Master asked me to write an essay about what submission means to me. I hope you enjoy it!

What Submission Means to Me

Submission means a lot more to me now than it did even just 3 months ago. I knew that submission meant service, and giving up control to another person, but I didn’t know any of the details. I spent a year reading about BDSM and lurking on subreddits and chat forums before deciding to try to meet some people and begin exploring my own submission. In the time since I started researching and reading, I have come to a much better understanding of the lifestyle, myself, and the awesome people in the community. I have learned that the Dom/sub dynamic is a lot more nuanced than I first imagined. I also never quite realized how rewarding it can be to truly give my submission to another person who appreciates it as the honor being given to them that it is.

I have always been the type of person who is most in my element when doing things to serve other people, especially for my large family and the patients I worked with. I get a lot out of knowing that I helped make someone’s day better or a bit easier. Serving comes naturally to me, and answering to someone who takes pleasure in my service is something that I have craved for a very long time. For me, submission is the answer to that craving. I haven’t seen my family or been able to work in quite a while, so my submissive role fulfills many needs for me. My submission gives me purpose every day. It allows me to feel useful, even when I can’t do the things I used to for people.

Submission means that I’ve dedicated myself to meeting all the needs and desires of my Master every day. Each time I say my Submissive Creed before I go to bed, and when I complete the tasks my Master has set for me, I rededicate myself to his pleasure. I love the ritualism of my everyday tasks, and how they remind me of what I should truly be doing at any given moment. Submission also means that things are a bit simpler for me. I don’t need to wake up and think about what I should be doing each day, because I know that what I should be doing is serving my Master. My job is to take care of anything that he asks of me, and to take care of myself for him. Everything else is secondary.

I have come to learn that submission also means taking much better care of and valuing myself much more. I have gained so much self-confidence as my Master’s pet. I don’t consider myself to have below average self-esteem, but knowing that I belong to another person, and wanting to make that owner proud has progressed my self-worth by leaps and bounds. Submission means caring for myself the way my Master would want me to. I can’t expect him to be proud of me if I do not take pride in myself.

The most fundamental part of submission, to me, is a strong bond that is based on honesty, openness, respect, and appreciation. I would not want to submit to a person whom I wouldn’t be willing to tell anything about myself. Nor would I not want to submit to someone who would not share joy in the things of which I am most proud. I believe that this should work both ways, as I would not feel comfortable submitting to someone who didn’t feel as if they could be completely open with me. As a submissive, I think it’s very important for a dominant to be as transparent as possible. In order for me to serve someone best, I need to know how they’re feeling and what they expect from me each day. I have also heard some horror stories of dominant partners who use the lifestyle as an excuse to disrespect other people in a way that is not agreed upon, and show no appreciation whatsoever for their partner. That respect and appreciation means everything to me, and without it, I could never trust someone enough to give myself to them. You hear the argument all the time that either the submissive or the dominant “have all the power” in the dynamic, but that’s not the case at all. The power is equal on both sides. I know that I don’t have to submit, just as my dominant doesn’t have to take charge. We both choose to participate because we care about and appreciate each other, and derive great pleasure from the dynamic.

Having the firsthand experience for many years of not having my sexual needs and desires met by my partner, submission means not having to worry about whether or not my partner wishes to see me happy and satisfied. I know my Master cares very much about if I am getting what I need or not, and will not leave me feeling unfulfilled for days, weeks, or months on end. He may deny me certain things at certain times, but that’s so the payoff will be all the better, or possibly as punishment. Submission means that I can trust my Master to completely take over my sexual well-being, and not worry that he will purposefully neglect me or cause me harm. Again, this works both ways. I want to see my Master satisfied and getting everything he needs each day, and I would never do anything to counteract that.

Submission also means trying things that I might not otherwise if my Master wishes for it. I don’t need to think about whether or not I should do something that makes me a bit nervous when he asks. It means that I’ll try what Master would like me to (within my limits), and follow-up with him regarding how I felt about it. Submission means trusting my Master to know that he understands what is too much for me, and that he wouldn’t ask me to do anything that would hurt me. Every time my Master has asked me to do something a bit outside of my comfort zone, it has turned out to be very thrilling and fun for me. I know that may not always be the case, but I also know my Master would not ask me to do something he doesn’t think I would ultimately enjoy. This again comes back to trust. A submissive must have a great amount of trust in their dominant in order to be comfortable trying new things. If I didn’t trust Master completely, I would not be able to work past my own mental objections and do the things that I’m a bit unsure of at first.

As my Master’s pet, my submission also means that I know that my place is always on the ground at Master’s feet and ready to serve. I know that he and I are always in agreement on that point, and that he always wishes that is where I was, just as much as I do. Submission means that even when I’m not serving my Master in a sexual way, I am still serving his other needs. If I could, I would love to make sure my Master is well-taken care of every day in person. I feel like the job of a good submissive and pet is to anticipate and prepare for what is required to make their Master’s day better.

Ultimately, I believe that submission is something to be valued greatly when it is given to another person. My Master has taught me how a Dominant should treat the submission of his partner by showing me gratitude and respect. No submissive should ever tolerate less than that. Submission is not something to give away lightly or to just anybody. It should be earned, as should dominance. A dynamic works best when there is balance, effort, trust, appreciation and a great concern for each other’s well-being. I am very fortunate to have found that with a wonderful Master, and I wish the same for all my fellow submissives.


1 comment

  1. Wow I hope your master was please with this essay I know I definitely enjoyed reading is

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