[mf] [long] our first swinger experience and what built up to it

We have been wanting to share our experiences from “dipping our toes” in the lifestyle. We feel as though it may help others empower themselves and give it a try.

The lead up: we have been together for 3 years and have had a strong physical and mental attraction ever since. She comes from a more reserved background while he was pretty much a man whose growing up. Combining the two of us brought out her already strong sexual side. We felt comfortable enough to say what we wanted at any time. Eventually we added toys to the mix. This lead to all sorts of new experiences.

One night, he had decided to share his desire to take the kind to the next level. He proposed sharing sexual images on the web to see how others would respond. People shared how turned on a made them and that they enjoyed how we fit together. One day we shared a snap chat of explicit content with a female friend. She enjoyed it and brought up the idea of joining us. At first we agreed that something like that is a big deal and we weren’t ready for that.

A few months to by and during one of our late night drinking/fucking sessions we finally dumped out all of our fantasies we still had reserved in our minds and decided that we should pursue them. He had played with a couple on occasion during college and wanted that again. In that interest he shared that he had sucked a cock before and had the desire to try it again. However he didn’t want to do it alone. She would have to join him in that process and help. Her reaction was that if she is to sick another man’s duck then naturally she wants to fuck him too. Both agreed this was fine. She also expressed interest in playing with a girl. Of course the idea turned him on. Details we discussed in the most liberating sex we had to date.

We spent a week researching, preparing and discussing our next steps. This included rules, safe words, comfort zones and safety. We signed up on multiple websites and ultimately picked a primary one. From there we got invited to a party about 3 weeks out. By coincidence, it was a birthday weekend. We agreed that the idea sounded fun and the hosts assured us it was no pressure to do something we don’t want to do.

That night we discussed and concluded that we wanted to get out and meet people from the LS before we went to the party. In that we met 3 couples around our age. Each brought something entirely different to the table and were all nice people. We discussed their experiences as we didn’t have any to share. We also kept in contact online after meeting.

One night he decided to glance at the guest list out of curiosity. As one hates to admit, it made him feel very self conscious. Everyone seemed very fit compared to him. Thankfully that negative feeling only motivated him to change it. He lost 12 lbs with her help and encouragement before the party.

The night of the party: we showed up very nervous and not knowing what to expect. The hosts showed us around and greeted us with open arms. Thank you for that you two if you’re reading this! It was still early so not many people were there yet. No one had taken their clothes off yet. Everyone was mingling and getting to know each other. We spoke to a few nice couples and made small talk here and there. At one point we decided to do a booze run to loosen our nerves a little. Little did we know that we were then associated with the blue bottle of booze we acquired lol. That’s how people recognize us now.

Around 10 or 11, most people gathered in the living room where a steering wheel was hanging from the ceiling. We knew what was coming but not to what level. An attractive couple our age stepped onto the mattress below the steering wheel. The woman disrobed as he prepared his equipment. From there they showed a classy and elegant display of shibari. Not 15 minutes later until the gentleman had suspended the woman from the ceiling with some of the most skillfully produced knots. Obviously this had struck a cord (no pun intended) with others in the room. As the show came to a close everyone gave a well deserved applause.

From there people began to disappear into the dimly lit dungeon as one could only describe it. On the front wall a TV produced the only light and filed the room with the sound of chillstep. On both sides of it, sex swings. A cage with a chair sitting face level on the left wall. A shape for back and head support laid down the center of the room.

At first a couple or two were occupying the space. Then another followed by as one could describe as the whole house. The dungeon was filled with naked people all over the floor, in the swings and even on/in the cage. Two women were blowing a guy to the left of the cage while couples spread out trading partners back and forth. We joined the curious on lookers at first…

Our hands began to wander on each other was we watched this scene as one would imagine to see in an adult film. We walked out of the room to not be rude and stare for too long. This is where we can say we pulled the lever to speed 4 hours away into the night. She took off her pants and shirt to reveal the seat lingerie we had purchased for this very event. He took off his boots, pants and shirt down to his boxers.
We started off with some touching and oral play in the next room over. The sounds from the room reached our ears as if it were beckoning us to join in. Finally she whispers to him, “Do you want to go in there now?” He obviously says yes.

At this point there was barely any room left on the floor for us to get in. He took off his boxers and we say facing the cage in the center of the room. She then untied the top of her outfit and began to suck his cock. The idea that everyone around us could be watching us turned us on like no other experience we have had yet. The couple next to us compliments her on her technique as we both enjoy the excitement around us. Eventually the could next to us changes places with another couple. A man is walking around flogging the women with their rears exposed. This gentleman was very polite about it asking permission first.
We switch roles. He (not to be confused with the flogging man) now has his face buried in her thighs. She is sitting slightly on the shape in the center of the room. Her breasts exposed. Her moans join the chorus of other sounds of pleasure in the room. He inserts two fingers into her. About the same time a man comes up and requests permission to suck on her perky breasts. She complies. He is there for a short time. After while she quivers and sits up. We are ready for another drink.

We gather our garments from the room and mingle some more with the other people at the party. We walk by the couches to see a couple from earlier going at it in full view of everyone. This turns us on some more. He fingers her while we listen / watch for a minute.

Once again to not be rude, we continue moving around the house. We check out the play rooms. One bed open. We waste no time squeezing between the three other busy beds to claim ours. From there our clothes fall off and she mounts him. As we start off slow, we took in the fact that there were 3 other attractive couples playing around us. So hot. To the bed beside us a man and woman we trading oral sex. All we could see was a head between the lady’s thighs and a torso with an arched back. We take in the sights sounds and even the though that people are watching us in the doorway. All of this turned us on. We both climaxed and sit there and giggle a little bit in disbelief at we had just done.

The night winds down for us as we put our clothes back on and talk to the couple that was on the couch from earlier. Shortly after the couple that was next to us in the play room join the conversation. They shared how we turned them on by having sex right next to them. Of course we told them it was very mutual.

We got home around 2am that night vowing to do this again. Although we didn’t really play with anyone else that night we were much more comfortable in our skin and in that type of situation. Good thing, we had agreed to meet an unrelated couple the next day. That will be for another time as this post is already super long as it is.

Please forgive any typos and so on as this was written on a tablet.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5sh7pz/mf_long_our_first_swinger_experience_and_what

1 comment

  1. Please don’t take this as negative but I couldn’t read past the intro. What’s up with all the she/he/we switching? Very confusing.

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