Skiing Sauna Surprise [MF]

This story follows on a few months down the line from the below, but the good news is, you don’t need to have read it!

"I’m not wearing any underwear" she told me [MF] from gonewildstories

To remind you of the sexual siren in this story, N (who I’ll now call Nat), was the very model of a modern sporty goddess. 5ft 5ish, with mousy brown hair and a near permanent smile. She had slight dimples in her cheeks and her nose wrinkled when she was pretending to be annoyed.

Her body was, as she and everyone else knew, perfection. Two l’il handfuls of tit which hung on her slight but powerful frame, and of course, Nat’s Ass. I’ve sung the praises of her ass before, but I’m always happy to reminisce about her rear. It was like something you’d see on a Greek statue – firm but oh so soft to the touch. A dew drop on a blade of grass. Thank God for Eastern European Asses.

Anyway, Nat and I were on a ski trip in the French Alps. There were about 20 of us on this trip and we’d booked a fairly nice chalet for the occassion. The best thing about it was that it had a ‘Spa’ – aka a sauna, a steam room and a hot tub. Still, for those of you that ski in the Alps, you’ll know that’s fairly impressive.

Nat and I were both single at the time of the trip, and despite several wrestling bouts following our first hook up, we hadn’t slept together for a while. It was very much an ‘in the moment’ passionate relationship that suited us both well. We still gleefully enjoyed telling each other about our sexual exploits and turn ons. One of mine just happened to be girls in ski gear (the thermals etc, not salopettes and jackets!). I regretted telling her this as she proceeded to tease me throughout the holiday, slowly stripping out of her tight onsie to reveal her skin tight, black thermals which accentuated her perfect curves. Or, worse, bending over to do her boots up directly in front of me and grinding her ass into my groin.

‘Oh, sorry Rotty! Didn’t see you there’ she’d cackle. She knew exactly what she was doing.

After a particularly long day of hitting the powder, a few of us (including Nat) ended up having some apres ski beers in town. By the time we’d gotten home, we had unfortunately missed dinner. I didn’t particularly care – I just wanted to stretch out some sore muscles, so I told the group I was going to have a sauna and that I’d pick up a pizza later. I should have known then, but I saw Nat’s ears prick up when I said ‘Sauna’. The rest of the gang went out to carry on their boozing, but there were still some people left in the chalet.

I wish I could tell you this was a sauna out of some ridiculous porn, but alas. This being France, it was fairly basic and about the size of an ambitious cupboard. It had three rows of hard wooden seating and could fit maybe 6 in, at a squeeze. However, it was one of those old school ‘add the water yourself’ affairs, so, wrapped in a towel I began to stew myself in my own sweat.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the spa room door open and close. Shit. I thought, I’m going to have to be social. Then Nat appeared, peeking into the Sauna door, wearing nothing but a white towel tied at her armpits. Long enough to cover her glorious torso and ass, whilst still showing off her sublime long legs.

‘Rotty, darling, do you mind if I join you? When you said you were having a Sauna I thought it sounded sooo good, but I’ll admit I thought you’d be gone by now, ‘ She purred ‘Room for one more?’

Squeezing through the door, she sashayed her way to the top row (I was in the middle) and carefully lay down with her head nearest to me.

‘This is a treat, isn’t it Rotty?’

I agreed and we began to chat about skiing and those who we were skiing with. But it wasn’t long until Nat introduced sex into the chat by gossiping about some friends who had ‘totally hooked up’ on the trip and how the male had ‘a huge willy’ and that Nat had heard them ‘fucking every night’.

By now, it was hard not to take my eyes off Nat’s skin as she waffled on. Sweat had started to bead on her perfect, ever so slightly tanned skin, which was now radiant with heat. Worse still, the sweat began to trickle down towards her glorious tits, infuriatingly hidden beneath that damned towel.

‘Rotty, listen,’ She suddenly announced. ‘I don’t see how you British deal with wearing things in saunas. It. Is. Horrible.’

I laughed nervously – was she reading my mind? I quickly made a joke about British prudishness and how I didn’t want to shock our friends if they wandered in, like how she had.

‘But we’ve…seen each other naked, so that’s enough for me’

And with that, she whipped off her towel, revealing her delicious body to me for a moment, before reclining back onto the wooden benches. I copied her, revealing a semi engorged cock, with a smidge of precum leaking from my foreskin.

‘That’s much better.’ Nat said, before launching into her investigation of our friends fucking, and whether she thought either of them would be good in bed. By this point, I was struggling to pay attention, not only because of this toned goddess laying near me, but also the heat from the sauna. I ducked out momentarily to have a cold shower and clear my head.

When I returned, Nat was sat upright on the top bench, glowing with sweat, heat and…something else. Her shoulders were behind her, pushing her little tits towards me. Her dark nipples had hardened (despite the heat) and her legs were crossed tightly, as if she was holding something between them. It was hard not to stare.

‘Listen, Rotty, darling. I’m just going to say it. It’s been AGES since I have been properly fucked and I want you to break this dry spell. Shall we have some fun?’

It was impossible to say no, and soon I was in her embrace, kissing her neck and running my hands over her beautiful body as she murmured with contentment. We mustn’t be too loud, I told her. We don’t want to get a reputation!

She laughed and pulled me closer in, my erect cock pushing against her clit as she rubbed back and and forth against the head of my cock. As nice as it was, I told her, these wooden benches were not making it easy!

And so, putting a towel under her ass and one under my knees, I positioned her glorious pussy in front of me. She’d grown her hair out a bit more than usual, and her pussy lips were glistening with sweat and anticipation.

Kissing her clit, I felt her arch back and push herself into my face, her bush bristling against me as I licked and sucked every inch of her glorious pussy. Now, I may be a pervert, but a slightly sweaty pussy just tastes fantastic – a mix of salty, juicy sex which I lapped up like the dog I am.

My hands, meanwhile, explored her body, cupping her tits and caressing her nipples as I continued to apply a steady pressure to her clit. Her breathing became shallower and small eeps and oohs mixed in with her moaning. I wrapped my arms around her legs and forced her further onto my face. It wasn’t long before she exploded into her first climax, her hands scrunching into my hair – holding on for dear life.

As she melted away into her orgasm, I continued to lightly kiss and circle her clit with my tongue, as if I was running laps around the world’s most fantastic stadium. As she came again, I slowly eased my middle finger into her dripping wet pussy, pushing down on her vagina with a slow, rocking motion.

Nat’s moans and grunts of pleasure were becoming louder and louder as she came again and again. She squeezed her (very strong) thighs against my head as another wave of pleasure overtook her. For a brief moment, I thought this was the end of me, but before I drowned in Nat’s juices, she uncrossed her legs and pulled herself away from me.

We kissed with serious passion, our tongues playing against each other as she ran her fingers through my hair. She joked that I was still her number one pussy eater and purred that she wanted to fuck me as she bit my ear and kissed my neck.

I sat back on my towel as Nat nestled herself onto my cock with a deep, contented sigh. We sat there for what seemed like an eternity, kissing each other and letting our hands roam over each other’s bodies.

Whilst I was very happy to stay where I was, with my hands massaging her wonderful ass and my cock rocking slightly into her tight, wet pussy, I had a sad realisation.

‘Nat, sweetheart, no condom…’ I groaned as she began to slide herself up and down my cock, which was ready to explode.

‘Oooh Rotty you spoilsport, didn’t you come prepared?’ She whimpered playfully. I didn’t sadly, although I said I might have some upstairs…

‘But I’m having FUN’ she grunted as she quickened her pace, bucking against my throbbing cock before slamming herself down, which I knew had made her cum hard.

‘Spoilsport’ she repeated with a mischievous grin, before kissing me deeply and raising herself off my cock, taking a moment to rub my head against her clit for a moment, purring again with pleasure.

‘You’ll owe me for this’ she said as she firmly grabbed my cock in her hand, rubbing her thumb over my head, wet from precum and her wonderful juices. I told her that I couldn’t take it any longer and I was about to cum.

That was when she took my cock in her warm, wet mouth, where I spent a glorious second before exploding in an earth shattering orgasm. She came back up, mouth full of cum, gave me a look which just said ‘you fucking owe me big time for that’ and trotted out the sauna to spit.

I lay back against the uncomfortable wooden slats, my chest heaving from excitement, post coital happiness and the heat of the sauna. I wrapped myself back in my towel as Nat reentered, stating ‘It’s a shame we didn’t get to fuck properly, but I had a nice time. Maybe if you’re lucky, we can fuck later on, if the others go out’

And with that, we lay in the sauna for another 10 minutes, talking of what had just happened – what we liked, what we didn’t (wooden slats are VERY UNCOMFORTABLE TO FUCK ON) and what we wanted to do later.

And of course, there was a later, but that’s a story for another day. Hope you enjoyed that story, feedback appreciated!


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