I [F] was fully nude and simulated sex on stage for an amdram performance with other university students

I posted about this on another forum and someone suggested I post it here, so here I am. Using a throwaway account because my family knows about my normal reddit account and doesn’t know about my performance. Obviously there are enough details in this post that anyone who saw or heard about the show will know who I am, but that’s ok with me (hi guys!). There are just some things a father shouldn’t know. And no, I’m not going to post pictures for all the world (including my Dad) to see! Sorry.

I’ve always been involved in school drama groups. I caught the bug in high school and when I came to university I quickly fell in with a group of like minded friends. Some of them had started an amdram group that was made up of all students but was not affiliated with the university. The group’s goal was to put on risque, shocking, avante-garde performances – mostly plays. If I’m honest we spent more time hanging out, workshopping, and improving than performing. But every couple of months we’d develop a piece, usually written by one of the members and then perform it a few times at a local pub. There is a pub in town that has a stage for bands to play and they try to support the arts and are cool to let us use the stage for our performances if they didn’t have a band booked.

Like I said, we try to be a bit shocking with the performances. So there’s always adult themes, usually heavy on sex and nudity. The pub is chill about the nudity which is great. It’s a lot of fun and we’ve developed a bit of a cult following – a few dozen people who never miss a show. We really push this “underground” vibe so there’s an email list where we announce our shows, but you need an invitation to get on the list, etc. It works out because it’s not like the venue is very big and it’s not like we’re making money on tickets. It’s all just for fun.

Anyway enough of the intro, right before COVID hit, the last show we did wasn’t a play but a performance art piece, which was a bit different for us. It’s called “Puppets” and it’s about how society forces individuals down violent and sexual paths. There are 5 of us on stage, 2 “puppets” and 3 posers (who represent society). There are 2 acts.

The first act is about violence. So the posers move the puppets into certain positions and the puppets have to hold perfectly still in those positions until another poser moves part of you. I was a poser in that act and it was 2 guys who were the puppets. So we would pose them with their hands on their hips, then clenching their fists, squatting in angry stances, we’d put ones hands on the others throat and so on. We’d try to move the puppets pretty quick from pose to pose so it never got boring. Of course it got more and more extreme as it went on with the puppets posing through a full on brawl. It’s hard to describe, but it’s actually really cool and the audience is like super into it as soon as it starts and there are some funny moments and some moments of danger, so the crowd loved it.

Then there was a brief break and we did the second act which was about how society sexualizes people. For this act I was one of the puppets along with a guy puppet and there were three posers (two guys and a girl). Well, each performance was a bit different because they would improv and riff on the different poses, but in general the theme was the same.

I would start off wearing kind of a flowy dress. The guy puppet was in pant and a tshirt. The posers would start us each out in a series of provocative poses. They would put me in doggy style, make me arch my back, open my mouth, roll me onto my back, spread my legs, make me grab my boobs, make the guy puppet hold his crotch, etc.

Then they would start stripping us and pose us in our underwear. They’d make the guy puppet hold my boobs and grab my ass. They’d put my hand on the bulge of his boxers which always got a gasp out of the crowd. Once they slid his hand in my panties. They’d keep putting us in crazy sexual positions. I have a dance background and good flexibility so they would have me in the splits, and doing other stuff. Then they’d keep stripping us, we’d do a bit with me topless and then they’d strip us so we were both fully nude.

Then they’d run us through a bunch of poses fully nude which was extremely revealing to the audience. They’d put me in doggy style with my legs spread and my back arched with my bare pussy lips and asshole in full clear view of the audience. It was so embarrassing when we were first doing it in rehearsals but it got me horny a hell. I ended up being so turned on the whole time.

Like I said the venue was small and people were right up against the stage, so they got an up close look at me. They could have reached out and touched me but no one ever did. By the way we did this performance three times and the third time the pub hit capacity and had to turn people away. I think word got out and people wanted to come see me naked haha.

Anyway so the posers would pose me and the guy puppet (I’ll call him Andrew) together in all sorts of poses. And he was fully naked, too. Andrew would always get hard during rehearsals and we felt like we probably couldn’t show at the pub. But we rehearsed it enough that he could mostly control it. And we had some tricks like if the posers saw him starting to get hard, they could shift positions so he could face away from the audience or hide it in some other way until he got it back under control. He also kind of learned the trick that I guess you if you jerk off right before the show it lets you stay soft for most of it.

But no matter what he would end up pressing his hard dick up against me at some point in the night. It was usually when they would lay him down on his back and then have me straddle him so my pussy was sitting right on his cock. I don’t think he ever stayed soft for that part, but I was always wet by then so I can’t really complain!

But the point of the whole performance is really to show how sexualized society makes us, so they really got more and more extreme with the poses as the show went on. Like they would have me on my knees lifting my breasts in my hands and they would open my mouth and they would have Andrew stand in front of me holding his dick like inches from my face as if he was jerking off on me. Or they would put us in a 69 position and push my face down so his penis pressed against my nose and lips. Then push my butt down so my pussy was touching his mouth.

I think one of the guy posers had a foot fetish because he was always touching my feet and pointing my toes and even had my wrap my feet around Andrew’s dick a few times. It’s funny the girl poser was actually the horniest of the bunch or maybe the guys were holding back. But she would grab my hand and put it right on Andrew’s cock. And of course I would just hold it there until one of the other posers moved it. Which would usually not be very long because of course Andrew would start to get hard.

The girl poser would also fold my fingers down so only my first two were extended and then slide them in between my labia. I think the most extreme thing she ever did during one of the live shows was when Andrew was on his knees, she slid my face under him, so I was staring at his butthole an inch away, then she picked up his dick from out of his hands and flopped it down against my cheek! It was pretty wild. He started to get hard pretty much right away, so one of the other posers pushed him so he was laying down on top of me with his hard cock across my face and his balls on my forehead. Haha I thought that thing would never go soft again, but I think stage fright is a powerful factor, too.

As the puppets, it was our job to just basically go with everything. They used our bodies as props and our job was to hold each pose perfectly still, which is actually extremely physically exhausting! I would be so tired after every performance! Let’s just say there’s nothing I didn’t touch or have touched by the end of that show!

We went pretty extreme to sort of test the boundaries during the rehearsals but then avoided some of that during the live performances. We didn’t want it to come off like we were staging a live sex show and didn’t want the message to get lost. But fuck I would get so horny after each rehearsal a lot of times I would get myself off in the car before driving back home. And after we did it on stage in front of a live audience, I needed to be fucked. Fuck I’m wet just thinking about it.

I hate that we’re stuck in this pandemic right now and can’t wait to get back to performing more shows again! Anyway I’d be happy to answer any questions you guys have. Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/linoou/i_f_was_fully_nude_and_simulated_sex_on_stage_for


  1. I just read through this entirely and I have to say, one, I feel bad for you that you can’t get back to performing soon. Sounds super chill and awesome to put on that performance. Two…this got me hard af. Thank you for sharing and I hope you get back to it!

  2. That must have been one hell of an experience. I knew I went to the wrong college lol

  3. Have you and Andrew ever thought of having sex? I’m sure the thought must have crossed your mind at least once right, lol?

  4. This reminds me of the story I read, in which the guy and girl actors are nude and embrace right as the lights cut out to imply a sex scene. The two were flirting leading up to their first performance, and they ended up going full insertion, with the cast and audience none the wiser.

    Certainly not possible with your performance, but I can definitely see why it drive you crazy.

  5. I hope you can get back to performing too!! Also, as a girl with an exhibitionism kink, this made me soo fucking wet, thanks so much for sharing!! <3

  6. If I was a poser, during a rehearsal I would have you on your back, spread as wide as you can go. I would have lined Andrew up and made him erect and put the tip of his penis right up against your pussy. And then I would go behind him and shove his butt pushing him in to you.

    I love the metaphor of loss of control, and your willingness to fully submit to that. Would you submit to what I just described? Could you hold the pose?

    All I know for sure is, I think I need to start a theatre group. :)

  7. Wow. This performance would be amazing to see. Watching the raw sexual display in a public setting would be a huge thrill. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be fantasizing about this for a while.

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