First try at a CNC story [cnc] [lesdom]

Hi reddit. I’ve recently started to look more into cnc. Something that has always worked well for me is writing stories to get out what I think it what im looking for if that makes sense. But with cnc, since is more dark I wanted some input on the story I wrote for it. I think it is a bit dark but not as bad as some of the other things I’ve seen on here lol. But anyway I hope you like it and any feedback would be amazing. Thank you!

(P.s. for some reason it is formatted super weird I posted on mobile sorry!!)

This is the story of how I made the best and worst decision of my life. It all started when we went out to a bar. A friend of mine finally convinced me to get out of my shell and go party with her. We arrive and I am already uncomfortable. She made me put of this short skin tight black dress that had no sleeves. matched with black stiletto heels. We walk straight to the bar and I order a drink. Liquid courage as I like to call it. After a few shots we decided to go dance and that’s when I saw her.
A beautiful woman moving her amazing body to the music. Her hips in her black pants looked like they were moving in slow motion. Her long brown hair resting on her shoulders accenting her red corset that help her breast just right. As I took in the wonderful sight I met her eyes. Her deep green eyes looked as if they bore into my soul. I froze thinking she saw me staring and didn’t know what to say. I left the floor to escape to the bathroom and hide from the embarrassment. I reached the bathroom and ran for the sink. I looked in the mirror and saw red on replace my brown skin. I turned on the sink and splashed my face with water to help with the heat on my face. As I look up I hear a voice echo from behind me. 
“Your mascara is running” 
I freeze. Realizing I completely forgot that I had on makeup. 
“Excuse me” I say trying to get away and run back to the car. I knew coming here was a bad idea. As I move towards the door, something moves in front of me to block my path.
“There’s no point in running. Let me help” The voice from earlier is now in front of me. As I look up to thank the kind stranger my heart drops to my feet. It’s her. It’s the woman. Her eyes now kind but still baring into my soul like she can read every thought I have before I think it. 
The woman chuckles and grabs the small of my back to usher me back to the mirror. “You’re adorable when your embarrassed” she says with a kind smile on her face. But the heat is just radiating on my face. She grabs a napkin and wets it with water to wipe the ran mascara from my face. I can’t take looking her in her eyes and close mine to avoid making eye contact again. “Open your eyes” She said sternly. I slowly open my eyes to see she has mascara in her hand and is waiting for me.
“It’s okay darling” She said as she moved close to my face to apply more mascara. Now I have no choice but to look her in the eye. The entire time it felt like I was in a trance and time had no meaning.
“And there. Good as new”
“Thank you. I really should be going now” I say trying to move from under but before I can her arm moves to my sides trapping me.
“I saw you staring. That’s not a nice thing to do” 
“I’m so sorry. I was not trying to be rude”
“Then what were you trying to do?”
“Where you trying to grab my attention?”
“Did you want me to notice you? Did you want me to speak to you? What were you trying to do sweetie?” The more she questions the slower my brain works. I just thought she was pretty. I didn’t mean to disrespect her. I would never want to disrespect her. “Even if you weren’t trying to disrespect me, it was still disrespectful” My eyes shot up to meet hers. Did I say that out loud?
“I do think that you need to make it up to me though” 
“Anything. I really am sorry. Anything you want. I’ll make it up to you” I regretted my sentence as soon as I said it. “You really will regret saying that” She said as she grabbed my wrist and headed towards the door. Walking past all the people dancing and drinking towards the door outside. “Alice? Where are you going?” I hear from the crowd. I turn around to see my friend with a worried look on her face. “I…um” I try to explain what is going on but before I can think of what to say the woman speaks “We just met and thought we should go have some fun. You’re welcome to join us if you would like” the woman says with a wink. “Oh no no I’m okay. Have fun Alice. We’ll talk tomorrow” my friend says leaving me with the mysterious woman. “Alice is such a cute name. I’m Katrina although you won’t be using it much” I look at her confused but she continues to pull me through the bar till we get to the exit and eventually her car. The car looks so luxurious I feel inferior just standing near it.
“Get inside” she snaps me out of my trance and I hesitantly follow her instructions. As she enters the car starts to light up and she taps the screen in the car and starts to pull out onto the street. “Where are we going?” I ask scared and confused. “My house, of course” she says as she takes one of her hands from the wheel and grabs my thigh.
“I won’t hurt you that much don’t worry”
“What?” I ask becoming more uneasy and she just laughs and keeps driving. Not moving her hand from my thigh. After the longest car ride I’ve ever had, we pull into a driveway. The house attached is huge and has no houses close. I am startled when my door opens and she pulls me out of the car. At this point I’ve had enough and decide to fight back. I pull my arm away from her grip.
“Okay I don’t know who you think you are or what you think you’re doing but I am not a puppet for you to play with”
“Of course. In time you will be”
“No I won’t. I belong to no one. Take me home now”
“A fighter I see. That’s fine” She says as she stalks towards me and grabs my arm again. “I wanted to explain this later but seems like I need to now”
“There’s nothing to explain. I am…” I’m cut off as I feel a hand on my face and my head jerked to face her. Her eyes shining the the night. 
“Your tantrum stops now. You said you will do anything and I said you will regret saying that. You are now mine and will do what I say but most of all you will not disrespect me. That’s how you got in this situation”
“I’ll disrespect you as much as I want. You do not own me. I didn’t mean I would become your slave. I meant I’ll buy you a drink or food. You’re a crazy bitch if you think..” before I finished my sentence I was being pulled by my hair towards the door. “I guess I’ll just have to make you respect me” I could feel all the rage she felt in that sentence. I started to become scared as she unlocked the door and dragged me inside the house. 
“Let me go. Let me go please” I begged but it only made he smile. Why was she enjoying this. Why was this happening. She continued to drag me through the house towards a room in the back of the house. She opened the door and there was a dark room with tools lining the walls. I didn’t have much time to look around as I was thrown on the bed in the center of the room. She climbed on top of me resting on my hips limiting my movement. She reached above my head and grabs something. She grabs my right hand and attached it to what she grabbed. I looked and saw it was a leather cuff. She soon did the same to left hand. She lifted herself off the bed and moved to the end of the bed. I started struggle against the restraints trying to get free
“You are only going to hurt yourself if you keep struggling. There’s no point in it”
“Please let me go. I’m sorry, please let me go” I begged but she just smiled. It was such a sinister smile it only made me want to get away more. As she attached more to the end of the bed she reached for my feet and takes off my shoes. She then tried to attach my legs to the restraints. I started to kick my legs to get away from her and ended up kicking her in the thigh. She looked me in the eye and that smile went away. It was like she saw red and just wanted me to hurt. She walked away and grabbed a long black stick off the wall. 
“This will take longer than I thought but it will be worth it” She said as she slowly made her way towards me. “You will respect me. When you fail to respect me you will be punished. Understood?” I just stare in fear. I don’t know what to think. What to feel. What is going on? As I was trying to understand what is happening, I felt a sharp pain on my thigh. I yelped in pain and look at my thigh. There was a red mark starting to form on my skin. “When I ask you are question you are to answer. Understood?” 
“yes” I say quietly but left another sharp pain on my stomach not long after. “Louder”
“Yes, I understand” I practically scream but feel another sharp pain on my stomach. “When you speak to me you are to address me as Mistress. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress, I understand” 
“Good girl” she says as she runs the black stick along my body. “Don’t fight me anymore okay?”
“Yes, Mistress”
She goes back to the end of the bed and grabs my ankle without issue and attaches my leg to the bed. She follows suit with my other ankle. As I lay there restrained, trying not to focus on the pain on my body she goes away to grab something else. She returns with a pair of scissors and reaches for the end of my dress
“No plea…” I try to say but stop as she reaches for the black stick. “Quick learner huh” she says mockingly as she puts down the stick and returns to my dress. Cutting slowly up the middle of my dress till the dress lays under me leaving me completely exposed to her. Her eyes fill with lust as she sees me in nothing but a black thong. She puts the scissors down and begins to trace circles into my skin. With every touch and graze I twitch and move. Making sad attempts to move away from her hands. She moves her hands up to my exposed breast and pinches my nipple. “What size are you?” 
“34 triple” 
“Beautiful” she says as she continues to play with my nipples. She reaches behind her and grabs the black stick again. “This is called a riding crop. This is what I prefer when punishing. Since the main reason you’re here is to be punished we’ll get start. For staring, you get 5 lashes. For disobeying me, twice, you get 20. And for kicking me, you get 5. That totals for 30. When I hit you, I want you to thank me for punishing you. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress, I understand” I say with tears starting to well in my eyes. She reaches for my face and rubs my cheek. “If you don’t act out this won’t happen. Bad girls get punished. Good girls get rewards. Be a good girl and you won’t get punished” She gets up from the bed and rubs the riding across my bare stomach making me shiver. “Thank me for each one” she says as she gives me the first one. This one is harder than the other 3 and makes me scream a little 
“Thank you for punishing me” I feel another one on my stomach “Thank you for punishing me what?” 
“Thank you for punishing me, Mistress”
“Good girl. Again” and another lash across my skin
“Thank you for punishing me, Mistress”
“Thank you for punishing me, Mistress”
The cycle continued for what felt like an eternity but eventually they stopped. I was left a crying mess when she was done. Barely able to think other than not messing up. She put down the riding crop and climbed on top of me to straddle me. I ran her hands up my stomach that had marks slowly starting to form. She leaned down to kiss my tear marked cheeks then my forehead. She moved to my ear and whispered “You did so good for me. Did you learn your lesson?” I tried to speak but all that came out was hitched breaths and whimpers. “Hmm…guess you didn’t”
I try to speak up for myself. I couldn’t take anymore. I understood. I won’t disobey. I try and try but all that comes out is air and cries. She gets off my me and starts to undress. She bends down to take off her pants giving me a wonderful view of her amazing ass in a red thong. She grabs a harness of the wall and attaches a thick pink dildo to the harness before sliding it on. She grabs lube and scissors off the desk. She goes to the end of the bed and releases my legs and bending them. She positions herself between my legs. She then cuts off my panties and throws them to the side.
She reaches a hand between my legs to my pussy and chuckles. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself” what did she mean? I was in pain. I was scared. I wanted to go home. I’m not enjoying myself. My body said otherwise. She stuck two fingers into my hole and I let out a satisfied moan. She slowly took out her fingers to show my juices all over her hand. “I may not even need lube. Let’s use it to be safe” and she proceeded to put lube in her hands and stoke her cock with it. She positioned herself right at my entrance and teased my hole with her pink dildo. “You will respect me. You will submit to me. You. Will. Be. Mine.” 
With that last word she shoved her thick dildo into my hole. I cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Why was I enjoying this? I didn’t like this. I don’t like this. I kept trying to convince myself of that but I was being betrayed by my body. I let kept moan and crying as she thrusted harder and hard into me. She leaned over her to get close to my ear and slowed down her thrust. 
“Now, did you learn your lesson?” I shook my head furiously. “Can’t speak huh. That’s okay. I just want to hear you scream” She leaned back up and started to rub my clit. Am I seriously going to cum? Is she going to make me cum? 
“You’re going to cum for me. I’m not going to stop till you do” as she said this her pace speed back up. She was ramming into me while rubbing my clit. I couldn’t catch my breath. I was getting closer and closer. I started moan louder and louder. She let go of my clit to grab my hips to get more leverage. She started going harder and faster than ever. I couldn’t hold back. I screamed as a climax ripped through my body. I felt myself tense up around her but she didn’t slow down. She kept thrusting hard and fast all the way through my climax. I was screaming and screaming. Soon my body relaxed and I just rode the waves of pleasure that she gave me. Soon the waves stopped and she pulled out of me and took off the harness. 
“Can you talk?”
“Yes, Mistress”
“Good. Now have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, Mistress. I learned my lesson. I’m sorry for disrespecting you”
“Good girl. I’ll be right back”
With that she left the dark room. Leaving me alone. I looked down at myself and saw the way she left me. Red marks all along my stomach and a rather large wet spot between my legs. What did I get myself into? Why did I enjoy myself? Why did I cum? Thousands of questions filled my brain but before I could answer any she returned. I watched as she released my arms from their restraints and helped me sit up. “I told you that you would hurt yourself. Look at your wrist” I looked down to see my wrist red and starting to bruise. Seeing what she turned me into I started to cry. I didn’t want this. She pulled me into a hug and tried to quiet me. 
“You did good. You were a good girl for me. I know your confused but let’s talk tomorrow. You need to get cleaned up. Can you stand?” She asked as she tried to help me to my feet. I was unsteady but I could walk. She guided me down a hall into a room with bright lights. Once my eyes adjusted I saw a bathroom with a large tub. She sat me on the edge of the tub and then took off the rest of her clothes, what little she had on still. She helped me into the tub and followed behind me to sit behind me. She grabs my shoulders and leaned me back to lay myself against her. I started to cry again. She was just so cruel to me how can she be so nice now? 
“Shhhh. Let yourself relax. Everything’s okay. You’re okay” she said to me in a hushed voice. She kept talking in that hushed voice and eventually it lulled me to sleep. Next thing I know I wake up naked in a bed that isn’t mine. I look around and try to get up but realize my leg is attached to the end of the bed. I scream of help but the next face I see isn’t one I want to. “Good Morning beautiful”
