, um, classy.”

He was struggling for words and worried he’d offended me. I just laughed and shot back “yeah, of course they’re classy because you have a very classy daughter-in-law” and he smiled. We both turned back towards the TV, when my husband suddenly says “you should just show him, babe”.

I make a point of protesting saying there’s no way his dad wants to see them. And my tipsy husband says “nah, let him see that they’re not sore or uncomfortable.” I felt that comment kind of gave me the cover to do this almost as a medical exam and so I say “do you wanna have a look?”

At this point, my FIL wouldn’t even know for sure where I was pierced but I’m sure he had an idea. Looking a bit startled, my FIL just goes “um yeah sure, honey, if you don’t mind showing me. I haven’t really seen a body piercing before.”

Before anyone could change their mind, I moved over to sit beside my FIL on his sofa. I was wearing a strappy white top, without a bra, and a pair of tight leggings. Figuring I shouldn’t be too slutty with it, I reached into my top to pull out one of my C-cup breasts with my hands covering as much of my tit as I could while letting the nipple and nipple piercing poke through. At this point my husband says “Cara, for fuck’s sake, my dad’s seen plenty of boobs in his time, just take your top off.”

I look at my FIL and he looks expectantly and hopefully into my eyes while I slowly follow my husband’s instruction. I take the white strappy top off over my head and I’m left sitting there topless in a pair of skin tight leggings, with my pierced boobs out in front of my husband’s dad.

Me: “So what do you think?”

FIL: “Wow, really nice, Cara”

Husband: [Laughing] “The nipple bars or her tits, Dad?”

FIL: [Now laughing too] “Uh both. I can see now that the piercings suit you. They do look like they might be a bit sore, though”

Me: [Grabbing my own tits and playing with them roughly] “No, they’re not sore at all. Look…”

Husband: “Cara, let the man try for himself”

Me: [Not quite believing how forceful my husband was being but really loving it] “Yeah okay, good idea”

I moved in close to my FIL and took his two hands and placed them on my breasts. He needed little encouragement to immediately start pawing my tits, squeezing them, weighing them up and down, and pinching my nipples and piercings. It’s like he’d seen his chance and just decided to take it, a man possessed, even if he risked me and my husband thinking he was being a little too sexually aggressive. I suppose at this point his son had made it obvious he didn’t mind him seeing and touching his wife, so fair play to him.

But my husband wanted to go one step further before we all headed to bed for the night.

Husband: “Convinced they’re perfectly comfortable for her now, Dad?”

FIL: “Oh yeah, those piercings are solid. I’m a convert”

[We all laugh and drink more of our wine. ‘How did I end up sipping wine topless with them tonight?’, I think to myself]

Husband: “The thing I really like about Cara’s nipple bars is how they feel in your mouth”

FIL: “Uh yeah?”

Me: “Oh yeah, I like it when you do that too”

Husband: “Babe, do you mind if he has a go?”

I don’t even get a chance to answer before my FIL, clearly supremely confident thanks to the alcohol, lunges forward at me and takes my tit in his mouth while pawing at the other one.

He is basically breastfeeding within seconds. Licking, sucking, nibbling, swirling his tongue. He moves between each breast for a few minutes, devouring my tits like a man who knows he might never get to touch or see them again. (I’m suddenly reminded of our wedding day and catching my FIL a few times staring at my wedding dress cleavage. I bet he never dreamed this would ever happen on that day.)

And then he comes up for air from my tits for a moment, puts his hand gently between my thighs and rubs my inner leg over my leggings, looks at me, and then leans in to kiss me. I let him peck me but resist his tongue. I quickly get up from the couch and cheerfully say “well guys, that was a fun day. I’ll see you in the bedroom, honey. Good night”.

I kiss my husband and I’m gone.



  1. You were wearing a strappy white top with no bra and he couldn’t already tell your tits were pierced?

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