Mace in my Eyes, Prologue [FF] [Cheating]

Hi everyone. This will be my first post of this story. I do hope you all will enjoy what I have in store. I am not the best writer but I am trying to get better at writing so I would appreciate some writing advice. I was inspired by u/JadeOceanWrites.


“Kels….Kelsey, wake up!”

I jumped out of my sleep only to find myself facedown in my carpet and a dull pain flowing through my body. As I struggled to pull myself back up to my bed, the voice spoke again and I automatically knew who it was.

“Come on, let’s get you dressed. I can’t be late for my date.”

It was my best friend Macey and she was annoyed

I scrambled across my nightstand to grab my glasses and adjusted them to my face.

“O-oh wait, what time is it?” I stuttered through my grogginess but one look at my alarm clock made all my tiredness disappear in an instant. It was noon and I had 10 minutes to get ready. Jumping to my feet, I rushed to the bathroom of our shared apartment practically slamming the door behind me.

I took what I think can’t even categorize as a shower and hurriedly threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a light blue crop top along with my favorite pair of sneakers. Forgoing any makeup, I lightly ruffled my hair and turned towards Macey.

“How do I look?”

Then I stood there blanking at what to say. There she stood, in her pajamas, trying her hardest to stifle a laugh. I had been rushing so much I didn’t bother to get a good look at her.

“Kels, you look amazing but I think you’re 12 hours early.”

Her laughter finally broke as I whipped my head towards my alarm clock. In my tiredness, I misread midnight as noon since my alarm clock wasn’t set to 24-hour mode. I was embarrassed and my face showed it. My face always showed what I felt, unlike Macey who could flip through emotions like a good book.

By the time she regained composure, she stood only a few inches from me. I began to blush as she ran her hand through my hair. She stepped closer, placing her hand on my cheek. I instinctively knew that this wasn’t real but I didn’t care enough to stop it.

“I love you, Kelsey.”

“I love you t…”

My statement was cut short by the clashing of our lips. Our tongues dancing the waltz as my brain slowly woke me up from my dream.

I slowly sit up, getting my glasses off the nightstand. I look towards the once filled space of the apartment, pondering if there was a way things could have been different.


Well that is the prologue everyone. I hope you enjoyed it. I’ll try my hardest to have another part for you next week.
