My Life As a Massage Therapist [MF] Update!

Happy Valentine’s Day potential readers! Look who’s back with an update! Figured why not share it with the community that treated me so well before? So lets stick with the same intro I have always done and we’ll jump right into this update. I sincerely hope you all enjoy, lets dive in!

I am a licensed massage therapist and this is a testy subject matter for me. Being a male massage therapist has it’s stigma. I am in no way attempting to condone my actions. No money transactions have occurred in any of my interactions that may be discussed on this subreddit and proper consent forms were discussed, agreed upon and filled out. With that being said massage therapists are NOT sex workers. Please do not take this or any other massage related story on this subreddit as a reflection of the profession. If you have any questions please feel free to ask as I would love to answer them to the best of my ability as long as they are within reason. Please be respectful to the profession, myself and those around you. Thank you for sticking with me so far. If you would like to skip to the steamy bit look for the asterisks.

This community was so kind and welcoming when I posted my first story here. A lot has happened since then but this update has been a while in the making. Some of you reached out in the comments of my last posts, and some of you reached out in private messages. This update just so happens to be about one of those people who reached out. Someone reaching out and complimenting my work. Not just that but being an absolute fucking sweetheart. The more we talked the more we clicked. PMing turned into DMing turned into exchanging numbers turned into non-stop talking. All this non-stop talking gave way to an idea, we should meet up. Well, four and a half months later we did.

The amount of butterflies floating around in my stomach while I pulled up to the final red light before the airport! The phone rings and it’s none other than the woman we will be entertaining for the next 5 days. Now this little delight…..jesus. The first time she sent me a picture I knew I was in trouble in the best of ways. Flawless olive skin, gorgeous medium length brunette hair, supple lips that have a habit of finding themselves in a wry smile. Very obviously takes excellent care of herself and she just so happened to steal my eyes as well, those gorgeous chameleon hazel eyes but maybe I’m biased. We answer the phone and the light turns green,

“Aaaa I’m here! Are you parked outside?”

“Nope, pulling up to the airport now.”

“Oh are you in the blue van?”

“Nope but I see the blue van you’re talking about.”

“Uhhhh silver car?”

“Look past the silver car.”

“Eeeeeeee!” and with that she hung up.

Now as for myself. I have described myself in previous stories but if you haven’t read those: I am 6′ and I like to think I take pretty good care of myself. My career kind of forces me to do so. Yoga, tai chi, the occasional taekwondo class and calisthenics are my go to if that helps paint the picture of my physique. Short brown hair and a now shorter beard. I am in my 30s and my downstairs is a love hate relationship. I’m very grateful to have an 8×6 cock. I HATE that I’m circumcised but I digress.

I pull up to the arrivals parking and there she is. How does she manage to be drop dead gorgeous even in a mask and giant coat?! Put the car in park as we make eye contact and we’re both instantly laughing. Covering my face with my hands, take a deep breath, unfasten the seatbelt and step out to greet her and put her suitcase in the trunk. Laughter and hellos were exchanged before we knew it we were hugging. Scandalous right?! xD but hey with how this last year has been you never know! The conversation is slow yet consistent as the reality is setting in for what I hope is both of us. By the time we get to the hotel which is not even 20 minutes away we are already laughing and cracking the same jokes we had a million times the nearly 5 months we had spent prior.

Our first day and evening together was addicting to say the least. We could really get used to spending time with her. Cheeks sore from laughing, full from a delicious dinner and questionable wings. We agree that a soak in the hot tub sounds heavenly but guess who forgot to pack her swimsuit. Determined to find it she’s bent over the foot of the bed searching through her suitcase. Holy shit that view!! She decides a bra and panties would be good enough and gets changed. Well well well those panties look familiar, I’ve definitely received pictures of her in them before. I did my best to not make it obvious but I could not help but admire how incredible her body is. After a while our fingers were beginning to prune from the hot tub and pool. We agree to head back to the room after a couple pops in and starts being overly friendly and forward. We laugh it off during our trek n elevator ride back to our room and wind down for bed. A tame first night, her hip was bothering her from the flight so we did a little massage before finally settling in and getting an incredible night of sleep.

The second day was even better! We checked into the airbnb and spent the day having a time. Stocked the place up with delicious snacks and goodies. Laughed. Admired how cute the airbnb was while unpacking and settling in. Laughed. Did we mention we laughed cause there was a copious amount of laughter. Now the only thing we had planned for this day was a massage for her. We set the table up as she watches us and there’s that fucking smile! I step out so she can undress and get on the table. Before I know it she’s calling out saying she’s all ready and instead of thinking about our game plan for the massage like a professional all we have managed to accomplish is thinking about how badly we want to kiss her. I step in and begin the massage. Now’s as good a time as any to describe her body in a little more detail right? Again that flawless olive skin….good god. Her muscles, soft, supple, hydrated and healthy. Enough massage therapy porn sorry. Her ass while she was laying there…..the temptation to grab ahold and bury our face down there was real. That cute, athletic, tight bubble butt! Definitely a dancer and her legs show it too, hell her entire body shows it. And for those of you on the other side of the fence, 32 triple D’s with perfect little nipples. Legs for days as I start massaging the backs of them and doing my best to be professional while I admire and admire and admire while continuing our “work”. We’re talking and laughing the whole time which helps ground us and hopefully it’s helping her too. Noticing she’s very obviously wet while working on her hips and glutes.

“Noted” I think to myself and as badly as I want to reach under the sheets and tease that dripping little mess I have her turn over so we can continue the massage. Working higher and higher up there’s that urge again. Noticing how tight my pants felt I could have sworn they shrunk in the dryer or something. Nope, just aching with how hard I was. After enough time on the fronts of her legs we move on to her chest and neck.

“Jesus she’s cute”

How easy it would be to lean down and give her the ol’ Spiderman kiss, but alas, I’m not Peter Parker so no kiss yet. I step out, she gets dressed and we find ourselves getting closer and closer on the couch while we talk, laugh, and occasionally watch what’s on the TV. As we continue getting closer I can’t help but continue being painfully hard. Her legs are draped over my lap while I softly massage her legs, nasty habit of mine. She moves her leg and it presses up against me. Going crazy at this point, I want nothing more than to feel those lips pressed up against mine. I want her more than ANYTHING! But something about the couch just didn’t feel *right*. And as we start relaxing more and more into each other we decide it’s time to head to bed. Doors locked, lights off, and we’re pulling the sheets over ourselves as we settle into the same bed for the first time.


As we cozy up next to each other my mind drifts to how comfortable she is. My body has clearly been doing some drifting of it’s own. I am instantly throbbing hard while she moves around, teasingly at times to “get comfortable”. LIKELY STORY! Some talking and laughing later our breathing settles down even when other parts have not and finally I can’t take it. I lean up on my left arm, reaching my right hand up and cupping her chin turning her face ever so gently back towards me while leaning in and FINALLY feel those soft perfect lips press against mine. For the next 20 minutes easily we were glued to one another. Hands grabbing ahold of each other and pulling closer and closer even when it’s not possible. Our kissing now audible with heavy breaths in between. She decides she wants to stay above the waist this first night together and we are 100% on board. This isn’t some mad dash to the finish line and as I’m explaining that she begins taking her top off.

“Well there goes that train of thought those are going in my mouth”

As I cup those beautiful perfect breasts for the first time and start massaging around those perky little nipples with my mouth. I manage to pull myself away and continue passionately and furiously making out with her before feeling the need to have those nipples back in my mouth. Finally her top is completely off and her hand finds it’s way cupping and squeezing the now throbbing steel pipe in my sweatpants.

“I thought we were staying above the waist tonight?”

“Well you know I have to examine the goods, make sure everything is…..” her words trail off as there’s a surprised inhale before a murmur,

“That’s a nice cock…..oh my god that is a nice cock” as she begins slowly stroking it.

“Well since you need to examine let me help you out” I say as I untie the waistband and take her hand in mine and guide it under the sweatpants. Her soft curious hands now gripping, squeezing, and stroking my bare cock as my hips naturally start to buck ever so gently into her hand. The sweatpants have found their way down my legs as we continue going after one another for god knows how long at this point before she breaks the silence saying she needs a closer look. We smile as I lay back, my cock never leaving her hands as she gets between my legs, gives the head of my cock a kiss, a lick, and slowly takes the head in her mouth and looks up into my eyes. Fuck she’s good. She definitely wasn’t lying all those nights we fooled around on the phone about her going down on me. She gets into it and I was going fucking crazy! Time goes out the window when we’re together, all I know is I wasn’t going to last forever and I’m greedy. I wanted more of her. She read my mind perfectly as she leaned up, stroking my cock with a smile on her face she says,

“I need to feel you fuck me.”

Like I need to hear that again. Quickly sitting up while she quickly lays flat on her back, noticing just how wide she is spreading her legs for me. Presenting her perfectly petite pussy to me and later finding out she did that to ensure I would fit in her. She is….VERY VERY small down there. The smallest, tiniest little pussy I have ever seen. As I lean in and start kissing her again she already has her hand lining my cock up. I can’t help but rock my hips around, rubbing my cock against those wet little lips. Expecting it’s going to take a few thrusts to fit. That’s what I get for thinking as I feel my cock press deeper and deeper until the head lovingly presses up against her cervix. A sharp quick inhale lets us know she feels it too as we stay there for what feels like eternity admiring this stunning perfect woman before us. Her eyelids are already looking heavy as I slowly start pumping my cock back and forth. Jesus fucking christ I cannot emphasize how TIGHT she is! Wondering how the hell it fit so easily, that’s when I feel it. Her wetness dripping off of my balls and beginning to trickle down my legs. She is a dripping little mess whimpering and moaning while she squirms in an attempt to take every inch she can get. A loud moan escapes her lips and I push a little deeper in.

“Oh is that the spot?” we whisper while looking into her eyes.

“You…..are hitting…..every…..fucking…” she says taking breaths between her words. Sounds like she is really struggling to get those words out ;) perfect. I want to feel her lose it all over my cock. So putting her legs up on my shoulders and leaning closer in to feel her lips against mine, I press as deep as I can into her. Doing a kegel to pulse out and massage the head of my cock up against that lovely little cervix of hers. Her eyes shoot open as there’s another sharp inhale. Taking that opportunity to adjust and brace myself to really start fucking her, finding that I can’t get a smile off my face. Starting nice, slow and deep while every 2 or 3 thrusts waiting to pulse out as we bottom out in that cock drunk little cunt. Gradually picking up tempo we have no idea how long we were at it, that was the last thing on my mind. She had my full attention and like I said, I wanted to feel her lose it. And I got my wish. Feeling that tight little grip of hers slowly clench tighter and tighter as those hitches in her breath got sharper and louder. Until those delicious few seconds of absolute silence before losing control. I swear she has a vice grip down there. Relentlessly milking away at me while her nearly screams and moans gradually got softer and softer. Wearing a big shit eating grin on my face, god is there anything better than that? Leaning in to kiss her I again push deep into her as her hand jumps to my stomach.

“Oh my god I am way to sensitive, no way, evacuate immediately!”


I can’t help but start laughing as I pull out. Checking in to make sure she is okay she ensures me that she is 100% okay, just WAY too sensitive to do anything more. Kneeling down, both of us slowly catching our breath she surprises me.

“Your turn, lay down.”

“Oh?” as I lay down she jumps between my legs and my cock disappears in her mouth. The amount of good blowjobs I have received can be counted on one hand and she puts all of those to shame. Holy hell I knew I wasn’t going to last long and she ensured that by taking my cock out, looking up at me and saying…

“Aren’t you going to cum in my mouth MassageStories?”

FUCK! And with that my cock disappeared back down her throat and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt jet after jet of cum shoot down her throat.

“Mmm’s” and moans escaped her lips as she made sure I was drained. Starfished out on the bed I cannot believe what just happened. Trying to catch my breath as she giggles and lays down next to me. Pulling the sheets over us and cuddling up briefly before making a mad dash to the kitchen to get some water. Then more cuddles and falling asleep cozied up next to each other. We woke up four hours later for round 2 and that was just the start of the day.

I cannot believe how lucky I am to have someone so wonderful and incredible come into my life. And I know you’re reading this so we’ll say it one last time babe, Happy Valentine’s Day angel :’)

I hope you all enjoyed!



  1. Ok… what’s with the “we/us” pronouns? Do you have a split personality or something? Cuz I gotta say reading that was kind of unnerving.

  2. Excellent. I’m an amateur. I buy the house brand , massage lotion from Know Your Body Best-an RMT supplier. I enjoy giving massages and GFs like receiving a post coital massage. If time is short, I focus on lower lumbar and sacrum. Sometimes they return the favour and massage me : )

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