My FWB’s boyfriend encourages her to invite me over. [MF]

skips to sex

I generally have to travel for work no more than Monday through Friday, but not that long ago, I had the “joy” of having to stay through, and work through, the weekend. Nothing crazy, just a normal 8-9 hour shift on Saturday and a bit more on Sunday, but enough to thoroughly disrupt my routine and take me away from my then-girlfriend, now fiance.

What was worse is that although I have permission to sleep around a little, my former FWB in town had just gotten a boyfriend. I hung out with the two of them once some time before this story, and although my former FWB was flirtatious and even handsy, there was nothing to indicate what was about to happen.

Anyway. It was Sunday and since we had started early in the morning, it was early afternoon when I was finished with work. I texted my fiance to just talk, but she was busy with some homework, so I texted my former FWB to see if she and her boyfriend wanted to hang out again, but he was busy with his own stuff so I said, NP, I’m going to go and work out, let me know if you two want to meet up later or something.

Then I changed into workout clothes and went outside to go on a run. It was then that I noticed that my former FWB had texted me back, saying that she wanted to join. I texted her, no problem, and headed out to her apartment and stretched until she made her way downstairs.

She was wearing a pretty cute workout outfit. Leggings and a matching top, light bluish. And she’s been working out recently so while she is slightly less curvy than she once was, she’s pretty buff. We hugged and I said that the plan was to get to the lake and maybe do a few laps, but she asked if we could just walk instead. I agreed and off we went.

I got a really weird vibe from her. She seemed nervous… shy and kind of hesitant, which is very out of character for her. I gave her space for a while, just chit chatting, until I eventually asked her if something was on her mind.

She said that she really liked me, and her boyfriend did too. (I had met both of them before once and we got along pretty well.) I said that they were both pretty awesome and congratulated her on her recent promotion, and said that her boyfriend must be really proud of her. At this point she started to walk super close to me.

She said that she had really enjoyed our time together as FWBs. Our workouts, she called it. Which is reasonable, since we ended up going to the gym and then having sex, or vice versa, when we used to meet up. I laughed and said I did too, but it seemed like her boyfriend was giving her quite the workout too, and kind of poked at her abs, which made her laugh and kind of swat at me. Again, very out of character, as she’d usually lightly slap my face and we’d end up having rough sex if I made fun of her.

So obviously I was kind of confused by now. She was acting very irregularly and she was walking super close to me, and eventually she actually put her arm around me. I can’t remember what she said exactly after that, but it was fairly forward so I kind of laughed and said that I wasn’t sure her boyfriend would like with that.

But, then, she took out her phone and showed me some fairly explicit texts between the two of them. First they were just kind of flirtatious teasing about anonymous sidepieces for each of them, but then he mentioned me by name and immediately she clammed up. He had to press her a bit for the conversation to become sexual again, and soon she was telling him about how good I was, and he was openly encouraging her.

I had no words by then. I looked at Raf and she gave me a fairly unambiguous look back. She if I wasn’t interested it was fine, and we could just be friends. All three of us… me, her, and her boyfriend.

Maybe I should have contacted my fiance first, but she had always been okay with me being a little open, and didn’t mind if I told her about it before or after. And the chemistry between Raf and me was getting pretty serious, so I grabbed and kissed her, and we made our way back to her apartment.


When we got in, she led me straight to the bedroom and we made out pretty heavily for a long time. I know why. Not only had it been a week since I’d been away from my fiance, it had been ages since Raf and I had been together. We kissed, stopping multiple times in the process to just hold each other and look at each other. She is usually kind of rough with the slaps but this time, it was very gentle and playful, and instead of pulling her hair, I just stroked it. I noticed that the windows to her balcony were open and mentioned that we ought to close them, but she shook her head no and shimmied her body against mine as she got down on her knees.

She teased the hell out of me before she actually sucked me off. She kissed all over my thighs and boxers and when she finally pulled them down, and teased me more by kissing my shaft and rubbing her boobs against my thighs. She finally started to suck me off, and while Raf is usually pretty to the point about it, she took it very slowly. She looked up at me and stroked my thighs, while I held her hands and stroked her hair and told her what a sexy naughty girl she was. She took me pretty deep and winked at me, which very very nearly made me cum, before she backed off and jacked me off for a bit.

In the process, she gave me her phone which was on camera mode. I got the idea and started to take a video as she sucked me off. This is obviously why she had left the windows open, to let the natural lighting in to make it a better shot.

She seemed to make a real show of sucking me off. She was very explicit and naughty about it… very loud and sloppy with lots of moans, some of which were admittedly mine. She seemed to nervous to talk though, so I did, telling her that she was sucking me so fucking good and that I missed her mouth so much. She might have said that she missed my dick, so I held her hair so that her face was pointing up at me and ground my dick all over her face. She slapped my ass but laughed and let me continue, kissing me all over as I did so.

Finally we got into bed together. Even though her face was literally wet from when she sucked me off and I rubbed my dick against her face, I kissed her all over and got between her legs. It was at this point that I spent a good long time eating her out. I held her so tight, she tasted so good and I said that a few times, and it was more than once when she grabbed my hair and pulled me in harder. When I was finished I kissed up her body, all over her boobs and her face before I finally started to fuck her missionary.

Something about her was just radiant that day. Maybe because I had rubbed my dick over her face, I felt a little emboldened. I held her down, choked her a little, maybe even slapped her lightly which she has never let me get away with before. She grabbed the headboard and I fucked her for as long as I possibly could. Sometimes rougher, sometimes more gently, until I came so hard in her that I saw stars and had to stop for a while.

We kissed again for a while, as I felt her up all over. Eventually I got hard again and tried to turn her over so we could go doggy or maybe spoons, but she got me to put a leg over her so that I could straddle her chest and face. This was a very new position for me, especially with her, and it took me a bit to get comfortable. I held her hands over her head so she couldn’t really move them and ground against her tits, her face, pretty much letting her do whatever she wanted with me. She was fantastic–sexy and naughty and teasing, she pretended or tried to bite me a few times so I had to move back so I could smack her face with my dick.

I eventually came again, a relatively small amount on her tits and a little on her face. For a long time though, I continued to pin her in place, teasing her, kissing her hands and dirty talking.

Ended up leaving a while after that so I could go shower. When I was finished, she texted me, inviting me over for dinner with her and her boyfriend, but I declined for obvious reasons. Although, later that evening, he added me on social media and I approved it.

Later that week, Raf texted me, asking if we were cool, and I said that we were, it was just unexpected. I double checked that her boyfriend was okay with it, and she said yes, absolutely, and she looked forward to me coming over again soon.

And, that’s where we are I guess. When I’m in town, my FWB, her boyfriend and I will hang out together, or if he’s not available, she and I will hang out alone for one of our workout sessions. I’m 95% certain she’s shared videos of us with him and I’m 99% certain that he actually IS available, I assume he just steps out for a coffee or something and then returns later. There has been at least one time I can think of where Raf and I had some fun, we both showered up, and then the three of us hung out later that same day. I’ve never gotten a bad or awkward vibe about it and it’s honestly pretty excellent. Naturally, I’ve kept my fiance in the loop about everything and she is totally fine with it, and has even teased the idea of a threesome with me, her and Raf.

At the same time, Raf has gradually started to become more explicit about… you know. She’s shared some pictures of her and her boyfriend together (with his consent), nothing super explicit but definitely more than what you’d put on Facebook or whatever. At the same time, whenever me and “Mark” talk, obviously we don’t talk about anything explicitly sexual, although we will occasionally share risque photos of our girls.

I don’t really know what to think about all this. It’s all happened very organically and unexpectedly and while I like where things are going, it’s just such an unfathomable idea that it’s actually happening.

PS: Just got a text from Raf. I asked her if she’s shared videos of us with her boyfriend, and she said yes, and that he finds them super fucking hot. I also got a $5 Venmo from Mark for a little bet we made on the Super Bowl. Lesson learned: bet on your home team!
