Mom Massages Son After Practice: Part 02 [MF][M/S][incest][mom son][mommy]

This is a work of fantasy. Author and all characters are over 18 and is intended and written for an adult audience. It is incest themed. If such themes offend you, it may not be for you.

Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.

Neil woke up early on the morning of his big game. There was a lot of pressure on him to perform well today, but that was always part and parcel of being quarterback. His team was facing the area’s rival school and the excitement was felt all over town.

The pressure he was under ahead of today’s game cost him some sleep and it took a toll on him. He sat up on his bed and looked at his jersey his Mom had hung on the door. He looked nervously at it before he exhaled and acknowledged that while this was going to be an important game, especially when it came to college scouts and scholarships, he was confident to rise up to the challenge.

He got up, changed into a pair of tracksuit pants and a loose t-shirt then gave his gear a quick look over to make sure everything was there. He fixed himself up in the mirror, quickly running his hands through his blonde hair to ensure he was somewhat presentable. The smell of bacon had awakened his senses and all plans of appearing presentable went out the window as he grinned and rushed downstairs to greet his Mom.

His Mom was standing by the stove, cooking the bacon strips under the grill and the eggs in the pan. She had her jet-black hair tied in a ponytail, something she only really did for important days in work. She must have woken up later than usual as she wore a loose pair of jogging shorts and light pink t-shirt. Over that, she wore an apron while cooking.

Neil entered the kitchen, but caught himself staring at his Mom. Something about the way her hair was tied up and the way those jogging shorts exposed her long, slender legs, it just captured Neil’s attention. Maybe it was his lack of sleep or something to do with the massage she gave him the other day. But he stood there by the kitchen table, admiring her looks, her body and her all-round sexiness. He looked at his Mom in a way he never did before, in a way a son never should.

Kate caught onto this as she turned around to see her son. She saw his unfocused stare and smiled at him, unsure of how she could interrupt her son looking at her in such a way. After a moment, she composed herself.

“Hey, Neil. Good morning, Sweetie.” The breakfast was nearly ready so she placed the eggs, bacon, fruit and fresh bread on the table – everything an athlete needs. As soon as her hands were free, she wrapped them around Neil, hugging him. “How’s my superstar quarterback this morning? You ready for the game?”

“Mom, please. You know I don’t like talking about games on the morning of. It helps me stay focussed.” Neil started helping himself to the feast that his Mom had made for him, there was still a few hours till the game.

Kate acknowledged the fact that her son was on edge at the moment. She leaned over him and loosely wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her face very close to his and with her bright blue eyes, she looked straight into his.

“Well then, Mr. Cranky. How is my favourite *son* this morning?”

This was a tried and tested method his Mother used to get him to smile. She’d always tease him in some silly way to get a smile out of him. A little smirk appeared on his face in response, as if he admitted that it worked so soon. He looked down at his food, his view of the plate slightly blocked by the arm his Mom wrapped around him. He was taken by surprise when his mother planted a playful kiss on his cheek. He looked towards his Mom.

“Neil, I’m just going to keep giving you kisses until you I get a big smile or a laugh from you. Come on, son. You should be excited, not nervous.” Kate proceed to give her son little pecks on the cheek, making sure she made elaborate kissing noises. Between each kiss, she moved away to look at him in the eyes, attempting to elicit some sort of response.

This was causing a lot of blood to rush down to Neil’s crotch. The way his mother was looking at him, kissing him and teasing him, provoked a rock-hard erection. He was thankful that he was sitting down, but he started going slightly red in the face too.

“Mom, come on. You know this doesn’t really work on me anymore.” Neil was now doing his best to resist his Mother’s attempts to make him smile. He pretended to focus on his food. His dick growing hard didn’t help matters either; his mind was all over the place enough as it is.

“Well, it worked when you were a kid. Do I have to speak to you like you’re a child to get you to smile?” She looked at him with smile and raised eyebrows. “I mean, your breakfast is getting cold, so you better make it happen soon.”

Neil nodded and tempted to pick up a piece of bacon. He barely had the fork in his hand and he was being bombarded with his mother’s kisses. This time she was going faster, pressing her lips into his face that slightly bit harder.

“How’s Mommy’s favourite son today?” She started laughing at her own amusement. “Mommy just wants her boy to be happy and to smile for her?” She started to kiss him all over his face now. “Can you do that for Mommy? Come on, give Mommy a smile. Remember, you’re Mommy’s favourite.” She leaned in closer to him, pressed her lips close to his ear and whispered. “Mommy will make it worth your while.”

Neil gave in. A smile broke out soon after his Mom started talking to him like she did when he was younger, but something about it was so erotic, so flirtatious and taboo. Out of need to get prepared for the game, he admitted defeat and let out a little chuckle which he had been holding in for quite some time. He responded with what he always did to this.

“Mom, you know I’m you’re *only* son, right?”

“See.” She let go of him and stood up, proud of her achievement. “I wouldn’t be a good mother if I wasn’t able to make my son happy, would I?” She moved her hands behind her back to untie her apron. She lifted it over her head and hung it over the back over her chair.

The kissing had made her slightly aroused too and Neil now noticed two things about his Mother. The first was that through the thin top she was wearing, her nipples were hard and the second was that it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. This did not help with is erection. He could even see her areolas through the top if he looked hard enough, which he was doing.

Kate sat down and ate. The fun and the novelty died down as they filled themselves up for the day. As they finished eating, Kate looked towards her son. She felt absolutely terrible about missing today’s game. It really made her feel bad, but she had an idea to make it up to him. She went to talk, but noticed her son was staring at her chest.

“Ahem.” She gave a deliberate, gentle cough. “My eyes are up here, Neil. Come on now, I want to talk with you.”

“Oh. Sorry. Um. I’m just tired and nervous, Mom. That’s all.” He broke out of his lustful stare and made an extra special effort to look his Mom in the eyes.”

“Sure, Sweetie.” She gave him a quick cheeky smile, as if to say she knew what he was staring at and why, before adopting an apologetic look. She moved her plate to the side and with both hands, she took hold of his right hand. She caressed it as she prepared to speak.

“What is it, Mom? It’s just, I’ve to get ready and leave soon.” He liked how caring his Mom was towards him, how her hands felt holding his and the caring, loving look she gave him. He was really lucky to have her as a mother.

“Listen. I hope you’re not too annoyed that I can’t come to your game today. I feel really, really bad for missing it, Neil.” She took one of her hands and started rubbing it up and down his forearm.

“Mom. Don’t worry about it, seriously. As you said yesterday, your boss is coming in and the spa is short staffed. I’m telling you, don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, Sweetie. Thanks for being so understanding.” She rearranged how she held hand his hand, but continued to slowly, softly graze his arm. “I want to make it up to you. So, I paid for a massage with your name on the booking. Just pop into work and I’ll give you a *real* massage, unlike the one a few days ago. It’s my way of making it up to you so you’re not allowed to say no.”

Neil thought about the massage he had gotten from his Mom a few days earlier. He had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it felt great to get a massage. It was a relaxing massage which turned strangely erotic. It felt weird too, wrong more than anything – to be sexually aroused and relieved by his mother, not forgetting that she gave him a hand job which they both seemed to enjoy. But the idea of getting a normal, genuine massage piqued his curiosity; he was interested.

“Okay, Mom. I’ll gladly take you up on that. See you there, after the game.”

“Fantastic. I’m so glad I can make it up to you. Plus, it’ll make up for the massage I gave you a few days go.” She now started to feel happier, her confidence returned.

“Um. What do you mean it’ll make up for the last massage? It was unexpected, and even more unusual and weird, but I enjoyed it in the end. We both did, no?” Neil looked at his Mom, puzzled.

“Oh! Don’t get me wrong. That massage, it was good and I really enjoyed it too…” She paused for a moment to think back on it. “…But, I’m pretty great at what I do and I’m proud of my work. With that in mind, I know that massage wasn’t my best work, at all. My emotions were all over the place, I was aroused and conflicted at the same time. And despite what I said, looking back on it now it *was* a half-assed massage. It was rushed too. Just humour me.”

“Oh. Okay.” He watched as his mother got up from the table and started clearing the dishes, glancing at his mother’s tits any chance he could.

“See, the thing is, Neil.” She bent over to clean the table, providing him a good view of her cleavage. “My massages are not your average massage.” She moved closer to him, her tits now jiggling, swaying side to side in her loose top as she wiped the table down.

“What do you mean?” Neil’s eyes followed them back and forth, back and forth. He barely noticed his Mom moved right up close to him again.

“Well.” She leaned over to look her son in the eyes with her alluring stare, only this time she was more seductive. “You will soon find out, my dear son, that *my* massages are not like other massages, for one reason and one reason alone.” She slowly leaned in towards him, as if she was going to kiss him. She licked her lips, but leaned into his ear and whispered “My massages are *fucking experiences*.”

She slowly moved back and became amused at how red her son’s face at become. She bit her lip. It turned her on to know the effect she had on her son. She saw that his eyes lost focus again, lost in a daydream, a fantasy of figuring out what exactly she meant.

She stayed there for a moment, to let things linger. That was until Neil snapped out of it and noticed the time.

“Oh, crap! I‘ve got to leave, Mom.” He looked at his mother with concern as he was reluctant to stand up with the raging hard-on he had for her. But he had to accept his fate. He got up from the seat and attempted to rush to his room, but his Mom caught him by the wrist.

“You’re not going to leave without saying goodbye to your mother, are you? Plus, I want to wish you good luck.”

Neil panicked a little, he was pitching a tent in his pants and his Mom was standing right next to him.

Kate moved in a little closer to her son, pressing her body against his. She felt his hard dick pressing against her. She looked at her son in the eyes, raised her eyebrows then with her hand, then cupped his cock and balls.

“Well. Looks like a smile wasn’t the only effect I had on you…” She raised her hands and caressed his face. She always worried before these games. Football was such a dangerous sport. “Best of luck in the game today, Neil.” She leaned into him and with her soft, luscious lips, she gave him a long kiss on the lips. “I’ll be thinking of you.”

When the kiss ended, Neil didn’t really know what to do. He was a bit caught off guard after all his Mom’s antics this morning.

“Neil! Get going. You’re going to be late!”


It was the final few seconds of the game. They needed was a touchdown to win. They were far from the end zone. It would take a Hail Mary, one of the longest throws he’d ever have to do. The ball was passed back and he caught it, then raised his arm in preparation. He gripped the ball and moved to launch it into the air.

Next thing he knew, he was tackled to the ground. He screamed in pain and was holding his leg. Fortunately, it was just a bad muscle cramp

The game ended and Neil accepted defeat. After they finished up in the changing rooms and he recovered, he left to call his mother.


At the spa, his mother was just saying goodbye to her boss. He was the owner and Kate was his favourite masseuse. She was glad to finally see him leave. He was a horrible boss, especially to the other girls.

The only reason he was nice to her was that one, she gave the best handjobs and two, was responsible for so many repeat customers. This wasn’t spoken about as it was a huge risk to such an establishment that did everything to appear legit, but each girl did their own thing. Kate liked to do extras and the girls were jealous of her success.

Happy he was gone, she now thought of her son and how he got on at his game. Coincidentally, her phone rang. She let the girls know her son was calling and went into one of the rooms to answer it.

“Hey, Neil. How was the game, Sweetie?” She covered her mouth with her hand as she could hear the sadness and frustration in his voice. A wave of guilt came over her and she told herself that she should have been at the game. She felt so bad at a time when her son needed her love, her support.

“Listen to me, Neil. Everything is going to be just fine. Don’t you worry. Just come to me and let me give you a massage. You promised you would.” She was relieved to hear that he was on his way. “Oh yeah! When you arrive, just say you have an appointment with Sasha, don’t mention that I’m your Mom or anything, it’ll just be too weird. Trust me.”


Neil arrived at the spa his Mom worked at. He saw through the window that there were people getting their nails done on one side, others getting their hair done on the other and further down there were people getting pedicures and footbaths. He opened the door only to be greeted by an attractive woman at reception.

“Hi, I’ve got an appointment with, um, *Sasha*.” He looked around and wondered where the massage tables were, there were none to be seen.

The attractive lady at the reception welcomed Neil and advised him to take a seat. She left to walk to the end of the room and disappeared through a door at the back of the spa, presumably to get his Mom.

Kate was in her massage room, making sure that everything was in order. She made sure the temperature of the room was just warm enough and the lighting, dim enough. She smoothened out the sheets over the massage table, ensuring they were evenly spread out. Made sure the ambient, relaxing music was playing and lastly, that the oil was heating up. She heard a knock on the door.

“Sasha, your 3pm is here. He’s just waiting at reception.”

“Thanks, Mariah. I’ll be out in a second.” She took one last look at the room. She wanted everything to be perfect for her son, especially after the result of the game she wasn’t there to see. She embraced herself, took a deep breath and walked out to greet her son.

“Hey, you must be Neil. I’m Sasha, your massage therapist. Please, follow me.” She held out her hand to show him the direction in which they’ll be walking.

Neil nodded his head. He was a bit taken aback by his Mom calling herself Sasha. But he also couldn’t keep his eyes off her; he couldn’t help but check her out. He looked his Mom up and down.

Kate was wearing just a black sports bra, yoga pants and casual running shoes. She gave her son a weird look as he stared at her with his mouth slightly open. The sports bra looked a size too small for her as it strained at the seams, struggling to contain her large breasts. It was a low-cut top so it showed off her cleavage a lot. She had a lot more bust to show than the other girls.

She matched the top with black yoga pants which were very tight fitting. She noticed Neil gulped as he noticed her camel toe was protruding through them, her pussy lips could clearly be made out.

“Excuse me, Sir. Could you follow me please?” She remained professional at all times; she was used to men lusting after her when they came in. She decided to walk towards the back, towards the massage rooms.

Neil was already starting to get hard. Seeing his own Mom wear such enticing, revealing clothing had him growing hard as he followed her through the crowded spa. He took of his sweater and held in such a way to conceal the tent he was pitching; afraid the other customers will notice.

When he entered the room, he was greeted by the pleasant smell of the massage oils and the relaxing sounds of the music. This brought him calm after the day that he had.

His mother closed the door and didn’t hesitate to launch into a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around his body. Neil fell back into the wall, but it didn’t stop Kate pressing her body into her son’s, pushing him into the wall.

“It’s so good to see you, Sweetie.” She let go of him, kissed him on the cheek a couple of times and started rubbing his arms. “Let’s not talk about the game, okay? Wait till we’re both at home.” She was interrupted by him, who looked confused by the whole ordeal.

“Mom, why did I have to call you Sasha? Also, why aren’t you wearing your masseuse’s scrubs? I’m confused.”

Kate pressed a finger against her son’s lips. “Shh. Be quiet, Honey.” She leaned into him and whispered. “The reason why I go by Sasha in here, and wear these sexy clothes is… Well, let’s just say, the massage you’re going to get; it’s no *regular* massage. Understand?” She looked at her son for clarification.

“You mean… like last time?”

She winked at him in response. Then advised him to take off his clothes as she stepped outside to give him privacy.

A few minutes later, she knocked on the door and entered the room. Her son was lying face down and the small towel, which was a little too small, barely covered his ass. Everything was ready on her side, she just wanted to check in with Neil before she began.

“Are you ready, Sweetie?” From the tips of his toes and with one hand, she slowly and lightly trickled her fingers along his leg, over the towel, up the length of his back, right up to his neck.

“Yes, Mom.” The sensation of feeling her fingers and fingernails tickling him, being dragged the length of his body, sent shivers everywhere around his body.

“Are you sure? Because the massage I gave you at home… that was nothing. Let’s just say, *this* massage is going to be something special.” She moved around to his front and now with both hands, grazed her fingers around his shoulders first and then moved them around in circles on his back.

“Mom, that feels so good.” Neil’s hard dick was already making him feel uncomfortable, even though his Mom had barely started. He had to adjust his legs a little more, to allow more space for his throbbing hard cock. As his mother continued to circle her nails and soft hands around his back, the erotic, tingling sensation caused him to close his eyes, shiver and exhale.

Kate sensed that her son was starting to ease into the experience. She knew exactly how she was making him feel. She got a thrill out of being responsible for all her clients’ erections and orgasms, even more so now that it was her son.

After she made him feel at ease, she moved to the back of the table and climbed on top of it. She crawled in between her son’s legs and rested her knee just at the tip of his penis. The fabric touching off his dick caused it to retract, a sign it was really sensitive already. It was good to know he was hard, it let her know she was doing her job well. She placed her other knee on the other side of his leg, straddling it, making sure she pressed her pussy into him.

She started to press harder into his back, this time using her full hands. She could feel the tired, tensed muscles in his back and made sure to carefully press into him to loosen him up a bit. She could hear him moaning as she put her weight behind each press. She knew it was a good sign that he was moaning, groaning even. He was beginning to unwind.

After a few minutes she decided to surprise him. She moved back slightly, kneeling between his legs and took off her sports bra. She cupped each of her large tits in her hands and started to rub her nipples with her fingers, she wanted them to be hard; it didn’t take long. She put some hot oil into her hands and began rubbing it into her tits.

She got some more oil and spread it all over his legs. She always loved rubbing oil on herself and the clients, it was so sensual and intimate. She poured some oil on his back, but didn’t spread it just yet.

She leaned over and placed each her hands on the inside of each of her son’s thighs. Leading with her hands, she slowly moved forwards. Her soft hands eventually reached where his cock and balls were sticking out and she made sure to subtly brush against them with her fingers. She noticed the balls contract and his dick, twitch, smiling with pride knowing she could arouse her son with something so simple as her touch.

She moved over the towel and spread her hands when she reached his lower back. She was now able to lean a bit lower. She moved forwards and as she slid her hands right up to his shoulders spreading the oil, she firmly pressed her big tits into him, she could feel her hard nipples pressed against his skin.

As she reached the top, she leaned in close to her son’s face with her lips almost touching him, then whispered in his ear. “Does that feel good, Neil?” She moved back and forth pressing her tits into him as her son mumbled in agreement. “Doesn’t it feel great having Mommy’s big oily tits being rubbed all over you?”

“Mom. This feels just so… Wow. Just. Wow. I’m so fucking hard for you right now, Mom.” Neil was now gripping the massage table, the best he could to do exert the sexual frustration and tension that was accumulating inside him.

She noticed that he was now well oiled on the back. She moved back to the end of the table to get a better view of her son’s dick and balls that were protruding from underneath the towel. She moved one of her hands towards that area and with a single finger she traced a line from the top of his balls to the bottom where her fingertip met his shaft. She then moved it towards the head feeling the pulse through the veins as she ran her finger over it. She then ran her finger around the edge of the head multiple times which caused a stream of precum to come out.

Neil started to move about. The sensual, teasing touching from his Mother was becoming too much to handle. He felt more precum come out of his dick. His Mom saw this and held back. She let him settle for a moment before dragging her fingers back over his shaft and then stopped at his balls. She playfully tickled them for a couple of seconds, but her son began to moan so she stopped. She felt it time for the next part of the massage.

“Okay. Neil, Honey. I want you to turn over for me now.” She got off the table and made her way to the side. She pulled the towel up in such a way that blocked her view of her son’s cock, an old habit.

He turned around, still a little shy to display his fully erect member in front of his Mom, but complied nonetheless. When he was lying flat on his back, he gave his Mom a nervous look while also taking in the glorious view of her large round breasts. He wanted to touch them, lick them and suck on her hard nipples.

She dropped the towel back over him and returned to the end of the table and Neil moved is head in such a way that he could still see her. She placed both her thumbs inside the waistband of her yoga pants and looking straight at her son, she pulled the waistband out and bent over slightly to tease a view of her pussy. She paused for a second to pose, letting him take in the view.

Neil’s dick began to twitch again and caused the towel to fall to his side. He was now fully exposed, naked with a throbbing hard dick at a massage parlour with his Mom. He barely even noticed the towel falling as he stared with lust at his Mom as she turned around to have her back facing him.

She slid her thumbs to her sides and looked back at her son. “Are you ready, my dear son?”

He was too stunned to respond and she picked up on this. She gave him a cheeky wink and a smile then turned her head back around. She first pulled her pants down with one hand, then with the other, playfully revealing her bare ass, one pull at a time.

When her pants got low enough, Neil copped that his Mom was not wearing any panties. When he noticed, he sat up and leaned on his elbows, giving him a better view.

After teasing him, Kate bent over and slid her pants slowly down her legs. This provided Neil with a view of her firm round ass and her wet pussy. She looked back at him and gave herself a little slap on the ass. She turned back around and faced towards him. She could tell even in the dimly lit room that he was red-faced and flustered.

Neil kept running his eyes over his Mom’s curvaceous body. Her slim figure, big tits, her firm, round ass and not to mention the seductive, teasing looks she gave him every so often, it was all driving him insane. His dick was now aching.

Kate, climbing back onto the table. Completely naked, she crawled towards him again. Kneeling in between his legs. She caressed each of his thighs, getting closer and closer to his crotch. She picked up the towel and placed back over his dick, but it was only to clean the oil from it. Then Neil looked at her worriedly.

“Sorry, Mom, I just thought-” He was interrupted by his Mom leaning herself on top of him, with no resistance at all. Neil felt the full weight of her body against his, her tits pressed against his chest and her leg pressed up against his hard dick and aching balls. His Mom caressed his face before kissing him multiple times on the cheek and then French kissing him for a moment. He then felt her hot breath in his ear; he knew she was about to whisper something.

“Son, don’t apologise. Also, don’t pretend you didn’t know what was going to happen when you came here.” She looked at him to see if he understood. “Just so there’s no confusion, Mommy is now going to suck your dick. Mommy wants your dick to be all wet.”

“Do you know why, my dear son?” She ran her fingers through his hair while she spoke and moved her lips very close to his, they were almost touching. She looked straight into his eyes and answered her own question. “Because, Sweetie. Mommy is going to fuck you.” She then kissed him on the lips and then gave him a passionate kiss.

She moved back and poured some hot oil on him. With her hands, she started to massage his chest and nipples on her way down. She kissed his chest and then swirled her tongue around his nipples, then after sucked and kissed them. She made her way down, planting soft, wet kisses all over his abs.

When she reached his crotch, she placed her hands on the towel and started rubbing around the area where his cock and balls were, but not actually touching them and cleaned up the oil that was there.

For Neil, this was torture. The friction of the towel was causing him to restrain himself from getting too aroused. He felt every fibre move against his dick, especially around the head where it was now extra-sensitive.

His Mom took the towel and lightly pressed it into his balls and gently moved it around. This tickled Neil and jerked his hips upwards a little in response. Kate chuckled at this. She could feel her pussy getting wetter as her son became closer to cumming. She loved how her son reacted to her deliberate torture and teasing. It thrilled her to know she was driving him insane.

Lastly, she placed the towel over his dick and wrapped her hand around his shaft. She looked at him straight in the eye as she started moving her hand up and down. The sensation of having his Mom stroke his dick through a soft towel caused him to groan and throw his head back in pleasure. His balls were now swelling. Every bit of his cock and balls now ached. He was desperate to cum.

She removed the towel and moved her head down, bringing her mouth closer and closer to the head of her son’s dick. He exhaled her hot breath onto it as she looked her son’s eyes. She kept eye contact as she moved a bit lower and started kissing his balls, placing soft, wet kisses on each of them, multiple times. She licked them and then sucked them to cover them completely.

She focussed her attention on the bottom of the shaft. She gently held her son’s hard dick and she maintained eye contact and licked her lips. She started gently kissing his dick from the bottom, making sure she softly pressed her lips into him so as to not make him cum early.

She made her way up his throbbing dick; she could feel it pulsate every time she pressed her lips against it. When she reached the top, she covered the head with her lips and while she had if covered, she sucked on it and flicked her tongue back and forth on the top of the head, tickling it.

She moved back to the bottom of his shaft, stuck out her tongue and licked it from the bottom up, multiple times. When his dick was all wet, she moved up and started to swirl her tongue around the head of her son’s dick. She realised this may have been a little too much for her son to handle as he started to thrust upwards.

She looked at her son to make sure he was okay and gave a moment for him to settle. She then licked her lips and wrapped them around her son’s cock. She moved up and down his dick, not forgetting to user her tongue. After sucking his cock for a few minutes, she could hear her son’s heavy breathing and knew he was now ready.

“Are you ready for what I’m about to do to you, Neil? Now that your dick is all hard and wet, Mommy’s going to fuck you.” Neil was speechless and his mother couldn’t really blame him. She never made this much effort with clients. For the most part, she had a strict handjob only policy. She just wanted to make her son feel extra special.

She moved up a bit and straddled him. She placed his dick in such a way that it was pressed against her labia. She did this to let him know how wet she was for him, her own son. She placed her hands on his chest for stability as she leaned forward, reached back and guided her son’s cock into her warm, wet pussy.

She smiled and gasped in pleasure and looked at her son who was so fixated on watching his dick get put inside his Mom. He too started gasping, groaning even, as he attempted to control his breathing.

“Shh. Remember to be as quiet as possible, Sweetie. We don’t want anyone to hear us.” After he nodded, she started to move her hips up and down, up and down. She was now fucking her son and doing so confirmed all the feelings that she had about him until now. She loved him and she now knew it.

Neil lay there in disbelief. He couldn’t believe his dick was inside his Mother’s hot, wet and tight pussy. It was very stimulating and already he could feel the pressure build up. He watched in amazement as his Mom rocked back and forth and seeing her huge tits do the same.

Kate noticed her son was staring at her boobs. She reached down, grabbed both his hands and placed them on each of her breasts. With her hands over his, she started caressing and squeezing them for him, letting him know that it was okay to do. She then whispered to him.

“I bet you’ve wanted to feel Mommy’s tits for a while now. Don’t even try and deny that you stare at them any chance you get. I see you, peeking through my door when getting I’m changed, or showering. I also know you jerk off to me when I’m sunbathing. So, here. Feel Mommy’s tits, squeeze them, feel how soft they are. Rub my hard nipples, son.”

She let go of his hands and pressed against his chest again so she could focus on fucking her son to completion. She knew he was very close, none of her clients ever lasted long with her, especially the select few that she fucked. She was too much of a tease and she knew it.

As her son continued to play with her big tits, she started to fuck him even faster. She loved the feeling of her son’s throbbing cock inside her. She wanted to moan loudly but she knew she couldn’t. Instead she fought the urge as she bit her lip and scrunched her eyes, something to help with the immense pleasure she was feeling.

Neil struggled now. His face was now a deeper red and his face, focussed. With all his strength, he restrained as much as possible, wanting this to last. She started groaning, but kept it quiet. His Mom’s pussy was getting tighter and tighter. He could barely handle it.

His Mom leaned over to kiss him. She kept rocking her hips to keep fucking him. She pressed her lips against his and didn’t hesitate to swirl her tongue around. As Neil could no longer play with her tits, she got his hands, placed each of them by his head and held each of his hands in hers, interlocking her fingers. She knew he was about to cum any time now so to help him get there she leaned in against his ear and whispered to him.

“Mommy loves you, Neil. You know that? Mommy wants you to cum for her. Mommy wants all of your cum.” She bit her lip again in pleasure and she continued to fuck her son. She managed to move her hips a little faster.

“I think I’m going to cum.” Neil was breathing very heavy now. He started to grunt. Kate covered his mouth with her hand in an attempt to silence his sounds.

“I know, Sweetie, I know you are. Mommy loves the feeling of your cock inside her pussy. Cum for me, Baby. Cum for me you naughty little boy. Cum for Mommy.” She sucked on his earlobe and began to kiss him on the cheek.

Neil’s body started to spasm and he thrust his hips upwards. He was about to cum inside his Mom. Kate moved to a more upright position. She looked her son in the eyes and kept close to him in this intimate moment.

“Are going to cum for me, son? Just let it all out now, Sweetie. Cum for your Mommy. That’s it. Just cum for your Mommy. Mommy loves you and wants all your cum.”

With one final hip thrust, Neil groaned as his dick erupted with cum inside his Mom. He lay there, elated and out of breath as he continued to let out all his cum inside his Mom’s pussy.

“Yes, Neil. Oh! That feels *so fucking good*.” She bit her lip in pleasure as she could feel her son’s hard cock expanding and contracting as it pumped so much cum into her. It started to spill out of her and all over her son’s dick. She rotated her hips and made sure to stimulate her son’s dick to get every ounce of his cum.

She looked at her son, who lay there, exhausted and in ecstasy. But he had a smile on his face which she was glad to see. She slowly moved away from him, but knelt between his legs. She was amazed he was still hard.

“Well. Did you enjoy that, Sweetie? Did you enjoy the erotic massage Mommy gave you? Did you enjoy having sex with your Mom? I bet you feel a lot better now.”

“Yeah, Mom. Wow! You weren’t joking when you said your massages were a *fucking experience*, were you?”

“Ha. I guess not. We’re finished now, Honey, I’m afraid.” She looked at him apologetically. “Wait… I just have to clean up.”

Neil moved to get up, but his Mom pushed him back down again. She looked at the cum all over his dick. He must have been worn out as it was beginning to soften. With her tongue out, she looked him in the eye and licked it all up. “Mmmm. That tastes so good. Mommy loves the taste of your cum.” She licked her lips to ensure all the cum was off her.

She noticed his cock growing again and that there was still some cum on it. She went down on him again, right to the bottom of his shaft and slowly sucked on it all the way up to the top. “There! All clean now.”

Neil just stared at his Mom, seeing her in a different light than he did just last week. Kate noticed the time, her next appointment was due very soon so she, regretfully, had to send him on his way.

“Okay. Now I *actually* have to clean up. The men’s showers are down the hall to the right.” They both got down from the table and got dressed. Just as Neil was about to leave his Mom came over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“See you later, Sweetie. I just have two more appointments, then I’ll be home.” Neil acknowledged this with a nod, but then looked at his Mom with a smirk on his face.

“So, I’ll see you again soon then, *Sasha*?”



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