Astral Projection (Incest, M/F, non-consent)

Ale was dreaming again.

It had been a regular occurrence these past few weeks. He was able to remember most of his dreams, and had even been aware of them. However, he hadn’t known that he could actually *control* his dreams while aware. He had prowled the internet for more information about lucid dreaming and been near obsessed with it. There was so much you could do; the possibilities were near endless. Flying to outer space was a mere simple feat. More complex ones included visiting the quantum world, or just randomly warping to other universes with doors of all things. You became *God* during your brief moments in sleep.

However, he had also discovered that you could fuck anyone; provided you had enough control. That was actually the main reason he had wanted to go lucid. Sure, flying and all was great, but it could never compare to fucking the hottest woman he could find on the street, whenever and however he wanted. He was constantly horny while awake, and his hand was not something he was looking forward to as a life partner. So far, at almost 19 years old, his sex life had been remarkably dull. The closest he had gotten to touch a girl was grope one at a party…and that hadn’t gone well for him.

He shook off his thoughts and looked around. He was of course, still in his room, sitting on the bed. But there was a key difference. The sheet was different than the one he remembered while falling sleep. It was a trick he had devised himself. Quite tediously inconvenient, but Ale had a remarkable ability to remember things based on color, so he simply changed his sheets every night before going to bed, and memorizing the patterns each of them held. The patterns he could see this time were different. In fact, he was reasonably certain that this particular sheet didn’t even exist at his house. His brain had simply conjured a new one out of nowhere.

He felt at the fabric. It seemed so *real*. Brushing against it seemed to produce creases exactly the way it would happen in the real world. It was better than any simulation the most powerful of computers could throw up at him. He got out of bed, feeling the carpet at his feet. Everything was as real as the real world. In fact, it was even *better*. This world was more vivid, and the worries that nagged at him there were gone in the dream world. He moved around, and touched the objects in his room. Each of them *slightly* deviated the further he tried to discern details, but that was expected. He didn’t remember what every object looked like, and his brain was filling in the gaps. He turned to his bed and pointed at it.

The bed burst into flame. He could control the color of the flame, and even it’s heat. He eventually turned it into a *cold* fire, defying reality. The fire spread frost around his room instead of smoke, and did not spread as real fire did. He was surprised at the level of control he already had. From what he had read, it should’ve taken him weeks to even get to a fraction of control he was showing tonight. He should’ve woken up a few times from the excitement of making it into a lucid dream, at least. *Maybe I just got lucky,* he thought.

He finally extinguished the fire, and decided to try what he had came here for in the first place. In the beginning, he had thought of fucking pornstars, actors or even politicians; but he realized it was *far* better to fuck someone closer to him. It just made it more hotter in his opinion. He might feel shame when he met them in real life, but he knew that it would fade away and even the lust he felt at their presence would disappear because he fucked them every night. Probably.

He didn’t have a particular target in mind. Just any girl he knew in real life would do, honestly. There were several ways he could transport himself to wherever he wanted, but the one using doors fascinated him. All he had to do was forget the place that was *actually* behind the door and open it. He would fall somewhere random, but his intent would also be taken into account. Heart racing, he twisted the doorknob. Names of every hot girl in his classes he had ever jacked off to flashed in his head. What if it was petite July? Or busty Natasha? Heck, he would take ugly Aria. It didn’t matter. He pushed the door and rushed in without looking.

And fell into blackness.

He was *nowhere*. There was *nothing* around him. It couldn’t even be described as darkness. It was more insubstantial than darkness and had lesser colors than black. He wasn’t falling. He wasn’t walking.

He was nothing.

And then he landed. Soft carpet, and the small hum of an air conditioner in the background. He thought he was awake, but the pattern of the carpet wasn’t his room’s and he couldn’t discern it because of the darkness, which meant he was still dreaming. He was breathing hard from his experience and stilled it after some time. And then he conjured a wisp of light, illumating the dark room.

He instantly regretted it. Because he recognized the room. It belonged to his little sister, Belle.

And there she was, lying in bed. She was an year older than him, and far more religious than he would’ve liked. The blanket she used didn’t cover her completely, leaving her left boob exposed to open air. Blood rushed to his dick, but his insides squirmed. He was fascinated by how disgusting this was, and how erotic at the same time. He wanted to use the blanket and cover her exposed tit, while simultaneously wanting to fuck her senseless. He hadn’t known he was *this* attracted to his sister. *Maybe it’s just because of the dream?*

The dream. It was just a dream, he told himself, whipping his cock out. It wasn’t that large in real life, but somehow its size here was near twofold, making it gigantic. Longer than even Belle’s face, for he could measure it now standing right next to her sleeping body. He stroked it over her face, and rubbed it over her eyes, nose and hair, humping against her face, smearing precum across it. He wanted to fuck her, but decided it would be too much. He might never look at her sister the same way if he did that. He whipped her blanket away, startling her awake. He felt himself flush. Not because it was his sister, but because it was a *woman*. He had never been naked in front of a woman before.

She didn’t say anything. Her mouth worked, but no words came out. She stared with wide eyes at his face, body, and then at his cock. He looked down at himself and saw he was now well muscled and slim, compared to his lanky real self. He looked back at her to find her looking intimidated and scared. *It’s just a dream,* he told himself over and over. *It’s not real.*

It *felt* real, no matter what he told himself. He looked at her naked body fervently and licked his lips. He was so *horny*, he felt as though he would explode from a single touch. He didn’t have that much time left. From his estimates, he would be dreaming for 30 minutes, perhaps 45 if he got lucky. He had probably spent around 15 minutes already, trying to test his abilities. He didn’t want to waste any more time.

He climbed on her bed and moved to straddle her stomach. His cock was so long that it almost touched her mouth. Belle tried to lean back as much as her head would allow.

And she finally found words, “W-what…do..y-you think you’re doing?”

The air from those words brushed his cock, making it twitch, and he shivered in pleasure. All of his feelings were *amplified* in dreams. He was going to have fun.

Belle was looking at him with mixed anger and fear. Ale found it almost cute. He hadn’t known his brain was so accurate at knowing his sister. In real life, she had always reprimanded him for his “rebellious” ways, while he had always strove to protect her from their parents’ manipulating behavior. She didn’t appreciate him one bit. He brushed her hair, and gently pushed his dick to her lips. She used her hands to push his body back, but he was in control. Her lips pried apart easily, and he made sure she wouldn’t clench her jaws while he was inside.

Her mouth resisted his cock, using tongue, spit and lips. It mashed all over his dick, trying to push him out, but it only served in driving him insane with pleasure and pushing him beyond the point of no return. He grabbed her tits, howled with pleasure and delight and *pushed* inside, choking her. He went mad with pleasure, cumming inside her mouth. After a few moments, he pulled out, strands of saliva and connecting her mouth with his dick; and finished the rest over her pretty little face. The more he came, the less intense the orgasm felt, and soon, he was lying in bed, on his stomach, with an erect cock imprisoned beneath his body. He could make out the sheets which let him know that he was no longer dreaming. Getting up, he realized they were completely messed up. He had apparently, came in real life as well. And it was a *lot* more than he had ever ejaculated before. Well, it was an excuse to at least change his sheets again. He sighed. *This is going to take a long time.*

There was something odd about Belle that day. She did not react when Ale barely muttered his morning prayers. In fact, she did not even notice him at all, except at odd times; she would stare at him, not knowing that he could tell and just… stare. It was unnerving, Ale had to admit. His mind toyed for a few moments with the possibility that it might have been the dream, but it was too ridiculous to take root and provoke further thinking. He just went on with his day.
