The Librarian Part lll (M)(F)Big Knockers


I was excited to go to the Library the next day and had a hard time keeping my hands off of myself thinking about Beth. But I also knew that I wanted to blow some major loads on her tits later that night and kept myself occupied throughout the day. I held off going to the Library until 8pm and when I arrived I took my regular seat. The old Librarian was working the front desk but was arranging her belongings and getting ready to leave when Beth came from out from the back room and exchanged pleasantries with her. She gave Beth a gift, they talked for awhile and then the older Librarian departed. Beth was wearing her old coat and although she briefly took notice of me she seemed to pay me little attention otherwise. Perhaps, I thought she was upset that I had arrived late.

As usual the Library was virtually empty and I noticed only one other occupant, an older women seated at a table adjacent to me. I watched Beth as she continued about her business at her computer terminal. She looked bored and I wasn’t getting a good vibe from her when all of the sudden she stopped her work and stood up. She made another event out of taking off her coat. And once the coat came off, I almost came myself. Beth had a baby blue wool v-neck sweater on that was showing major cleavage. The sweater barely contained all of her tit flesh and I could see that it must have been a production just to get the sweater on. She arched her back the sweater swelling even more and smiled at me. I let out an audible moan that actually startled the women next to me. Beth laughed and made her way towards my table bringing with her a rag and a bottle of cleaning fluid. (Strange way to spend your last hour at work I thought.) But soon it became apparent what she had in mind. She leaned over the table I was sitting at and proceeded to wipe the table clean. In doing so a large majority of her tits spilled out of the front of her sweater. And although the table sparkled Beth continued to put maximum effort into her cleaning rubbing harder while her tits swayed from side to side. I quickly sprouted a railroad spike of an erection. Beth finished the job stood up straight and looked me right in the eye. I smiled laughed and said “You missed a spot”. Beth shrugged her shoulders and then bent over the table and proceeded to rub the spot I had pointed out to her with her sweater instead of the rag. She went from side to side with her tits about a foot from my face. She did this for about a minute all the while looking me right in the eye. Beth then stopped stood up straight again and looked satisfied. “There” she said “I think I got”. “Oh, you got it” I interjected. She smiled, shrugged again and said “so do you.”

Beth then quickly turned to the older woman and said “ma’am were gonna close the Library now.” “Oh” the women responded, “A little early isn’t it?” “Yes” Beth said “But were going to have a little party here tonight.” “Oh okay” the women said without protest as Beth escorted her to the exit making sure to lock the door after the women left. She then turned back toward me and from across the Library said “nothing little about this party though is there” as she made her way toward her desk. I laughed and got up to approach the desk and as I began to make my way over to her she pointed toward my crotch and said “It can’t be easy walking around with something that big can it.” “That’s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black” I said motioning toward her tits. Beth laughed. “You know this was only a temp job for me and I was planning on working it for a couple of more weeks, but…” “But, what” I said curiously. It’s funny I’ve always had a crazy Librarian fantasy and when I got the job I wanted to fulfill it and then…” “Yes” I said excitedly. “Well I’ve always wanted to fuck a guy in a Library. And then I saw you and you were cute and I was defiantly interested and then I saw what you were packing and…by the way, is that thing real”? pointing towards my cock. “I could ask you the same thing” I said motioning toward her chest as I began to make my way around her desk to get closer to her.

“Oh yeah they are”. she laughed. Honestly I never take my coat off around here but I then I saw you and even though that sweater was thick the first night you took notice. The second night I was hoping you were going to come back and I wore that tight green number, sort of baiting the hook.” “Yeah” I said “hoping you’d land something large” moving closer to her. “Yeah I don’t think you were getting much work done that night.” Beth said. “Actually I was writing a story about what I wanted to do to the big-busted Librarian. “Umm” she cooed. “I’d like to read that sometime”. Beth pulled me towards her and kissed me passionately. She then abruptly broke off the kiss. “Last night I wanted to show off for you and I think you liked my turtleneck” I nodded my head up and down in response. “Which brings us to tonight . I bought this sweater this morning and when I tried it on at the store my pussy got wet thinking about you. I thought you’d like the cleavage.” she said as her eyes traveled down the front of her sweater. Your first real look at my 42 triple D bombs.” “Your sweaters have been driving me crazy these last couple of nights”. I said looking her tits up and down. “I could tell” she said as she began to massage my dick in my pants, believe me I could tell” she panted.

Beth pulled me toward her quickly and ground her pussy hard into my cock. “Listen” she said “This is my last day and everything but this place has this antiquated security camera system and I’m not quite sure if it even works or not but, whatever we decide to do could be caught on camera”. “Fine by me” I said “At least that Security Guard might have a chance to get off on watching us.” “Yeah” Beth laughed, “about him, once I started wearing my sweaters he went kind of nuts. I didn’t tell you this but the other night I caught him staring at me behind a stack of books and I’m pretty sure he was jerking off. (TO BE CONTINUED)
