Desiring My Roommate Part 7 [MF]

Over the next few days, since I ate Beverly out, she started sending me nude pics. I got pics of her breasts, pussy, and ass. These texts would come at the most inopportune time as I was usually in class. I would have to wait until class was over to sneak a peek at Beverly’s text. My eyes would widen as I looked at her naked body and my cock would grow in my pants. It didn’t help that the weather was nice, and I had taken to wearing basketball shorts to class. Trying to keep a raging boner hidden in basketball shorts was a chore unto itself.

At night, I would look at Beverly’s nude pics and slowly stroke myself to them. I wouldn’t cum because I wanted to save it for her. I would only edge until I was close to the brink. I had hoped that Beverly would enter my room and have her way with me, but she was busy with work, so I hardly saw her.

During this time, I also went over to Melanie’s house to help her with her English Lit paper. She gave me her address and I drove over to her house. Her house was nice with a large front yard and veranda. I rang the doorbell and Melanie answered. She gave me a smile as she opened the door.

“Hey! Please come in,” she said.

I stepped inside and we walked towards the living room. There was a large flat-screen television that took up most of a wall. Several couches and bookshelves made up the rest of the room. I joined Melanie on a couch. On the coffee table in front of us were various snacks and soft drinks. My stomach growled and Melanie laughed.

“Eat up. I figured you would be hungry,” she said with a smile. I dug into the food as Melanie booted up her laptop.

“You have a nice home,” I said in between bites of chips.

“Thanks. My mom is an interior decorator, and she designed this room. The big ass television is my dad’s input,” she said with a laugh.

“Do you have siblings?”

“Nah, I’m an only child. I wish I had younger siblings, but my parents didn’t want any more kids after they had me,” Melanie said. “How about yourself?”

“I’m an only child too.” I was stuffing my face with food and I didn’t even care. I was starving. I hadn’t really eaten all day.

I spent the next few hours helping Melanie write her paper and I enjoyed seeing how enthusiastic she was about my feedback. When we zeroed in on the topic and sources to back it up, she dived in and started typing away. I watched her and I smiled at how focused she was. She did this cute thing of scrunching up her eyebrows as she wrote.

I worked on my own homework as Melanie worked. She was halfway through the paper and asked me to read it over and check for any grammatical errors.

“You are a literal godsend for helping me with this paper,” she said with a smile. “Your girlfriend must be happy to be with you.”

I felt my face flush red and I laughed to try and hide it. “Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend. Just me, myself, and I.”

Melanie smiled at me. “Really? That is surprising.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked her.

“I mean you are very cute and smart. I’m surprised that you aren’t beating girls off with a stick,” she said with a laugh.

My face got even redder from her compliments. “Thank you for that but sadly that is not the case.”

She was looking at me with a smile that made me want to desperately kiss her. There was something electric between us. I leaned into her and kissed her. She kissed me back. At first, the kiss was soft and gentle but grew in intensity. Her tongue entered my mouth and intertwined with mine. Her hands went to my back and pulled me closer to her. My hands went to her hips and ran up to her breasts. I cupped them at first then gently fondled them.

Melanie’s hands inched down towards my crotch. Her fingers found my bulge waiting there. She let out a giggle and looked down at my boner.

“Wow, you are so hard,” she said as she looked at my bulge in surprise. As I said, I had taken to wearing basketball shorts and my boners were more pronounced in them. Her hand went to my crotch and she began to caress my boner. Our lips met again as I felt my shorts sliding off as Melanie pulled them down. She pulled down my underwear too and her hands were on my cock.

We stopped kissing and Melanie got down to her knees. Her eyes were on me as slowly stroked my cock. She was just about to put it in her mouth when there was the sound of the front door opening.

“Oh my god!” Melanie said as her eyes snapped towards the direction of the front door. I felt fear rush through me, and I quickly began to pull my underwear and shorts back up. Melanie helped me then sat down next to me on the couch and grabbed her laptop to pretend as if she was working. I crossed my legs to hide my throbbing cock and lifted my own laptop.

The front door closed, and Melanie’s mom walked into the living room. She was a beautiful woman. She was short and thin with dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She looked at us with a warm smile.

“Hello,” she said to us.

“Hi,” we said in unison.

I introduced myself to her and she chatted with us for a little about our classes then walked to her office to work. When she left the room, Melanie and I both quietly laughed. We had been so close to getting caught. I started to pack up my things to leave.

“Come over Saturday. I’ll have the place to myself,” Melanie said with a smile. “I can promise that there will be no interruptions.”

I laughed. “Ok, great.”

Melanie walked me towards the door. “Thanks again for helping me with my paper.”

“No worries,” I said.

She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss. My hands went to her hips and my cock grew again. Our bodies were pressed against each other and I knew she could feel my hard cock on her.

“I can’t wait to have you in my mouth,” she whispered in my ear. A smile broke out on my face and I watched as she walked back into her house. My eyes were on that amazing ass of hers. I drove home that night with a boner that would not go down. I thought about all the things that I was going to do to Melanie.

When I got home, I walked towards my room and opened the door. I froze in surprise as there was Beverly in my bed. She was naked with nothing but a smile on her face. She beckoned me with her finger.


For more stories: [Erotic House](
