valentine with the roommate(FM)

It was February 14th. Valentines day, and Anna sat in the living room in her comfy pants, and a sweater. Work had been frustrating to say the least. Her colleagues all had plans, and were excitedly telling her about dinner, trips, and even new lingerie they were looking forward to bringing out that night. She however was single, living with a roommate, with no plans. Well she did have a date with netflix and a bowl of mac & cheese, but that wasn’t the same.

She was actually quite close to her roommate. It was a little odd at first, moving into an apartment with a man she hardly knew. He was kind and seemed genuine, but it was still something that took her a few months to get comfortable over. She told John about her plan of lounging around in sweatpants over the weekend. It was going to be a quiet, relaxing time. She showered, shaved her legs, and put on a very light layer of makeup on. Even though she was in comfies, a little self love and care was always a great feeling. She wanted to look good for herself.

John made a few stops after work. He ordered some Chinese takeout that was being made, and was walking through a wine store. The place was packed with men, looking at one or the other bottles of red wine. Specials were up front that included a box of chocolates. However red was just not the type of wine he enjoyed. He squeezed through a few shoppers to get to the section of white wine and smiled. The isle was almost empty. He quickly picked a few of his favorite Rieslings, and was on his way.

When he got home, he placed the Chinese on the kitchen island, and the 4 bottles of wine on the bottom shelf in the fridge. It was already dark outside, and he wanted to take a quick shower to end his work week.

“Hey Anna!” he shouted into the living room. “I’m taking a quick shower, and was thinking about joining you in some comfies. Hope you don’t mind.” He knew that this day was probably not the greatest for any single woman out there, and thought some Chinese is always a better pick me up compared to mac and cheese. He sniffed the kitchen one more time to make sure the food was packed enough not to let out delicious smells before rushing off to take a shower.

Anna finished the episode she was on, and hit pause. It was time for her to make her dinner. Walking into the kitchen, she noticed the bags John had left on the island. The takeout Chinese was from her favorite spot downtown. She noticed the logo immediately, and that the amount of food is way too much for just one person. It wasn’t her food, but it looked too enticing not to take a peek. She spread open the first bag to see what might be inside. There were multiple dishes inside, two sets of chopsticks, and a menu. The two other bags looked like they might have the same amount.

“Looks like I didn’t shower fast enough!” John exclaimed as he turned the corner. Anna jumped a little from shock.

“I wasn’t taking any. I was just curious.” She tried to explain. John just smiled and walked over to her. He came up to her and gave her a big hug.

“Happy valentine.” He said quietly in her ear. “Would this be better than mac & cheese?”

They sat there in sweatpants with something playing on TV. Several Chinese containers lay empty on the coffee table. 2 bottles of wine lay empty on the floor. John was pouring the last of the third into Anna’s glass.

“Gotta say. This is the most chill Valentine’s day I’ve had in years!” John almost shouted. The wine had gotten him quite tipsy.

“Same!” Anna said with just as much gusto. She lifted her glass up for cheers and looked John in the eyes. “To the most netflix and chill valentines ever!” They let their glasses clink before taking another large gulp.

“You know, I actually bought something a month ago.” Anna seemed to blush a little. “Well, you know… just in case.”

“You mean for tonight?” John asked with more than a little intrigue.

“I think it would be a shame to keep it in the closet.” Her cheeks turned bright pink, but her eyes gave away how excited this new idea was. “Wait here!” She said before rushing towards her room.

Anna came back into the living room, and walked in front of the TV. She was not wearing her comfy clothes anymore. Her silky red robe swayed with each step, revealing her tanned, slim legs. Her brown, curly hair now hung loose below her shoulders. Now standing between John and the TV, she took a moment to look at him. He sat up, and stared at her from top to bottom. He pressed his lips together as his eyes rested on her breasts.

“Wow!” he exclaimed. “That is a hot robe.” Anna smiled and put her index finger up in the air.

“First…” she said as she reached down to get her drink. “I need this.” With one big gulp, she finished what was left in her glass.

“Second…” She continued, putting down the glass. “This is a set.” She held onto the ribbon holding her robe together, and pulled. With the ribbon gone, her robe gently slid open.

With what almost looked like a shrug, Anna let her robe slide off her shoulders, and onto the ground. She stood only wearing her red lingerie. Like her robe, it was also red silk. Her bra looked like a bow that could barely hold her breasts. A wide strap went up to her left shoulder to hold it up. John’s eyes followed the strap downwards. The bow covered the middle Anna’s breasts, but the top and bottom were clear to see. A strap connected to the middle wend down, along her abbs. She had a slim figure, but it widened around her hips. The strap kept going to make a makeshift thong, keeping her wide hips completely bare. She looked like a present. Only when he noticed the indented line of her pussy, did John realize his mouth was open. He shut it quickly and immediately looked into her hazel eyes.

“Fuck me…. You are one sexy gift!” He almost shouted. His sweatpants had gotten tight. The fabric was stretched as his cock rose against it.

“That’s the idea!” Anna said as she put her foot on the table. With one large step, up, and one down, she walked over the table to stand directly in front of John. She bent down and placed one hand on the sofa behind John’s right ear, and the other on his upper thigh. She leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. With their noses almost touching, she looked into his green eyes.

“I want to fuck you.” She whispered.



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