I [F] finally showed my father-in-law [M] my pussy

So I’ve finally worked up the courage to post an update on my last story about giving my father-in-law (FIL) an erection. To be honest, a lot of the comments made me feel ashamed for getting excited about my FIL finding me attractive but I’ve decided, after reflecting on it, that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Thank you to everyone who was more supportive, especially those pointing out that this subreddit is about posting sexual stories, so “if you don’t like that, don’t read them.” You helped me overcome the shame some people suggested I should have.

One of the main reasons for me feeling relatively guilt-free is that when I told my husband about the kitchen incident in bed later that night, he was super excited about it and encouraged me to tease his dad more. We had sex fantasising about what had happened and what more could transpire in the days ahead. So for all those people who told me I could ruin my marriage, please be clear that my husband finds this hot and and was fully aware of events while my FIL stayed with us.

Even though I’m glad (and was relieved!) my husband was as excited about my FIL being so clearly attracted to me as I was, I needed to understand WHY he was okay with it. He told me that, ever since his first proper girlfriend at 15, for some reason he’d found it so important that his dad find his partners sexy and that he would ask his dad to comment on his different girlfriends’ looks through the years as a kind of litmus test for whether he should stay with them for the long term. Unbeknown to me, he says his decision to marry me was, in a small way, based on his dad clearly thinking I was an attractive woman and saying so to my husband countless times in private.

I asked him why his dad’s opinion of me and how I looked mattered to him so much and he just said he doesn’t think there are enough psychologists in the world to unpick why he feels this way, but he admitted to me for the first time that the idea of his dad lusting after me makes him horny – instead of making him, as you might expect, extremely pissed off, betrayed and angry. Family dynamics can be so weird.

While having sex that night, we talked about what I could do the next day to take things further. I told my husband that I wanted some plausible deniability and to be able to take it slow (no blowjobs or sex in this instalment, sorry!). So the next day at breakfast I wore the same short satin night dress but this time with no underwear. As I cooked for my husband and FIL (while they chatted and periodically watched me), I started to worry I was getting so wet something might drip on the floor. I was getting so turned on at the satin rubbing against my bare pussy as I moved around and I was sure my FIL would be able to smell the sex on me from the night before.

After breakfast, my husband and FIL took their cups of coffee through to our little sun room while I cleaned up. They were alone for ten or fifteen minutes and this is my husband’s recollection of their conversation…

FIL: [Suddenly ending the chat they’d been having about football] You’re a very lucky guy, son.

Husband: [Smiling] Yeah, how come, Dad?

FIL: [Being careful not to overstep but grinning] Lovely Cara making your breakfast every morning

Husband: Yeah, I know, haha

FIL: Good to have a girl who’s way out of your league… but somehow still in your bed! [Laughs]

Husband: [Seizing the opening because of the slightly sexual mention of our bed] She’s not just in my bed, but really knows what she’s doing in bed too

FIL: [Slightly surprised at the locker room talk about his daughter-in-law] Um, uh, wow. Yeah I’m sure she does

[A couple of beats pass as FIL thinks through what to say and whether to say it. He picks up a magazine and looks at it as if the chat isn’t a big deal and doesn’t have his full attention]

FIL: [Looking up from the magazine] Hey, tell me something, does she sleep in that thing?

Husband: What thing?

FIL: Her, uhh, little black dress

Husband: [Sipping coffee, pretending to feign interest] Um no, we generally both sleep without anything on and she’s just throwing that nightie on each morning while you’re here

FIL: [Laughs] That’s for my benefit?

Husband: Haha, yeah, I mean, when it’s just the two of us here, she wouldn’t feel the need to cover up in the kitchen, she’d just wear her bra and knickers

FIL: Wow, if that dress is Cara’s idea of covering up, I can understand why she knows her way around the bedroom

Husband: [Initially laughing but then trying to seem sincere] Ah jeez Dad, is it making you uncomfortable?

FIL: Fuck no, son! Your wife is beautiful [stops in case he’s going too far but sees my husband grinning], I mean she’d give a dead man wood

Husband: [Laughing then briefly hesitating before hinting at the events of the previous day] Well, in that case, you may be interested to know I’m pretty sure she didn’t put any underwear on with the dress today.

My husband jumped up and came through to the kitchen, breathlessly whispered to me the gist of what had just happened, and suggested I grab a coffee and come sit with them. I had butterflies in my stomach immediately and said excitedly “oh my goodness, you genuinely told him I have no knickers on?” I went to the bathroom quickly to compose myself and then did what my husband suggested.

Coffee in hand, I walked into the sun room and my FIL and husband both smiled at me as I walked over and took the seat opposite my FIL. Between the shortness of my dress, the fact it has two slits either side of my vagina and the angle of the sofa, much more of my thighs were on display than was appropriate. I picked up a book I was in the middle of reading, sipped my coffee and, for the next 10 minutes or so, I sat behind the book and occasionally crossed and uncrossed my legs. My husband later told me that his dad was staring so hard and not hiding it from his son at all. I didn’t see it myself because I didn’t have the courage to look out at him from behind the book while I was doing my best Basic Instinct routine. My husband confirmed that in the bright light of the sun room he definitely saw glimpses of my pussy, which I could feel was dripping wet throughout.

I eventually couldn’t take the nervous tension much longer, so I got up and said I should continue cleaning up in the kitchen. I theatrically pulled my dress down (it having ridden up while I was seated) and then bent forward so that my tits jiggled as I put the book back on the table.

As I started mopping the floor next door, I could hear my FIL say to my husband “should I go help?” to which my husband said “if you want to”. I was slightly bent over and probably showing the very bottom of my ass when my FIL came up behind me. He put his hand on my lower back, thanked me for breakfast and asked what he could do to help clean up. I straightened up and leaned into him so he understood I didn’t mind him being this close to me and told him everything was under control and he didn’t need to do anything. He smiled and his hand moved to the top of my ass, before he gently patted me on the bum and said “no knickers today, right, honey?”

Feeling my plausible deniability was under threat, I instinctively said “what?” in a slightly angry tone. He immediately moved away and said nervously “oh sorry, no, I just meant our chat yesterday, about whether someone is likely to wear underwear with a dress like that or not”. He was suddenly trying to depersonalise it to be about “someone” and not me, his son’s wife. I didn’t have the heart to keep him thinking I was upset.

I dropped the mop to the floor, said “look, you’re absolutely right” and lifted my whole dress up to just under my tits, revealing my naked belly, shaved pussy and legs in all their glory. He was stunned. I must have stood there for 10 seconds or so, moving my weight back and forth from one leg to the other while he ogled me silently and I tried to look like an innocent schoolgirl, biting my lip. Still holding my dress up, I moved forward to hug into him, smiled at his hard-on pressing into my belly, kissed his cheek, told him I had to shower and then turned and walked out into the hallway. I kept my dress up so that my curvy bare ass was on full display, jiggling as I walked away.

He still had several days to stay with us after that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll8a84/i_f_finally_showed_my_fatherinlaw_m_my_pussy


  1. Sounds like your husband’s kink developed from early day trauma, so I’m not shaming you, but this is kinda sad

  2. I think it is sweet being a 72 year old disabled Veteran thank you for doing that.

  3. Wow! That’s very daring and unexpected. I compliment your bravery.

    And I guess you abandoned that while plausible deniability thing. :)

  4. There’s something sooooo delicious being teased this way . My favourite memories are of being ‘accidentally’ allowed glimpses from my ex girlfriend. Lovely writing too, looking forward to more ……

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