Helping Out at School [Part 7]

Not much new information today. As always, feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy!


I could barely fall asleep that night. For years while I was a horny teen, I had jerked off to thoughts of Alicia and Sadie, and I had just been sucked off by them at the same time and came all over my stepmother’s face. The past few days had been absolutely surreal. Finally, after what felt like hours of restlessness, I drifted off with a smile on my face.

In the morning when I woke up, I saw that I had received a text during the night. It was from my father. Before I read it, I had a feeling I knew what was coming. It read, “Sorry champ, I know I was supposed to come home tomorrow and be back in time for your birthday, but something came up, and I don’t think I will be back for another week or so. I wish I could be there, but I can’t, so I told Alicia to get you anything you want. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Love, Dad.”

After reading this, I didn’t fell as though anything could make my day better. I trudged downstairs to make myself breakfast. Alicia was in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a robe. “Good morning sweetie,” she greeted me, “So last night was fun, right?”

“Yeah,” I replied. I did have a fantastic time the previous night with her and Sadie, but after reading my dad’s text, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

“Oh,” she said, reading my tone, “I guess you’re pretty upset about your dad not being here for your birthday, huh?” She came up behind me and started to massage my shoulders while I was looking in the fridge. “Well, he told me I can get you whatever you want, so what will it be?” her voice was smooth and sultry, but it still didn’t raise my spirits.

“You don’t have to get me anything, I’ll be fine,” I said.

“Fine,” she replied, now hugging me from the back and pressing her juicy breasts against by back, “I guess I’ll just have to pick something out myself.” She released her grip on me and exited the kitchen.

My birthday was on Saturday, and I knew that by then I would probably be eager for a gift, but at that time, I was pretty disappointed about my dad not being there for my birthday. Even though he was gone a lot for work, he always found some way to make it home for my birthday. Some of my best memories with him came on my birthday, so I felt like I was being cheated out of quality time with my dad.

My sulking was interrupted though, by the buzzing of my phone. It was a text from Scarlett, and a rather lengthy one at that. It read, “Mr. Wheeler, I have one last task for you to do for me. All you have to do is jerk off today during my class, but there are some rules. First, you must jerk off until you cum. Second, you can’t get any help from Ms. Jones. Third, you have to take a video of you cumming and send it to me, so I know that you did it. Lastly, and most importantly, you can’t get caught my anyone or else I will have to come up with something else for you to do. I will send you some pictures for you to use if you need help.” This text was followed by a handful of pictures, which I decided not to open at the time.

While driving to the school, I thought about what she was asking me to do. I knew that I would almost surely get caught, which could lead to me losing my job and maybe even Sadie losing hers. After some thought, I decided not to tell Sadie because she would try to help me somehow, and if Scarlett found out, I would have to do more things for her.

When I arrived at school, I must have had a nervous look on my face, because the first thing Sadie said to me was, “Andrew, are you okay?”

Trying to change the subject, I quickly said, “Yeah. I had a lot of fun last night, I can’t wait to do it again.”

She smiled now, blushing slightly, “Me too.”

As class began, Sadie announced that she would be showing the students a video on the male reproductive system. This was perfect for me, because all the students would either be focused on the video or sleeping through it. I chose to sit in a chair behind Sadie’s desk to give myself some protection from the students’ eyes if they would happen to turn around. This didn’t mean that I didn’t still have to be careful though. As the video started, I saw Scarlett turn around and shoot me a look, probably curious as to whether or not I would go through with it. After the first few minutes of the video had passed, I pulled out my phone and showed Sadie the text from Scarlett, catching her up to speed. She looked at me and nodded after reading the text, acknowledging that even though she was sitting right next to me, she could not assist me in any way.

Soon after, I began to try to undo my belt and pants as quietly as I could. My belt jingled a little bit at one point, leading me to freeze, waiting to see if any of the students would turn around, but it appeared as though none of them had heard a thing. After some patience, my dick was finally freed. Sadie glanced at it for a brief moment but went on grading assignments as if everything was normal.

I then opened up the first picture Scarlett had sent me. It was a photo of her pulling up her shirt, revealing the white push-up bra she was wearing. The lift it gave her breasts was amazing. As I admired the photo, I began to rub my manhood, making it grow. Once I was fully erect, I swiped to the next photo. This one was of her bare tits. She had her arm underneath them, pushing them up. Her pale B cups and puffy pink nipples were getting me more excited, as I began stroking myself now.

I looked up to see if anyone had noticed me yet. Most of the students had their heads resting on their desks, either sleeping or hoping to fall asleep. The room was dark, as the lights were off while the video was playing, so it would be hard for students to tell what I was doing, but not impossible. I would try to make my arm movement as little as possible, as to not bring any unwanted attention to me. Also, I wanted to finish as soon as possible, but with so much pressure on me, that was going to be hard.

The next picture was of Scarlett’s ass in a white thong to match her bra. It was a very sexy mirror selfie of Scarlett from the stomach down, showing off her petite figure and surprisingly plump ass. This was the first time I had really gotten a good look at her young cheeks, and it really turned me on. My cock was throbbing now, indicating that I was somewhat close to orgasm.

Right at that moment, the door to the classroom opened, letting a bright stream of light into the room. The principal of the school walked in. It was the same woman who had been principal when I had attended high school. Her name was Mrs. Lancaster, and she had a reputation for being overly strict. Honestly, even though I was no longer a student, I was still very afraid of her. She was probably in her early fifties and had short, graying hair.

I stopped stroking myself as she entered the room and began to walk back toward Sadie’s desk, where I was sitting. Sadie glanced at me rapidly, making brief eye contact with me before getting up and approaching Mrs. Lancaster. After a brief interaction, both women went out into the hall to finish their conversation. This was a lifesaver, as I wouldn’t have been able to put me dick back into my pants and get my belt back on before the principal reached the desk. I was worried though, that Scarlett would consider this some sort of help from Sadie, but I didn’t have much other choice.

Again, I began to slowly stroke myself to keep my erection until the coast was clear. After what seemed like an eternity, Sadie came back into the room alone and walked back to her desk. This was my sign to start back up again. I opened the picture of Scarlett’s sexy, pale ass. Once I reached the point where I left off, I swiped to the next picture, which was similar to the last. The main difference, though, was that she was completely naked in this photo. Personally, I prefer the way women look in their underwear as opposed to being naked, but something about this photo was especially erotic.

After the effect of that photo began to wear off on me, I swiped to the next photo, which happened to be the last. This picture was by far the sexiest out of all of them. It was again a mirror selfie, but this time, she was sitting down, legs spread wide, and she was using her fingers to spread open her pussy lips. I could see the glisten coming from her pretty pink pussy, meaning that she had probably been playing with herself before she took the photo. Looking at the picture, I imagined what it would be like to thrust my thick cock deep inside of her young, tight pussy. As I stroked myself aggressively while thinking about the way her precious pink pussy lips would grip my cock, I felt an orgasm coming on. I closed the picture and opened up my camera on my phone and started to record. I captured a video of myself shooting my cum all over the desk drawers and sent it to Scarlett’s number. Again, I surveyed the students, trying to see if any of them had caught wind. It appeared that none of them suspected a thing. I glanced at Sadie, who was already looking directly at me. “You’re cleaning that up,” she whispered in a half-serious, half-joking tone.

Soon after class ended and the students left, I cleaned up the mess I had made before the next group of students arrived. Shortly after I was done disposing of the evidence, I heard an announcement over the PA system. It was the secretary who spoke, “Mr. Wheeler, please report to Mrs. Lancaster’s office immediately.”

Part VIII tomorrow
