Sexy Skinny Dipping with A Friend’s Girlfriend – The Sequel [MF]

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for their delicious upvotes, kind words of encouragement and sharing some (rather naughty) thoughts about my previous story. It is all nectar to me.

Secondly, I know you don’t really care about all that. You are here for the smut, so, without further ado. (p.s. Skip to the *** if you’re just here for the rutting.)

Cast List:

Jenny – A Valkyrie-made-human. A tall, square jawed, green eyed, blonde-plaited-hair beauty.

Me – A fool.

Part 1: [](

Part 2:

Jenny and I had driven back from the cove to my family’s cottage on the rugged Cornish coast, giggling to ourselves at the experience of having seen each other naked and for making each other cum. As she slung herself out of my father’s beaten-up Land Rover, I felt an odd mix of emotions speeding through my brain:

Desire was the first – an overwhelming need to have her all to myself. Guilt swiftly followed – she was one of my best friend’s girlfriends. Deep down I knew I was a rotter – shame, embarrassment and panic. But lust is a powerful drug, and it drowns out the negative noise eventually. Soon, all I was thinking about was ‘when’. When would be the next time the two of us were alone? When would be the next time I could kiss her? When were we going to fuck?

We shared one brief hand squeeze before we headed back inside of the cottage, where, a couple of friends were sat around the battered oak kitchen table, nursing hangovers and mugs of steaming tea.

“Here they are, the nutters!” One announced, before a polite smattering of applause broke out. My cheeks flushed crimson red with embarrassment, as I let myself believe (if for a moment) that our infidelity had been discovered. “Go on then Jen, how was the water?”

There are moments in your life in which everything stops, allowing you to remember the minutiae of the scene playing out before you. This was one of those. Even as I am typing this story in my freezing London flat, I can recall that moment with perfect clarity. The morning sunlight dancing through the pale blue curtains which my mother had stitched one dreary, rainy day. The steam rising off the mugs of tea. The braying of the seagulls mixed with the bark of the choughs outside. Jen’s hair wrapped in an army green microfibre towel. Her pale skin radiant with salt, surf and sex. Her sparkling green eyes filled with mischief as she locked on to me. Her full, soft lips as she purred:

“It was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s dip,”

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest, but she wasn’t done teasing

“It’s such a pity we didn’t make it to Rotty’s private beach. Another day, maybe! But it’s a great way to get rid of a hangover…”

My mind was now racing. We had gone to my ‘private beach’, which makes it sound much grander than it was. Did she want to keep that as our place? Is she obfuscating something? Is she trying to send me a signal? No matter. Tomorrow’s dip. That’s what I needed to focus on. What did I need to bring? She said she could get a condom, but I needed to get…a towel or something. Maybe some lube? How could I pop to the shops without anyone noticing?

And that is when another friend ruined everything.

“Sounds amazing. We’ll totally join you tomorrow – as long as we don’t hit the beers too hard today!”


I spent the rest of the morning broodily skulking around the cottage and the outlying land, ostensibly ‘checking on some things’, but in reality, frantically searching for a private spot in which I could enjoy a stolen moment with Jen. Alas, there was no obvious spot, save a particularly unsanitary looking wood store. It’d have to be the cove.

After lunch, the whole group of us relocated to an afternoon on the beach. I couldn’t take them all to mine and Jen’s cove – it would have ruined the sacral, sexual spot for good – so we ended up making a camp on a tourist friendly stretch of beach. It was both heaven and hell. Soft, golden sand sweeping gently into a sapphire blue sea populated sparsely by young, beautiful people. I was oddly proud to be part of such a sexy group of friends, as we all tossed off our clothes, cracked open some beers and laughed as a trio raced into the retreating surf.

Jen had stripped down into a bold, black bikini. Her ample breasts and beautiful bottom barely contained within a few slithers of fabric. I felt tortured to see her like this, I wanted nothing more than to damn the consequences, sweep her off her feet and kiss her. For her part, her gaze paused momentarily on my swimmers before she lazily, deliberately bit her lower lip. It took all of my efforts to hide my stiffening cock from my friends. However, like Dante, I was destined to descend further into hell. My final torture of the day came during a raucous game of beach cricket. Several tins of beer and a few rounds of shots had made the group particularly rowdy and physical. After slogging the ball halfway across the beach, I was confidently strutting between the wickets, counting run after run. It wasn’t until I heard a bark of laughter from a teammate that I realised the danger I was in – Jen, storming down the beach, her plaits whipping behind her, her long supple legs pumping, the cricket ball in her hand.

As I dove into the wicket to keep my runs, she too leapt to make the out. Once again, we had become entangled under the Cornish sun, both panting wildly for breath. She placed her hand against my chest and briefly played with my chest hair before she remembered where we were. As I said, it was both heaven and hell.

I shan’t bore you with the details of every moment from the next three days, but it is safe to say I spent them in an inwardly foul mood. I resented my guests. I was livid with the chap sharing my bed. I was furious with everyone, save Jen, who came with me on my traditional morning swim. Worst of all, there was nowhere quiet in the house to masturbate. Without release, everything became hypersexualised. Jen and I continued to have brief, flirty moments with each other that seared themselves on my memory. When we were cooking together, she’d brush past me to get a spice and paused whilst her glorious ass pressed against my crotch. She’d eye me hungrily across the room when we were playing drinking games. Worst of all, she’d squeeze my hand whenever we were truly alone and just whisper one word to me ‘soon’.

Salvation came, as it so often does, in the shape of a vodka bottle. I had introduced the gang to ‘tink’ and insisted we play with straight vodka. By 1AM, everyone was well and truly gazeeboed. And as they marched off to bed, all Sound Of Music-like, I asked if anyone would be joining me for my morning swim. The answer came back as a resounding

“Fuck off Rotty”

I couldn’t have been happier, or so I thought as I stumbled around my bedroom as my bedmate continued to emit sounds and smells so bizarre, David Attenborough was planning on making a documentary about them. It was then that I got a text. From Jen. All it read was ‘?’. I didn’t sleep much that night. My head was swimming with vodka, plans and hope.

I was fully awake by 5. The anticipation and energy had exorcised any chance of a hangover and by 0530, I was sitting on a bench outside, enjoying the gentle birdsong with a gallon of coffee and the harsh burn of a cigarette. It was shaping up to be one of those magical mornings I feel are unique to the South West. The sun had been up for 15 minutes and hung lazily in the sky, flooding the green grass and gorse with glimmering sunlight. Thin clouds sauntered along on a gentle breeze, filling your lungs with fresh sea air. And of course, ruining it all. Seagulls, the dicks of the avian world, skwarking and swooping for anything which dares to look like a crust of pasty.

Jen strode out of the cottage, looking as though she had descended from Valhalla to grace my presence. We sat on the bench in silence for a few minutes, sharing a coffee and a cigarette. I noticed a bried whiff of perfume carry itself on the wind towards me, a sweet, spicy scent.

“It looks like it’ll just be the two of us this morning. C’mon, let’s go” she said, rising from the bench to give me a glance at her wonderful bottom.

Game on.

We climbed once again into ‘El Bandito’, my father’s Defender and the atmosphere changed. We were in private.

“Rotty, can I say one thing?” She asked, her emerald eyes lit with righteous indignation. Of course, I told her, as long as I’m not the villain.

“Man, fuck those cock teases back there!” She laughed, reaching across to squeeze my thigh “Can we please go and fuck each other’s brains out?”

I told her that she didn’t need to tell me twice, and that I had a surprise for her. She asked whether we’d be going back to ‘our’ beach (be still my beating heart). Not quire, I told her, but we would be heading near to there.

During the 15 minute drive we laughed and joked about how pent up we both were and how infuriating the others had made it for us. She admitted that she too had scoped the house for a private fuck spot, and I told her how she’d driven me crazy in that black bikini. She remarked on what a beautiful morning it had turned into. As far as I was concerned, it was a perfect morning.


We parked not too far from the cove in another makeshift dirt car park and once again trekked up to the coast. Here, I remembered, was the perfect spot for some al fresco lovemaking – soft sweeping grass which dimpled itself into the clifftops, shielding one’s private parts from fierce winds and prying sheep. With a momentary pang of guilt and disgust, I realised the only reason I knew about this spot was from picnics with my family. Lust and desire once again pushed those thoughts out of my mind.

“Rotty, this is beautiful” gasped Jen from behind me as her hand clasped around mine.

I turned and kissed her softly on those perfect lips. Seconds later, our hands were running through each other’s hair as our passion overtook us. Breaking away, I reached into my bag and produced an, regrettably hideous blanket covered in teddy bear prints. With all the flourish of a French waiter, I spread it over the fresh meadow scene.

“It’s from Yugoslavia!” I found myself saying, repeating an in-joke in my family.

Jen doubled over in laughter, saying that I was such a tit sometimes. For her part, she had produced a box of condoms from her bag. Naughty girl, I purred in her ear as we resumed our desperate make out session.

Days of unfulfilled sexual desire now manifested themselves. Jen was practically tearing my clothes off me, not that I was wearing much to start with. To my shock and delight, neither was she. Beneath her ‘generic death metal band’ black t shirt, she was once again wearing that scrumptious black bikini top. As my hands wandered further south, she giggled with joy as I discovered she was wearing nothing under her devilishly short shorts.

Once again, we both bared all under the warming Cornish sun, our own Adam and Eve.

My hand had passed beneath her swathe of course blonde pubic hair to find her soaking wet pussy. As our tongues danced a tango, I began to slowly, lightly, press my index finger and ring finger either side of her clit. As I drew soft but deliberate circles with her clit, she began to wriggle and writhe with a building orgasm. She broke off our kiss to throw her head backwards and push her pussy harder against my hand, groaning deep with pleasure.

I understood the signal and increased the pressure on her clit. Her pussy was now sopping wet and she had begun to buck slightly under me. Again, I focused on pressure, not speed, drawing firm circles with her clit between the pads of my fingers. She arched her back, presenting her gloriously pale nipples towards my open mouth. As I began to tease her nipple with my tongue, her hands clamped down around mine on her pussy as she gasped:


I felt like she was going to break my fingers as she forced her hands harder against mine, which in turn were against her clit. Her whole body began to shake as a high pitched, un-Jen-like squeal emerged from her. She had cum hard.

I looked at her as a continued to lightly press on her clit, allowing her to enjoy the aftershocks of her orgasm. Her cheeks were flushed red and we enjoyed a brief giggle before her lips rose to meet mine once again.

Jen pushed me onto my back and positioned herself onto my outreached arm, again, my hand pressing against her dripping pussy. She grabbed my cock, which itself was soaked with precum, and began to confidently stroke my shaft. My own breathing quickened as I took in the glory of the situation – she could have made short work of me, but she enjoyed teasing me, stroking me for a bit and then fondling my balls. She lay half on me, kissing me deeply and occasionally pausing to enjoy another orgasm as my fingers slid insider her, pushing against the top of her vagina, teasing what I believed to be the spongy g spot.

She continued to orgasm again and again, and soon we found ourselves spooning. One of my hands was wrapped around a wonderful tit as the other delved deep into her pussy, alternating between rubbing her clit and pushing my fingers into her pussy. As I kissed her neck, my now throbbing cock pressed against her ass. It wasn’t long until she was grinding her pussy against my cock, those small gasps and eeps becoming more and more regular.

“Fuck me now, fuck me now. Fuck me now Rotty.” She breathlessly demanded.

I hauled myself on top of her, and, pausing to put the condom on, admired her flawless pale skin and beautiful face. I asked her if she was ready, and she nooded, meekly.

We kissed again as I slowly pressed my cock into her. Once I was fully in, she gasped and we paused. We both seemed lost in the moment as we entwined our bodies into one – enjoying the moment.

Eventually, I began to move my hips as we both locked eyes with each other. Our breathing became shallow and nothing else in that moment mattered. Not our friends, not the fact we were naked in public, and not the Yugoslavian blanket. Out world was each other.

I picked up the pace as Jen’s arms wrapped themselves around my back as a list of ‘ohgods’ began to pass from her lips. Her pussy was everything I could have dreamed off and it felt as though my cock was being drawn deeper and deeper into her with each thrust. I gave a brief thought for any morning walker, as they’d definitely be able to hear our bodies slapping against each other.

Soon, she wrapped her slender long legs around my hips, and she used them to help me push harder and harder into her. Beads of sweat dropped from my forehead as I did all I could to extend my performance. My mind could no longer take the impossible sexiness of the situation as my cock was ready to explode.

“I…am……huff…huff” I exhaled.

She locked eyes with me again, a fire visible behind those emeralds. “Yes, yes, yes, yes” she repeated over and over again, her legs tightening around my hips and her nails pressing into my back.

With three powerful strokes I came, pushing myself as deep into her glorious pussy as I could. For her part, Jen squeezed me so hard I thought something might pop, before she dissolved into the puddle of her own orgasm, slowly muttering ‘ohmygod’ to herself.

We lay there for yet another eternity, kissing softy and occasionally thrusting our bodies to allow the echoes of our orgasms to course through us. I pulled myself out of her and removed the condom. Collapsing next to each other, we held hands as we watched the thin white whisps of cloud overhead.

Giggling, Jen eventually rolled over and kissed me on the cheek.

“Fuck you Rotty, that was the best sex I’ve ever had” she chuckled. I replied that it was a good ego boost, before I said that we should probably head back.

Packing our things, we briefly considered another session, but agreed that the longer we were out, the weirder it would look.

However, I had one further thing to do, and pulled into the car park for the cove.

“Come on, we did tell them we were going swimming. It’d be odd if we came back *boned dry.*” I quipped, which resulted in a swift and sharp punch to the arm.

And so, minutes later, we were once again naked, running into the glimmering azure sea, laughing all the way.

There are more stories yet to come, some with Jen, more with others.

Thank you for reading this beast and please do continue to reach out to me. I love reading your feedback and seeing the naughtier results of my writings.

Happy wanking!



  1. Haven’t even finished reading this but have to stop and applaud your writing skills. I hope you get laid more and we get to hear about it lol.

  2. Mmmmmm so fucking hot the way you write, I loved the scenic descriptions, made me wish for my own invitation to this picturesque countryside.. oh and that clit treatment, I felt it ?

  3. can we please calm it on the vocabulary? this isn’t writing prose 101, but other than that good shit bro.

  4. Seriously, mate, you are an amazing erotic writer, the story just flows and the details are on point again (didn’t get the cricket part, but liver the David Attenborough joke)

  5. I think I’m outspoken when I say that your writing is superb- much like Dante I too am doomed to descend; down the page, with great momentum!

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