The Weekend: Molly, my roommates ex-gf [f] [20] and the most sensual and sexual night of my life

This happened a while back when we were in college.

To this day, it is still one of the most intense nights and weekends of my life.

A quick back story:

My roommate, Kyle and I had started dating two girls who also lived together. I was dating Katelyn and he was dating Jennifer.

Katelyn and I stopped dating after a couple of months. Come to find out she was totally bat shit crazy. Jennifer also ended up moving out.

Jennifer and Kyle continued dating and we would all frequently hang out together.

A little more about her, Jenn had jet black hair just to the bottom of her shoulder, pretty face (think a bit of Mila Kunis mixed with a bit of Natalie Portman) she was not as drop dead gorgeous as Mila, but she was attractive. Very attractive.

She had these deep brown doe eyes, the kind that would focused intently on you during conversations.

The kind you could just get lost just looking into.

She carried a solid B cup chest and a uniquely hour glass like figure. Approx 115 lbs, but a super small waist with a bubble butt in the caboose.

She had a welcoming personality, yet devilishly curious smile that revealed a single dimple on her left cheek and a personal temperament that was full of eclectic contradictions.

For example, she had a nautical star tattooed on her left forearm, a hipster Angel tattooed on the right small of her back (not center), a small stud in her nose and always rocked traditional NorCal girl style and vibe.

Yet, she was also a grammar nerd. She was one who loved puns and lame jokes.

She was both sexy, sweet + sassy, a nerd with a sprinkle of badassery.

But above all, her best attribute was her ability to dance.

Even if she wasn’t ‘your type’, if you saw her dance, or heard her sing, you would start to become intrigued by her.

She could own any dance floor. A true phat ass white girl bouncing with black girl rhythm, she was a performer.

The type of person you would always encourage to go on American Idol type shows, but she was too shy or lacked the confidence to ever actually do so.

At any rate, Jennifer and I became super close as friends.

One night, after realizing I had no shot at hooking up with her, I made the decision to totally let my guard down and really open up to her and let her in as a friend, a confidant.

Fuck it, I thought. I realized that with her dating my best friend and my history with Katelyn, the odds of us ever hooking up were pretty close to zero.

She was a great listener and always gave great advice, “detours make life more interesting,” she once assured me after I was turned down for a specific bar tending gig that I really wanted.

She was the first girl who was truly a close friend. We had a solid bond an mutual appreciation for one another. It was great.

Despite our closeness, her and Kyle were growing apart. Actually, I should say, Kyle was growing apart.

He thought she was too high-maintenance and really just didn’t want the responsibility.

He ended up breaking up with her.

As you’d expect, her and I started to drift apart, aside from seeing her at the random house party or on campus, I really didn’t see her much as I wasn’t planning on hanging out with my boy’s ex girl.

Until a random encounter.

“Hey stranger!” I heard that familiar voice call to me as I walked through the common area of our university.

“Jenny B!” I said even before I fully turned around, I called her Jenny B from the Jenny from the Block.

It was good to see her. We ended up catching up for 30-40 minutes.

We talked about everything. School, life, no boyfriend on her end.

She mentioned that she had heard about our Molly night from one of other friends (the Caley story that I also posted on here).

Who had the loose fucking lips I initially wondered.

But then she started talking about how much she missed doing Molly. At the end of our conversation, she said something that caught my attention.

“Well, if you ever find some again, let me know. Maybe we could make a night of it.” She said.

We said our goodbyes but I walked away thinking about that statement.

Did she mean ‘we’ as in her and I could make a night of it?

Or ‘we’ as in a group of us?

Or ‘we’ as in her and her friends without me?

There was now enough curiosity to scroll through all of my contacts and see if could find any.

Long story, short — I eventually found it. I picked up some. I let her know that I found it, she wanted to meet up on campus again.

“So, what are you thinking, you wanna roll with us at a club in town?” I asked. Trying to unlock any clues to decode her previous statement.

“That may be weird for Kyle, don’t you think?” She responded.

Damn, I thought. She did want it just for her and her friends.

As this thought crossed my mind, she interrupted my attempt to play it cool by saying,

“maybe we could do it, in a place more,”

she left a pregnant pause and shyly finished with, “a place more private.”

“I could be down.” I said. “But I only picked up two.” I lied. Just trying to see if this was an ‘us thing’ or a ‘them thing.’

“That’s fine.” She said, “I was just thinking the two of us. I always wanted to do it with you, but not sure if we will ever have the chance.” She said looking down with a nervous curiosity.

Not gonna lie. My heart sank and I had so many emotions coursing through my body at this point.

Indeed, we had always talked about how fun it would be to all roll together (when she was dating Kyle), she had done it a bunch when she was in high school, way more than any of us.

We had always joked how she could guide us through a night of awesomeness, but as her and Kyle were no longer together, the odds of that happening were slim.

All that being said, the idea of rolling with her sounded pretty awesome.

At this point, we had the idea, but we did not have a venue.

We discussed places.

I had roommates. She had roommates. No go at either of our places.

A bar or club would be too risky. And then she mentioned her parents would be out of town for a week. We could head down to the suburbs and do it there.

I thought for about 2.5 seconds before saying,

In all honesty, yes, it was a little shady that we were going to her parents house, over an hour away to do this. But I justified it to myself in these ways:

1- We had always talked about doing this together. She was cool, hot and fun, so fuck Kyle for breaking it off.

2- We really couldn’t do it in public without the risk of a lot of potential explaining to do.

3- I was sure there would be some sensuality to it. Some touching. But super unlikely that anything else would happen. And even if is did, they were broken up. Good to go. Greenlight.

Wow, was I ever wrong about the last point.

***The night:

I get over to her house. We take the pills. One for her. One for me. Boom.

“Ok. We’re doing this.” She said, almost reaffirming herself with a quick deep breath.

“Pinky promise, this will only stay between us. Anything that happens?” She asked as she offered up her right pinky finger.

“Pinky promise” I said in response as I wrapped her pinky with mine and we each kissed our thumbs.

A smile came over her face and she said, “Ok, we are getting in the hot tub.”

“I don’t have any trunks.” I said quickly

“You won’t need any.”

I looked up at her.

“It’s fine, it’s dark.” Her tone was part assuring and part flirty.

She grabbed two towels and we headed to her back yard that unveiled an outdoor gazebo and a hot tub.

The hot tub had inviting streams of steam coming off of the tub and dissipating into the cool of the Colorado night.

With our backs turned to one another we stripped down to the nude and got into the tub.

To her credit, it was dark and I couldn’t see as much as I had secretly hoped.

I sat on one side of the hot tub and she sat on the other. We talked about both being really glad we were doing this and the hot tub feeling great when she suddenly came over to my side.

She floated in and her beautiful porcelain face was now inches from my face.

Despite being in the hot water. I found myself suddenly frozen.

I could see the water from the hot tub tricking down her chin and she stared deep into my eyes. That same familiar brown eyed gaze, only this time much closer than I had ever seen before.

I felt a flush rush throughout my entire body. I was paralyzed, yet enthralled by everything that was happening in this moment.

So many thoughts rushed through my head, I wanted to grab her, I wanted to kiss her, to taste her, but I was intent on not making the first move.

She put her hands on my shoulders, still inches away.

Staring into my eyes, I could feel her breath on me. Not unlocking the gaze of our eyes. Fuck, it felt like she was searching for something in my soul the way she was looking into me.

It was at this moment that she moved her lips towards mine and slowly came in to kiss me.

It was a slow kiss at first, followed by a another, deeper, more passionate kiss.

I could taste the lime on her lips from the Vodka Soda she was drinking previously and heard her let out a small moan.

The heat from the hot tub made her lips feel surprisingly cool. She pulled back, looked at me and gently bit the bottom of her lip as she seemingly contemplated what was about to happen.

I broke her thought process and wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her in for another kiss. This time we were fully entrapped with one another, our tounges intertwined as we tasting each other for the first time.

She started to kiss me harder, I could feel her pushing into me when she brought her legs up to fully straddle me.

At this point, I can feel I am rock hard. Although she is straddling me, I am not inside of her.

She continues to kiss me. Each kiss becoming more passionate and I can feel her hips angling and bucking closer to me as the jets of water also splash around us.

As I slowly savor her cool citrus taste, I can feel myself slip inside of her.


The tightness and warmth of her body was unmistakeable and her hand starts to clinch onto my shoulder as she lets out a slight moan.

“Oh my God, yes” she whispers into my ear.

It was a voice I’d heard a thousand times, but never in this tone.

The intimacy of hearing the familiar sound of her voice, but a more passionate twist as if she was talking but mixed with a breath of a moan.

It was amazing. Emotionally and psychologically. A true mind fuck.

Suddenly, I am overcome with emotions. Both excitement, nervousness and a twinge of guilt.

This is all happening so fast. Should we be doing this? What about Kyle?

I give her another deep kiss when I feel a wave of pleasure come over me as the jet continues to
pulsate relentless streams of water pressure against the side of my quad.

The water feels so good. Way to good. My vision starts to blur.

No, I am not cumming.

I am rolling. Holy fuck!

The Molly is kicking in.

She can tell that I am distracted.

“Everything ok?” she asks. While I am still inside of her.

I slow her down and say, “Yes, but I am definitely starting to roll”.

She tipped her head back with a satisfied smile as if she had just fucked the roll into me.

“I am so excited for tonight.” She said as she slowly moved off of me.

“Lets go inside, I have something for you.” She said and led me out of the hottub.

As we got out of the tub I could feel the full effect of the Molly coming over me. The droplets of warm water coming off of my skin into the cool Colorado air felt almost unearthly. Godlike.

The light from the patio was now a warm glow and everything seemed to slip perfectly into place.

The towel we used to dry off felt amazingly soft and even little breezes that would waft through the air and tickle my skin felt fully destined for me.

It was like universe was aligning perfectly for me, for us, at this this point, this very minute.

Molly has a tendency to make you feel just right with everything in the world and that is exactly how I felt in this moment.

We wrapped towels around ourselves. As she came closer we both started to rub and warm each other up.

As much as it was a necessity to dry off. It was starting to form more of a bond. It was very sensual, I wanted to warm her. I wanted to hold her.

Then it crossed my mind that I had just briefly been inside of her. And we had, in fact, crossed the rubicon.

30 mins ago I was unsure what would actually happen tonight, but now, I knew we weren’t going back.

As we towel off and make our way into the house. I feel like I am floating. I’ve never felt more plush, full and welcoming carpet engulf my feet as we seemed to glide across the living room floor.

We held hands and walked in nothing but towels and she led me up the stairs to her parents bedroom. We walked through the bedroom into a massive master bath with a big jacuzzi.

“I want to take a bath with you. I want you to tell you everything. I have been waiting for this for so long.” She said as she pulled me into the room and started to fill the tub.

Our towels dropped as we waited for the tub to fill up and we took the opportunity to explore each other’s bodies in her parents candle lit master bathroom.

Soft touching. Softly rubbing my fingers down her face. Tasting her lips, tasting the saltiness of her neck, kissing down to her chest. Taking in all of her scent, she tasted and smelled divine.

It was as if the entire world had stopped and it was just the two of us exploring each other for the first time.

Eventually I got into the back of the tub, she filled the tub with some sort of Caress bubble bath. She slid in between my legs, her backside in between by legs and sliding on my nether regions.

A custom made playlist played very specific tracks, acoustic versions of Incubus “I Miss You”, some Dave Matthew’s “#41”, Nelly Furtado, Esthero and other synth-Emo tracks— it was the perfect mix of trip-hop, synth and slow love songs intermingled.

As the playlist set the mood, we had the most intimate and sensual conversation of either of our lives.

We decided to go ‘question for question’.

Our words plunged deeper into each other’s souls while our hands massaged, tickled and explored each others bodies.

The questions were wide ranging:
How many people have you been with?
What’s your favorite thing about me?
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Who was your first love?
What do you want out of life?
What’s your favorite thing to do sexually?
What’s one thing you’ll never regret?

Anything you could possibly imagine was asked.

Our answers were both incredibly transparent and fulfilling, we both understood that we were exposing portions of our souls that were traditionally closely guarded.

We were both soooo honest and open.

We dubbed this our “bathroom confessions” and would forever refer to this moment as such.

She had placed a small glass bowl by the tub filled with Peppermints, Altoids and menthol flavored chapsticks.

Our tastes would change as we would would rotate candies into our mouth but this ensured there was a light kissing in between sessions of baring our souls to one another, naked and holding each other in the warm and comforting water of her parents jacuzzi.

Eventually, she reached her arms back to draw my neck in closer and tickle the back of my neck, I gently kissed the side of her forearm, down to her triceps, and eventually down to her under arm.

I could see little hairs standing up on her neck as she let out another subtle yet incredible sexy gasp.

In this moment, I knew that everything was available to me, I could tell that she would let me touch, smell and taste everything and anything about her that I possibly wanted.

I gently pulled her face toward me and savored the peppermint flavor that was now numbing my tongue.

This experience seemed to last hours and I could tell I was fully falling for her.

It was the most sensual experience of my life.

Eventually we got out of the tub, dried off and floated back to her room.

Her childhood room. Which was a bit wild. I was both in and on ecstasy.

She laid me down on her bed. Naked. Put a pillow under my head and moved my hands under the pillow. My head was resting on the pillow, the pillow was on top of my hands. I was restrained.

Her dilated pupils and amazingly sultry voice came to my face and with a temptatious smile and said, “don’t even think about moving.”

As she kissed my chin and started moving down by body with slow, gentle and wet kisses.

I laid there with a Cheshire-like grin as I felt her mouth and hands explore my body.

She was taking her time, moving slowly and making sure to incorporate her hands, her naked body and her mouth into rubbing me. Tasting me.

She would kiss, lick and suck by left pectoral while she rubbed and massaged my right arm. It felt like there were two people.

As she worked down to my mid section, I was getting super fucking turned on.

She slowly kissed down to my pelvic bone. Kissing. Licking. Gently biting.

She licked down the right side between by dick and my thigh. Never touching the shaft with her mouth but breathing heavily and kissing and tasting all around it.

She kissed, tickled and licked the super small and sensitive area between by manhood and my right quad.

She continued over and lifted up my balls and gently kissed, caressed and licked the area between by balls and my ass.

She felt amazing.

It felt like a goddess was servicing my mid-section, I can’t even begin to describe how good this was feeling.

I felt her stop and come back up to me.

She had two Altoids in between her lips and she slowly kissed one of them into my mouth and saved one for herself.

My arms still restrained behind my head.

She turned around. Her head now facing my feet. And started kissing her way back down my inner right thigh.

She is essentially in doggy style at this point

As her hands and mouth slide down to my leg, she slowly lifts her ass to expose her freshly shaven pussy to me for the first time.

Once I can feel her reach and start to kiss my inner thigh I can see her body pause and then start to slowly move both her pussy and ass to me.

As she slowly got closer, I could begin to smell the sweet and freshly showered skin of her legs.

So fresh and clean.

But as she continued even closer I could smell an even more exotic and intoxicating, primal aroma.

With every inch, she was kissing and tasting closer to my mid thigh.

Inch by inch, I could feel the cool peppermint blast from the Altoid on my inner thigh, but most importantly, I could smell her pussy and all of her sex getting closer to me.

Closer and closer. One inch at a time.

It was intoxicating.

It seemed to be craving me. Calling me out. Her pussy was begging for me to dive into it.

I couldn’t use my hands, I couldn’t taste yet, I just opened my mouth and took a deep breath to inhale all sexual muskiness that her body was ready to give to me.

It was the most sexually awakened moment of my entire life.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she slowly lowered her pussy onto my face and I let out a huge moan as I got to dive in and taste what I had been craving.

I couldn’t get enough, I was consumed by taking and tasting every bit of her.

I licked all of her wanting, juicy, pussy.

Around the sides, I moved up to her ass, flickered my tongue into her asshole and back to her pussy.

I savored every inch of her.

All while having the phenomenal feeling of cool and hot peppermint swirling around my dick as she took all of me into her lips and the Altoid in her mouth was dually serving its purpose.

I have never enjoyed tasting someone as much as I had right now.

The Altoid, the sexually charged muskiness, and the strawberry based light acidity coming from her soaked pussy was overwhelming.

At this point, I knew I had to make her cum on my face. I had to taste all of her.

Ironically, this was one of her answers from earlier, she said she had never really came from oral but always wanted to.

I started to work circles with my tounge around her clit, I cheated and removed my hands from the back of my head.

Now I could fully grab onto her ass and start to work my fingers inside of her as I tasted every bit of this new and forbidden treat.

I could tell I was getting her close as she would take my dick out of her mouth to gasp.

“Sssssshmmmp” she would breathe out as the Altoid overloaded her clit stimuli.

I would move the Altoid to the back of my mouth and bring her back on track with the wider firmer part of my tongue as she would pant harder with each cycle of doing this rotation.

All the while my thumb was getting deeper inside of her. Massaging all around her Gspot.

She continued to try and and put my Dick back into her mouth, but she could only maintain her focus for a few short seconds before she would have to take her mouth off me to moan and pant.

She buried her face and would pant into my inner thigh.

I could feel her hands gripping, hard, against my quads. She was no longer able to keep me in her mouth, she wasn’t even trying.

She was just panting with every swirling second and gripping my quads harder and harder.

I knew she was close.

I felt her grip even tighter on my thigh and I could see her asshole start to twitch and she let out an incredibly sexy and high pitched “fuuuuccccckk” as she started to come all over my mouth, chin and face.

Her moan was so natural and primal.

So sexy. So rewarding.

Again that familiar voice making unfamiliar sounds is now registered so deeply in my soul and something I will never forget.

I gently kissed her freshly orgasmed pussy and caught one final taste before letting her know that I wasn’t going to be able to cum that night. Fucking Molly.

She came back up to cuddle me, her body almost limp, just perfectly relaxed and content after releasing everything into my mouth.

I started kissing her and I could feel her moan onto my lips and she enjoyed tasting all of herself off of my incredibly satisfied lips.

We held, rubbed, cuddled and talked for the rest of the night. But the sex didn’t fully commiserate until the next morning.

**The next morning

I wake up to surreal experience of holding something so familiar, yet so different, I’m holding her like a secret that only we both know.

It is truly surreal in that although this is my first time walking up with her, it feels like we’ve been dating for years.

I’m not sure if that was due to how close we were as friends or the Molly or a combination of all of the above, but in this moment, waking up with her could have never felt more right.

As she came awake, she rubbed my chest and asked a continuation question from our ‘Bathroom Confessions’ from the night before.

“So,” she started “what is your favorite part about me now?” In a cute, yet flirtatious tone.

I was so content having her in my arms, “honestly” I started.

“You know,” thinking about how to say it when I just blurted out, “your pussy smells and tastes absolutely fucking amazing.” Totally unashamed.

“It’s like” I started, when she interrupted, “it’s like me, but extremely sexually charged.” she finished. Putting an emphasis on the words extremely and saying “ex-term-e-ly” a bit slower than the rest of the sentence.

“Yes, exactly.” I confirmed.

This is exactly what it was! She fucking knew it.

And I fucking loved that she knew it!

“Do you want to know something else?” She asked.

I could see her putting her left hand in between the sheets and feel her slightly open her legs against my naked body.

She pulled out her finger and I could already see it glistening in the light as the morning shined in through her bedroom window.

She glided her pussy soaked index finger onto my shoulder. She glided for a couple of inches in a figure 8 motion, it was dripping wet. Even as she completed the figure 8, her finger was still wet and gliding.

And I could again begin to smell her amazing sex starting to fill the air.

I immediately felt the blood rush to my Dick.

I kissed her deeply as I pulled myself on top of her and as I reached down to align my dick with her I could feel she was fucking soaked.

Like drenched. Like nothing I’d ever felt before.

I was so hard and needed be inside of her ASAP.

As I lined up, but before I pushed in, she looked deeply into me with those deep doe-eyed soul searching brown eyes of hers and said, “you can cum inside of me.”


I pushed in her so fucking deep. It was only a pump or two before I started feeling cum flowing out of my dick. It was uncontrollable, mo build up, I just started cuming, she just felt so good.

I started to pull out and managed to save half of the orgasm.

She was so wet, I don’t even think she felt it and I didn’t want to let her know, I started to “slow down” in an attempt to play it off.

Luckily, the gravity of the situation was so hot, I never really felt by dick going down, as I was still pushing inside of her, he wasn’t losing any steam as would be normal post orgasm.

This was a first for me.

I began to slowly pick up pace. I was fully hard again.

I was getting back to full thrusts when she flipped over me.

She got on top and lowered herself onto me.

I’m not gonna lie, I had been thinking about this potential scenario forever. A lost gaze on many a regions dance floor and the mind can wander.

As mentioned earlier, she was a phenomenal dancer. I was ecstatic to see how she could ride with my dick fully inside of her.

It was at this point, I was incredibly thankful that I had already cum inside of her once.

As she got up and got her bearings, she placed her hands on my belly button and was grinding me in slow circles, all with her mouth slightly open, making full eye contact— watching me, vibing with me, just seeing how much I could take.

It didn’t take long before she knew, hell, we both knew, that within 20 seconds she could make me cum with those hips if she really wanted to.

She gave a satisfied smile and started to switch positions.

Being uber flexible, she pulled her legs up, spread wide open, with her feet placed at my chest and leaning back on her hands for support.

She slowly bucked her hips back and forth.

Never breaking eye contact.

Just slow, deliberate, circles as she continued fucking me.

I was captivated and just watched all of her pussy slowly taking me in and out as I rocked up and down with her.

In and out.

It was absolutely amazing.

In addition to how good her pussy felt wrapped around me, every time she would buck her hips I would get a whiff of that fucking fantastically soaked hyper-sexual pussy of hers.

I could feel it. See it. And smell it.

Holy fuck it was a sensory overload!

As I’m laying my head back getting one of the best rides of my life, she says, “ok, come try something with me.”

She put her knees back to normal and was back to riding me traditional cowgirl. Not missing a beat or rhythm, we were totally in synch and vibing perfectly with one another.

She asked me to grab her hands. I did.

She then swung her right leg over me. She rotated fully around and was now facing away from me. I am still inside of her this whole time.

I let go of her hands and she is now fully in reverse cowgirl. She did a 180 degree rotation and my dick had not ever come outside of her.

This was fucking amazing!

She continues and rolls her hips in a couple of tight circles in reverse cowgirl.

I am about to fucking lose my mind.

I’m thinking its almost unfair that someone can fuck this good.

When she says “put your hand on my back. Push me into doggy.”

I did as I’m told and she fell forward.

Her forearms on the bed and ass arched perfectly in the air.

I got behind her immediately and put myself in her and pushed my dick as deep as I could possibly go and I pulled back on those magic hips of hers.

After the first deep trust, I could hear her let out a huge moan. The slap of my balls against her ass was truly amazing.

I pulled my dick out slowly and admired it as the sunlight coming from the windows made my Dick glisten and made her pussy look even more inviting.

I spread her ass cheeks, I wanted to see all of her.

I let out a moan before coming back down with open hand slapping her right ass cheek.

She let out another gasp as I saw that Hipster Angel tatoo above her right ass cheek start to giggle slightly.

I give her one more spank for good measure and can’t help but feel and taste the aroma.

The room is now filled with the smell of her pussy.

With every thrust it gets stronger and stronger and I continue to thrust. Deeper and deeper.

I can’t even help myself and I just have this animalistic urge to pound harder.

I’m giving her everything I’ve got, she is continuing to moan in that incredibly sexual yet familiar voice and I can see her right hand gripping and twisting the bed sheet like her life depended on it.

I can hear her panting and as I’m pounding her from behind I say, “I’m going to cum.”

“Yes, fucking yes, cum inside of me.”

She starts to moan in that familiar orgasmic tone as I start to unload in her before she even completely finishes her sentence.

I collapse on top of her and we lay in our juices as we collect out thoughts, breaths and minds.

Wow. Exhales.

The weekend would continue in this manner.

She rode me on her parents couch, I bent her over her kitchen counter and everywhere else imaginable.

I literally gave her every ounce of my cum that weekend.

Into her ass, her pussy and and her mouth. Everywhere.

At one point she said, “my God Christmas and Thanksgiving will never be the same in this house.”

It was the most sensual, sexual and all-around one of the best weekends of my life. A weekend that was only compounded by the fact that it was our secrets, we wouldn’t be able to tell anyone, and we planned to just fade into to being acquaintances around campus.

As you may imagine, it wasn’t as easy to turn off. The feelings we unlocked continued to rage on for each other and ultimately would lead to a series of events forever changing the paths we were on.

For another time…



  1. Very well written. Total cliffhanger, though. Are you planning a part II? I so want to know what happened after with you and her!

  2. Definitely one of the best stories I’ve read on here, your descriptions are amazing!

  3. Thank you very much for the incredible write up. Anyone who has partied with Molly has a fast beating heart and probably wiggly eyes after that. 10/10

  4. This kind of post takes a lot of time and effort….well done and thank you for sharing !

  5. Best fucking read I’ve enjoyed in a very long while. Very well written and your descriptions are quite thorough. A++


  6. It seems to me like you 2 are pretty compatible as a couple, if you persued that.

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