I tried to be good… Jesus will help me, right? [FM]

Okay, so this was a number of years ago but I suddenly remembered it last night. Only a handful of people know about this — mostly because I live in a super conservative community and I’m wholeheartedly mortified by it.

When I (F) was 21, I was having this wild summer (for me) and going to parties with alcohol. Laugh all you want, but this wasn’t common and it certainly was something that would get me labeled as a “slut” in church world/not good wife material. When I would get drunk, I would make out with almost any guy because my self esteem gauge didn’t exist yet. Also, **drunk make-outs are fun.**

Fast forward to an old friend (23M) e-mailing me that he’d moved back to town and would I like to go out for dinner to reconnect? He had this awesome BigCity skyrise condo and was someone I’d always been attracted to, but the timing never worked out. He was a Harvard grad, and going to law school at Georgetown. A truly interesting person.

Of course I said yes, but I was also still technically a (penis-in-vagina) virgin and had a feeling that this date(?) would *go somewhere,* and I knew my recent trend of being a bit slutty in general that summer. **What could I do to help myself not go too far with him??**

My dumbass thought up this idea to write **ON MY PUSSY** mound in **BIG, BLACK PERMANENT MARKER** the following words:

*(oh God, am I really typing this on the internet?)*

>!Property of Jesus Christ!<

oh, and also I drew >!a cross!<

That evening, I met him at a very high-end restaurant. We had a lovely dinner with awesome conversation, lots of wine, and we walked (stumbled) back to his place — along the way, flirting, holding hands, him pushing me against the side of a building when no one was around and kissing me deeply, hands roaming.

We got back to his place and didn’t even make pretenses, tornado-ing into his bedroom. Clothes off, deep making out, hands everywhere, and he tosses me back onto the bed. Then he unbuttons my jeans and pulls them off me, throwing his face into my pussy.


It should be noted this is a man I met when we were neighbors as children, then youth in church groups, and now here we are. Mostly naked. Both still with that upbringing standing behind us like a shadow…although his shadow is much longer, having gone away from the church mostly.

*So what should he do?* He burst out laughing. (I was mortified because I had completely & totally forgotten about writing on myself.)

And then he proceeded to **eat me out** like I still never have been in my entire life. Jesus Christ be damned.

(Oh fuck, did I just write that?)

I know this isn’t steamy and kinkish like many posts here, but it’s 100% true. And I blush even writing it, these years later. *Sorry, L!*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lflcgp/i_tried_to_be_good_jesus_will_help_me_right_fm


  1. Many of us have had moments of shame like this. Mine was that I was making out with my girlfriend, on the cusp of having sex for the first time. Her formal dress was mostly unzipped and puddling on the floor, her bra had come off, she was undressing me…and then I thought I heard her father’s heavy footsteps coming upstairs.

    I panicked, zipped her back up, and sprinted to the bathroom, where I hid for 10 minutes.

    Predictably, when I came out, my girlfriend was angry and disappointed and in no mood to continue.

    And it wasn’t her dad. Just a figment of my fear.

    I survived. No doubt so have you!

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