Funny Massage Experience in Thailand [MF]

So about 2 years ago I was traveling in Japan and Thailand with my wife for our honeymoon. In Japan we were enjoying all the good food and in Thailand we were enjoying all the massages and buying things to bring back. One day we went for another massage at this spa in town. This was not a questionable place, this was legit a 5 star spa. It was a huge place with multiple rooms and it looked like something out of a movie. They asked us if we wanted to do the massage together or separate, but they said we’d have to wait for a couples room if we wanted that. We didn’t really care, so in the interest of time, we split up.

After filling out a form about where we have the most pressure, I was taken to a room. It was dimly light with candles and one or 2 lights, the whole room was a darker red with a single shower. The lady told me to shower and put on a pair of the disposable underwear. It was like fishnet/pantyhose underwear. After doing so I laid on the table and she knocked, asking if she could come in. The woman looked like she was in her early 40’s, petite, not amazing looking but looked good for her age. She was really good looking like alot of the women in Thailand and had darker skin. I was in my mid-20s, white looking and I’m pretty built. The massaged started normal enough, but at a certain point she started massaging lower and lower down my back. Eventually she had pushed the underwear off my ass to midway on my thighs. She started massaging and spreading my ass cheeks. This continued for a long time, I’m talking 20 minutes of her massaging and spreading my cheeks. I was wondering if she was just looking at my asshole. I’m not into ass-play, but uncontrollably my dick was starting to get hard. Her fingertips grazed my dick once or twice, but that was it. After a while she pulled the underwear back up and continued with the rest of the massage. Even towards the end, getting on the table with me while she stretched my upper body.

I still to this day don’t know if she wanted to see if I would go further or just wanted to look at my asshole haha. She finished and said I could shower off and change back into my clothes. I told my wife about it in the taxi back to the hotel and we both had a good laugh.
