The nude world order! (M/F) masturbation

I don’t know when everything changed. I don’t know when we could not speak to each other. I don’t know when I lost my identity or remember who I used to be.

This is the power that they have over us. This is the control they flaunt to keep us in our place. For how can you fight for freedom, when you don’t know who you are, or why you would even want to fight.

When I turned 18, they told me that my job would to be to serve. I though that this would be okay. I figured I could serve. They never elaborated on what service I would be doing though.

You will serve. Is all that was said.

They took me from the room of the of observes and marched me through the streets. The construction workers where always building new buildings, although no one to live or work in. Shops had their doors open, with the keeper calling for passer-by to enter and shop, yet one could only shop on their respective days. Few cars parked on the side of the street, waiting for whom they are destined to drive. This was life. Become 18 and do the job that was given to you. No choice in the matter.

The men who walked with me down the street stopped at a door covered in bright purple light. The one to my right opened it.

“This is as far as we go” I stepped inside “fair well” said the man and he shut the door.

I stood still in the entrance way. Not sure where to go, or what to do.

A women in her forties greeted me “so you are the one?” She asked.

“Yes” I said. Unsure what else to say.

“Follow” she turned around and walked down a dimly lit hallway.

She brought me to a room and told me to enter. I did. In side sat a man, late sixties. He looked me up and down. Then gave a curt nod to the woman you brought me.

She shut the door.

“Take off your clothes” the man said.

I was shocked, stunned. “What?” I asked, and received a slap across my face. The man for his age moved surprisingly quick.

“Your clothes! Off!”

I didn’t speak back but instead started to undo the string at the top of my dress. I went to grab it from the bottom and pull it over when the man spoke again.

“Pull it down. Not up”

I nodded and did as I was told. I stood before him now wearing a bra and panties. His eyes looked over me again. Then his hand undid his pants and he pulled out his cock. Slowly rubbing it.

“Keep going” he said.

I reached behind my back and undid my bra clasp. Slowly slid it off of me and let it drop to the floor. My small perky breasts being bathed in the faintest of lights.

“Turn around and pull off your bottoms”

I nodded again and did as I was told. Pulling them down, bending over with my ass and lips directed towards him.

“Touch yourself” he commended.

Still bent over, I raised my hand to my lips and started to rub up and down over the slit. I could hear him beginning to move more rapidly on his own cock.
I slipped a finger inside of me and could not help but let a soft moan escape. The man grunted in agreement.

“Sit on the floor and finger yourself”

I turned and sat down. Opened my legs wide and kept going. Watching the man please himself as I please myself. It felt good. Dirty. But good, the man was older then my father but I couldn’t help but think of him as I touched myself. How ashamed he would be… would my father be ashamed. That’s the truth I did not no.

I brought a hand up to my breast and squeezed a nipple. The man stood and walked over to me. His cock inches from my face as he groaned out load and shot his load over it.

He did up his pants, reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bills. He tossed them at me and then left the room.

I took the money and quickly counted it. Only a couple of dollars. I couldn’t help but think cheap bastard. I stood up and went to put on my dress when the door opened again.

Another man had entered the room.

“Don’t bother with your clothes. Come here now.”

I dropped the few dollars I made onto my clothes and walked over to the new man.

He was much under, if I had to guess I would say late twenty’s.

“Bend over the chair” he commanded me. I did as I was told.

Alright well if you want part two you will have to wait. Please check out my page for all the stuff I do. Tell me if you like it. And yeah if you want me to do this in real life we’ll…

Okay bye!
