Sisters [mff]

A friend of mine was going out with this girl. She was tall, blonde, skinny, beautiful blue eyes, small perky tits. Her name was Erica I had a crush on her. Not a big one, but enough to do what I did.

I read somewhere that if you want to get a woman to fall for you hard, courting her sister isn’t the worst idea. This is true

By chance, I saw a group of girls in a park that I was skating at. They were playing guitar, and sitting in the grass. I, sorta awkwardly asked to sit with them. We talked for a bit. I mentioned my friend. Her eyes light up for a moment “Oh, that’s my sister’s boyfriend…” We realized we knew many of the same people. I knew she liked me. I got her number, we started seeing each other. Her name was Jesse.

I would show up to her house, and Erica would find ways to hang out with us both. She would laugh so hard at all my jokes. She would sneak glances at me. What solidified it was when I kissed Jesse. She was looking right at me. She was smiling, and looked kind of turned on, weirdly. When I left, she texted me, “It’s ok if you kiss Jesse in front of me.” That’s when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she liked me.

About a month later, Erica and I made a seemingly unimportant decision to take a psych class together. Right off the bat, we flirted the whole time. She would ask about her sister, but more to gauge how attracted I was to her.

On the first day, the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves, and tell an interesting story about ourselves. I thought I’d stir the pot, so I said something a little crazy, “I’m in a love triangle with Erica.” The whole class started laughing.


I told them that I knew that Erica liked me, but I wasn’t going to act on it since I was currently seeing her sister, and she was seeing my friend. The class lost their shit. Erica was embarrassed. She covered her mouth with her sweatshirt sleeve, but looked at me smiling so hard through her eyes. She looked at me in a way that said, “Yes… that was totally embarassing, but it’s fucking on.”

I drove her home. It was raining. I pulled up to her house a little further than I usually would. She said that was fucking crazy of me to say, but she really liked it. I kinda stumbled around. I wasn’t sure what to say since I didn’t really even plan on saying it. I leaned in for a hug goodbye. As we started to pull away, her face met mine. I didn’t even have a chance to think. She was making out with me so fucking passionately, like she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. I felt up and down her back, slipped my hand under her pants, felt her soft ass. I pulled away, sorta slyly saying, “I really don’t know if we should be doing this, your sister is right inside.”

“You’re right, you’re right…”

She swallowed my cum a few minutes later. Hopefully she didn’t get too close to Jesse after I dropped her off.

I texted her right after that talking about how bad I felt. She agreed that we really had to stop, that it was unfair to Jesse. We did sorta make an effort to have that be the only time, but that was never gonna happen.

For at least a month, we were good. We chalked it up to an innocent blowjob amongst friends. That all ended once we got an assignment to psycho analyze someone we knew. We had to record a conversation, then take notes on what the “patient” needed. In classic freudian fashion, I had her lay on my couch, and look at the ceiling. I hit the recorder, and started asking some questions. It started out as professionally as we could, but it got increasingly more suggestive. Midway through the recording, our voices stop, and all you can hear is the sound of us kissing. She lets out a moan. I guess that’s when I started fingering her. The entire time I kept up the charade of being guilty, saying, we should stop etc. You hear her say, “Please, just put it in!” She moaned soo fucking loud that the recording peaked. I still remember cumming all over her ass.



  1. “An innocent blowjob amongst friends”? I can honestly say I’ve never experienced one of those. Lol

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