Research at the Library (Part 1.5) (19F)[exhibitionism] [college]

Continuing from my earlier story… part 2 is coming soon :) Any feedback is always appreciated!


I’d been avoiding returning to the main library for over a week, instead opting for another library on campus that was further from my classes. My lab mate who I always studied with thought it was weird that I changed our spot, but she didn’t seem to mind because the smaller library had a cheaper coffee spot in the lobby than the main one did. It wasn’t hard for me to avoid the library at first, but then one night, I hdd an incredibly vivid dream reminding me of what had happened, and after that, I was a goner. I spent the whole next day in lecture day-dreaming about the INFO booth guy fucking the girl in the pink dress except in my head, I got to join in. This went on into my study period, and I couldn’t focus at all.

“Fuck it” I thought, “I bet if I go to there I won’t even see him and then it will be out of my system.” Maybe I actually believed this, or maybe I just needed some half-hearted justification to go to the main library again, because lets be real – I did secretly hope I would see him again.

I told my friend I was bailing early, picked up my stuff, and started to walk to the main library. On the way there, I passed a table set up by the student union where they were handing out various freebies that I grabbed – some candies, a stress ball, and a keychain. As walked towards the library, I got more anxious and even started to use the stress ball I’d just grabbed. Of course, I didn’t think I’d see him, but just in case I did, I pulled out my phone and used the front-facing camera to peek at how I looked. As always, I was wearing something pretty basic – just a crop top and some plain black leggings. My hair wasn’t too messy but I decided to tie it up just in case and before I knew it, I was there.

“Why am I nervous?” I thought to myself. “Even if you do see him, who said anything is going to happen anyways.”

I stepped into the lobby and felt both relief and disappointment when I saw an older woman behind the INFO desk instead of the tall, cute guy with glasses. I headed to a quiet area with some computers and logged in. I tried to get some work done, but my mind was still wandering back to touching myself between the stacks and how hot it felt to be doing that somewhere that getting caught was a possibility.

Then it occurred to me – here I was, technically in public so I could get caught, but in a quiet enough spot that I probably wouldn’t. I decided to pull up a favourite amateur website of mine on the school computer and started to watch a couple I like go at it. Being on a school computer added another layer of danger which made everything seem even hotter. I slid my hand between my legs and started to rub myself over my leggings. Of course, I had to be extra careful to be quiet and stay sitting normally, just in case anyone walked by or something.

“Ah-hem” came a noise from behind me. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I was being interrupted, but that feeling lasted only a millisecond.

“Oh shi-“ I began to say, as I turned to see none other than the cute library guy who only a week earlier I’d watched rail a girl on the fifth floor.

“Did this guy seriously catch me watching porn? What kind of fucking cliche is this?” I thought as he smirked at me.

“You know, people usually come to the library to do schoolwork,” he said. “Apparently not you though, huh.”

“Um – I can explain, I was looking something up, and then this pop-up…”

“Look I don’t really care about your excuse, you aren’t in trouble, but you can’t do that shit here, especially twice in a row.”

Was this guy serious? He was the one fucking someone at his job, and he was telling me what to do? I started to grab my stuff to leave and stood up when he grabbed my wrist and got really close to me.

“Meet me on the fifth floor,” he whispered in my ear, and then he left.


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