I [M] enjoy fucking MAGA women

I’m a 30 year old man in a Southern state, and – of course – I supported one of the two candidates in the election this past November. For the sake of peace, I won’t say if it was Biden or Trump. I won’t say how I feel about the outcome of the election. I won’t say how I feel about what happened afterwards. Happy to discuss specifics, but not here.

I *will* say that I have attended political rallies for one of those two politicians, even though I wildly disagree with them – which isn’t to say who I ended up voting for.

Four separate times I’ve gone to a rally – and every single time I have brought home women who disagree with me on nearly everything that is important. I particularly like older women and well-spoken young women – they’re extremely passionate.

The last woman I fucked was a teacher in her mid-20s with a red hat, a mean streak a mile wide. We argued – god, I love arguing as foreplay – for almost an hour before we fucked right there in my kitchen. The sex was fantastic.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lct2au/i_m_enjoy_fucking_maga_women


  1. I thought the rule was “don’t stick your dick in crazy”

    (I have broken this rule, and the one night stand lasted five weeks. Police breaking down my front door while I was abroad wasn’t the end of the affair)

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