[Group] Ski Weekend Couples Fun

With all the COVID measures in place and my wife working from home, we were feeling cooped up recently. So when a couple we know invited us to go stay up at the local ski hill, we jumped at the chance. We have two kids and the other couple does as well. So two five-year-old boys, a three-year-old boy, and a three-year-old girl along with the four adults. We justified it in our heads by saying that the two younger ones are in the same daycare, so we’re all probably being exposed to the same germs anyways.

When we arrived at the condo we were sharing they were already there. Of course the kids immediately began playing and were excited to show each other toys, rooms, etc. We got ourselves unpacked and set up and made some dinner. It was perfectly wholesome family time and we all got along really well. The conversation just flowed beautifully since we’re all in the same stages for kids, careers, and real estate. After a while we got the kids to bed and had a couple more drink around the dining room table. My wife made one comment about hotel-room/vacation sex and they were happy to laugh along and agree that a change of scenery can add some spice to a marriage sometimes. Little did I know how far we would push this idea. We all ended up going to bed at a very reasonable time that night since we wanted to hit the slopes early the next morning and getting kids ready can be such an ordeal. When we were in our bedroom my wife and I talked about how nice it is to just feel relaxed around another couple.

My wife, Charlotte, is 31 years old, blonde/brown hair. I’m not sure how to describe the hair with kind of chunky streaks in it. Mostly blonde? She’s had two kids so she’s put on some weight but is nowhere near what would be called fat. She looks like a pretty typical soccer mom with a gorgeous face and she’s way too self-conscious about her post-babies’ body. It’s very easy to get her to laugh which is something I love about her and she is absolutely radiant when she is happy.
The other wife, Krystal, is 41. She’s fairly petite, a little shorter than my wife, and has long red hair, a round face with plump cheeks (despite being petite), and freckles. We actually had a little history from about 12 years ago when we hooked up (I think oral was as far as we went). We just didn’t click in the way you’d want to for a long-term relationship and amicably moved on but stayed acquaintances. My wife knows we tried dating a bit and has no issue with it.
Matty is the other husband. He’s about 5’10” and fairly thin with dark hair and somewhere around 40 years old. He’s one those guys who is pretty quiet but not in an uncomfortable way. Just a very gentle guy but he has an underlying sense of humor that can catch you by surprise.
I’m 43 years old, 5’10” and a pretty standard dad-looking guy. Salt and pepper hair and in decent shape but certainly not a model or anything.

We all got ourselves out on the slopes the next morning and had a good time. The kids had already been skiing a fair bit before so we got to have a great time playing follow-the-leader and ducking in and out of trees. We went back into the condo around noon and made lunch. The kids being so young combined with outdoor activity meant naps were necessary for them so we didn’t go back out and slept until about 2:00. I’m pretty sure all the adults napped to which turned out to be a good thing. We then went out and poked around the village at the ski hill. We popped into a restaurant and grabbed hot chocolates and a couple drinks and the conversation just kept flowing again. It was around drink number two that I started noticing Krystal looking at me in a little bit different of a way. I’ve seen this look before but not for quite some time. I still know exactly what it means though, she was definitely starting to feel some sort of attraction to me. I’d like to say I played it really cool, but I got a little flustered thinking about how nice it feels to feel wanted by a woman who isn’t your wife. Krystal seemed to pick up on that and was encouraged to be a little more playful with me. I had a couple more drinks and relaxed into just going with the flow and enjoying feeling desired. We paid our bill and packed up to head in for dinner. Matty and I got started cooking and setting the table while the women got the kids bathed and changed. We set the table, decanted some wine, and put on some jazz. My wife slapped my ass and made a joke about us trying to get lucky. I replied with, “We’d probably better after all this effort!”

We had a leisurely meal and fought the usual battle of trying to get kids to eat nicely. Then we set the kids up with a movie and hung out around the table while we cleaned up and polished off the wine. We decided we should get the kids down early and then play a game of some sort. When the movie finished we got the kids changed and ready for bed. I caught Krystal watching me with the kids while we were brushing their teeth and could feel electricity, like she was experiencing a primal attraction that she could barely contain. I smiled and she didn’t shy away at all, instead her face lit up a little bit more. Charlotte and Matty were finishing the cleaning while Krystal and I got the kids down. We closed their door and walked down the hall together with a palpable sexual energy.

When we got to the main living area, we could tell Matty and Charlotte had been getting along well too. Charlotte was laughing and gave Matty a playful shove. “What have you two been up to?” I asked. “I was just pointing out to Matty that you and Krystal used to hook up. How far did you guys go anyways?” She was obviously trying to tease Matty and elicit some sort of reaction from him. “I’m not sure, that was so long ago. Probably just a little making out.” I answered. We had definitely gone further than that but I didn’t want to speculate when I wasn’t positive what had happened. Krystal looked a little embarrassed and looked to Matty but he didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. I could tell my wife was fairly tipsy at this point. “Ready for a game?” I asked.

We busted out Cards Against Humanity and sat around the table with some more drinks. This game lends itself well to sparking up hilarious conversations, and the couple shots we did while we played certainly helped that. We played that for about a half hour or so when the game kind of petered out. Charlotte was fidgeting a bit with an empty wine bottle on the table so I got a little bolder and asked, “Should we play something else? You look like you’re ready for some spin-the-bottle there.” Charlotte laughed and gave the bottle a spin. It landed on me so she leaned over and gave me a kiss while making over the top make-out noises. She laughed at herself and then slid the bottle to me and said, “your turn.” There was a sudden shift in the mood like it dawned on everyone at once that this all might move along from playful into much more serious territory. I didn’t want a sober mood to take over so I just spun the bottle right away before anyone had a chance to say anything. It landed on Krystal. I stood up and walked over to where she was sitting and looked over at Matty. He gave a comically large shrug as if to say “The bottle pointed at her, you don’t have much choice.” So I put my arm across the back of the chair, leaned in and put my lips to Krystal’s. We both opened our mouths just a little bit and shared a pretty passionate kiss. Her lips were soft and had a hint of whatever berry scented gloss she had on. Her mouth had the taste of red wine. I pulled away and heard an immediate “Wooooooooo!” from my wife. Krystal seemed a little flustered so I slid the bottle over to her and said, “You’re up!” She seemed to suddenly realize what had just happened and looked to Matty to see what his reaction was. He just laughed at her and raised his glass. She grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin but she spun it too hard and it fell off the table and clanked around a bit. We laughed at her attempt and looked under the table. The bottle was pointing at me and Krystal wasted no time in standing up, taking the two steps over to me and repeating the exact same kiss as we had just shared. We were both a little more aware this time so we made conscious eye contact as she was leaning in. I was smitten at this point and felt a very palpable attraction to Krystal. She picked the bottle up and passed it over to Matty. He was happily drinking away and just enjoying the show but didn’t hesitate at all and gave it a careful spin so it wouldn’t go out of control off the table. It landed pointing somewhere between Krystal and me but before anyone could say anything or make a move, my wife grabbed the bottle and pointed it at herself. Now I could tell my wife was pretty drunk, she would never make such a bold move sober. As she pointed it at herself she said, “I think this is only fair!”. Matty was obviously excited and leaned over in his chair to kiss Charlotte. She leaned in and put her hands on each side of his face and made sure their kiss was a real make out style kiss and not just a peck. They let their first kiss linger a bit and then got a couple more quick, slightly open mouthed ones in. Now it was Krystal’s turn to go “Wooo, oh my god!”

Now is probably a good time to say that my wife and I had done some playing with another couple before, but weren’t seeking out anything again. We had talked and enjoyed that it happened organically and said that if anything happened again it would have to be in a similar situation. I still don’t know if Matty and Krystal have ever played outside their marriage before, but their comfort level seemed to indicate that they had at least talked about it.

Charlotte got the bottle back now and spun it. We were all a little more attentive now since the game was in full swing and there was no more caginess about what would happen. It pointed at me again so my wife immediately said, “Nope!”, grabbed the bottle and turned it just slightly so it was pointing at Krystal. She stood up and walked over and leaned in. Krystal seemed pretty hesitant but still gave a decent kiss. My wife was trying to make it a little bit more of a make-out session but Krystal pulled her face back a little and apologized to Charlotte saying, “I’m sorry, I’m just not into that at all.” She had raised eyebrows and looked legitimately worried that Charlotte would be upset. My wife gave a pretend disappointed face but couldn’t even keep up the facade and started giggling as she returned to her seat. She slid the bottle over to me and I grabbed it and got ready to spin when I stopped and said to my wife, “If you get to choose, then I do too.” I pointed the bottle right at Krystal and didn’t wait for a response of any kind before moving over to her and leaning in to start making out. This time there was no stopping though. We kissed gently for a few times when I felt her tongue brush up against my lips. I put mine in a little bit as well, not teenage drunk style, but just a little bit. I then pulled away just enough to get look her in the eyes and then moved my mouth down to her jaw and neck. She closed her eyes, arched her back a little, and let out a soft moan. I started kissing her lips again when I heard the unmistakable sound from behind me of Matty and Charlotte starting to do the same thing. Krystal was still sitting in the chair so I pulled her upwards to get her to stand up with me. She rose out of her chair and put her arms around my neck and sought out my lips to continue our making out. Charlotte and Matty were still in their own chairs kissing deeply when out of the corner of my eye I saw Charlotte move over and straddle Matty in his seat while kissing him. I had my hands on the small of Krystal’s back as and pulled her in close to me as we kissed. Her breath got deep and heavy, I could tell she was getting incredibly turned on. I continued kissing her neck and nibbled at her earlobe a little bit, it seemed like I could do no wrong as she responded like everything I did was exactly what she wanted. I moved my hands down to her ass and pulled her hips towards me. She pushed her pelvis into mine and opened her mouth wide as she kissed me. She was wearing tight fitting denim jeans and I could feel the seam of her underwear through the fabric. I was hard as a rock at this point and could feel some pre-cum at the tip of my cock. I kept one arm down at the small of her back and slid the other one up to just under her arm and held her as I pushed her to lean her over backwards as I kept kissing. I then stood her up and started walking her backwards to the couch that was right near the dining room. As I sat her down I looked over at Matty and Charlotte. They were lost in their own little world. I could see Matty had at least one hand inside of Charlotte’s sweater and was playing with her tits. I was hoping for his sake that she was wearing a good bra for getting his hand into. I sat myself next to Krystal and laid her back on the couch a bit while I kissed her mouth and neck. As I did, I slid my right hand up her shirt and felt over top of the fabric of her bra. Her tits were about b-cups, and I remembered from before that she had really long nipples. I could feel her hard nipples right away through her bra as it didn’t have any padding. She pushed me away a little bit and then grabbed the bottom of her long sleeved shirt and pulled it over head turning it inside out as she did. She was wearing a green bra and it caught my attention immediately. There’s something about a freckled red-head wearing green that I find so incredibly erotic. I must have looked like I was enjoying myself because she smiled at me, obviously enjoying the attention. She tugged at the bottom of my shirt and I didn’t need any further encouragement, I pulled it off and threw it on the floor. I pulled her close and we continued kissing while feeling skin-to-skin contact on our upper bodies. As we did I got my hands onto her bra strap and began unclasping it at the back. She slid her arms through and dropped it on the floor. I wasted no time and put my mouth on one of her tits and starting swirling my tongue and sucking a little bit. I’ve found some women are very responsive to nipple play while others seem to be able to take it or leave it, she was one who seemed really responsive to it and her breathing became more fast paced and shallow as I switched back and forth between her breasts. I let my left hand wander down her side as I did this and slid my body off to the side a little so I was kneeling on the floor beside the couch. Then with my left hand I undid her button on her jeans and unzipped them. I looked her in the eye as I slid my hand down inside her panties. She was more than ready for this, I could feel that her panties were already pretty wet as I got my index finger onto her clit and gave it some up and down strokes. She closed her eyes and arched her back as she pointed her chin up. I then pushed a little deeper down into her pants and rubbed the entrance to her pussy with my middle finger. She was absolutely drenched and I could feel the heat emanating from inside her. I rubbed the outside of her lips a little while she let out a tiny little “Ohh.” I slowly put my finger inside and curled it forward as I went in. I started making the come-hither finger motion and could feel the ridges on the upper front inside of her pussy. She grabbed her pants and underwear and pulled them down to her knees, then she got one leg out fully so she could open her legs up for me completely. I could smell her pussy a little bit now and it had a slightly sweet scent to it. I continued doing what I had been and she laid herself back again. As I fingered her I moved my body down and gave her clit a quick lick with my tongue. She breathed in sharply and her hand went to the back of my head and pressed my face towards her pelvis a little. I played with her clit with my tongue some more while trying to keep up with the fingering that was working well until I felt her hand leave the back of my head. I pulled my face away and increased the speed I moved my finger at just slightly. That was the final push she needed and I felt her pussy start contracting around my finger and her body stiffened up. She couldn’t contain her voice and let out two loud moans. I learned that if something is working for a woman, just keep doing it, so I didn’t stop. She orgasmed for about 30 seconds, her whole body shaking and her pussy grabbing onto my finger. I watched her face as she did and her eyes were closed and she had a very serious expression. She finally let out a big breath and opened her eyes to look at me with an expression of surprise. I pulled my finger out and smiled at her. I kneeled up a little bit straighter to see over the couch and saw Charlotte on her knees in front of Matty who was still in his dining room chair, her head was bobbing up and down and Matty had his eyes closed and his head tilted back. I pointed at them and smiled at Krystal so she sat up to have a look. She gave me a I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening look and swung her legs down and took her pants off completely. She was now totally naked on the couch while I was still wearing jeans and my underwear. She reached for my belt buckle and fumbled with it a little before she got it undone, she then undid my button and unzipped my jeans and pulled them down to my thighs, I was at full mast now and she wrapped one hand around my cock. She brought her face closer and used her tongue to lick underneath the head of it. I could have come right then if I had wanted to, I was so fired up. I pulled it away from her, I wasn’t ready to come yet. I stood up and took off my pants, underwear, and socks completely. This put my dick right at her face level and she didn’t seem to want anything other than to put it in her mouth. She took it partway into her mouth and started jerking me off towards the base with one hand while pushing her head back and forth on the tip. I’m not really a blow job guy for some weird reason. Don’t get me wrong, they feel good and I appreciate women doing their best to please me, but most blow jobs just aren’t what I’m after. I had an old girlfriend when I was younger who would deepthroat like an absolute champion. She had no gag reflex whatsoever and I think that’s what I’ve always been after when it comes to blow jobs. So I grabbed her hand and moved it off of my dick. She looked up at me with my dick still in her mouth and I asked if she could go deeper. She nodded and took a breath in through her nose and pushed her throat onto me. I could tell she tried really hard to not gag, but I could feel her throat tense up and saw her eyes well up with tears a little so I pulled out. She took a deep breath and wiped the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. I smiled a little and told her, “Don’t worry about that, I’m going to flip you over.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw my wife and Matty, now naked walking into the bedroom just off the dining room, my wife had him by the hand and was leading him in there with his dick standing at attention. I pulled Krystal by the hips down on the couch a little and then turned her so her ass was facing me. She stood up and bent over the couch and starting playing with her clit. I stood behind her and spread her legs apart a little bit with my feet, I saw that she was mostly shaved, probably about a weeks’ worth of growth all over with just a few longer red hairs in the tough to shave areas, i.e. around her butthole. I grabbed my dick and placed the head right up against her pussy and then slowly pushed inside of her. She was still soaked and there was a good amount of precum and saliva on my dick so I slid inside of her easily. I took my time and pushed until I was as far inside as I could get. She gasped a little and started rocking herself back and forth a bit. I gave about eight good in-and-out thrusts before I could tell that I wasn’t going to last if I kept going so I pulled out and she looked back at me. I pulled her up to standing with me and grabbed her hand and started leading her to the same bedroom my wife and Matty had just disappeared into. Matty had my wife on her back on the bed and was already pounding away. Charlotte was saying, “Fuck me baby” over and over. I thought that was pretty funny that she was using a pet name with a guy she had barely known two days ago. Krystal let out a feigned shock “Matty!” as we came into the room. He just gave a quick glance and smile over his shoulder and made no indication he was planning on stopping. I pushed Krystal down onto her back beside Charlotte. I then climbed in between her legs and pushed my cock inside of her for some missionary. I think being right beside Matty and Charlotte helped distract me a little and I didn’t feel the urge to come instantly anymore. I started a slow rhythm and watched as Krystal closed her eyes and felt her getting crazy wet once again. After a few minutes she started moaning again. Both women were now vocalizing their pleasure while getting fucked side by side. Charlotte’s right hand slid over and groped at Krystal a little bit. Now Krystal didn’t seem to mind at all. Charlotte grabbed at Krystal’s breast and then slid her hand down to Krystal’s clit. There were pauses while she got lost in what Matty was doing to her, but she wanted to feel Krystal while she was getting fucked. Krystal had no objections and even grabbed Charlotte’s hand to help Charlotte play with her clit. That was about it for me. I had no intentions of stopping this time and grabbed Krystal’s hips to pull her tight to me, she sensed what was happening and wrapped her legs around my hips like she wasn’t going to let go. I started coming and I came HARD. I pushed myself as deep as I could go and shot a fairly large load way inside of her. It felt so goddamn fantastic like the first time with a new partner should. I collapsed on top of her and kept my cock inside while it pulsed out the rest of my load. My wife was just starting to climax right then. She grabbed the sheets and let out a “Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!!!!” as her body contracted. Her and I have always had good timing. Matty let her finish and then said he was going to jackhammer until he came too. My wife just nodded at him and smiled at me, satisfied with her orgasm. Matty did exactly what he said and finished within a minute. He did the same thing as I had and collapsed onto Charlotte. We all laid there for a few more minutes just softly giggling and touching each other gently. We never managed to repeat that performance again for the remainder of the trip, but we did talk openly the next day and aren’t opposed to it happening again, we just don’t want it to feel forced.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lm7llo/group_ski_weekend_couples_fun


  1. Paragraphs are your friend. Giant walls of text are painful to read and just that little extra formatting would help a lot here.

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